None of this is incompetence


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2021
You really have to suspend disbelief to think that any of this is just senile Joe fucking up. He has a battery of advisors, admittedly stupid as well, but I am positive they were bombarded by warnings about this. They inherited exit plans that anticipated this. They had intelligence that told them this would happen. Almost anybody on this message board would have arrived at the conclusion that, yeah, probably should get the friendlies and important equipment out and have a plan to destroy anything that we had to leave behind. BEFORE we withdraw the troops.

This was planned. It just isn't the plan anyone wants to believe.
How about deserting the heavily fortified Bagram Air Force base and using the indefensible city airport in Kabul instead.

Then the diaper changers told him "go on vacation, that will be good optics". The stuttering shit clown was played.

Enter Kameltoe in 3... 2.... 1....

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The entire history of post-911 American action is one of incompetence. It has continued through all the administrations since that event. It is the functioning of the duopoly system that has taken over government. It is similar to the CCP in that it is self perpetuation at whatever cost to the nation.
Might be something in that.

No-one in such positions of power can be that highly incompetent.

Past 18-months the way the world has went I'm starting to think there's one big massive movement happening behind the scenes, decided upon by the elites and we'll all just be forced to comply.

We could fight it if there wasn't so many faggots, conditioned sheep and knee-bending leftists.

Think about it.

Critical race theory.
Black lives matter.
Defund the Police.
Those pockets of freedom-type sanctuaries in some American cities where there's no Police or law.
Open door immigration.
Covid/vaccines (and I say that as someone who's not a Covid denier or anti-vax but too much of it doesn't make sense in regards restrictions and rules for different people).
Pulling out of Afghan and letting the Taliban take it.
Men being allowed to be women and vice-versa, no questions asked, contest it and refuse to enable them and it's against the law.
Statues pulled down without reprisal.
Afghans being accepted into countries around the world, fast-tracked, no questions asked.
Social media allowing the Taliban have accounts to say what they want, but Donald Trump isn't.

and the icing on the cake is that if you dare stand up to any of the above, guess what? you're cancelled and de-platformed and never allowed to work again.
You really have to suspend disbelief to think that any of this is just senile Joe fucking up. He has a battery of advisors, admittedly stupid as well, but I am positive they were bombarded by warnings about this. They inherited exit plans that anticipated this. They had intelligence that told them this would happen. Almost anybody on this message board would have arrived at the conclusion that, yeah, probably should get the friendlies and important equipment out and have a plan to destroy anything that we had to leave behind. BEFORE we withdraw the troops.

This was planned. It just isn't the plan anyone wants to believe.


I think we also underestimate how little these people care about Americans anywhere. They don't care. They don't care if they leave citizens behind. It's not important to them.

They are the Masters.

Anyone left behind are ants on an anthill to them. And they rather forgot that they're supposed to, you know, COVER for these sentiments. Hide them.

Now even people who are not political, as we are, can see their disgust and disdain for us, for Americans. And I think--I hope--we may just be ready to clean house. And the cleaning, I think, might be a deep clean type.
You really have to suspend disbelief to think that any of this is just senile Joe fucking up. He has a battery of advisors, admittedly stupid as well, but I am positive they were bombarded by warnings about this. They inherited exit plans that anticipated this. They had intelligence that told them this would happen. Almost anybody on this message board would have arrived at the conclusion that, yeah, probably should get the friendlies and important equipment out and have a plan to destroy anything that we had to leave behind. BEFORE we withdraw the troops.

This was planned. It just isn't the plan anyone wants to believe.

So the US had two choices.

Prop up a country that didn't want the US there, or leave and see the Taliban take over.

Leaving was the sensible choice. Should have left more than a decade ago, or shouldn't have gone in the first place.

Compared to Bush's decision to go in, this is an amazing decision.
You really have to suspend disbelief to think that any of this is just senile Joe fucking up. He has a battery of advisors, admittedly stupid as well, but I am positive they were bombarded by warnings about this. They inherited exit plans that anticipated this. They had intelligence that told them this would happen. Almost anybody on this message board would have arrived at the conclusion that, yeah, probably should get the friendlies and important equipment out and have a plan to destroy anything that we had to leave behind. BEFORE we withdraw the troops.

This was planned. It just isn't the plan anyone wants to believe.

They warned American Citizens back in June to get out of Afghanistan. They didn't.

And it's amusing to see that Republicans who supported Trump's Muslim Ban now WANT To bring tens of thousands of Muslims into this country.

I think we also underestimate how little these people care about Americans anywhere. They don't care. They don't care if they leave citizens behind. It's not important to them.

They are the Masters.

Anyone left behind are ants on an anthill to them. And they rather forgot that they're supposed to, you know, COVER for these sentiments. Hide them.

Now even people who are not political, as we are, can see their disgust and disdain for us, for Americans. And I think--I hope--we may just be ready to clean house. And the cleaning, I think, might be a deep clean type.

First, most of the Americans there were warned Afghanistan was a dangerous place, and went there anyway. Sure, some of them were aid workers with good intent, more of them were contractors making sweet, sweet money off our War for Profit.

Second, we'll get most of them out by the end of the month. The Taliban will let them leave because they actually want to garner international good will.

But Islamophobic Twat is ready for a "cleaning".... she is so angry most Americans don't agree with her Church Lady bullshit.

frigidweirdo so you would have done nothing in Dec 1941???!!!...more Americans were murdered by those people than at Pearl Harbor

Uh, no. The average Afghan minding his own business had nothing to do with 9/11. Any more than the average Iraqi did.

In fact, most of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis... but we didn't attack Saudi Arabia, for some reason.
I would never underestimate the ability of this Joe Dufus clown to establish new records of incompetence.
Never stop lying do you?

Pointing out the obvious... that you guys supported Trump in blocking thousands of refugees from war zones in Muslim Countries because one of them MIGHT be a terrorist... but now you are bemoaning the fact that Biden hasn't been able to get our collaborators out of Afghanistan fast enough before the Taliban remember who helped the Americans kill them.
Nobody wants millions more Muslim refugees; we see how grateful they are that Europe now feeds millions of the worthless homocidal feral animals. We do have some obligation t help the 20,000 or so who assisted us, even though most just did so for the money.
How about deserting the heavily fortified Bagram Air Force base and using the indefensible city airport in Kabul instead.

We didn't. We handed it over to the Afghan Government, which was too incompetent to secure it.

And the end of the day, this all fall on the Afghan Government, which we pumped 2 Trillion dollars into propping up over the last 20 years, and still couldn't hold on to their own country.

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