'Not enough' troops, equipment in Puerto Rico, says general in charge of relief

Helping brown people is more work

Helping brown people IS more work...

1. when the brown people failed to build to code
2. when the brown people failed to fashion adequate roadways on their island
3. when the brown people bellied-up and declared bankruptcy due to gross negligence and mismanagement
4. when the brown people failed to adequately prepare for such a mega-storm given the weather history of their region
5. when the brown and black and white and red and yellow people of one of the 50 actual states (Texas) drew off FEMA resources for Harvey
6. when the brown and black and white and read and yellow people of one of the 50 actual states (Florida) drew off FEMA resources for Irma

Resources were already severely strained after Harvey, and decimated yet again by Irma...

Want to draw acceptable analogies to the Haiti earthquake?

No problem...

Name the two Stateside catastrophic conditions - on the scale of Harvey and Irma - that FEMA was dealing with in the US, at the time of the Haiti quake...

That, or put a sock in it...
Helping brown people is more work

Helping brown people IS more work...

1. when the brown people failed to build to code
2. when the brown people failed to fashion adequate roadways on their island
3. when the brown people bellied-up and declared bankruptcy due to gross negligence and mismanagement
4. when the brown people failed to adequately prepare for such a mega-storm given the weather history of their region
5. when the brown and black and white and red and yellow people of one of the 50 actual states (Texas) drew off FEMA resources for Harvey
6. when the brown and black and white and read and yellow people of one of the 50 actual states (Florida) drew off FEMA resources for Irma

Resources were already severely strained after Harvey, and decimated yet again by Irma...

Want to draw acceptable analogies to the Haiti earthquake?

No problem...

Name the two Stateside catastrophic conditions - on the scale of Harvey and Irma - that FEMA was dealing with in the US, at the time of the Haiti quake...

That, or put a sock in it...

What a great post. Thank you.
It will take time to rebuild Puerto Rico but I feel deeply troubled about how our President responded in that tweet I saw. It would have been better to have a private discussion with the Mayor and respond on Twitter with a compassion and concern for the people who are stranded there with no home, no provisions for their children, and most likely still in disbelief over what has happened. It would be better to respond with what can we do first to alleviate your suffering right now? We're going to do our best and we apologize for any delay or failure to meet your needs adequately. Humility goes a long way.

He could even send out a tweet requesting churches to become involved with trips over there to rebuild, to donate clothing, food, medical supplies, whatever they need. Let the people know we care about them and that their suffering is of great concern to us. To send a message saying that we can't do everything for them makes no sense. They can't do anything right now. They are helpless. Don't make them feel hopeless and add to their misery. Give them hope! Tell them their help is on the way and that they are in our hearts and our prayers and we will all work to get through this together. They are not alone! I just feel that the President's response didn't show the compassion or hope that these people are so desperately in need of. I voted for Trump and I'm not trying to tear him down but I'd like to see him come across with much more mercy and compassion for these poor people and instill hope.

So condemn your own President, but defend the piece of shit who publicly called him a 'Racist.' Yeah, you must be a Democrat. Because that's just crazy. The accusation was despicable and absolutely unacceptable. Trump should bitch slap the little twat if he ever runs into him. I know i would.
It doesn't really matter what you think about Puerto Rican rights to criticize the President, call him names, call him a racist or whatever. That bridge was crossed a hundred years ago. The point of no return was reached and the question settled. A hundred years ago Puerto Ricans were declared citizens at the same time conscription into military service was declared the law and 20,000 Puerto Ricans were drafted and sent to WW I. That tradition of service by Puerto Ricans in the military at times of war and peace continued into WW II, Korea, Vietnam and to this day. They have served and have earned their rights.
And how insulting can trump be to say they are just sitting back waiting for others to help?? He and Pence are pigs
And BTW I insult pigs
Maybe the Ricans should consider statehood for more help..
They’ll get more help if they declare independence.

