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Nobody is trying to take your guns!

-------------------------------- thats a big problem unless you wanna hide them in your house and never use them freely at the range or outside you house Moonglow .
I live on 43 wooded acres in da country and nobody around here gives a shit even the lieutenant of the county which I knew him many years ago when he was a general contractor commercial and I would bid on jobs he had going...Everyone around here shoots their guns and no one gives a poop..I can shoot game and all I do is call the conservation officer and tell him the kill and he records it. No license no tags no nothing...Year around..

It's comic how you constantly say that to pro-second amendment types and never to a leftist moonbat like you
Well the deer ask me to include them..

You lost me ... again ... broken English boy ...
Ahh yes. I have attained my goal in life..

You started getting your STD's from garden hoses?

The Goal: Communist Revolution

These fags worship the dead commie, Ernesto "Che" "Dead Commie" Guevara.

No way we lose our liberty to commies if we have guns.

Commies gonna commie.
I live on 43 wooded acres in da country and nobody around here gives a shit even the lieutenant of the county which I knew him many years ago when he was a general contractor commercial and I would bid on jobs he had going...Everyone around here shoots their guns and no one gives a poop..I can shoot game and all I do is call the conservation officer and tell him the kill and he records it. No license no tags no nothing...Year around..

It's comic how you constantly say that to pro-second amendment types and never to a leftist moonbat like you
Well the deer ask me to include them..

You lost me ... again ... broken English boy ...
Ahh yes. I have attained my goal in life..

You started getting your STD's from garden hoses?
Running a fever again.
Only if it flares up..

Sorry. I just got back from banned camp AGAIN, and I had to poke somebody before I exploded. You were it. Been there so much lately, till I learned 4 new instruments.

Wow, that sounds so gay. And yet you're head over heels in love with Trump's daughter

Ok. SO I whined a little. You don't see that too often. Mark it down for future reference.

Yes, I only see you whine when I read your posts

Your view on any given Saturday night?


Well ya see.....if the FACTS of AT LEAST 3 of your democratic politicians statements weren't there we wouldn't wonder what the REAL goal is about gun control.
Twenty eight fucking years later and you're still shittin' yer britches over something that never happened...

If we were not fighting for the Twenty eight fucking years, the guns would have been banned and each year forward we will make sure it never happens.


Well ya see.....if the FACTS of AT LEAST 3 of your democratic politicians statements weren't there we wouldn't wonder what the REAL goal is about gun control.
Twenty eight fucking years later and you're still shittin' yer britches over something that never happened...

If we were not fighting for the Twenty eight fucking years, the guns would have been banned and each year forward we will make sure it never happens.
It won't happen in our lifetime and I plan on living at least 35 more years...I can shove two more wives in there..
Oh, my goodness gracious Emmy Lou... look at the Right Wingers squirm... tee-hee.


A modest subset of Americans want a Gun Ban, which is what the above propaganda purports to be a common stance.

The vast majority of Americans interested in serious Gun Control want firearms "well-regulated", not banned.

But it is in the best interests of those drinking the NRA Kool-Aid to buy into the bull$hit.

Their bull$hit disguises idiotic obstinacy in a pleasing cloak of self-delusion.
Why lie? Seriously, why lie about the Democrat ban on nearly all semi-auto guns? They want it. Stop lying.

House Democrats introduce bill prohibiting sale of semi-automatic weapons

Rep. Ted Deutch (@RepTedDeutch) February 26, 2018
Today I joined @RepCicilline and 150+ of my colleagues to introduce the assault weapons ban. It’s time for Congress to listen to the will of a majority of Americans and pass sensible legislation to get these weapons of war off our streets.

The bill prohibits the “sale, transfer, production, and importation” of semi-automatic rifles and pistols that can hold a detachable magazine, as well as semi-automatic rifles with a magazine that can hold more than 10 rounds. Additionally, the legislation bans the sale, transfer, production, and importation of semi-automatic shotguns with features such as a pistol grip or detachable stock, and ammunition feeding devices that can hold more than 10 rounds.
The desire to ban is real.

Commies gonna commie.

We must never give an inch. No to everything. If they happen to succeed. War. Death.

You fucking leftists will beg for fucking mercy.

Give up while you are still alive!


Well ya see.....if the FACTS of AT LEAST 3 of your democratic politicians statements weren't there we wouldn't wonder what the REAL goal is about gun control.
Twenty eight fucking years later and you're still shittin' yer britches over something that never happened...
Mission Accomplished.................now to piss in the cornflakes of the gun grabbers for another 28 years.

I find it amazing that there as people as stupid as you irl. Does it hurt?


Well ya see.....if the FACTS of AT LEAST 3 of your democratic politicians statements weren't there we wouldn't wonder what the REAL goal is about gun control.
Twenty eight fucking years later and you're still shittin' yer britches over something that never happened...
Mission Accomplished.................now to piss in the cornflakes of the gun grabbers for another 28 years.

