No sane country’ would allow anchor babies or reward illegals

nobody is "ignoring" anything dullard; we are saying it is being misinterpreted

OH AND IF ANYBODY is showing hypocrisy here it is you left-wingers who always say the Constitution is a living breathing document that needs to change with the times. we arent saying change it; we are saying it was NEVER meant to be interpreted this way

It is a living breathing document, and I'm open to changing it. But nothing is being misinterpreted by anyone except by you and the rest of the in-breds.

I ALWAYS take exception to the notion that our Constitution has somehow obtained DNA and become an organic entity! IT IS NOT! Though, the foolish and misinformed idea of the 20th Century that it is a "living" document endures to this time owing to folk lore passed down.

The Constitution is ONLY and PRIMARILARLY a SOCIAL CONTRACT binding the People together so they may govern themselves in some semblance of harmony, which was not a reality under the old Confederation! ANY changes made between the four corners of that CONTRACT requires multiple approvals of millions of INDIVIDUALS to consent to those modifications, which has happened only 27 times in our history. Only the INDIVIDUALS who are PARTY to that CONTRACT can agree to any changes. A living organism can do that on its own.

The ONLY exception to the amendment process of Article V is through Judicial Review by the People's Proxy, SCOTUS but only for interpretation of the law not amending it in and of itself.
Then change the Constitution...

Or just stop misinterpreting the Constitution.

And yet again:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
Then change the Constitution...

Or just stop misinterpreting the Constitution.

And yet again:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,

What does this part mean again?
Then change the Constitution...

Or just stop misinterpreting the Constitution.

And yet again:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,

What does this part mean again?
It means they aren't an exemption, like mommy and daddy have diplomatic immunity so you do as well. It's very rare. if we can arrest them then they are "subject to", and nearly everyone here is...
Then change the Constitution...

Or just stop misinterpreting the Constitution.

And yet again:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,

What does this part mean again?
It means they aren't an exemption, like mommy and daddy have diplomatic immunity so you do as well. It's very rare. if we can arrest them then they are "subject to", and nearly everyone here is...

It means they aren't an exemption

So who is an exemption?
You are simply not going to believe who said this! Check out this video:

Thank The Lord the man is retiring at the end of his term.

Read more: Harry Reid's jaw-dropping flashback video: 'No sane country' would allow anchor babies or reward illegals - BizPac Review

There's no such thing as an "anchor baby."

And no one is "rewarding" undocumented immigrants.

Both notions are ignorant, hateful idiocy.

And no one is "rewarding" undocumented immigrants.

We educate the children of illegal aliens, they cost about $12,000 per student per year in Illinois.
Free medical care at hospitals too.
Or just stop misinterpreting the Constitution.

And yet again:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,

What does this part mean again?
It means they aren't an exemption, like mommy and daddy have diplomatic immunity so you do as well. It's very rare. if we can arrest them then they are "subject to", and nearly everyone here is...

It means they aren't an exemption

So who is an exemption?
Those born with diplomatic immunity, those born on foreign soil within the US, like at an embassy, those born during war when foreign soldiers control US territory. That's about it. Birthright citizenship in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And yet again:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,

What does this part mean again?
It means they aren't an exemption, like mommy and daddy have diplomatic immunity so you do as well. It's very rare. if we can arrest them then they are "subject to", and nearly everyone here is...

It means they aren't an exemption

So who is an exemption?
Those born with diplomatic immunity, those born on foreign soil within the US, like at an embassy, those born during war when foreign soldiers control US territory. That's about it. Birthright citizenship in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those with diplomatic immunity, those born on foreign soil within the US, like at an embassy

So why didn't it just say foreign diplomats?
Subject to the jurisdiction thereof is pretty clunky compared to diplomat.
What about children of diplomats born at a US hospital?
People who come here illegally aren't "subject to the jurisdiction thereof".

