Noam Chomsky on Obama and his Cabinet Selections

Hey... Don't be so uptight... the leftist ideology is inherently anti-Semitic... the irony being that Jews are inherently leftist. But the degree of separation while nearly indistinguishable on the broad view becomes much more discernible somewhere near the back of the line in which they willfully place themselves; a line which leads them directly to the ovens. Even there we can still hear the voices of Jewish mothers rationalizing that things will be alright and that there must be a reason for it; wholly incapable of understanding that their desire to nurture, to feed the hungry and house the homeless is that which attracts them to evil... it is the bait by which evil traps the gullible and the simple fact is that the desire to nurture, to feed the hungry and house the homeless is a base personality trait of the gullible.

Jews represent a strong and somewhat closed community… their inherent organization; they’re ancient customs which are intrinsic in their religious faith makes the Jew ‘suspect.’ Thus where one Jew is seen helping another; where on Jew does business with another… the anti-capitalist finds a conspiracy. But then the anti-Capitalist is limited by their intellect, in contrast to the strong intellectual foundation of the Jew; seen by the sub-intellect of the anti-capitalist as patronizing; breeding exponential layers of contempt.

The liberal Jew is a compassionate giver, the anti-Capitalist a ruthless taker… The combination is one wherein calamity is likely and where the superior intellect of the Jew underestimates the cunning evil of the anti-Capitalist, catastrophe is a certainty; thus the Jew has learned to be careful, to remain distant and always cautious… which feeds the hate and drives the inevitable irony on towards the unthinkable.

The Liberal Israeli wants peace… the Arab wants the Jew DEAD. And always the giver, the Jew will concede, until the day comes when their concessions will result in their ruin... it’s only a matter of time until history repeats itself and we’re faced with witnessing ‘Déjà vu all over again…’

While disagree with some of your assumptions, I appreciate the sanity in which you presented them.

One of my stock speeches I often give, including once to a large audience of people in the Nation of Islam, is my talk on "The Jewish Model." Jewish unity is to be marvelled, studied, and replicated. It is an absolute thing of beauty.

In my speech I talk on when jews were about in the same boat/canoe in this country that African-Americans rode in. They suffered many of the same kinds of discrimination and bigotry that blacks did.

How did they climb out of the canoe and into the luxury liner? Jewish unity.

A dollar turns over in the jewish community about 150 times before it leaves. It doesn't turn over once in the black community before it's in the hands of someone else. Just one example of the lessons of the jewish model.
Where one rejects the notion that one's nation should exist, there can be little emotional value tying that idea beyond 'hate'... to even try and rationalize that you don't hate the Jew, just because you want their nation destroyed is absurd and yet another example of your severe intellectual limitations...

The evidence is clear; you don't think... but that's the nature of evil, it preys upon the insipid and feeds the emotion which rests starving in the void of a vacuous mind.

Now your stupidty surfaces and where I find sane people to talk to.
Ok I've made it through most of this thread...and I am dogged by the intense desire to know...

what is up with the weird names? Noam? Rahm?

It's like we've been taken over by characters from Narnia or Lord of the Rings....
Where one rejects the notion that one's nation should exist, there can be little emotional value tying that idea beyond 'hate'... to even try and rationalize that you don't hate the Jew, just because you want their nation destroyed is absurd and yet another example of your severe intellectual limitations...

The evidence is clear; you don't think... but that's the nature of evil, it preys upon the insipid and feeds the emotion which rests starving in the void of a vacuous mind.

THAT is exactly like suggesting that someone hates WHITE people because they want to offer equality to blacks off the slave farm. The assumption of anti-semitism is not a blank check excuse to rationalize israel, right or wrong. HEY, I know, MAYBE you can fall back on the same old tired ass butchered translation of an iran president and find antisemitism where you NEED to see it since you've offered a total of zero to this thread!


It is not rational for Jews to take a position which would destroy Israel as a Jewish State; and thereby end up with a) dead jews; or b) jews subjugated to Islamic rule.

Why would you think that anyone who takes such a positon is either thoughtful or rational.

Is it self-hating to take a position that ends up getting one's people killed? At a bare minimum it's stupid.

The solution to the issues in the middle east will not be Israel with its thumb on the entire region .. thus, solutions will have to be found somewhere in the middle.

It is entirely rational for jews to recognize what the Israeli government is doing is a stain on the state of Israel and it is entirely sane for jews to recognize that there is no long-term security to be found in atrocity .. and it is entirely irrational to believe that jews who take an opposing view want to be subjugated to Islamic rule. That is an irrational response to sane and rational people.

