Noam Chomsky on Obama and his Cabinet Selections

Sad to see how the Right venerates Buckley even after he demonstrated his poor debate skills and ideological beliefs.

The right venerated Buckley because he was an effective apologist for the imperialistic (basically cold war) mindset which dominated American government during the cold war era.

The right continues to fault Noam because he can rather effectively counter the arguments of Buckley with his own take on what history meant and why it played out in the way it did, too.

Depending upon the (largely unspoken, but nevertheless critical) presuppositions which each listener starts out with, one will decide which player in the above debate is the "winner".

This was on Firing Line in the rearly 70s, wasn't it?

I think I saw this program when it was first broadcast.

FWIW I think Chomsky debates more honestly that Buckley does, but they are both world class debaters, without a doubt.

FWIW part II, I think the above debate is bearly relevant to today's news.

Sinc eht fall of the Soviet Union, the plan has changed considerable.

During the cold war the masters of the free world were all about defeating the superpower of the Soviet.

NOW, the masters of the free world are all about defeating the power of the American people. I say it that way because those masters have long controlled our government, but not our people.

But forty years of stripping the American people of their wealth through free trade has just about finished off any chance that the American people will ever wrest control of their own government back from the master class which dominate both our poltical parties.

I'm not sure that Chomsky has yet come to the realization yet, that the next victim of the new world order demands the end of American souvereignty, but that IS the plan and it seems to be going swimmingly.

Incidently, this world wide depression we are headed into does not SEEM TO BE part of their plan. In fact, I think this depression really is an unplanned unwelcomed outcome of that goofy notion that deregulation is a good thing, and nothing more than that

I could be wrong about that, of course, because these people are terrible clever and capable of thinking in long term ways that are difficult to fathom from the sidelines where I'm sitting.

But, were I developing a master plan to neuter the nation states, a world wide depression at this time would not have been part of my plan.

That world wide depression would come later -- much later.

I wouldn't create a world wide depression until the nation states were more firmly under the control of the international organizations.

THEN that world wide depression would starve about half the world's population, and give the masters that ever popular excuse that

"We didn't kill all those people...the invisible hand of the market did"

Hey, I'm not too paranoid or anything, am I?
I never thought Obama was going to lean far to the left. I hoped he would be socially to the left, and fiscally and militarily moderate. You may not like that. But it's what I think he made it clear that is what he was all along. I think his choice of the good rev was surprising, but given that his entire campaign was based on getting rid of wedge issues and dealing with real issues, does it really surprise you? You're too smart to have been shocked, regardless of what you wanted him to do (not that he's actually DONE anything yet).

As for the main issue that I know sticks in your craw, that being Israel... well, all I have to say to that is that he stood in front of every jewish community group and promised he was a friend to Israel. Did you think he was lying when he said it? He wasn't lying about that any more than McCain was lying when he said he was opposed to reproductive choice. And, frankly, I know a lot of people who would be incredibly angry if they thought he lied about that.

Not hurting Israel is different from working toward peace... which I hope he does far more than Bush did (allowing condi free reign there only over the last 9 months). And I hope his ideas and those of his emissaries (e.g., Hillary) are better than Bill's ideas.

But it was only the rabid right who called him a far leftie... and that was nothing more than another one of their fantasies (like the whole "messiah" thing).

None of what Obama is surprises me in the least. I knew he's drop his pants and bend over for Israel. No surprises there.

I knew he was prowar and would not seek alternatives to militarism. No surprises there.

I knew he was bought and paid for by Wall Street. No surprises there either.

My comments about Obama does not come from shock or surprise, and I've been articulating exactly what he is before the primaries were even determined. The only surprise is how quickly and violently he dumped the fools on the left. I thought he would at least throw them a bone to keep them stupidfied .. yes, stupidfied.

You're a supporter of Israel, so I assume you have no problems with his militarism .. but I do. I'm antiwar all the time, not just when republicans do it.