What do you suppose would happen if they took your advice?
I tell you 1 thing, we could kill that 1 terrorist with no problems.
What's he doing? Being the nationalistic Bori he is.
Bori soldiers used to be damn good. I've watched documentaries on that, you?
It will take time to rebuild Puerto Rico but I feel deeply troubled about how our President responded in that tweet I saw. It would have been better to have a private discussion with the Mayor and respond on Twitter with a compassion and concern for the people who are stranded there with no home, no provisions for their children, and most likely still in disbelief over what has happened. It would be better to respond with what can we do first to alleviate your suffering right now? We're going to do our best and we apologize for any delay or failure to meet your needs adequately. Humility goes a long way.

He could even send out a tweet requesting churches to become involved with trips over there to rebuild, to donate clothing, food, medical supplies, whatever they need. Let the people know we care about them and that their suffering is of great concern to us. To send a message saying that we can't do everything for them makes no sense. They can't do anything right now. They are helpless. Don't make them feel hopeless and add to their misery. Give them hope! Tell them their help is on the way and that they are in our hearts and our prayers and we will all work to get through this together. They are not alone! I just feel that the President's response didn't show the compassion or hope that these people are so desperately in need of. I voted for Trump and I'm not trying to tear him down but I'd like to see him come across with much more mercy and compassion for these poor people and instill hope.
Sure we'd all like to see that BUT that is NOT him No compassion ,,When you voted for the slime did you think he would change??
Eddie, this isn't a political matter. This is a matter of the heart and not one of political affiliation. Even the most accomplished runner is capable of a fall. Have you ever failed to show mercy or compassion towards someone who was down and out? Have you ever failed to recognize the real need of a homeless person lying on a park bench and decided not to talk to them and find out how they got there? Or asked them how could you help them? People assume too many things about others. Perhaps if we began to look at it from the place of "that could be me or one of my loved ones" in that situation we'd feel more love in our hearts for people who are clearly suffering. No one has done it perfectly ever time. Everyone has said the wrong thing at some time in their life but the point is that in situations like this one, we have to be gentle and loving with people and above all give them some hope, let them know that someone cares about them and is willing to help.
It will take time to rebuild Puerto Rico but I feel deeply troubled about how our President responded in that tweet I saw. It would have been better to have a private discussion with the Mayor and respond on Twitter with a compassion and concern for the people who are stranded there with no home, no provisions for their children, and most likely still in disbelief over what has happened. It would be better to respond with what can we do first to alleviate your suffering right now? We're going to do our best and we apologize for any delay or failure to meet your needs adequately. Humility goes a long way.

He could even send out a tweet requesting churches to become involved with trips over there to rebuild, to donate clothing, food, medical supplies, whatever they need. Let the people know we care about them and that their suffering is of great concern to us. To send a message saying that we can't do everything for them makes no sense. They can't do anything right now. They are helpless. Don't make them feel hopeless and add to their misery. Give them hope! Tell them their help is on the way and that they are in our hearts and our prayers and we will all work to get through this together. They are not alone! I just feel that the President's response didn't show the compassion or hope that these people are so desperately in need of. I voted for Trump and I'm not trying to tear him down but I'd like to see him come across with much more mercy and compassion for these poor people and instill hope.

So condemn your own President, but defend the piece of shit who publicly called him a 'Racist.' Yeah, you must be a Democrat. Because that's just crazy. The accusation was despicable and absolutely unacceptable. Trump should bitch slap the little twat if he ever runs into him. I know i would.
You are not listening. I love President Trump and I am grateful for all that he has accomplished since he took office. I'm talking about a single incident in which he could have chosen better words and a different approach. While he may have felt he was indirectly speaking to the Mayor or a few select people over there - it came across as if he were speaking to the nation as a whole and that is where I find it could have been handled differently. I'm not condemning our President. I'm telling you it should have been handled better and as an American citizen - I voted for Him to represent me but in this case it fell short and I'm pointing that out. This isn't about political parties / affiliation of one party. It's about having more mercy, more compassion and addressing those who are suffering the greatest trial of their lives right now. Deal with the politics in a private phone conversation but give the people a message of hope. That is all I am saying.
It will take time to rebuild Puerto Rico but I feel deeply troubled about how our President responded in that tweet I saw. It would have been better to have a private discussion with the Mayor and respond on Twitter with a compassion and concern for the people who are stranded there with no home, no provisions for their children, and most likely still in disbelief over what has happened. It would be better to respond with what can we do first to alleviate your suffering right now? We're going to do our best and we apologize for any delay or failure to meet your needs adequately. Humility goes a long way.