Then they aren't illegal, retard. And they can't be arrested for breaking our laws.

Now don't you feel stupid?

Then they aren't illegal

They are illegal aliens.

You can't be illegal unless you are breaking the law. You can't break a law unless you are under its jurisdiction.



entering the country illegally is breaking the law. Don't you understand that?
And yet again:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,

What does this part mean again?
It means they aren't an exemption, like mommy and daddy have diplomatic immunity so you do as well. It's very rare. if we can arrest them then they are "subject to", and nearly everyone here is...

It means they aren't an exemption

So who is an exemption?
Those born with diplomatic immunity, those born on foreign soil within the US, like at an embassy, those born during war when foreign soldiers control US territory. That's about it. Birthright citizenship in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those with diplomatic immunity, those born on foreign soil within the US, like at an embassy

So why didn't it just say foreign diplomats?
Subject to the jurisdiction thereof is pretty clunky compared to diplomat.
What about children of diplomats born at a US hospital?
Children of diplomats who have diplomatic immunity are born with diplomatic immunity. And they said it that way because it's not just diplomats, as I said.
and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,

What does this part mean again?
It means they aren't an exemption, like mommy and daddy have diplomatic immunity so you do as well. It's very rare. if we can arrest them then they are "subject to", and nearly everyone here is...

It means they aren't an exemption

So who is an exemption?
Those born with diplomatic immunity, those born on foreign soil within the US, like at an embassy, those born during war when foreign soldiers control US territory. That's about it. Birthright citizenship in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those with diplomatic immunity, those born on foreign soil within the US, like at an embassy

So why didn't it just say foreign diplomats?
Subject to the jurisdiction thereof is pretty clunky compared to diplomat.
What about children of diplomats born at a US hospital?
Children of diplomats who have diplomatic immunity are born with diplomatic immunity. And they said it that way because it's not just diplomats, as I said.

So foreign diplomat kids born on us soil in a US hospital have diplomatic immunity from US citizenship?

If a foreign tourist is subject to our jurisdiction can we charge him income tax on the money he made back home, before his trip? Can we draft him into the army? Jury duty stinks, maybe we could put him on a jury? Maybe he could vote for Hillary, she could use the help.
It means they aren't an exemption, like mommy and daddy have diplomatic immunity so you do as well. It's very rare. if we can arrest them then they are "subject to", and nearly everyone here is...

It means they aren't an exemption

So who is an exemption?
Those born with diplomatic immunity, those born on foreign soil within the US, like at an embassy, those born during war when foreign soldiers control US territory. That's about it. Birthright citizenship in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those with diplomatic immunity, those born on foreign soil within the US, like at an embassy

So why didn't it just say foreign diplomats?
Subject to the jurisdiction thereof is pretty clunky compared to diplomat.
What about children of diplomats born at a US hospital?
Children of diplomats who have diplomatic immunity are born with diplomatic immunity. And they said it that way because it's not just diplomats, as I said.

So foreign diplomat kids born on us soil in a US hospital have diplomatic immunity from US citizenship?
They have diplomatic immunity period, if one of their parents did. They would be born with it. No matter what that baby did, we couldn't arrest it. We could expel it, but not arrest it. Couldn't even stick the parents with the bill, if they chose not to pay it. That's what get with diplomatic immunity, you can get away with murder, literally.

Diplomatic immunity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It means they aren't an exemption

So who is an exemption?
Those born with diplomatic immunity, those born on foreign soil within the US, like at an embassy, those born during war when foreign soldiers control US territory. That's about it. Birthright citizenship in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those with diplomatic immunity, those born on foreign soil within the US, like at an embassy

So why didn't it just say foreign diplomats?
Subject to the jurisdiction thereof is pretty clunky compared to diplomat.
What about children of diplomats born at a US hospital?
Children of diplomats who have diplomatic immunity are born with diplomatic immunity. And they said it that way because it's not just diplomats, as I said.