Obama is America's first Jewish president .. and I applaud your accomplishment .. in fact, I welcome that designation and I hope history remembers him that way .. not as America's first black president.
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I could only wish that Obama was lying about his essentially unconditional support for Israel, and that the Right was telling the truth about his liberation theologist and socialist views. Sadly, this is not the case.

I agree.
None of what Obama is surprises me in the least. I knew he's drop his pants and bend over for Israel. No surprises there.

The characterization is offensive. Is that intentional? Would it have been better if he "bent over" for terrorists?

I knew he was prowar and would not seek alrenatives to militarism. No surprises there.

I don't think he's "pro-war"; But nor do I think he's peace at any price. Which is as it should be.

I knew he was bought and paid for by Wall Street. No surprises there either.

Bought and paid? I think we have a long way to go on that issue before I would make that kind of leap.

My comments about Obama does not come from shock or surprise, and I've been articulating exactly what he is before the primaries were even determined. The only surprise is how quickly and violently he dumped the fools on the left. I thought he would at least throw them a bone to keep them stupidfied .. yes, stupidfied.

I don't think he "dumped" anyone. I do think you WANT him to have dumped them so they lean more toward *your* particular ideology, btw, which was shown to have failed. Socialists told my grandfather that the world would be a better place with socialists in charge... lol... he thought that was pretty funny after the fact and ended up here. ... cause, of course, socialists were so much better to Jews than the Tzar. :eusa_liar:

You're a supporter of Israel, so I assume you have no problems with his militarism .. but I do. I'm antiwar all the time, not just when republicans do it.

I think people who are attacked by terrorists have the right to defend themselves against the terrorists. Israel has proven time and again that it makes peace when faced with a real partner in peace. A terrorist organization that wants its obliteration isn't that.

I know how that troubles you. But I continue to be firm in my belief that anyone who has a problem with one little Jewish state while having not a single issue with the 11 or so countries that wouldn't even let me past customs is not being honest about their motivations.

Obama is America's first Jewish president .. and I applaud your accomplishment .. in fact, I welcome that designation and I hope history remembers him that way .. not as America's first black president.

I'm ok with that... just as I was okay with Bill Clinton being our first "black president".

Sorry Obama isn't jew hating enough and hasn't bought into the BS "jews control the world" antisemetic conspiracies that extremists like to tout.
Shocking you was never my intent .. clarity was.

Well, if you'd tear yourself away from your pro-palestinian propaganda, you might find that the issue is far more complex than just big bad Israeli's (which was always a lot of trash)

Try a rational approach to the problem...and start accepting that Israel made peace with every country that was willing to make peace. The palestinians are being kept as thorns in the side of the arab world that the loonies don't turn their attention on Arab countries.

This is the legacy of the Arab world's Palestinian refugee policy, started 60 years ago, when the Arab League implemented special laws regarding Palestinians that all Arab countries had to abide by. Arab countries could not absorb Palestinians. Even if a Palestinian married a citizen of an Arab country, that Palestinian could not become a citizen of his or her spouse's country. A Palestinian can be born, live and die in an Arab country, but never gain its citizenship. Even now I receive e-mails from Palestinians telling me they cannot have a Syrian passport, for example, and must remain Palestinian even though they have never set foot in the West Bank or Gaza. Forcing the Palestinian identity on them is designed to perpetuate the Palestinian refugee status. Palestinians have been used and abused by Arab nations, and by Palestinian terrorists, for the purpose of destroying Israel.

The 22 Arab states certainly do not have a shortage of land. Many surrounding Arab areas, such as the Sinai Peninsula, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, are very sparsely populated. But absorbing Palestinians would end their refugee status and their desire to harm Israel.

Arab wealth, which is increasing dramatically because of skyrocketing oil prices, is not used to improve the lives, infrastructure and economy of the people of the West Bank and Gaza. Instead, it supports terror groups who reject Israel's existence and oppose peace with Israel. The average Gaza man has a better employment opportunity if he joins Hamas.