He could even send out a tweet requesting churches to become involved with trips over there to rebuild, to donate clothing, food, medical supplies, whatever they need. Let the people know we care about them and that their suffering is of great concern to us. To send a message saying that we can't do everything for them makes no sense. They can't do anything right now. They are helpless. Don't make them feel hopeless and add to their misery. Give them hope! Tell them their help is on the way and that they are in our hearts and our prayers and we will all work to get through this together. They are not alone! I just feel that the President's response didn't show the compassion or hope that these people are so desperately in need of. I voted for Trump and I'm not trying to tear him down but I'd like to see him come across with much more mercy and compassion for these poor people and instill hope.

So condemn your own President, but defend the piece of shit who publicly called him a 'Racist.' Yeah, you must be a Democrat. Because that's just crazy. The accusation was despicable and absolutely unacceptable. Trump should bitch slap the little twat if he ever runs into him. I know i would.
It doesn't really matter what you think about Puerto Rican rights to criticize the President, call him names, call him a racist or whatever. That bridge was crossed a hundred years ago. The point of no return was reached and the question settled. A hundred years ago Puerto Ricans were declared citizens at the same time conscription into military service was declared the law and 20,000 Puerto Ricans were drafted and sent to WW I. That tradition of service by Puerto Ricans in the military at times of war and peace continued into WW II, Korea, Vietnam and to this day. They have served and have earned their rights.
I don't really care whether they served in the military or not. They need help. They need hope. They need compassion. The good Samaritan didn't prequalify the man he rescued. He did it because it was the right thing to do. Helping Puerto Rico and giving them a public message on twitter of support, love, compassion and hope is the right thing to do.
It will take time to rebuild Puerto Rico but I feel deeply troubled about how our President responded in that tweet I saw. It would have been better to have a private discussion with the Mayor and respond on Twitter with a compassion and concern for the people who are stranded there with no home, no provisions for their children, and most likely still in disbelief over what has happened. It would be better to respond with what can we do first to alleviate your suffering right now? We're going to do our best and we apologize for any delay or failure to meet your needs adequately. Humility goes a long way.

He could even send out a tweet requesting churches to become involved with trips over there to rebuild, to donate clothing, food, medical supplies, whatever they need. Let the people know we care about them and that their suffering is of great concern to us. To send a message saying that we can't do everything for them makes no sense. They can't do anything right now. They are helpless. Don't make them feel hopeless and add to their misery. Give them hope! Tell them their help is on the way and that they are in our hearts and our prayers and we will all work to get through this together. They are not alone! I just feel that the President's response didn't show the compassion or hope that these people are so desperately in need of. I voted for Trump and I'm not trying to tear him down but I'd like to see him come across with much more mercy and compassion for these poor people and instill hope.

So condemn your own President, but defend the piece of shit who publicly called him a 'Racist.' Yeah, you must be a Democrat. Because that's just crazy. The accusation was despicable and absolutely unacceptable. Trump should bitch slap the little twat if he ever runs into him. I know i would.
It doesn't really matter what you think about Puerto Rican rights to criticize the President, call him names, call him a racist or whatever. That bridge was crossed a hundred years ago. The point of no return was reached and the question settled. A hundred years ago Puerto Ricans were declared citizens at the same time conscription into military service was declared the law and 20,000 Puerto Ricans were drafted and sent to WW I. That tradition of service by Puerto Ricans in the military at times of war and peace continued into WW II, Korea, Vietnam and to this day. They have served and have earned their rights.

Fuck her. The Puerto Rican People should be out to tar & feather their own Government officials. They've bankrupted the country. The U.S. is doing all it can for a decimated bankrupt Third World hellhole. U.S. Taxpayers are funding a massive bailout it received a few months back. So a little gratitude would be nice. But instead, we only get a slap in the face. It's clear the Democrat 'Entitlement Asshole' disease has spread to Puerto Rico. I wash my hands of the hellhole. I'm moving on.
It will take time to rebuild Puerto Rico but I feel deeply troubled about how our President responded in that tweet I saw. It would have been better to have a private discussion with the Mayor and respond on Twitter with a compassion and concern for the people who are stranded there with no home, no provisions for their children, and most likely still in disbelief over what has happened. It would be better to respond with what can we do first to alleviate your suffering right now? We're going to do our best and we apologize for any delay or failure to meet your needs adequately. Humility goes a long way.

