No single birthplace of mankind says scientist

Africa bros you lose again

As far as I can see this idea is not compatible with the theory of evolution. I guess they make a wrong use of mathematics. Example for such a wrong use of mathematics: Everyone has 2 parents and 4 grandparents and so on. They spoke here about 300,000 years and when I calculate a generation with 25 years (average age of a mother when she bears a baby) then 300,000 years are 12,000 generations. 2^ 12000 are about 2.29 * 10^3621 grand grand ... parents. But: Never so many people existed.

I heard the eldest campfire they ever found is about 1.5 million years old. And I heard ist exists a plausible hypothese that the first campfire at all is perhaps about 2 million years old. I know something very sure: Who was a member of the group of people who sat the first time around a campfire 60,000 or 80,000 generations ago - they are our ancestors. And they have also not 2^60000 or 2^80000 descendents today

This scientist?....

A very honorful man. Not my ancestor - but nevertheless a very honorful man and scientist.

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