So foreign diplomat kids born on us soil in a US hospital have diplomatic immunity from US citizenship?
They have diplomatic immunity period, if one of their parents did. They would be born with it. No matter what that baby did, we couldn't arrest it. We could expel it, but not arrest it. Couldn't even stick the parents with the bill, if they chose not to pay it. That's what get with diplomatic immunity, you can get away with murder, literally.

Diplomatic immunity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If a foreign tourist is subject to our jurisdiction can we charge him income tax on the money he made back home, before his trip? Can we draft him into the army? Jury duty stinks, maybe we could put him on a jury? Maybe he could vote for Hillary, she could use the help.
Those born with diplomatic immunity, those born on foreign soil within the US, like at an embassy, those born during war when foreign soldiers control US territory. That's about it. Birthright citizenship in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those with diplomatic immunity, those born on foreign soil within the US, like at an embassy

So why didn't it just say foreign diplomats?
Subject to the jurisdiction thereof is pretty clunky compared to diplomat.
What about children of diplomats born at a US hospital?
Children of diplomats who have diplomatic immunity are born with diplomatic immunity. And they said it that way because it's not just diplomats, as I said.

So foreign diplomat kids born on us soil in a US hospital have diplomatic immunity from US citizenship?
They have diplomatic immunity period, if one of their parents did. They would be born with it. No matter what that baby did, we couldn't arrest it. We could expel it, but not arrest it. Couldn't even stick the parents with the bill, if they chose not to pay it. That's what get with diplomatic immunity, you can get away with murder, literally.

Diplomatic immunity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If a foreign tourist is subject to our jurisdiction can we charge him income tax on the money he made back home, before his trip? Can we draft him into the army? Jury duty stinks, maybe we could put him on a jury? Maybe he could vote for Hillary, she could use the help.
If you have anything valid to see let us all know. TY.
Those with diplomatic immunity, those born on foreign soil within the US, like at an embassy

So why didn't it just say foreign diplomats?
Subject to the jurisdiction thereof is pretty clunky compared to diplomat.
What about children of diplomats born at a US hospital?
Children of diplomats who have diplomatic immunity are born with diplomatic immunity. And they said it that way because it's not just diplomats, as I said.

So foreign diplomat kids born on us soil in a US hospital have diplomatic immunity from US citizenship?
They have diplomatic immunity period, if one of their parents did. They would be born with it. No matter what that baby did, we couldn't arrest it. We could expel it, but not arrest it. Couldn't even stick the parents with the bill, if they chose not to pay it. That's what get with diplomatic immunity, you can get away with murder, literally.

Diplomatic immunity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If a foreign tourist is subject to our jurisdiction can we charge him income tax on the money he made back home, before his trip? Can we draft him into the army? Jury duty stinks, maybe we could put him on a jury? Maybe he could vote for Hillary, she could use the help.
If you have anything valid to see let us all know. TY.

I'm just pointing out the holes in your jurisdiction claim.
Children of diplomats who have diplomatic immunity are born with diplomatic immunity. And they said it that way because it's not just diplomats, as I said.

So foreign diplomat kids born on us soil in a US hospital have diplomatic immunity from US citizenship?
They have diplomatic immunity period, if one of their parents did. They would be born with it. No matter what that baby did, we couldn't arrest it. We could expel it, but not arrest it. Couldn't even stick the parents with the bill, if they chose not to pay it. That's what get with diplomatic immunity, you can get away with murder, literally.

Diplomatic immunity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If a foreign tourist is subject to our jurisdiction can we charge him income tax on the money he made back home, before his trip? Can we draft him into the army? Jury duty stinks, maybe we could put him on a jury? Maybe he could vote for Hillary, she could use the help.
If you have anything valid to see let us all know. TY.

I'm just pointing out the holes in your jurisdiction claim.
Of which there aren't any. I'm following the US Supreme Court. what you got?

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