No ‘Russia’ Needed To Explain The Election


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.There is a certain hard core Democrat voter who will continue to offer clearly false DNC propaganda ‘til the end of time.

Perhaps it is the ossified nature of their cerebral abilities, and the removal of no longer applicable fake news is not possible.

Here, from,one of our resident dolts, a continued defense of the indefensible, and the claim of Russian interference in opposition to Hillary:

“…character assassination of Hillary without evidence and letting Russians fill the internet with anti democrat and justice system garbage is just lovely. Your propaganda is a horror and may wreck the country yet.” Whipping Democrats Back Into Line

“Wrong again, dingbat dupe.Russia hacked the DNC and podesta - Google SearchWhipping Democrats Back Into Line


2. Rule #1 To Interpret the myriad tales of woe from Liberals/Democrats: Every word from the Left is a lie.

You can’t go wrong beginning with that premise.

Case in point:

The bogus tale that the Russians stole DNC and Hillary emails, and put out all sorts of false smears about Hillary.

Neither is true.

3.For starters, lets see the examples of incriminating statements about Hillary that the public didn’t know before the campaign.
Americans have known the truth about Hillary since before this appeared in the NYTimes in 1996: Hillary Clinton is “a congenital liar.”
Essay;Blizzard of Lies

4. Separating the lies from the truth:

"Russian Hacking and Influence in the U.S. Election"Russian Hacking and Influence in the U.S. Election

So sorry…'s reality:
. "The Intelligence Community Assessment, the supposedly definitive report featuring the “high confidence” dodge, was greeted as farcically flimsy when issued January 6.

Ray McGovern calls it a disgrace to the intelligence profession. It is spotlessly free of evidence, front to back, pertaining to any events in which Russia is implicated. James Clapper, the former director of national intelligence, admitted in May that “hand-picked” analysts from three agencies (not the 17 previously reported) drafted the ICA.

ICA other indefensible realities. The FBI has never examined the DNC’s computer servers—an omission that is beyond preposterous.

It has instead relied on the reports produced by Crowdstrike, a firm that drips with conflicting interests well beyond the fact that it is in the DNC’s employ. Dmitri Alperovitch, its co-founder and chief technology officer, is on the record as vigorously anti-Russian. He is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, which suffers the same prejudice. Problems such as this are many. "
A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

The Trump election has left the Democrats/Liberals running circles, like the chicken without a head......especially the one quoted at the top.
So Hillary and the DNC screeched that they were 'hacked'...or something.

Even the Liberal Slate smelled a rat.

5. "Why wouldn’t the Democratic Committee allow the FBI to check their servers during the investigation of the DNC breaches during the 2016 election?

The DNC maintains there’s a simple answer to this question: According to the group, the FBI never asked to see their servers. But FBI Director James Comey told the Senate Intelligence Committee back in January that the FBI did, in fact, issue “multiple requests at different levels” to the DNC to gain direct access to their computer systems and conduct their own forensic analysis.

....the FBI instead used the analysis of the DNC breach conducted by security firm CrowdStrike as the basis for its investigation. Regardless of who is telling the truth about what really happened, perhaps the most astonishing thing about this probe is that a private firm’s investigation and attribution was deemed sufficient by both the DNC and the FBI.

.... if the evidence that they’ve used to level major accusations at a foreign government comes not from agencies of the U.S. government or direct law enforcement investigations, but rather from private sector firms like CrowdStrike, then the “high confidence” of the government counts for very little. "
The FBI Relied on a Private Firm’s Investigation of the DNC Hack—Which Makes the Agency Harder to Trust  

Of course, the Left counted on their drones going...."duh.....yup.....hacked....dat's it!!" Russia....Russia.....Russia."

Even funnier.....these are the same dolts who supported Communist Russia for 70 years......
6. Now…..Russian use of the internet to sink poor Hillary???? Laughable.

"Russia-Financed Ad Linked Clinton and Satan"Russia-Financed Ad Linked Clinton and Satan

Facts get in the way:
"US election Facebook ads, Russian agency $46K"
Facebook had previously announced that $100,000 was spent on Facebook ads from June 2015 to May 2017 by Russian-linked disinformation sources, while an additional $50,000 was spent by Russians that signals indicate weren’t or were only weakly connected to an organized disinformation campaign."
Trump and Clinton spent $81M on US election Facebook ads, Russian agency $46K

There were 100 thousand Facebook adds by Russian sources……out of billions of ads….

