Not even one GOP senator is Jewish , but there are several Democratic

It's worth noting that Oswald was to the rear and above the right shoulder of JFK. The head jerks backwards and the brains end up on the trunk. Magic bullet?

We are not even talking Oswald, we are talking who probably paid him to fire the rifle.

That would be LBJ, CIA chief McCone, and Sam Giancana.

Well I believe that JKK, RK , and George Wallace's (attempted assassination) have a common denominator and the same people were involved.

Well, everyone knows you are an idiot, so there is nothing there to dispute with your believing bullshit!
Penelope, that is what we were telling her.

You read a little, but failed to understand the Jews wanted Pilate to do their dirty work so they could stay clean.

Pilate refused to do that,found no reason,handed him back to the Jewish mob,who crucified him.

You can argue until hell freezes over, but it is clear you have no opidea what you are talking about. Doubtful you ever read the Bible. If you sat in Church and listened to an old Paster mumble his hate filled Sermons, gave his version, you really need to read for yourself.

No wonder Evangelicals are so ignorant they follow a lying lout like Trump.
Kid you can't even read English. Try again.

Jews snitched on Jesus.

According to the Bible the Jews that did not back Christ demanded Pilate kill Jesus. He could find no reason to. Handed him back over to the mob of Jews. They did.

school teacher that was inflicted on Maryanne----a JEWISH MOB nailed jesus to a cross. Let me help you out Marianne-------the jews at that time were LARGELY LITERATE-------and their history does exist-----even amongst people who never heard or cared that a person called
JESUS existed. Jews NEVER CRUCIFY PEOPLE----that is the kind of filth in which you and yours engaged. Jews did not CHEER the barbarity of your HOLY ROMAN FOUNDERS ---in fact public executions for the entertainment of the perverted were not even done. As to your hero PONTIUS PILATE---he murdered an estimated
20,000 innocent jews by crucifixion <<< also history.
removed him from office for his overwhelming barbarity.
----again---BACK TO REALITY----back then----there were some POLITICALLY MOTIVATED assassinations by jews on jews-----it could be done easily without roman soldiers and their hammers and nails------and even those facts are known
in history. Now ----move forward to your murderous hero---CONSTANTINE-----he so hated Pharisee jews that he murdered them wholesale<<<< and he was the editor in
chief of the version of the NT that exists today. I attended protestant sunday school as a child a few dozen times------I did not have any
organized "jewish" education----but in my youth was a BOOK WORM. ---------and. as an adult got to interact with
persons of ALL KINDS of backgrounds----even two ----
<do not laugh> former priests. Feel free to ask questions

Noted, you do not know or understand the Bible at all.

No soup for you either.

Of course the Jews were illiterate at that time. Most people were. But there is no excuse for you not knowing what the Bible says,if you pretend to be a Christian.

wrong again Marianne. You present yourself as a teacher of THE BIBLE but know nothing about it. I will help. The
Jesus of your bible---spoke ARAMAIC, not English as did his associates. In order to understand the bible
of which you are a student---you need to know something
about that language and how it was used at that time and
you need to know something about Judaism of that time since Jesus was a jew as was Judas and probably Mark
but not Luke. Jesus---contrary to your logic was clearly
LITERATE if he is present with any honesty at all in the
New Testament----in BOTH Hebrew and Aramaic---probably not Greek. Same is true of the "priest" Caiaphas. I am
not a Christian. I am a Jew which is why I understand your
bible a lot better than do you. Were Jesus to fall from the
sky tomorrow-----I could converse a bit with him but you
could not. As to illiteracy---if you were a student of the bible----you would KNOW-----that Jews have a mandate
to be LITERATE----by rabbinic law which was taken so
seriously that even orphans were taught to read HISTORCALLY more than 2500 years ago. You do what
lots of Christians do----imagine that Jesus was something like your ancestors. Feel free to ask questions.

You just explained yourself,Rosie. Pure as the driven snow.
Kid you can't even read English. Try again.