I find it amazing that there as people as stupid as you irl. Does it hurt?
Not at all.............2nd Amendment is sooo hard for your side to end isn't it..........poor thing...........


Well ya see.....if the FACTS of AT LEAST 3 of your democratic politicians statements weren't there we wouldn't wonder what the REAL goal is about gun control.
Twenty eight fucking years later and you're still shittin' yer britches over something that never happened...

If we were not fighting for the Twenty eight fucking years, the guns would have been banned and each year forward we will make sure it never happens.
I don't think using the passed twenty eight years of gun history as an aegis is such a good idea. The list of shootings is too long to recount, especially in the last twenty eight years. And please point out when, in those passed years, has a bill to take away your guns has come to a vote in the congress?
I don't think using the passed twenty eight years of gun history as an aegis is such a good idea.


Consider gun control in 1995, and gun control now. If memory serves, in 1995 there were only eight states with concealed carry provisions. Now all fifty have them at some level, most at shall issue. "Assault weapons" remain undefined, and so are again un-banned. Background checks are as universal as they can be, and Heller re-iterated the original meaning of the individual right.

You people lost the issue, and you won't get it back in this or your grandchildren's lifetime.
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In a way, I kind of hope the left tries to ban and confiscate. How many gun owners will shoot each and every last motherfucker who was responsible, going down in a blaze of glory? Oh, how the commie blood will flow.

Such insurection should be enough to make certain such bullshit is never attempted again.

I am ready for Valhalla.

Dead gun-grabbing commies, or Valhalla!!!!!!
A modest subset of Americans want a Gun Ban

Another Derp steps forward to declare his itinerant stupidity, not realizing that the entire Federal Government is run and regulated by a mere 545 people, a modest subset of only 0.00017% of the country!


Well ya see.....if the FACTS of AT LEAST 3 of your democratic politicians statements weren't there we wouldn't wonder what the REAL goal is about gun control.
Twenty eight fucking years later and you're still shittin' yer britches over something that never happened...

If we were not fighting for the Twenty eight fucking years, the guns would have been banned and each year forward we will make sure it never happens.
I don't think using the passed twenty eight years of gun history as an aegis is such a good idea. The list of shootings is too long to recount, especially in the last twenty eight years. And please point out when, in those passed years, has a bill to take away your guns has come to a vote in the congress?

No.....the list of mass public shootings is tiny compared to the number of Americans who use their legal guns to defend themselves......

You have nothing on your side except emotion....lawn mowers kill more people every single year than mass public shooters do......and yet you want guns banned.

Criminals using their illegal guns to commit murder kill fewer people every single year than cars do...and a tiny number compared to the number of people who are saved by their legal guns facing down violent criminals with illegal guns....

You posted......

I don't think using the passed twenty eight years of gun history as an aegis is such a good idea.

you have nothing....here is the truth........I love to use the last 28 years of gun history, it shows you are an irrational fool....See, you don't know what you are talking about, you merely repeat the last thing an anti gunner said on television without actually knowing what the truth is....so you look like a fool.....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Oh, my goodness gracious Emmy Lou... look at the Right Wingers squirm... tee-hee.


A modest subset of Americans want a Gun Ban, which is what the above propaganda purports to be a common stance.

The vast majority of Americans interested in serious Gun Control want firearms "well-regulated", not banned.

But it is in the best interests of those drinking the NRA Kool-Aid to buy into the bull$hit.

Their bull$hit disguises idiotic obstinacy in a pleasing cloak of self-delusion.
Why lie? Seriously, why lie about the Democrat ban on nearly all semi-auto guns? They want it. Stop lying.

House Democrats introduce bill prohibiting sale of semi-automatic weapons

Rep. Ted Deutch (@RepTedDeutch) February 26, 2018
Today I joined @RepCicilline and 150+ of my colleagues to introduce the assault weapons ban. It’s time for Congress to listen to the will of a majority of Americans and pass sensible legislation to get these weapons of war off our streets.

The bill prohibits the “sale, transfer, production, and importation” of semi-automatic rifles and pistols that can hold a detachable magazine, as well as semi-automatic rifles with a magazine that can hold more than 10 rounds. Additionally, the legislation bans the sale, transfer, production, and importation of semi-automatic shotguns with features such as a pistol grip or detachable stock, and ammunition feeding devices that can hold more than 10 rounds.
It will not pass! That is the good news! The bad news is that life is more complicated than a two party system can handle! Some Democrats introduce a bill and under the current way of doing things the entire party gets labled with being for the bill. It is not hard to submit a bill. The issue becomes hard from there it is ungodly difficult to turn the bill into law! Two parties can not serve our indivdual interests, our interests are to varied. I am a democrat and I am pro second amendment. Leave our guns alone! That bill does not represent my wants and desires. No one party will ever represent me. We need more choices than two parties!

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