Gazans' breach of their checkpoint with Egypt in January, orchestrated by Hamas, is a result of the Palestinian refugee policy. The checkpoints on the Arab side of Gaza could not keep the inmates inside. The Arab plan to overpopulate Gaza exploded in the wrong direction. After this explosion, Suleiman Awwad, an Egyptian administration spokesman, said, "Egypt is a respected state, its border cannot be breached and its soldiers should not be lobbed with stones." In other words, Egypt is not like Israel, which is a disrespected state. Gazans should not direct the violence at Egypt, only at Israel. This is Arab conventional wisdom.

Last month Hamas threatened to bring 40,000 Palestinians, primarily children and women, to the Gaza border with Israel to protest Israel's restrictions on Gaza. Some Hamas leaders hinted they would send these protestors to breach the border, once again demonstrating that the Palestinian terrorists have no qualms about endangering the lives of innocent people -- Israelis or Palestinians. Fortunately, only 5,000 showed up.

But Hamas did succeed two days later in killing an Israeli: a 47 year-old father of four during a rocket attack from Gaza while he was sitting in his car next to Sapir College near Sderot. Two weeks earlier, two Israeli brothers, Osher and Rami Twito, ages 8 and 19, were seriously injured by a rocket from Gaza while buying their father a birthday present. Osher's left leg had to be amputated.

Israel completely left Gaza in August 2005. In May and June 2007, Hamas waged war against its Palestinian brothers in Fatah to gain control of Gaza. Hamas intensified its rockets attacks on Israeli towns, compelling Israel to take economic and military measures against Gaza. Hamas has become a danger not only to Israel, but to Palestinians and to neighboring Arab countries, as well. Nevertheless, the Arab world still refuses to see its role in creating this monster. It is difficult to find a similar situation in human history: the intentional creation of a refugee status for a million and a half people, sustained for 60 years. The Arab world has cut its nose to spite its face.

The world needs to understand that this dangerous mess started when 22 Arab countries agreed to create a human prison called the Gaza Strip. Arabs claim they love the Palestinian people, but they seem more interested in sacrificing them. It is time for the Arab world to open their side of the borders and absorb the Arabs of the West Bank and Gaza who wish to be absorbed. It is time for the Arab world to truly help the Palestinians, not use them.

Nonie Darwish: The Gaza Prison Camp
The characterization is offensive. Is that intentional? Would it have been better if he "bent over" for terrorists?

Make no mistake about it .. it was absolutely intentional. My inclination is to be even more graphic about his bending over for Israel, but I passed because I'm talking to you.

I don't think he's "pro-war"; But nor do I think he's peace at any price. Which is as it should be.

Fine .. you don't think he's prowar .. I'll remember that when the body bags start coming home with his name on them.

Bought and paid? I think we have a long way to go on that issue before I would make that kind of leap.

That's because you haven't paid as much attention to this as I have .. else you would have known that he got about the same percentage of contributions from small donors as Bush did in 2004 .. and you would have known of his relationshp with Wall Street, who were his biggest donors, and the vast sums of money that funneled to his campaign. I know, ignore it.

If you didn't pick up on that when he rushed to support giving away a trillion dollars to Wall Street then no amount of evidence would convince you anyway.

I don't think he "dumped" anyone. I do think you WANT him to have dumped them so they lean more toward *your* particular ideology, btw, which was shown to have failed. Socialists told my grandfather that the world would be a better place with socialists in charge... lol... he thought that was pretty funny after the fact and ended up here. ... cause, of course, socialists were so much better to Jews than the Tzar. :eusa_liar:

It comes as no surprise that you don't think he dumped anyone .. name the people on the left he has in his administration? .. I know, ignore that.

I don't speak for all socialists or socialism throughout history anymore than you can account for what jews have done. Irrespective of your grandfather .. how were europeans to Jews? .. I know. Ignore it.

I think people who are attacked by terrorists have the right to defend themselves against the terrorists. Israel has proven time and again that it makes peace when faced with a real partner in peace. A terrorist organization that wants its obliteration isn't that.

I know how that troubles you. But I continue to be firm in my belief that anyone who has a problem with one little Jewish state while having not a single issue with the 11 or so countries that wouldn't even let me past customs is not being honest about their motivations.