What's the percentage?

"We know, for example, that some institution linked to the Russian government — likely the infamous Internet Research Agency — bought ads on Facebook between 2015 and 2017, with the assumed intent of stoking anger and partisanship. We know that the ads concerned wedge issues like immigration, the Second Amendment, and police brutality; we even know what some of the Russian pages and accounts were. And we know that around 3,000 ads were purchased at a cost of around $100,000.

… the $100,000 spent by the Russian government is laughably small, no matter how precisely targeted. In contrast, the official Trump campaign spent $90 million on digital ads — and, unlike the Russians, had assistance from Facebook employees to target and deploy them effectively. “There’s no way $100,000 in ad budget impacted the election. It’s ridiculous,” García Martínez said."
Did Russia’s Facebook Ads Actually Swing the Election?
7.Now for the technical proof that the Left lied.

“…decisive findings, made public in the paper dated July 9, concerned the volume of the supposedly hacked material and what is called the transfer rate—the time a remote hack would require. The metadata established several facts in this regard with granular precision: On the evening of July 5, 2016, 1,976 megabytes of data were downloaded from the DNC’s server. The operation took 87 seconds. This yields a transfer rate of 22.7 megabytes per second.

These statistics are matters of record and essential to disproving the hack theory. No Internet service provider, such as a hacker would have had to use in mid-2016, was capable of downloading data at this speed. Compounding this contradiction, Guccifer claimed to have run his hack from Romania, which, for numerous reasons technically called delivery overheads, would slow down the speed of a hack even further from maximum achievable speeds.

…a survey published August 3, 2016, by is highly reliable and use it as their thumbnail index. It indicated that the highest average ISP speeds of first-half 2016 were achieved by Xfinity and Cox Communications. These speeds averaged 15.6 megabytes per second and 14.7 megabytes per second, respectively. Peak speeds at higher rates were recorded intermittently but still did not reach the required 22.7 megabytes per second.

“A speed of 22.7 megabytes is simply unobtainable, ….what we’ve been calling a hack is impossible.”
A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

No hack possible!!!!!

Rule #1 To Interpret the myriad tales of woe from Liberals/Democrats: Every word from the Left is a lie.
I am waiting to hear from a single voter who switched from Hillary to Trump because of Russian "interference" in the election.
1.There is a certain hard core Democrat voter who will continue to offer clearly false DNC propaganda ‘til the end of time.

Perhaps it is the ossified nature of their cerebral abilities, and the removal of no longer applicable fake news is not possible.

Here, from,one of our resident dolts, a continued defense of the indefensible, and the claim of Russian interference in opposition to Hillary:

“…character assassination of Hillary without evidence and letting Russians fill the internet with anti democrat and justice system garbage is just lovely. Your propaganda is a horror and may wreck the country yet.” Whipping Democrats Back Into Line

“Wrong again, dingbat dupe.Russia hacked the DNC and podesta - Google SearchWhipping Democrats Back Into Line


2. Rule #1 To Interpret the myriad tales of woe from Liberals/Democrats: Every word from the Left is a lie.

You can’t go wrong beginning with that premise.

Case in point:

The bogus tale that the Russians stole DNC and Hillary emails, and put out all sorts of false smears about Hillary.

Neither is true.

3.For starters, lets see the examples of incriminating statements about Hillary that the public didn’t know before the campaign.
Americans have known the truth about Hillary since before this appeared in the NYTimes in 1996: Hillary Clinton is “a congenital liar.”
Essay;Blizzard of Lies

4. Separating the lies from the truth:

"Russian Hacking and Influence in the U.S. Election"Russian Hacking and Influence in the U.S. Election

So sorry…'s reality:
. "The Intelligence Community Assessment, the supposedly definitive report featuring the “high confidence” dodge, was greeted as farcically flimsy when issued January 6.

Ray McGovern calls it a disgrace to the intelligence profession. It is spotlessly free of evidence, front to back, pertaining to any events in which Russia is implicated. James Clapper, the former director of national intelligence, admitted in May that “hand-picked” analysts from three agencies (not the 17 previously reported) drafted the ICA.

ICA other indefensible realities. The FBI has never examined the DNC’s computer servers—an omission that is beyond preposterous.

