No Wonder President Biden And Democrats Wanted To Run Back To And Rejoin The WHO


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Investigation Finds WHO Employees Raped or Sexually

Abused Dozens of Women During Congo Ebola Crisis;

Higher-ups “Were Aware” of the Rampant Abuse “But Did Not Act”

"According to a shocking new report that was released on Tuesday, Eighty-three ‘humanitarian’ aid workers, including several that were employed by the World Health Organization (WHO), committed horrific sex abuse and exploitation while they were stationed in the Democratic Republic of Congo during the country’s 2018-2020 Ebola outbreak.

The report was compiled by an independent commission that looked into the allegations after the Thompson Reuters Foundation and The New Humanitarian uncovered over 50 accusations of sexual abuse by aid workers that had been submitted last year."

'Many of the offenders did not use any form of protection, which caused 29 of the victimized women to become pregnant. Several of the women were even forced to have an abortion by their abusers in order to cover their crimes.'

higher-ups at the WHO “were aware of what was going on and did not act.”

Sexually Abusing
Lying / Manipulating
CCP Protecting
Pandemic Cover-up

President Trump has been proven right again...

‘CCP protecting’ means that the communist Chinese are the WHO’s handlers, the WHO is the CDC’s handlers, and Fau Chi knows that the most important secret linking ebola and SARS-CoV-2 is that their reservoirs in nature are unknown (to most).
WHO is a worthless organization. They lied their asses off for China during the beginning of the pandemic. That's why the US quit that organization.

Dumbass Biden had the US rejoin it. More tax dollars down the drain.

Investigation Finds WHO Employees Raped or Sexually

Abused Dozens of Women During Congo Ebola Crisis;

Higher-ups “Were Aware” of the Rampant Abuse “But Did Not Act”

"According to a shocking new report that was released on Tuesday, Eighty-three ‘humanitarian’ aid workers, including several that were employed by the World Health Organization (WHO), committed horrific sex abuse and exploitation while they were stationed in the Democratic Republic of Congo during the country’s 2018-2020 Ebola outbreak.

The report was compiled by an independent commission that looked into the allegations after the Thompson Reuters Foundation and The New Humanitarian uncovered over 50 accusations of sexual abuse by aid workers that had been submitted last year."

'Many of the offenders did not use any form of protection, which caused 29 of the victimized women to become pregnant. Several of the women were even forced to have an abortion by their abusers in order to cover their crimes.'

higher-ups at the WHO “were aware of what was going on and did not act.”

Sexually Abusing
Lying / Manipulating
CCP Protecting
Pandemic Cover-up

President Trump has been proven right again...

10% for the Big Guy

Investigation Finds WHO Employees Raped or Sexually

Abused Dozens of Women During Congo Ebola Crisis;

Higher-ups “Were Aware” of the Rampant Abuse “But Did Not Act”

"According to a shocking new report that was released on Tuesday, Eighty-three ‘humanitarian’ aid workers, including several that were employed by the World Health Organization (WHO), committed horrific sex abuse and exploitation while they were stationed in the Democratic Republic of Congo during the country’s 2018-2020 Ebola outbreak.

The report was compiled by an independent commission that looked into the allegations after the Thompson Reuters Foundation and The New Humanitarian uncovered over 50 accusations of sexual abuse by aid workers that had been submitted last year."

'Many of the offenders did not use any form of protection, which caused 29 of the victimized women to become pregnant. Several of the women were even forced to have an abortion by their abusers in order to cover their crimes.'

higher-ups at the WHO “were aware of what was going on and did not act.”

Sexually Abusing
Lying / Manipulating
CCP Protecting
Pandemic Cover-up

President Trump has been proven right again...

How about that "clean start" policy folk?

Workin' great, wouldn't you say?

Investigation Finds WHO Employees Raped or Sexually

Abused Dozens of Women During Congo Ebola Crisis;

Higher-ups “Were Aware” of the Rampant Abuse “But Did Not Act”

"According to a shocking new report that was released on Tuesday, Eighty-three ‘humanitarian’ aid workers, including several that were employed by the World Health Organization (WHO), committed horrific sex abuse and exploitation while they were stationed in the Democratic Republic of Congo during the country’s 2018-2020 Ebola outbreak.

The report was compiled by an independent commission that looked into the allegations after the Thompson Reuters Foundation and The New Humanitarian uncovered over 50 accusations of sexual abuse by aid workers that had been submitted last year."

'Many of the offenders did not use any form of protection, which caused 29 of the victimized women to become pregnant. Several of the women were even forced to have an abortion by their abusers in order to cover their crimes.'

higher-ups at the WHO “were aware of what was going on and did not act.”

Sexually Abusing
Lying / Manipulating
CCP Protecting
Pandemic Cover-up

President Trump has been proven right again...

i never had sex with that woman ms lewinsky

Investigation Finds WHO Employees Raped or Sexually

Abused Dozens of Women During Congo Ebola Crisis;

Higher-ups “Were Aware” of the Rampant Abuse “But Did Not Act”

"According to a shocking new report that was released on Tuesday, Eighty-three ‘humanitarian’ aid workers, including several that were employed by the World Health Organization (WHO), committed horrific sex abuse and exploitation while they were stationed in the Democratic Republic of Congo during the country’s 2018-2020 Ebola outbreak.

The report was compiled by an independent commission that looked into the allegations after the Thompson Reuters Foundation and The New Humanitarian uncovered over 50 accusations of sexual abuse by aid workers that had been submitted last year."

'Many of the offenders did not use any form of protection, which caused 29 of the victimized women to become pregnant. Several of the women were even forced to have an abortion by their abusers in order to cover their crimes.'

higher-ups at the WHO “were aware of what was going on and did not act.”

Sexually Abusing
Lying / Manipulating
CCP Protecting
Pandemic Cover-up

President Trump has been proven right again...

That's no surprise. The UN is one of the worst abusers of women. Their sex abuses in the Balkans during the Civil wars there are well documented.

The UN needs to be ABOLISHED.

Investigation Finds WHO Employees Raped or Sexually

Abused Dozens of Women During Congo Ebola Crisis;

Higher-ups “Were Aware” of the Rampant Abuse “But Did Not Act”

"According to a shocking new report that was released on Tuesday, Eighty-three ‘humanitarian’ aid workers, including several that were employed by the World Health Organization (WHO), committed horrific sex abuse and exploitation while they were stationed in the Democratic Republic of Congo during the country’s 2018-2020 Ebola outbreak.

The report was compiled by an independent commission that looked into the allegations after the Thompson Reuters Foundation and The New Humanitarian uncovered over 50 accusations of sexual abuse by aid workers that had been submitted last year."

'Many of the offenders did not use any form of protection, which caused 29 of the victimized women to become pregnant. Several of the women were even forced to have an abortion by their abusers in order to cover their crimes.'

higher-ups at the WHO “were aware of what was going on and did not act.”

Sexually Abusing
Lying / Manipulating
CCP Protecting
Pandemic Cover-up

President Trump has been proven right again...

libs love the who both are rotten with corruption

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