No need for us to even engage about this issue frankly. I beleieve Israel has committed incredible atrocities against innocent people and children with the nod of the US .. and much of the world believes it as well, including a great many jews. I guess we''ll see if Israel can continue to exist in its present militaristic form and if the US can continue to support the welfare state of zionism. I continue to be firm in my belief that neither is true.

I'm ok with that... just as I was okay with Bill Clinton being our first "black president".

Sorry Obama isn't jew hating enough and hasn't bought into the BS "jews control the world" antisemetic conspiracies that extremists like to tout.


That is stupid and beneath you.

Am I a "jew-hater?"

Any jew who disagrees with Israel is a "self-hating" jew .. and anybody who has an opinion different than yours on Israel is a "jew-hater" .. you sure you're not a right-winger? You sure like their tactics.

One question that you continually run from and have yet to answer .. if Obama had as many Arabs in his administration as jews .. would you have a problem with that?
Well, if you'd tear yourself away from your pro-palestinian propaganda, you might find that the issue is far more complex than just big bad Israeli's (which was always a lot of trash)

Try a rational approach to the problem...and start accepting that Israel made peace with every country that was willing to make peace. The palestinians are being kept as thorns in the side of the arab world that the loonies don't turn their attention on Arab countries.

With all due respect, you have no moral position to suggest I "tear myself away" from anything. You are an Israeli apologist and nothing I post will change that. We can play dueling posts that support our respective positions all day long .. and I can post evidence of the atrocities against civilians in Jenin, Lebanon, and elsewhere .. but I'm under no illusion that you'd give a damn.

Try seperating yourself from your own biases before you presume to challenge anyone else's.
Isreal is SUCH a lightening rod, isn't it?

BAC, I am surprised at you.

Obama is the first "Jewish" POTUS?

His policies toward Isreal will be not essantially different from any POTUS since Truman.

This place has gone completely mad with anti-Isrealism, which seemed to pique the latent anti-Semitism in some of us.

Of course that is also exactly why this issue keeps coming up, too... to do exactly that.

American foreign policy is fucking with people all over the world, but because it is also fucking with the Isreali-Paletinian issue, our POTUS is the first Jewish president?

Take a deep breathe, BAC and ask yourself if you haven't just been played by your (not entirely unreasonable) disgust for our policies re: Isreal, into something that I think you are probably not...a Jew hater.

Do the pro-Isreali factions distort American foreign policy for it's benefit?

To be sure. America has been allied to Isreal since 1948 unquestionably, and I think from an America-first viewpoint, unwisely, too.

But does our entire foreign policy hinge on that single issue?

Not hardly.

The continued existence of Isreal and our support of it is, I think, just part of a grander world order vision that is unfolding and has been unfolding since the fall of the Soviet Union.

And Del returns to Ignore... after 48 minutes and three posts which finds she hasn't grown one intellectual iota from when she was originally sentenced...

Del... FTR: Off Topic :offtopic: is a phrase which speaks to your comment having no relevance to the issue at hand... When you're told this once its understandable... anyone can do it... when you're told this twice, it's a fair sign you're an idiot... when you're told this thrice... it's a certainty that you're a complete veg...

Now back to the abyss of ignorance ya vacuous little nuisance...


that's nice.

Wow... Four spammings and STILL just can't get the ole' noodle around this elemental concept.

LOL... Now how sad is THAT?
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Isreal is SUCH a lightening rod, isn't it?

BAC, I am surprised at you.

Obama is the first "Jewish" POTUS?

His policies toward Isreal will be not essantially different from any POTUS since Truman.

This place has gone completely mad with anti-Isrealism, which seemed to pique the latent anti-Semitism in some of us.

Of course that is also exactly why this issue keeps coming up, too... to do exactly that.

American foreign policy is fucking with people all over the world, but because it is also fucking with the Isreali-Paletinian issue, our POTUS is the first Jewish president?