Jews snitched on Jesus.

according to the little story------one person whose existence cannot be verified---to wit the person called JUDAS ISCARIOT------told another person----CAIAPHAS ---who is an historic and known person. Caiaphas was a MUCH HATED opponent of the Pharisees and a SHILL FOR ROME----he was placed in office as a priest BY ROME. ----
the snitch was "where to find Jesus" -----Logically Jesus
would be hiding from the ROMANS AND THEIR SHILLS
for his violent actions in the rome and Sadducee corrupted
affairs of the Temple courtyard.------the situation which
PHARISEES like jesus so ABHORRED. Pontius Pilate
is called a "saint" by some Christian sects----
For jews he was a mass murderer. Caiphas---according to
sunday school teachers, was something like a Pharisee
guy. -----NOPE he was a SADDUCEEAN----shill for rome.
In order to understand the NT ---you do need to know a bit
of history

Where did you dig up this bastardized version of history?

can you be more specific------what in my "version" do you

Almost everything you posted is lacking veracity.

try to be a little more specific
Penelope, that is what we were telling her.

You read a little, but failed to understand the Jews wanted Pilate to do their dirty work so they could stay clean.

Pilate refused to do that,found no reason,handed him back to the Jewish mob,who crucified him.

You can argue until hell freezes over, but it is clear you have no opidea what you are talking about. Doubtful you ever read the Bible. If you sat in Church and listened to an old Paster mumble his hate filled Sermons, gave his version, you really need to read for yourself.

No wonder Evangelicals are so ignorant they follow a lying lout like Trump.

MaryAnne----you are filth-----you are functioning on the very same education upon which the SAINTs of your
church, Saint Adolf Hitler, Saint Josef Goebbels and
Saint Magda Goebbels of the cyanide----functioned
Penelope, that is what we were telling her.

You read a little, but failed to understand the Jews wanted Pilate to do their dirty work so they could stay clean.

Pilate refused to do that,found no reason,handed him back to the Jewish mob,who crucified him.

You can argue until hell freezes over, but it is clear you have no opidea what you are talking about. Doubtful you ever read the Bible. If you sat in Church and listened to an old Paster mumble his hate filled Sermons, gave his version, you really need to read for yourself.

No wonder Evangelicals are so ignorant they follow a lying lout like Trump.
That is goofy talk. Pilate did not hand Jesus back to the Jews. He retained custody, Jesus was tortured, made to carry his cross, and was crucified by Roman soldiers. That you believe nonsense until hell freezes over :) does not change the story. You are listing to rage and hate Sermons, probably against the Jews (yes?).

Pick the Bible link you want here and begin a new life reading, Penelope.

Bible Versions and Translations Online

in particular, Matthew 27 - NAS Bible - Now when morning came, all the chief priests and...
That is goofy talk. Pilate did not hand Jesus back to the Jews. He retained custody, Jesus was tortured, made to carry his cross, and was crucified by Roman soldiers. That you believe nonsense until hell freezes over :) does not change the story. You are listing to rage and hate Sermons, probably against the Jews (yes?).

Pick the Bible link you want here and begin a new life reading, Penelope.

Bible Versions and Translations Online

in particular, Matthew 27 - NAS Bible - Now when morning came, all the chief priests and...[/QUOTE]
Penelope, that is what we were telling her.

You read a little, but failed to understand the Jews wanted Pilate to do their dirty work so they could stay clean.

Pilate refused to do that,found no reason,handed him back to the Jewish mob,who crucified him.

You can argue until hell freezes over, but it is clear you have no opidea what you are talking about. Doubtful you ever read the Bible. If you sat in Church and listened to an old Paster mumble his hate filled Sermons, gave his version, you really need to read for yourself.

No wonder Evangelicals are so ignorant they follow a lying lout like Trump.
That is goofy talk. Pilate did not hand Jesus back to the Jews. He retained custody, Jesus was tortured, made to carry his cross, and was crucified by Roman soldiers. That you believe nonsense until hell freezes over :) does not change the story. You are listing to rage and hate Sermons, probably against the Jews (yes?).