In my opinion the only solution there can be will be with a UN presence in the ME .. guaranteeing the safety and security of all. Most Israeli apologists reject any notion of a UN presence .. which in my opinion validates they never had peace and security in mind.
HEY! That's a FANTASTIC Non Sequitur! Congrats. Blacks have always had the same rights as whites...

O Rly?


they've always begun at equity with everyone else;


the distinction being that governence, the far and away majority of which is black governence, has not always respected those rights, usurping them through the inherent power of government.


Noting that blacks are in posession of equal rights does not constitute hate... However, were one to mouth the equitable rights of blacks and in the same breath advocate policy which rejected the right of blacks to govern themselves, THAT WOULD CONSTITUTE HATE.

Blacks don't govern THEMSELVES in America, dude. America is a plural nation where ethnicity is no longer the prerequisite for equality. Enjoy those pics above.

For instance, if you were to claim that Blacks have a right to exist but they can't exist in a form which provides that they occupy a government of their own choosing in their own nation... you'd be squarely placing yourself in the ANTI-BLACK category.

I are not talking about some hypothetical black nation whose government is being molded by white people. Non sequiter, indeed. Now, did you want to get back to referring to actual states like the one WE live in or are you needing a few more minutes to drum up some bullshit real quick?

Much as you placed yourself in the pro-adult/child sexual advocacy category when you proclaimed the worldwide historic existance of homosexuals;


uh, because gays, you know... the MILLIONS of them, sure are out preying on kids, arent they??



advancing evidence which highlighted the adult male pursuit pof adolescent males for sexual relationships in those would-be homosexual communities...

OH yea, silly me.. I almost forgot that you were unaware of the actual history of Japan, Sparta, Greece, Rome etc.. duh.

sqaurely placing you in the category of the CHILD-FUCKER... the PERV DEGENERATE who is incapable of resisting your low base sexual instincts... one worthy of being beaten to death in the public square infull view of those who may tends towards your on craven deficiencies; so as to help them find their way right back into that cloister otherwise known as 'the closet.'

I wish to god you had the chance to put those big tough words from behind a keyboard to practice, dude. I would LOVE to see the look of incompetent rage boiling on your broke and bloody body laying in a ditch, yo. Your Matt Shepherd heroes may give you masturbation fodder after a late night of semi-erotic WWE reruns but your bluster and bravado is about as intimidating as your favorite "sport" is real, big macho man from beyond the interwebz.


It'snot a presumption child-fucker... it's a statement of fact and one which rests upon the incontestable easonadvanced as its foundation.

Again, I pray that you get your chance someday, little girl. Much like the first white dude to get his ass whupped after the 60s civil rights era you might just find yourself with a bleeding quivering lip and a few broken teeth.

Yes yes... 'everyone knows' that it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to translate an Arab who openly speaks of the Jew... much as it is impossible to interpret the meaning of the child molester's touch, as she caresses the private areas of some unsuspecting child who simply but erroneously trusts the degenerate to keep him safe.

por que? Are you conveying the reason why no one lets your nieces and nephews sit on your lap during the holidays? Dude, go iron your fucking hood and get off the internet before the feds come a knocking at your door.

The bad news PEDO-gun if it's not hard to translate Arabs, and when your hand is found down the pants of a 12 yr old, it's not difficult to realize that you're violating the trust of a child for your own pathetic wants... there's nothing complex about evil dipshit... it's exists in pure simplicity.

Ironically, my hands have never, now would they ever, be down the pants of a 12 year old.. you know, much like how your brain was never in an institution of education beyond that foul-breathed, awkward moment that your uncle made you promise to never speak about. Your opinion of evil is about as interesting and valid as the rest of your posts, dude.


Ok I've made it through most of this thread...and I am dogged by the intense desire to know...

what is up with the weird names? Noam? Rahm?

It's like we've been taken over by characters from Narnia or Lord of the Rings....

I know, huh? You won't believe some of the retarded shit I hear today. Track? Trig? Piper? What the fuck? :razz:
Shogun you are aware that roughly ten percent of the slave holders in the South were themselves of African decent? That They were voting in elections in the south long before the civil war and that the first mixed race military unit in America Was the 1st Alabama -Florida Cavalry which contained at least one black officer and a few black enlisted men.

And serves With the CSA during the Civil War.
Blacks from Africa and Zanzibar, along with the French, MADE the slave trade. They maintained it for decades after it was illegal everywhere except the US, dumping cargo when the brits would catch them, raiding villages, selling undesirables as slaves.