He could even send out a tweet requesting churches to become involved with trips over there to rebuild, to donate clothing, food, medical supplies, whatever they need. Let the people know we care about them and that their suffering is of great concern to us. To send a message saying that we can't do everything for them makes no sense. They can't do anything right now. They are helpless. Don't make them feel hopeless and add to their misery. Give them hope! Tell them their help is on the way and that they are in our hearts and our prayers and we will all work to get through this together. They are not alone! I just feel that the President's response didn't show the compassion or hope that these people are so desperately in need of. I voted for Trump and I'm not trying to tear him down but I'd like to see him come across with much more mercy and compassion for these poor people and instill hope.

So condemn your own President, but defend the piece of shit who publicly called him a 'Racist.' Yeah, you must be a Democrat. Because that's just crazy. The accusation was despicable and absolutely unacceptable. Trump should bitch slap the little twat if he ever runs into him. I know i would.
It doesn't really matter what you think about Puerto Rican rights to criticize the President, call him names, call him a racist or whatever. That bridge was crossed a hundred years ago. The point of no return was reached and the question settled. A hundred years ago Puerto Ricans were declared citizens at the same time conscription into military service was declared the law and 20,000 Puerto Ricans were drafted and sent to WW I. That tradition of service by Puerto Ricans in the military at times of war and peace continued into WW II, Korea, Vietnam and to this day. They have served and have earned their rights.
And how insulting can trump be to say they are just sitting back waiting for others to help?? He and Pence are pigs

Turns out, that Mayor is a Hillary Clinton lackey. So i'm not surprised at all about the hateful behavior coming from her. Trump was Spot On. She's got the 'Democrat 'Entitlement Asshole' disease. The Citizens of her community should hold her accountable for her staggering incompetence.
About 17 years ago Marxist Puerto Rican activists managed to get the government to kick the U.S. Marines out of a base on Vieques that they had been using for 60 years. Wouldn't it have been nice if the Marines were still around with helicopters, amphibious vehicles and manpower? I haven't heard them apologize.

So what about my question though? Why a bigger and quicker response for people that are not U.S citizens?
Prove it was quicker......and we werent dealing with with threes disasters at once

It's a joke to suggest the United States of America lacks the military resources to have a better response than it did. I don't buy the "but the other hurricanes..." argument for a second. We absolutely could have responded with the same urgency as when Haiti got hit.

U.S. response in Puerto Rico pales next to actions after Haiti quake

After an earthquake shattered Haiti’s capital on Jan. 12, 2010, the U.S. military mobilized as if it were going to war. Before dawn the next morning, an Army unit was airborne, on its way to seize control of the main airport in Port-au-Prince. Within two days, the Pentagon had 8,000 American troops en route. Within two weeks, 33 U.S. military ships and 22,000 troops had arrived. More than 300 military helicopters buzzed overhead, delivering millions of pounds of food and water.
so the fact that obummer cut the size of our military doesn't matter? How about Houston and Florida already under relief, you think all of those resources should have just left? you're one truly fked up individual to use a disaster for politics.
It will take time to rebuild Puerto Rico but I feel deeply troubled about how our President responded in that tweet I saw. It would have been better to have a private discussion with the Mayor and respond on Twitter with a compassion and concern for the people who are stranded there with no home, no provisions for their children, and most likely still in disbelief over what has happened. It would be better to respond with what can we do first to alleviate your suffering right now? We're going to do our best and we apologize for any delay or failure to meet your needs adequately. Humility goes a long way.

He could even send out a tweet requesting churches to become involved with trips over there to rebuild, to donate clothing, food, medical supplies, whatever they need. Let the people know we care about them and that their suffering is of great concern to us. To send a message saying that we can't do everything for them makes no sense. They can't do anything right now. They are helpless. Don't make them feel hopeless and add to their misery. Give them hope! Tell them their help is on the way and that they are in our hearts and our prayers and we will all work to get through this together. They are not alone! I just feel that the President's response didn't show the compassion or hope that these people are so desperately in need of. I voted for Trump and I'm not trying to tear him down but I'd like to see him come across with much more mercy and compassion for these poor people and instill hope.

