North Korea missile launch: "Russia" condemns Trump administration's 'aggressive rhetoric'


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
does it mean that love story between Olgino and Trump has ended ? and we will see soon a frontal assault on Trump , similar to its satanist style anti -Obama assault?

Russia has condemned North Korea's latest missile test over mainland Japan, but also criticised the administration of Donald Trump for its "aggressive" role in the crisis.

Russia's foreign ministry condemned North Korea's test as "illegal". But it added: "Regrettably, aggressive rhetoric is the only thing coming from Washington.""Russia condemns Trump administration's 'aggressive rhetoric' after North Korea missile launch
This what REALLY Putin said on Sep,7:

Putin: Building up a military atmosphere, a hysteria, is, in my opinion, counter-productive. It will not get us anywhere. Everything that is taking place is of course a provocation on the part of North Korea. This is quite obvious. They are provoking the situation.

But if they are doing it, believe me, they are not that stupid, so they count on a corresponding reaction from the partners and are trying to elicit such a reaction. But why are you playing up to them? Did you ever think about it? That is number one.

Number two, they will not stop. I have already said at a recent press conference in China after the BRICS summit and I can repeat it, they know full well how the situation developed, for example, in Iraq when, under the pretext – which is now obvious to everyone – under the specious pretext of searching for weapons of mass destruction a country and its leadership were destroyed, and even the family members and children were shot dead. They are aware of all this and they see possession of nuclear weapons and missiles as the only way to defend themselves. Do you believe they will give it all up?

We should say that we follow the path of cooperation, are ready to ensure their security, to formulate the conditions of work that they would understand and consider acceptable. I assure you, if this path is followed, the situation in the region as a whole, the relations between North and South will be transformed into cooperation and we can expect further steps. But it is impossible to scare them.

What do we propose to them? Look, we say: “We shall not impose sanctions.” Which means you will live better. You will have more good, tasty food on your table and so on. You will have better clothes. But the next step, as they see it, is an invitation to a cemetery. They will never agree to that.

We should approach it seriously and thoroughly. This takes time and a professional approach. I know that there are many reasonable people in the current US administration who understand that it is necessary to proceed carefully. Even at the middle level (at the State Department, at the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency) there are professional people who have faced this problem more than once and who deal with it year in and year out.

I very much hope that common sense will prevail and that, working together in a cooperative manner, we will move towards resolving this issue. I am sure this will happen sooner or later. The sooner the better.

Plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum (original source, Kremlin Site)

Putin strongly condemned North Korea’s provocative activities
Telephone conversation with President of France Emmanuel Macron (Kremlin site)

At least, unlike Ukraine Russia is not selling engines to build rockets to NK.

NYT: North Korea’s Missile Success Is Linked to Ukrainian Plant, Investigators Say
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This what REALLY Putin said on Sep,7:

Putin: Building up a military atmosphere, a hysteria, is, in my opinion, counter-productive. It will not get us anywhere. Everything that is taking place is of course a provocation on the part of North Korea. This is quite obvious. They are provoking the situation.

But if they are doing it, believe me, they are not that stupid, so they count on a corresponding reaction from the partners and are trying to elicit such a reaction. But why are you playing up to them? Did you ever think about it? That is number one.

Number two, they will not stop. I have already said at a recent press conference in China after the BRICS summit and I can repeat it, they know full well how the situation developed, for example, in Iraq when, under the pretext – which is now obvious to everyone – under the specious pretext of searching for weapons of mass destruction a country and its leadership were destroyed, and even the family members and children were shot dead. They are aware of all this and they see possession of nuclear weapons and missiles as the only way to defend themselves. Do you believe they will give it all up?

We should say that we follow the path of cooperation, are ready to ensure their security, to formulate the conditions of work that they would understand and consider acceptable. I assure you, if this path is followed, the situation in the region as a whole, the relations between North and South will be transformed into cooperation and we can expect further steps. But it is impossible to scare them.

What do we propose to them? Look, we say: “We shall not impose sanctions.” Which means you will live better. You will have more good, tasty food on your table and so on. You will have better clothes. But the next step, as they see it, is an invitation to a cemetery. They will never agree to that.

We should approach it seriously and thoroughly. This takes time and a professional approach. I know that there are many reasonable people in the current US administration who understand that it is necessary to proceed carefully. Even at the middle level (at the State Department, at the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency) there are professional people who have faced this problem more than once and who deal with it year in and year out.

I very much hope that common sense will prevail and that, working together in a cooperative manner, we will move towards resolving this issue. I am sure this will happen sooner or later. The sooner the better.

Plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum (original source, Kremlin Site)
So what are we waiting for?
We should have the means to take these out, where is TRUMP?
This what REALLY Putin said on Sep,7:

Putin: Building up a military atmosphere, a hysteria, is, in my opinion, counter-productive. It will not get us anywhere. Everything that is taking place is of course a provocation on the part of North Korea. This is quite obvious. They are provoking the situation.

But if they are doing it, believe me, they are not that stupid, so they count on a corresponding reaction from the partners and are trying to elicit such a reaction. But why are you playing up to them? Did you ever think about it? That is number one.

Number two, they will not stop. I have already said at a recent press conference in China after the BRICS summit and I can repeat it, they know full well how the situation developed, for example, in Iraq when, under the pretext – which is now obvious to everyone – under the specious pretext of searching for weapons of mass destruction a country and its leadership were destroyed, and even the family members and children were shot dead. They are aware of all this and they see possession of nuclear weapons and missiles as the only way to defend themselves. Do you believe they will give it all up?

We should say that we follow the path of cooperation, are ready to ensure their security, to formulate the conditions of work that they would understand and consider acceptable. I assure you, if this path is followed, the situation in the region as a whole, the relations between North and South will be transformed into cooperation and we can expect further steps. But it is impossible to scare them.

What do we propose to them? Look, we say: “We shall not impose sanctions.” Which means you will live better. You will have more good, tasty food on your table and so on. You will have better clothes. But the next step, as they see it, is an invitation to a cemetery. They will never agree to that.

We should approach it seriously and thoroughly. This takes time and a professional approach. I know that there are many reasonable people in the current US administration who understand that it is necessary to proceed carefully. Even at the middle level (at the State Department, at the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency) there are professional people who have faced this problem more than once and who deal with it year in and year out.

I very much hope that common sense will prevail and that, working together in a cooperative manner, we will move towards resolving this issue. I am sure this will happen sooner or later. The sooner the better.

Plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum (original source, Kremlin Site)
So what are we waiting for?

i really dont know, what do you think? what will be Trump´s next step?
I'm all for threatening our trade relationships with China. Given the fact NK gets 90% of their supplies from China, tell them one more shipment to NK means a reduction on trade between them and the US. If they still ignore us, more reductions.
Trump is the weakest president since Gerald Ford.
Ford started to bring this nation together again after Nixon resigned; George W. Bush was weak, he could send thousands to die based on what he termed "bad intel", and then forget about it. He HID during 9/11/01 and his first words after it was safe for him to emerge were "I'M OK"! A Dump is shaping up even weaker; three wives, a multitude of hired 'girlfriends', and still looks like he is making out with the adult daughter he recognizes. YECCCHHHH.
This what REALLY Putin said on Sep,7:

Putin: Building up a military atmosphere, a hysteria, is, in my opinion, counter-productive. It will not get us anywhere. Everything that is taking place is of course a provocation on the part of North Korea. This is quite obvious. They are provoking the situation.

But if they are doing it, believe me, they are not that stupid, so they count on a corresponding reaction from the partners and are trying to elicit such a reaction. But why are you playing up to them? Did you ever think about it? That is number one.

Number two, they will not stop. I have already said at a recent press conference in China after the BRICS summit and I can repeat it, they know full well how the situation developed, for example, in Iraq when, under the pretext – which is now obvious to everyone – under the specious pretext of searching for weapons of mass destruction a country and its leadership were destroyed, and even the family members and children were shot dead. They are aware of all this and they see possession of nuclear weapons and missiles as the only way to defend themselves. Do you believe they will give it all up?

We should say that we follow the path of cooperation, are ready to ensure their security, to formulate the conditions of work that they would understand and consider acceptable. I assure you, if this path is followed, the situation in the region as a whole, the relations between North and South will be transformed into cooperation and we can expect further steps. But it is impossible to scare them.

What do we propose to them? Look, we say: “We shall not impose sanctions.” Which means you will live better. You will have more good, tasty food on your table and so on. You will have better clothes. But the next step, as they see it, is an invitation to a cemetery. They will never agree to that.

We should approach it seriously and thoroughly. This takes time and a professional approach. I know that there are many reasonable people in the current US administration who understand that it is necessary to proceed carefully. Even at the middle level (at the State Department, at the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency) there are professional people who have faced this problem more than once and who deal with it year in and year out.

I very much hope that common sense will prevail and that, working together in a cooperative manner, we will move towards resolving this issue. I am sure this will happen sooner or later. The sooner the better.

Plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum (original source, Kremlin Site)
So what are we waiting for?

i really dont know, what do you think? what will be Trump´s next step?

So far, he says NO FURTHER SANCTIONS, but the boy can change his mind like an eight year old at Toys R' Us.
Fire, Fury and Power - the likes the world has never seen.

Or we'll just use sanctions.

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