Pick the Bible link you want here and begin a new life reading, Penelope.

Bible Versions and Translations Online

in particular, Matthew 27 - NAS Bible - Now when morning came, all the chief priests and...

Thank you, I have already studied the OT and NT, even the Tanach online with Rashi commentary. I prefer the NABRE 2011 edition, of which the bishops rewrote the OT.

I also agree Rome did the dirty deed since the jews wanted them to.
Last edited:
Penelope, that is what we were telling her.

You read a little, but failed to understand the Jews wanted Pilate to do their dirty work so they could stay clean.

Pilate refused to do that,found no reason,handed him back to the Jewish mob,who crucified him.

You can argue until hell freezes over, but it is clear you have no opidea what you are talking about. Doubtful you ever read the Bible. If you sat in Church and listened to an old Paster mumble his hate filled Sermons, gave his version, you really need to read for yourself.

No wonder Evangelicals are so ignorant they follow a lying lout like Trump.

MaryAnne , where do you see this in the NT , I have never read it that way.
You read a little, but failed to understand the Jews wanted Pilate to do their dirty work so they could stay clean.

Pilate refused to do that,found no reason,handed him back to the Jewish mob,who crucified him.

First of all, Jesus as a failed Jewish messiah probably never existed (and the idiotic insanity he was Yahweh's son is an even more ridiculously stupid concept combined with the fact he was racist against Whites), but indeed "Jews" or more specifically the Jewish Lobby that controls The Swamp, in the mythology seemed to exhibit similar behavior today...having the USA for example do its dirty work on Iraq, Syria, Libya...and possibly Iran per PNAC protocols.
Penelope, that is what we were telling her.

You read a little, but failed to understand the Jews wanted Pilate to do their dirty work so they could stay clean.

Pilate refused to do that,found no reason,handed him back to the Jewish mob,who crucified him.

You can argue until hell freezes over, but it is clear you have no opidea what you are talking about. Doubtful you ever read the Bible. If you sat in Church and listened to an old Paster mumble his hate filled Sermons, gave his version, you really need to read for yourself.

No wonder Evangelicals are so ignorant they follow a lying lout like Trump.

MaryAnne----you are filth-----you are functioning on the very same education upon which the SAINTs of your
church, Saint Adolf Hitler, Saint Josef Goebbels and
Saint Magda Goebbels of the cyanide----functioned

Got through to you,huh??

That is goofy talk. Pilate did not hand Jesus back to the Jews. He retained custody, Jesus was tortured, made to carry his cross, and was crucified by Roman soldiers. That you believe nonsense until hell freezes over :) does not change the story. You are listing to rage and hate Sermons, probably against the Jews (yes?).

Pick the Bible link you want here and begin a new life reading, Penelope.

Bible Versions and Translations Online

in particular, Matthew 27 - NAS Bible - Now when morning came, all the chief priests and...
Penelope, that is what we were telling her.

You read a little, but failed to understand the Jews wanted Pilate to do their dirty work so they could stay clean.

Pilate refused to do that,found no reason,handed him back to the Jewish mob,who crucified him.

You can argue until hell freezes over, but it is clear you have no opidea what you are talking about. Doubtful you ever read the Bible. If you sat in Church and listened to an old Paster mumble his hate filled Sermons, gave his version, you really need to read for yourself.

No wonder Evangelicals are so ignorant they follow a lying lout like Trump.
That is goofy talk. Pilate did not hand Jesus back to the Jews. He retained custody, Jesus was tortured, made to carry his cross, and was crucified by Roman soldiers. That you believe nonsense until hell freezes over :) does not change the story. You are listing to rage and hate Sermons, probably against the Jews (yes?).

Pick the Bible link you want here and begin a new life reading, Penelope.

Bible Versions and Translations Online

in particular, Matthew 27 - NAS Bible - Now when morning came, all the chief priests and...

Thank you, I have already studied the OT and NT, even the Tanach online with Rashi commentary. I prefer the NABRE 2011 edition, of which the bishops rewrote the OT.