So condemn your own President, but defend the piece of shit who publicly called him a 'Racist.' Yeah, you must be a Democrat. Because that's just crazy. The accusation was despicable and absolutely unacceptable. Trump should bitch slap the little twat if he ever runs into him. I know i would.
It doesn't really matter what you think about Puerto Rican rights to criticize the President, call him names, call him a racist or whatever. That bridge was crossed a hundred years ago. The point of no return was reached and the question settled. A hundred years ago Puerto Ricans were declared citizens at the same time conscription into military service was declared the law and 20,000 Puerto Ricans were drafted and sent to WW I. That tradition of service by Puerto Ricans in the military at times of war and peace continued into WW II, Korea, Vietnam and to this day. They have served and have earned their rights.
And how insulting can trump be to say they are just sitting back waiting for others to help?? He and Pence are pigs

Turns out, that Mayor is a Hillary Clinton lackey. So i'm not surprised at all about the hateful behavior coming from her. Trump was Spot On. She's got the 'Democrat 'Entitlement Asshole' disease. The Citizens of her community should hold her accountable for her staggering incompetence.
they knew these two storms were coming, where was their readiness level? Oh yeah, we're witnessing it. Not much if anything.
It will take time to rebuild Puerto Rico but I feel deeply troubled about how our President responded in that tweet I saw. It would have been better to have a private discussion with the Mayor and respond on Twitter with a compassion and concern for the people who are stranded there with no home, no provisions for their children, and most likely still in disbelief over what has happened. It would be better to respond with what can we do first to alleviate your suffering right now? We're going to do our best and we apologize for any delay or failure to meet your needs adequately. Humility goes a long way.

He could even send out a tweet requesting churches to become involved with trips over there to rebuild, to donate clothing, food, medical supplies, whatever they need. Let the people know we care about them and that their suffering is of great concern to us. To send a message saying that we can't do everything for them makes no sense. They can't do anything right now. They are helpless. Don't make them feel hopeless and add to their misery. Give them hope! Tell them their help is on the way and that they are in our hearts and our prayers and we will all work to get through this together. They are not alone! I just feel that the President's response didn't show the compassion or hope that these people are so desperately in need of. I voted for Trump and I'm not trying to tear him down but I'd like to see him come across with much more mercy and compassion for these poor people and instill hope.

So condemn your own President, but defend the piece of shit who publicly called him a 'Racist.' Yeah, you must be a Democrat. Because that's just crazy. The accusation was despicable and absolutely unacceptable. Trump should bitch slap the little twat if he ever runs into him. I know i would.
It doesn't really matter what you think about Puerto Rican rights to criticize the President, call him names, call him a racist or whatever. That bridge was crossed a hundred years ago. The point of no return was reached and the question settled. A hundred years ago Puerto Ricans were declared citizens at the same time conscription into military service was declared the law and 20,000 Puerto Ricans were drafted and sent to WW I. That tradition of service by Puerto Ricans in the military at times of war and peace continued into WW II, Korea, Vietnam and to this day. They have served and have earned their rights.
And how insulting can trump be to say they are just sitting back waiting for others to help?? He and Pence are pigs
And BTW I insult pigs

Yet you supported Hillary Clinton. The most corrupt Presidential Candidate in US history. Nice job. :cuckoo:
It will take time to rebuild Puerto Rico but I feel deeply troubled about how our President responded in that tweet I saw. It would have been better to have a private discussion with the Mayor and respond on Twitter with a compassion and concern for the people who are stranded there with no home, no provisions for their children, and most likely still in disbelief over what has happened. It would be better to respond with what can we do first to alleviate your suffering right now? We're going to do our best and we apologize for any delay or failure to meet your needs adequately. Humility goes a long way.