Take a deep breathe, BAC and ask yourself if you haven't just been played by your (not entirely unreasonable) disgust for our policies re: Isreal, into something that I think you are probably not...a Jew hater.

Do the pro-Isreali factions distort American foreign policy for it's benefit?

To be sure. America has been allied to Isreal since 1948 unquestionably, and I think from an America-first viewpoint, unwisely, too.

But does our entire foreign policy hinge on that single issue?

Not hardly.

The continued existence of Isreal and our support of it is, I think, just part of a grander world order vision that is unfolding and has been unfolding since the fall of the Soviet Union.

Frankly, I'm surprised by you.

Are you surprised by this ...

Barack Obama: The first Jewish president?
Barack Obama: The first Jewish president? --

Martin Lewis: America's First Jewish President
Martin Lewis: Barack Obama: America's First Jewish President!

Harold Pollack: Obama's Worst Kept Secret of the Campaign

Some years ago, Nobel author Toni Morrison revealed that Bill Clinton was America's first black president. In that spirit, I feel that I must reveal an uncannily similar secret: Barack Obama, if elected, would be our nation's first Jewish president.
Harold Pollack: Now It Must Be Told: Barack Obama's Worst-Kept Secret of the Campaign

NOTE: He wrote that almost a year BEFORE Obama was elected.

Barack Obama: America's First Jewish President
Barack Obama - America's First Jewish President  

I could go on and on .. and on. Is there any question why he didn't even want to be photographed with muslims?

JEWS are calling Obama the first jewish president .. yet you're surprised that I would do so? Why would that be?

To your rational question of if I believe our entire foreign policy hinges on Israel? .. No, I do not .. much of our foreign policy hinges on oil and pipelines. However, the foreign policy that does hinge on Israel, like Iran, is dangerous .. even more dangerous than our invasion of Iraq.

I do not believe that ANY foreign government should have the lock on our government that Israel has .. a lock that even people as intelligeent and aware as you are seem to ignore or accept as business as usual.

Germaine to the topic of this thread, about 35% of his administration comes from less than 2% of the population. EVERY single person he conmsidered for Treasury came from that same less than 2% .. even though. as evidenced today, that stewardship has been proven flawed.

Questions of American government controlled by Israel are sane and rational, but have been censored by the false label of "antisemitism" and a lack of courage among Americans to ask sane questions and demand sane answers.

I am not a "jew-hater" as Jillian implies .. I am simply unafraid to ask sane questions .. seemingly, all by myself here.
Socialists told my grandfather that the world would be a better place with socialists in charge... lol... he thought that was pretty funny after the fact and ended up here. ... cause, of course, socialists were so much better to Jews than the Tzar. :eusa_liar:

Again this is mentioned. As Chomsky himself has noted, the Soviet Union was not a "socialist" country in any legitimate sense of the word. As socialism necessitates the collective ownership of the means of production, and no valid form of collective "ownership" is promoted by authoritarian control by a bureaucratic elite, the Soviet Union fails to qualify as socialistic, and would better be described as a state capitalist country.
Frankly, I'm surprised by you.

Are you surprised by this ...

Barack Obama: The first Jewish president?
Barack Obama: The first Jewish president? --

Martin Lewis: America's First Jewish President
Martin Lewis: Barack Obama: America's First Jewish President!

Harold Pollack: Obama's Worst Kept Secret of the Campaign

Some years ago, Nobel author Toni Morrison revealed that Bill Clinton was America's first black president. In that spirit, I feel that I must reveal an uncannily similar secret: Barack Obama, if elected, would be our nation's first Jewish president.
Harold Pollack: Now It Must Be Told: Barack Obama's Worst-Kept Secret of the Campaign

NOTE: He wrote that almost a year BEFORE Obama was elected.

Barack Obama: America's First Jewish President
Barack Obama - America's First Jewish President**

I could go on and on .. and on. Is there any question why he didn't even want to be photographed with muslims?

JEWS are calling Obama the first jewish president .. yet you're surprised that I would do so? Why would that be?