I also agree Rome did the dirty deed since the jews wanted them to.
My fault, my fault, my grievous fault, Penelope. I meant MaryAnne.
Penelope, that is what we were telling her.

You read a little, but failed to understand the Jews wanted Pilate to do their dirty work so they could stay clean.

Pilate refused to do that,found no reason,handed him back to the Jewish mob,who crucified him.

You can argue until hell freezes over, but it is clear you have no opidea what you are talking about. Doubtful you ever read the Bible. If you sat in Church and listened to an old Paster mumble his hate filled Sermons, gave his version, you really need to read for yourself.

No wonder Evangelicals are so ignorant they follow a lying lout like Trump.

MaryAnne----you are filth-----you are functioning on the very same education upon which the SAINTs of your
church, Saint Adolf Hitler, Saint Josef Goebbels and
Saint Magda Goebbels of the cyanide----functioned

Got through to you,huh??


It is whores like you, and your SICK AND DISGUSTING TEACHINGS---that caused the murder of tens of millions--
denial of WHAT? established history?
That is goofy talk. Pilate did not hand Jesus back to the Jews. He retained custody, Jesus was tortured, made to carry his cross, and was crucified by Roman soldiers. That you believe nonsense until hell freezes over :) does not change the story. You are listing to rage and hate Sermons, probably against the Jews (yes?).

Pick the Bible link you want here and begin a new life reading, Penelope.

Bible Versions and Translations Online

in particular, Matthew 27 - NAS Bible - Now when morning came, all the chief priests and...
Penelope, that is what we were telling her.

You read a little, but failed to understand the Jews wanted Pilate to do their dirty work so they could stay clean.

Pilate refused to do that,found no reason,handed him back to the Jewish mob,who crucified him.

You can argue until hell freezes over, but it is clear you have no opidea what you are talking about. Doubtful you ever read the Bible. If you sat in Church and listened to an old Paster mumble his hate filled Sermons, gave his version, you really need to read for yourself.

No wonder Evangelicals are so ignorant they follow a lying lout like Trump.
That is goofy talk. Pilate did not hand Jesus back to the Jews. He retained custody, Jesus was tortured, made to carry his cross, and was crucified by Roman soldiers. That you believe nonsense until hell freezes over :) does not change the story. You are listing to rage and hate Sermons, probably against the Jews (yes?).

Pick the Bible link you want here and begin a new life reading, Penelope.

Bible Versions and Translations Online

in particular, Matthew 27 - NAS Bible - Now when morning came, all the chief priests and...

Thank you, I have already studied the OT and NT, even the Tanach online with Rashi commentary. I prefer the NABRE 2011 edition, of which the bishops rewrote the OT.

I also agree Rome did the dirty deed since the jews wanted them to.
My fault, my fault, my grievous fault, Penelope. I meant MaryAnne.

what "JEWS" "wanted" it and for WHAT REASON?. of course you also insist that the roman
prelate Pontius Pilate (also a saint by some sects of filth)
crucified some 20,000 other Pharisees because---THE
PHARISEES forced him
That is goofy talk. Pilate did not hand Jesus back to the Jews. He retained custody, Jesus was tortured, made to carry his cross, and was crucified by Roman soldiers. That you believe nonsense until hell freezes over :) does not change the story. You are listing to rage and hate Sermons, probably against the Jews (yes?).

Pick the Bible link you want here and begin a new life reading, Penelope.

Bible Versions and Translations Online

in particular, Matthew 27 - NAS Bible - Now when morning came, all the chief priests and...
Penelope, that is what we were telling her.

You read a little, but failed to understand the Jews wanted Pilate to do their dirty work so they could stay clean.

Pilate refused to do that,found no reason,handed him back to the Jewish mob,who crucified him.

You can argue until hell freezes over, but it is clear you have no opidea what you are talking about. Doubtful you ever read the Bible. If you sat in Church and listened to an old Paster mumble his hate filled Sermons, gave his version, you really need to read for yourself.