He could even send out a tweet requesting churches to become involved with trips over there to rebuild, to donate clothing, food, medical supplies, whatever they need. Let the people know we care about them and that their suffering is of great concern to us. To send a message saying that we can't do everything for them makes no sense. They can't do anything right now. They are helpless. Don't make them feel hopeless and add to their misery. Give them hope! Tell them their help is on the way and that they are in our hearts and our prayers and we will all work to get through this together. They are not alone! I just feel that the President's response didn't show the compassion or hope that these people are so desperately in need of. I voted for Trump and I'm not trying to tear him down but I'd like to see him come across with much more mercy and compassion for these poor people and instill hope.

So condemn your own President, but defend the piece of shit who publicly called him a 'Racist.' Yeah, you must be a Democrat. Because that's just crazy. The accusation was despicable and absolutely unacceptable. Trump should bitch slap the little twat if he ever runs into him. I know i would.
You are not listening. I love President Trump and I am grateful for all that he has accomplished since he took office. I'm talking about a single incident in which he could have chosen better words and a different approach. While he may have felt he was indirectly speaking to the Mayor or a few select people over there - it came across as if he were speaking to the nation as a whole and that is where I find it could have been handled differently. I'm not condemning our President. I'm telling you it should have been handled better and as an American citizen - I voted for Him to represent me but in this case it fell short and I'm pointing that out. This isn't about political parties / affiliation of one party. It's about having more mercy, more compassion and addressing those who are suffering the greatest trial of their lives right now. Deal with the politics in a private phone conversation but give the people a message of hope. That is all I am saying.

Don't publicly call my President a 'Racist' while tons & tons of relief supplies are rolling in and Thousands of good Americans are down there helping. It's a despicable slap in the face. Like i said, it's clear the Democrat 'Entitlement Asshole' disease has spread to Puerto Rico. I hope they get the help they need down there, but i will never support its 'Statehood' demand. I can't do it in good conscience. It's time to cut Puerto Rico loose. Grant it its Independence and move on.
It will take time to rebuild Puerto Rico but I feel deeply troubled about how our President responded in that tweet I saw. It would have been better to have a private discussion with the Mayor and respond on Twitter with a compassion and concern for the people who are stranded there with no home, no provisions for their children, and most likely still in disbelief over what has happened. It would be better to respond with what can we do first to alleviate your suffering right now? We're going to do our best and we apologize for any delay or failure to meet your needs adequately. Humility goes a long way.

He could even send out a tweet requesting churches to become involved with trips over there to rebuild, to donate clothing, food, medical supplies, whatever they need. Let the people know we care about them and that their suffering is of great concern to us. To send a message saying that we can't do everything for them makes no sense. They can't do anything right now. They are helpless. Don't make them feel hopeless and add to their misery. Give them hope! Tell them their help is on the way and that they are in our hearts and our prayers and we will all work to get through this together. They are not alone! I just feel that the President's response didn't show the compassion or hope that these people are so desperately in need of. I voted for Trump and I'm not trying to tear him down but I'd like to see him come across with much more mercy and compassion for these poor people and instill hope.

So condemn your own President, but defend the piece of shit who publicly called him a 'Racist.' Yeah, you must be a Democrat. Because that's just crazy. The accusation was despicable and absolutely unacceptable. Trump should bitch slap the little twat if he ever runs into him. I know i would.
You are not listening. I love President Trump and I am grateful for all that he has accomplished since he took office. I'm talking about a single incident in which he could have chosen better words and a different approach. While he may have felt he was indirectly speaking to the Mayor or a few select people over there - it came across as if he were speaking to the nation as a whole and that is where I find it could have been handled differently. I'm not condemning our President. I'm telling you it should have been handled better and as an American citizen - I voted for Him to represent me but in this case it fell short and I'm pointing that out. This isn't about political parties / affiliation of one party. It's about having more mercy, more compassion and addressing those who are suffering the greatest trial of their lives right now. Deal with the politics in a private phone conversation but give the people a message of hope. That is all I am saying.