To your rational question of if I believe our entire foreign policy hinges on Israel? .. No, I do not .. much of our foreign policy hinges on oil and pipelines. However, the foreign policy that does hinge on Israel, like Iran, is dangerous .. even more dangerous than our invasion of Iraq.

I do not believe that ANY foreign government should have the lock on our government that Israel has .. a lock that even people as intelligeent and aware as you are seem to ignore or accept as business as usual.

Germaine to the topic of this thread, about 35% of his administration comes from less than 2% of the population. EVERY single person he conmsidered for Treasury came from that same less than 2% .. even though. as evidenced today, that stewardship has been proven flawed.

Questions of American government controlled by Israel are sane and rational, but have been censored by the false label of "antisemitism" and a lack of courage among Americans to ask sane questions and demand sane answers.

I am not a "jew-hater" as Jillian implies .. I am simply unafraid to ask sane questions .. seemingly, all by myself here.

I don't give a flying fuck WHO agrees with you BAC, the premise that Obama is the first Jewish POTUS is absurd.

Germaine to the topic of this thread, about 35% of his administration comes from less than 2% of the population. EVERY single person he conmsidered for Treasury came from that same less than 2% .. even though. as evidenced today, that stewardship has been proven flawed.

My guess would be 90% of all Doctors and Dentists I have ever gone to were Jews, too.

Does this make me the first Jewish Editec?

And if others POTUS filled their cabinets with people named SMITH and JONES does anyone accuse that POTUS of being the first ENGLISH POTUS?

Your position is not supported by logic, amigo.

You and I agree that American foreign policy is pro-Israeli often to the detriment of America, but the position regarding Obama as being the first Jewish POTUS is inflammatory and, to be frank, overtly racist.
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PubliusInfinitum said:
And Del returns to Ignore... after 48 minutes and three posts which finds she hasn't grown one intellectual iota from when she was originally sentenced...

Del... FTR: Off Topic is a phrase which speaks to your comment having no relevance to the issue at hand... When you're told this once its understandable... anyone can do it... when you're told this twice, it's a fair sign you're an idiot... when you're told this thrice... it's a certainty that you're a complete veg...

Now back to the abyss of ignorance ya vacuous little nuisance...

Publius Infinitum said:

Wow... Four spammings and STILL just can't get the ole' noodle around this elemental concept.

LOL... Now how sad is THAT?

you forgot to call me "she"
you're slipping, pubic.

:offtopic::offtopic::offtopic::offtopic: :offtopic:

Oh Sis... your feminine qualities are shining through with astounding brilliance.
It's sad to see Jews rant on about how Jews who take thoughtful, rational positions on issues must be anti-Semitic or "self-hating" because they don't parrot the party line. It's genuinely appalling when done to Norman Finkelstein, the son of Holocaust survivors.
The anti-semites best friend! Finkelstein's father would be embarrassed and ashamed of little Norm! If fact little Norm, a long wih Chomsky, is one of the worst of the worst self-haters! No wonder you bigots like him so much! :eusa_eh:

You are far more anti-Semitic than the individuals that you deride as being so, because you assume that all Jews conform to one stereotype of being unconditional supporters of Israel.
LOL, coming from a self-describe anarchist, I will take that as a complement! :lol:

Firstly, Obama was a Senator, not a Congressman, but your claim squares well with your knowledge of the facts.
Hey dumbass, there are 2 houses of Congress, the Senate and the House of Representatives. If you are a member of either house You ARE a Congressman!

Secondly, the National Journal rating of Barack Obama as the "most liberal" member of the Senate ignores the rather fundamental fact that Democratic presidential candidates may skew left on National Journal's rankings due to their larger number of missed votes, and consequent missed opportunities to vote "yea" on things that would shift them right. (Such as Obama missing the vote on the Peru trade agreement he publicly supported).
Either way he was ranked highly on liberal side, so even if he is not the most liberal he falls in with that crowd!

There's also the fact that voting records don't coincide perfectly with ideological beliefs. For instance, Chris Dodd was ranked "23rd most liberal" for casting four "conservative" votes last year. Two of those were where he voted against setting a timetable for Iraq... because he wanted to set an even more aggressive timetable.