No wonder Evangelicals are so ignorant they follow a lying lout like Trump.
That is goofy talk. Pilate did not hand Jesus back to the Jews. He retained custody, Jesus was tortured, made to carry his cross, and was crucified by Roman soldiers. That you believe nonsense until hell freezes over :) does not change the story. You are listing to rage and hate Sermons, probably against the Jews (yes?).

Pick the Bible link you want here and begin a new life reading, Penelope.

Bible Versions and Translations Online

in particular, Matthew 27 - NAS Bible - Now when morning came, all the chief priests and...

Thank you, I have already studied the OT and NT, even the Tanach online with Rashi commentary. I prefer the NABRE 2011 edition, of which the bishops rewrote the OT.

I also agree Rome did the dirty deed since the jews wanted them to.
My fault, my fault, my grievous fault, Penelope. I meant MaryAnne.

what "JEWS" "wanted" it and for WHAT REASON?. of course you also insist that the roman
prelate Pontius Pilate (also a saint by some sects of filth)
crucified some 20,000 other Pharisees because---THE
PHARISEES forced him

Because some Jews were money hungry, the higher ups, and loved Roman money and extravagance. They saw Jesus as a threat to their extravagances. (according to scripture).
The mob crowd of Jews did what the leaders wanted for fear of them.
That is goofy talk. Pilate did not hand Jesus back to the Jews. He retained custody, Jesus was tortured, made to carry his cross, and was crucified by Roman soldiers. That you believe nonsense until hell freezes over :) does not change the story. You are listing to rage and hate Sermons, probably against the Jews (yes?).

Pick the Bible link you want here and begin a new life reading, Penelope.

Bible Versions and Translations Online

in particular, Matthew 27 - NAS Bible - Now when morning came, all the chief priests and...
Penelope, that is what we were telling her.

You read a little, but failed to understand the Jews wanted Pilate to do their dirty work so they could stay clean.

Pilate refused to do that,found no reason,handed him back to the Jewish mob,who crucified him.

You can argue until hell freezes over, but it is clear you have no opidea what you are talking about. Doubtful you ever read the Bible. If you sat in Church and listened to an old Paster mumble his hate filled Sermons, gave his version, you really need to read for yourself.

No wonder Evangelicals are so ignorant they follow a lying lout like Trump.
That is goofy talk. Pilate did not hand Jesus back to the Jews. He retained custody, Jesus was tortured, made to carry his cross, and was crucified by Roman soldiers. That you believe nonsense until hell freezes over :) does not change the story. You are listing to rage and hate Sermons, probably against the Jews (yes?).

Pick the Bible link you want here and begin a new life reading, Penelope.

Bible Versions and Translations Online

in particular, Matthew 27 - NAS Bible - Now when morning came, all the chief priests and...

Thank you, I have already studied the OT and NT, even the Tanach online with Rashi commentary. I prefer the NABRE 2011 edition, of which the bishops rewrote the OT.

I also agree Rome did the dirty deed since the jews wanted them to.
My fault, my fault, my grievous fault, Penelope. I meant MaryAnne.

what "JEWS" "wanted" it and for WHAT REASON?. of course you also insist that the roman
prelate Pontius Pilate (also a saint by some sects of filth)
crucified some 20,000 other Pharisees because---THE
PHARISEES forced him

Because some Jews were money hungry, the higher ups, and loved Roman money and extravagance. They saw Jesus as a threat to their extravagances. (according to scripture).
The mob crowd of Jews did what the leaders wanted for fear of them.

oh---more from your catechism whore. -----
(according to the scriptures of saint Constantine---
mass murderer and author of the laws that
legalized the INQUISITION AND 'SAINT' Adolf's
program of genocide.
Get real.

Jesus was given a public trial.

He was given the chance to

1. heal someone
2. walk on water
3. to make fish and bread appear in an empty basket

Jesus couldn't do any of those, because Jesus was a 100% TOTAL FRAUD.
LaDexter, how sad for you. Jesus is the Living Son of the Living God, your Lord and Savior.

I hope you and all other accept Him, including Doc1 and BS Filter.

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