People think it's an American phenomenon. It isn't. Not at all. We just happened to fight a war over it.
The solution to the issues in the middle east will not be Israel with its thumb on the entire region .. thus, solutions will have to be found somewhere in the middle.

It is entirely rational for jews to recognize what the Israeli government is doing is a stain on the state of Israel and it is entirely sane for jews to recognize that there is no long-term security to be found in atrocity .. and it is entirely irrational to believe that jews who take an opposing view want to be subjugated to Islamic rule. That is an irrational response to sane and rational people.

In my opinion the only solution there can be will be with a UN presence in the ME .. guaranteeing the safety and security of all. Most Israeli apologists reject any notion of a UN presence .. which in my opinion validates they never had peace and security in mind.

See, your characterizations are the problem. You see Israel as this evil empire. Israel doesn't have it's "thumb on the entire region". It's made peace with mosts of its neighbors except for those that don't want peace. You need to reassess your distaste for Israel.

Tell the terrorists to stop blowing up children and there can be a two-state solution. Heck, they could have had a two-state solution when Arafat was alive. You know what he said at the end, after taking tons of our foreign aid money? He said "I can't make peace or I'll end up drinking tea with Rabin". Did your pro-palestinian sites tell you that? Did they tell you how much of our money went into Suha's French bank account?

Stop blaming Israel for getting missiiles lobbed at it by sickos who think they're getting a bunch of virgins in paradise if they take a bunch of jews with them when they die. There was a reason that Golda Meier said there will only be peace when they love their children more than they hate Israel. She was right then. And she's right now.

As for your opinion on the State of Israel. No. It is not irrational to keep people from blowing up YOUR people. In fact, the government of Israel would not be doing its job if it DIDN'T defend its people.

Again, you wouldn't ask any other people to not respond to bombs being lobbed at it by terrorists. And I don't care how you re-define terrorists so it justifies dead israeli citizens. But you need to acknowledge that that is what you're doing.

No other country is asked to NOT respond to aggresors who want them dead. But Israel is evil if it protects its people? Pooh!
Shogun you are aware that roughly ten percent of the slave holders in the South were themselves of African decent? That They were voting in elections in the south long before the civil war and that the first mixed race military unit in America Was the 1st Alabama -Florida Cavalry which contained at least one black officer and a few black enlisted men.

And serves With the CSA during the Civil War.

I'm aware that none of that invalidates the fact of black subjugation for the first 80% of our nations history. There were also some jewish nazis. so what.
No one least of all me is claiming that the fact that Blacks were slave owners as well as slaves in this country validates the fact That slavery was practiced in this country for the first 60 odd years of it's two hundred years of existence. I am merely pointing out that Free blacks did indeed enjoy the same rights as everyone else in this country at least surprisingly enough in the slave holding south.
Black Slave Owners Civil War Article by Robert M Grooms
"According to federal census reports, on June 1, 1860 there were nearly 4.5 million Negroes in the United States, with fewer than four million of them living in the southern slaveholding states. Of the blacks residing in the South, 261,988 were not slaves. Of this number, 10,689 lived in New Orleans. The country's leading African American historian, Duke University professor John Hope Franklin, records that in New Orleans over 3,000 free Negroes owned slaves, or 28 percent of the free Negroes in that city.

To return to the census figures quoted above, this 28 percent is certainly impressive when compared to less than 1.4 percent of all American whites and less than 4.8 percent of southern whites. The statistics show that, when free, blacks disproportionately became slave masters."
HEY! That's a FANTASTIC Non Sequitur! Congrats. Blacks have always had the same rights as whites...

O Rly?


they've always begun at equity with everyone else;


the distinction being that governence, the far and away majority of which is black governence, has not always respected those rights, usurping them through the inherent power of government.


Noting that blacks are in posession of equal rights does not constitute hate... However, were one to mouth the equitable rights of blacks and in the same breath advocate policy which rejected the right of blacks to govern themselves, THAT WOULD CONSTITUTE HATE.

Blacks don't govern THEMSELVES in America, dude. America is a plural nation where ethnicity is no longer the prerequisite for equality. Enjoy those pics above.

For instance, if you were to claim that Blacks have a right to exist but they can't exist in a form which provides that they occupy a government of their own choosing in their own nation... you'd be squarely placing yourself in the ANTI-BLACK category.

I are not talking about some hypothetical black nation whose government is being molded by white people. Non sequiter, indeed. Now, did you want to get back to referring to actual states like the one WE live in or are you needing a few more minutes to drum up some bullshit real quick?