Please stop. Legitimate leftists and socialists are offended by your claims that Obama is one of us. He's a mixed-market capitalist, just like the rest of the Democrats and Republicans are.
I hope to god that he is a mixed market capitalist and so far I like his appointments, even Clinton is not too horrible (although I rather see someone else). But the guys has firmly been on the left for a while, I say wait until the guy is in the WH before the left cries foul on Obama's turn to the middle!

Noam Chomsky is an anarchist, not a communist, though he is likely an anarcho-communist. That being said, I suspect you were using the term to claim that he was a Marxist. But please. Enlighten us all with your wisdom about Marxist Muslims. :cuckoo:
Chomsky's an anarchist, so not only is he an :ahole-1: he is :cuckoo:! I'm sorry, but any form of government is better than no government. Anarcho-communist! LOL, on another board a not as delussional as you member tried to convince me that this is a legitimate theory. It actually a paradox mixed with utter stupidity!
The anti-semites best friend! Finkelstein's father would be embarrassed and ashamed of little Norm! If fact little Norm, a long wih Chomsky, is one of the worst of the worst self-haters! No wonder you bigots like him so much! :eusa_eh:

Clearly, you haven't read The Holocaust Industry. As Holocaust survivors themselves, Finkelstein's parents resented the usage of the Holocaust as a political tool to justify Israeli atrocities as offensive. I would advise you to actually familiarize yourself with the man's views before attempting to "rebut" them.

LOL, coming from a self-describe anarchist, I will take that as a complement! :lol:

You don't even know what anarchism is, so I'd advise you to devote your comments to more constructive areas.

Hey dumbass, there are 2 houses of Congress, the Senate and the House of Representatives. If you are a member of either house You ARE a Congressman!

Idiot. The term "congressman" is essentially never used to refer to U.S. Senators, and is largely regarded as being synonymous with "Representative."

The Almighty Wikipedia said:
It is important to note that although it is technically a term for members of either house, "Congressman/woman" is used almost exclusively to refer to members of the House in the United States in formal address. Indeed, it would likely be considered a faux pas to refer to a member of the United States Senate as "Congressman/Congresswoman" instead of Senator.

Please familiarize yourself with modern usage of these terms before blathering on inanely.

Either way he was ranked highly on liberal side, so even if he is not the most liberal he falls in with that crowd!

Obama isn't a very strong "leftist," let alone a socialist, as some lunatics claim. He supported Slick Willie's "welfare reform," has a somewhat ambiguous position on NAFTA, secured the building of a fence on the Mexican border, supports the death penalty in some cases, supports Bush's "faith based initiatives," supports an increase in military forces, voted in favor of a bill that granted retroactive immunity to participants in Bush's wiretapping program, supports Israel unconditionally, including his support of sole Isreali possession of Jerusalem, routinely threatens Iran in the right-wing tradition, also supported Georgia's attack on South Ossetia, and supports the Patriot Act.

It must be frustrating to confront factual evidence that clearly contradicts a party line that you chose to parrot.

I hope to god that he is a mixed market capitalist and so far I like his appointments, even Clinton is not too horrible (although I rather see someone else). But the guys has firmly been on the left for a while, I say wait until the guy is in the WH before the left cries foul on Obama's turn to the middle!

Obama didn't "turn" to the middle after his campaign; he represented such a position to begin with, promoting the expansion of neoliberalism and essentially unconditional support of Israel during his campaign.

Chomsky's an anarchist, so not only is he an :ahole-1: he is :cuckoo:! I'm sorry, but any form of government is better than no government. Anarcho-communist! LOL, on another board a not as delussional as you member tried to convince me that this is a legitimate theory. It actually a paradox mixed with utter stupidity!

Do you even know what a "paradox" is? Have you read any Kropotkin whatsoever? The Conquest of Bread, Mutual Aid, or anything else? Please do not attempt to comment on political theories and philosophies that you know nothing about.

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