Zone1 No Wonder Why I Had Doubts In God's Existence Before

The more literal translation instead of 'soul' would be 'breath'. Recall in Genesis God's breath gave life to mankind. God's breath contained no wickedness because there is no wickedness in God as God rejected wickedness for Himself and His purposes. The wicked cannot get close to God because His very being rejects wickedness in what He does and who He is.
And yet there are those with life/breath that do know wickedness. Because our soul and the breath that gave life, and the human spirit are intertwined but not interchangeable. God breathed life into the first man. Man gave life to man after that.
Nevertheless, each and every one of us, the righteous and the wicked, has a human soul that is eternal.
We have a body, a soul, which is who and what you are, your thoughts, your desires, your memories, etc. and a spirit, which is who you are in your relationship with God. And if you ask, God will give you a portion of His Spirit. They are not all one in the same. Unless man translates what is said into what they find easier to understand.
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And yet there are those with life/breath that do know wickedness.
Quite true. We all inherit human brokenness as well. God is Father, Creator, Model. We should all be aware of what can exist in His presence and what cannot.
physiology may be an equation covering the extent of a football field in difficulty to produce - does not mean it does not exist ... and does, the example is all living beings.

what can not be reproduced is the spiritual content the allows the physiology to become alive. without the knowledge of the heavens that makes that possible.

without heavenly intervention - is why there will never be a testube life form.
All living beings are made up of living cells. Those cells are created by molecules that have to fit together and function and there are literally billions in one living cell and mega billions of connections to be made. They are put together ss a pattern by such things a ribosomes which we cannot make either. Ribosomes are a catalyst that makes patterns which represents intelligent design, IMO. You can take the same ingredients and throw them together and create nothing but muck. You can throw them together and run an electric current through them, same result, no life, zilch, 0. You can irradiate them, still no life.
Psalm 11:5 puts it bluntly: God hates wicked people. “The LORD tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence”.

sure, as in an unjust crucifixion ... by the way never brought to justice, so much for christians and their c-bible.

sports is violence so is gin rummy ... and heavenly for all that is known - save the desert religions and their phony scriptures.
No god has ever been universally accepted because all of the people on the Earth have never and still do not worship the same god

not sure that is not so - for something - as the gratitude for life and its miracle, universally - your qualifier is the desert religions as the example of false beliefs.

polytheism is the answer than monotheism by the ability to characterize the many facets of the heavens - which again is not the objective of most who claim to be monotheistic than their own self interest.
same result, no life

well, that's because the spiritual content that gives physiology its life remains a secret of the heavens ... those metaphysical forces will be very difficult to quantify into an operational application.

- isn't ever going to happen. can be done only in the heavens. where life on earth came from.
well, that's because the spiritual content that gives physiology its life remains a secret of the heavens ... those metaphysical forces will be very difficult to quantify into an operational application.

- isn't ever going to happen. can be done only in the heavens. where life on earth came from.
Well we know life cannot arise from a primordial puddle. Belief is a viable alternative.
Nope. it means what it says.

I think God is loving and forgiving of anybody that repents and turns away from their sin.
And then there are those who are just plain wicked.
Do you honestly believe God loved Jezebel? How do you interpret God having her eaten by dogs? Where is the love?
The dogs shall devour the flesh of Jezebel in the field of Jezreel; and the carcass of Jezebel shall be like dung on the ground, in the field of Jezreel, so that none will be able to say: ‘This was Jezebel’” (2 Kings 9:36–37).

I'm not feeling the love there.
See God as hateful and uncaring then. It doesn't affect me at all.
Who else's fault would it be that god is immoral and evil?

I mean, we could say its the fault if the people who invented him that way, but we were assuming the bible god as true for the sake of discussion.
I have no idea why you would base your arguments on a book you don't believe. Seems sort of illogical. Hell I wouldn't believe in the God you have constructed in your mind.
And asserting you don't know either, regardless of your wild, absurd, and unfounded claims.
You can't make that claim. To make that claim would require you to know what was right. And you don't. You're agnostic, right?
No you don't that problem, once you leave reality behind, anything is possible.
Hell, I've been trying to logically discuss reality with you. I'm thinking you aren't really interested in hearing opposing ideas. Cause it makes perfect logic to say if the continuous presence of mind created space and time such that beings that know and create would arise that what was created would indeed be evidence that should be evaluated. But apparently you can't see this logic and want to just skip the analysis all together. So just run along. Cause I'll just keep pointing out how disingenuous you are behaving.
I gave you my list. It is based on objective reality of our universe with evidence to support each one though I doubt you will take issue with any of them. You look at the universe and image it the way you wish it to be, not the way it is. How else could you possibly claim the universe shows that God is merciful or any of the others you named. He may exist and be all the things you claimed but using the 'invisible' attributes of the universe is a major cop out.
That list was a joke. You have no perception of God other than he doesn't exist. Atheism is an intellectual dead end. It doesn't take any intellect to have no beliefs. It's the perfect religion for the intellectually weak.
He’s alright. He has never bothered me. What makes you think I hate Him?

I don’t hate the god that you made up. He seems awesome. He does everything you want. Although that sounds more like a servant than a god.
It's so obvious.
Funny. I was born in 1979. What day did this happen? You don’t have to give an exact date. A rough estimate will do.
You do it every day of your life. Metaphorically. He did it for real ~2000 years ago because he has a wicked sense of humor. Jokes on you, bro. He beat you to it cause he knew you would.
I was talking about the God in the Bible. I’d be terrified of that god for sure. Which god are you talking about? Yours? Sorry. I was talking about a different one. I was talking about the god in the Bible. I’d be totally afraid of Him. The god you talk about would obey my every command. I wouldn’t be afraid of Him. He’d be my buddy. We’d drink coffee together and have a hoot and a holler. He’d be my advisor and best friend. You are an atheist of the god I am talking about. You think the god in the Bible is a big ole joke. That god will burn your ass in hell for eternity for picking up some sticks on Saturday. Have you ever been honest before? There isn’t a person in the entire world that believes in the god in the Bible. You and I are on the same page in regards to that god and the ancient Egyptian gods.
Don't really care. I'm not your therapist. And your ill informed and grossly negligent interpretations generate zero fucks from me. I'm not the droid you are looking for. I'm the droid that is pumping you. :)
Really? Then why keep asking me what evidence of the existence of a god I would accept?

And a belief without evidence is just a a theory, an opinion or a wish.
Because you are the idiot asking for it. I'm glad you can't experience the power of faith.
That list was a joke. You have no perception of God other than he doesn't exist. Atheism is an intellectual dead end. It doesn't take any intellect to have no beliefs. It's the perfect religion for the intellectually weak.
As I kinda said, they believe life came from a primordial puddle. They have no interest in what that would take, no intellectual curiosity at all. They don't study their own science. Scientific logic shows that none of what we see, feel and experience can come about by accident. After all, even atoms have ordered specific weights, qualities and reactions. How does a ribosome know what parts of molecules to assemble, what connections, etc. to create a living organism? These are scientific questions they just avoid by spewing atheistic slogans.

Their logic is like gathering all the parts to a car, put it in your garage and have it self assemble into a working vehicle.
"If I say, with Eddington, “the stuff of the world is mind‑stuff,” that has a metaphysical ring. But if I say that ultimate reality is expressed in the solutions of the equations of quantum mechanics, quantum electrodynamics, and quantum field theory -- that sounds like good, modern physics. Yet what are those equations, indeed what is mathematics, but mind‑stuff? -- virtually the ultimate in mind‑stuff and for that reason deeply mysterious." George Wald

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