Don't publicly call my President a 'Racist' while tons & tons of relief supplies are rolling in and Thousands of good Americans are down there helping. It's a despicable slap in the face. Like i said, it's clear the Democrat 'Entitlement Asshole' disease has spread to Puerto Rico. I hope they get the help they need down there, but i will never support its 'Statehood' demand. I can't do it in good conscience. It's time to cut Puerto Rico loose. Grant it its Independence and move on.
? I never called President Trump a racist! I agree with you that the Puerto Rican people need to demand that all crooked government officials (including the woman mayor who refuses to attend FEMA meetings) step down immediately. Don't twist my words here. I voted for President Trump and if the vote were held today I'd STILL vote for him!
It will take time to rebuild Puerto Rico but I feel deeply troubled about how our President responded in that tweet I saw. It would have been better to have a private discussion with the Mayor and respond on Twitter with a compassion and concern for the people who are stranded there with no home, no provisions for their children, and most likely still in disbelief over what has happened. It would be better to respond with what can we do first to alleviate your suffering right now? We're going to do our best and we apologize for any delay or failure to meet your needs adequately. Humility goes a long way.

He could even send out a tweet requesting churches to become involved with trips over there to rebuild, to donate clothing, food, medical supplies, whatever they need. Let the people know we care about them and that their suffering is of great concern to us. To send a message saying that we can't do everything for them makes no sense. They can't do anything right now. They are helpless. Don't make them feel hopeless and add to their misery. Give them hope! Tell them their help is on the way and that they are in our hearts and our prayers and we will all work to get through this together. They are not alone! I just feel that the President's response didn't show the compassion or hope that these people are so desperately in need of. I voted for Trump and I'm not trying to tear him down but I'd like to see him come across with much more mercy and compassion for these poor people and instill hope.

So condemn your own President, but defend the piece of shit who publicly called him a 'Racist.' Yeah, you must be a Democrat. Because that's just crazy. The accusation was despicable and absolutely unacceptable. Trump should bitch slap the little twat if he ever runs into him. I know i would.
You are not listening. I love President Trump and I am grateful for all that he has accomplished since he took office. I'm talking about a single incident in which he could have chosen better words and a different approach. While he may have felt he was indirectly speaking to the Mayor or a few select people over there - it came across as if he were speaking to the nation as a whole and that is where I find it could have been handled differently. I'm not condemning our President. I'm telling you it should have been handled better and as an American citizen - I voted for Him to represent me but in this case it fell short and I'm pointing that out. This isn't about political parties / affiliation of one party. It's about having more mercy, more compassion and addressing those who are suffering the greatest trial of their lives right now. Deal with the politics in a private phone conversation but give the people a message of hope. That is all I am saying.

Don't publicly call my President a 'Racist' while tons & tons of relief supplies are rolling in and Thousands of good Americans are down there helping. It's a despicable slap in the face. Like i said, it's clear the Democrat 'Entitlement Asshole' disease has spread to Puerto Rico. I hope they get the help they need down there, but i will never support its 'Statehood' demand. I can't do it in good conscience. It's time to cut Puerto Rico loose. Grant it its Independence and move on.
Your President is a racist. He is a liar. He is an asshole. Worst person to ever be called a President. Scum bag from the depths of scumbaggery. Liar in Chief fake.
It will take time to rebuild Puerto Rico but I feel deeply troubled about how our President responded in that tweet I saw. It would have been better to have a private discussion with the Mayor and respond on Twitter with a compassion and concern for the people who are stranded there with no home, no provisions for their children, and most likely still in disbelief over what has happened. It would be better to respond with what can we do first to alleviate your suffering right now? We're going to do our best and we apologize for any delay or failure to meet your needs adequately. Humility goes a long way.

He could even send out a tweet requesting churches to become involved with trips over there to rebuild, to donate clothing, food, medical supplies, whatever they need. Let the people know we care about them and that their suffering is of great concern to us. To send a message saying that we can't do everything for them makes no sense. They can't do anything right now. They are helpless. Don't make them feel hopeless and add to their misery. Give them hope! Tell them their help is on the way and that they are in our hearts and our prayers and we will all work to get through this together. They are not alone! I just feel that the President's response didn't show the compassion or hope that these people are so desperately in need of. I voted for Trump and I'm not trying to tear him down but I'd like to see him come across with much more mercy and compassion for these poor people and instill hope.