Much as you placed yourself in the pro-adult/child sexual advocacy category when you proclaimed the worldwide historic existance of homosexuals;


uh, because gays, you know... the MILLIONS of them, sure are out preying on kids, arent they??



advancing evidence which highlighted the adult male pursuit pof adolescent males for sexual relationships in those would-be homosexual communities...

OH yea, silly me.. I almost forgot that you were unaware of the actual history of Japan, Sparta, Greece, Rome etc.. duh.

sqaurely placing you in the category of the CHILD-FUCKER... the PERV DEGENERATE who is incapable of resisting your low base sexual instincts... one worthy of being beaten to death in the public square infull view of those who may tends towards your on craven deficiencies; so as to help them find their way right back into that cloister otherwise known as 'the closet.'

I wish to god you had the chance to put those big tough words from behind a keyboard to practice, dude. I would LOVE to see the look of incompetent rage boiling on your broke and bloody body laying in a ditch, yo. Your Matt Shepherd heroes may give you masturbation fodder after a late night of semi-erotic WWE reruns but your bluster and bravado is about as intimidating as your favorite "sport" is real, big macho man from beyond the interwebz.


It'snot a presumption child-fucker... it's a statement of fact and one which rests upon the incontestable easonadvanced as its foundation.

Again, I pray that you get your chance someday, little girl. Much like the first white dude to get his ass whupped after the 60s civil rights era you might just find yourself with a bleeding quivering lip and a few broken teeth.

Yes yes... 'everyone knows' that it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to translate an Arab who openly speaks of the Jew... much as it is impossible to interpret the meaning of the child molester's touch, as she caresses the private areas of some unsuspecting child who simply but erroneously trusts the degenerate to keep him safe.

por que? Are you conveying the reason why no one lets your nieces and nephews sit on your lap during the holidays? Dude, go iron your fucking hood and get off the internet before the feds come a knocking at your door.

The bad news PEDO-gun if it's not hard to translate Arabs, and when your hand is found down the pants of a 12 yr old, it's not difficult to realize that you're violating the trust of a child for your own pathetic wants... there's nothing complex about evil dipshit... it's exists in pure simplicity.

Ironically, my hands have never, now would they ever, be down the pants of a 12 year old.. you know, much like how your brain was never in an institution of education beyond that foul-breathed, awkward moment that your uncle made you promise to never speak about. Your opinion of evil is about as interesting and valid as the rest of your posts, dude.



Ohh.. Boo Hoo... Woe is the black race... They've been So set upon....

Of course that the black race presently has one of their own as the holder of the highest office on earth... they clearly need MORE; because they've had it TOUGH!... Unlike the Irish, the Italians, the Polish and so on.

I am so tired of hearing of the plight of the black man. The black man of the 19th century had a legitimate bitch; but were that man to witness the present plight and see his progeny run to the political rail to complain... I expect he'd be PINK with embarrassment as he watched those given EVERY CONCEIVABLE OPPORTUNITY... where individuals whose productivity was and is many orders of magnitude superior to that of the given black individual and despite that, FOR THE SAKE OF COMPENSATING... the black man is TIME AND AGAIN given well beyond the benefit of the doubt and the advantages given to the least qualifiedbased NOT ON THE CONTENT OF THEIR CHARACTER BUT THE ON THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN..., and despite ALL OF THAT... these intellectual charletons clambor on about how they're DISCRIMINATED AGAINST.

I PERSONALLY Don't give a red rat's ass what the colorof your skin is... IF YOU had not made it clear that you're a spade, I nor anyone else would have NO EARTHLY means to know... ALL I AM CONCERNED WITH IS YOUR IDEOLOGY... and if you're BLACK AS COAL... but recognize that the individual GOD GIVEN RIGHTS are ESSENTIAL TO FREEDOM and that without such an awareness that FREEDOM IS NOT POSSIBLE... We would be the BEST OF FRIENDS and the closests of allies.

By the same token... If there (and we can rest assured that there is...) an individual who is LILLY WHITE and demands they are entitled to another man labor; based upon little more than their existance... FUCK THEM AND THEIR ENTIRE HUMAN LINEAGE.

Bottom line... I don't give a rad rat's ass what color your skin is and I sure as FUCK don't care what pressure your ancestors suffered... ALL i care about is that YOU recognize and understand valic moral principle and that you govern yourself accordingly and if you fail.. I'm fully prepared to end your black and or white ass.
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if ONLY there were a way to take

I would not have had an objection to a legitimately consensual relationship between a 13 year old female and a 44 year old man.

out of context, eh?

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