Not a good night for the Repubs

Lots of examples, and then you run away. So, no playing your stupid games any longer, silly boy.

yep, you repeat this lie a lot, but at least you are consistent in your lack of balls to support your own claims
You're being childish.

I merely noted Black Americans' overwhelming preference for the Democratic Party, an empirical reality that you cannot refute.

Most minorities, women, and younger, better-educated Americans vote Democratic.

Yeah, because they have been LIED TO. Now that they are learning the truth you are losing them.

So sad for you that they are figuring out that you truly don't care about them. You merely wish to screw them out of their vote
yep, you repeat this lie a lot, but at least you are consistent in your lack of balls to support your own claims

Nah, no one believes you kid. You lie, get called on it, get provided links and then POOF, you're gone.

You are a typical troll.
Abortion access is now in the Ohio Constitution.

The Dems now control both House and Senate in VA

Dem won the seat on the PA SC.

Dem Gov won again in KY

Pot won in Ohio
Republicans made big gains in Long Island and also won the Governorship in Mississippi but you just highlight Democrat wins.
You're being childish.

I merely noted Black Americans' overwhelming preference for the Democratic Party, an empirical reality that you cannot refute.

Most minorities, women, and younger, better-educated Americans vote Democratic.
and lots of them wonder why.....your party takes many groups of people for granted...just need their votes....
Yeah, because they have been LIED TO. Now that they are learning the truth you are losing them.

So sad for you that they are figuring out that you truly don't care about them. You merely wish to screw them out of their vote
If you need to fantasize that Black Americans, other minorities, women, and younger, better-educated Americans are all inferior to you in their ability to recognize dishonesty, you spout the dogma of the Cult of Trumpery.
and lots of them wonder why.....your party takes many groups of people for granted...just need their votes....
Your implicit insistence that you are superior to Black Americans, other minorities, women, younger and better-educated Americans in their ability to intelligently assess the relative merits of the two major parties is noted for what it's worth.
If you need to fantasize that Black Americans, other minorities, women, and younger, better-educated Americans are all inferior to you in their ability to recognize dishonesty, you spout the dogma of the Cult of Trumpery.

The students today are poorly educated. My wife teaches graduate level classes and her students regularly have never read a Journal. Hell, they don't even know they exist.

So, yeah, the blacks are finally figuring out you scum are nothing more than modern day slavers.
The students today are poorly educated. My wife teaches graduate level classes and her students regularly have never read a Journal. Hell, they don't even know they exist.

So, yeah, the blacks are finally figuring out you scum are nothing more than modern day slavers.
Your prejudices that serve your ideological dogma have been noted.

Nevertheless, progress is ineluctable.
Your prejudices that serve your ideological dogma have been noted.

Nevertheless, progress is ineluctable.

I have no prejudices. I do point out inconvenient facts for clods like you though.

That I enjoy doing.

And you have nothing, so you bleat racism. Typical progressive loser.
I have no prejudices. I do point out inconvenient facts for clods like you though.

That I enjoy doing.

And you have nothing, so you bleat racism. Typical progressive loser.
Pleasure yourself as you will.

I'll continue to respect the empirical reality.
Your implicit insistence that you are superior to Black Americans, other minorities, women, younger and better-educated Americans in their ability to intelligently assess the relative merits of the two major parties is noted for what it's worth.
give me break schmitty......what i said is the just cant believe it because you are probably a die hard think your parties shit dont stink....i got news for you,it smells as bad as the republicans....
A Democrat wins an election and the media wants everyone to think its the biggest thing since Obama. Desperate for positive news. The Minnesota Supreme Court just said that the insurrection clause in the State Constitution doesn't apply to Trump to keep him off the primary. Suck on that for a while.

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