So condemn your own President, but defend the piece of shit who publicly called him a 'Racist.' Yeah, you must be a Democrat. Because that's just crazy. The accusation was despicable and absolutely unacceptable. Trump should bitch slap the little twat if he ever runs into him. I know i would.
It doesn't really matter what you think about Puerto Rican rights to criticize the President, call him names, call him a racist or whatever. That bridge was crossed a hundred years ago. The point of no return was reached and the question settled. A hundred years ago Puerto Ricans were declared citizens at the same time conscription into military service was declared the law and 20,000 Puerto Ricans were drafted and sent to WW I. That tradition of service by Puerto Ricans in the military at times of war and peace continued into WW II, Korea, Vietnam and to this day. They have served and have earned their rights.
And how insulting can trump be to say they are just sitting back waiting for others to help?? He and Pence are pigs

Turns out, that Mayor is a Hillary Clinton lackey. So i'm not surprised at all about the hateful behavior coming from her. Trump was Spot On. She's got the 'Democrat 'Entitlement Asshole' disease. The Citizens of her community should hold her accountable for her staggering incompetence.
they knew these two storms were coming, where was their readiness level? Oh yeah, we're witnessing it. Not much if anything.

Apparently, Puerto Rico is run by US Democratic Party puppets. Hence, the Bankruptcy and obviously not being prepared for storms. The Mayor who publicly called Trump a 'Racist', is a loyal Hillary Clinton lackey.

It all makes perfect sense when you think about it. Just think Detroit and Chicago. That's what Democrats do to once great places. They've infected Puerto Rico now. Personally, i'm now writing Puerto Rico off. My answer to their 'Statehood' demand?... HELLS NOOOO!!
It will take time to rebuild Puerto Rico but I feel deeply troubled about how our President responded in that tweet I saw. It would have been better to have a private discussion with the Mayor and respond on Twitter with a compassion and concern for the people who are stranded there with no home, no provisions for their children, and most likely still in disbelief over what has happened. It would be better to respond with what can we do first to alleviate your suffering right now? We're going to do our best and we apologize for any delay or failure to meet your needs adequately. Humility goes a long way.

He could even send out a tweet requesting churches to become involved with trips over there to rebuild, to donate clothing, food, medical supplies, whatever they need. Let the people know we care about them and that their suffering is of great concern to us. To send a message saying that we can't do everything for them makes no sense. They can't do anything right now. They are helpless. Don't make them feel hopeless and add to their misery. Give them hope! Tell them their help is on the way and that they are in our hearts and our prayers and we will all work to get through this together. They are not alone! I just feel that the President's response didn't show the compassion or hope that these people are so desperately in need of. I voted for Trump and I'm not trying to tear him down but I'd like to see him come across with much more mercy and compassion for these poor people and instill hope.

So condemn your own President, but defend the piece of shit who publicly called him a 'Racist.' Yeah, you must be a Democrat. Because that's just crazy. The accusation was despicable and absolutely unacceptable. Trump should bitch slap the little twat if he ever runs into him. I know i would.
You are not listening. I love President Trump and I am grateful for all that he has accomplished since he took office. I'm talking about a single incident in which he could have chosen better words and a different approach. While he may have felt he was indirectly speaking to the Mayor or a few select people over there - it came across as if he were speaking to the nation as a whole and that is where I find it could have been handled differently. I'm not condemning our President. I'm telling you it should have been handled better and as an American citizen - I voted for Him to represent me but in this case it fell short and I'm pointing that out. This isn't about political parties / affiliation of one party. It's about having more mercy, more compassion and addressing those who are suffering the greatest trial of their lives right now. Deal with the politics in a private phone conversation but give the people a message of hope. That is all I am saying.

Don't publicly call my President a 'Racist' while tons & tons of relief supplies are rolling in and Thousands of good Americans are down there helping. It's a despicable slap in the face. Like i said, it's clear the Democrat 'Entitlement Asshole' disease has spread to Puerto Rico. I hope they get the help they need down there, but i will never support its 'Statehood' demand. I can't do it in good conscience. It's time to cut Puerto Rico loose. Grant it its Independence and move on.
Your President is a racist. He is a liar. He is an asshole. Worst person to ever be called a President. Scum bag from the depths of scumbaggery. Liar in Chief fake.

Oh piss off, ya little crybaby. :321:

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