It has instead relied on the reports produced by Crowdstrike, a firm that drips with conflicting interests well beyond the fact that it is in the DNC’s employ. Dmitri Alperovitch, its co-founder and chief technology officer, is on the record as vigorously anti-Russian. He is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, which suffers the same prejudice. Problems such as this are many. "
A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

The Trump election has left the Democrats/Liberals running circles, like the chicken without a head......especially the one quoted at the top.
That is a link to many such articles dingbat.
1.There is a certain hard core Democrat voter who will continue to offer clearly false DNC propaganda ‘til the end of time.

Perhaps it is the ossified nature of their cerebral abilities, and the removal of no longer applicable fake news is not possible.

Here, from,one of our resident dolts, a continued defense of the indefensible, and the claim of Russian interference in opposition to Hillary:

“…character assassination of Hillary without evidence and letting Russians fill the internet with anti democrat and justice system garbage is just lovely. Your propaganda is a horror and may wreck the country yet.” Whipping Democrats Back Into Line

“Wrong again, dingbat dupe.Russia hacked the DNC and podesta - Google SearchWhipping Democrats Back Into Line


2. Rule #1 To Interpret the myriad tales of woe from Liberals/Democrats: Every word from the Left is a lie.

You can’t go wrong beginning with that premise.

Case in point:

The bogus tale that the Russians stole DNC and Hillary emails, and put out all sorts of false smears about Hillary.

Neither is true.

3.For starters, lets see the examples of incriminating statements about Hillary that the public didn’t know before the campaign.
Americans have known the truth about Hillary since before this appeared in the NYTimes in 1996: Hillary Clinton is “a congenital liar.”
Essay;Blizzard of Lies

4. Separating the lies from the truth:

"Russian Hacking and Influence in the U.S. Election"Russian Hacking and Influence in the U.S. Election

So sorry…'s reality:
. "The Intelligence Community Assessment, the supposedly definitive report featuring the “high confidence” dodge, was greeted as farcically flimsy when issued January 6.

Ray McGovern calls it a disgrace to the intelligence profession. It is spotlessly free of evidence, front to back, pertaining to any events in which Russia is implicated. James Clapper, the former director of national intelligence, admitted in May that “hand-picked” analysts from three agencies (not the 17 previously reported) drafted the ICA.

ICA other indefensible realities. The FBI has never examined the DNC’s computer servers—an omission that is beyond preposterous.

It has instead relied on the reports produced by Crowdstrike, a firm that drips with conflicting interests well beyond the fact that it is in the DNC’s employ. Dmitri Alperovitch, its co-founder and chief technology officer, is on the record as vigorously anti-Russian. He is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, which suffers the same prejudice. Problems such as this are many. "
A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

The Trump election has left the Democrats/Liberals running circles, like the chicken without a head......especially the one quoted at the top.
That is a link to many such articles dingbat.

So….no ‘hack’…..what was the source of the ‘leak’?????

8. Ready? Any hack/leak of the DNC came from…….the DNC.

“The stamps recording the download indicate that it occurred in the Eastern Daylight Time Zone at approximately 6:45 pm. This confirms that the person entering the DNC system was working somewhere on the East Coast of the United States. In theory the operation could have been conducted from Bangor or Miami or anywhere in between—but not Russia, Romania, or anywhere else outside the EDT zone.

…the first five files Guccifer made public had each been run, via ordinary cut-and-paste, through a single template that effectively immersed them in what could plausibly be cast as Russian fingerprints. They were not: The Russian markings were artificially inserted prior to posting. “It’s clear,” another forensics investigator self-identified as HET, wrote in a report on this question, “that metadata was deliberately altered and documents were deliberately pasted into a Russianified [W]ord document with Russian language settings and style headings.” A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack


"...the person entering the DNC system was working somewhere on the East Coast of the United States. ....not Russia, Romania, or anywhere else outside the EDT zone. "

"....immersed them in what could plausibly be cast as Russian fingerprints. They were not: The Russian markings were artificially inserted ..."

How's that?????

And from a Liberals vehicle, The Nation.
No way to respond, huh, blanko,

Was this you?

Here, from,one of our resident dolts, a continued defense of the indefensible, and the claim of Russian interference in opposition to Hillary:

“…character assassination of Hillary without evidence and letting Russians fill the internet with anti democrat and justice system garbage is just lovely. Your propaganda is a horror and may wreck the country yet.” Whipping Democrats Back Into Line

“Wrong again, dingbat dupe.Russia hacked the DNC and podesta - Google SearchWhipping Democrats Back Into Line
9. “On June 12 last year, Julian Assange announced that WikiLeaks had and would publish documents pertinent to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

On June 14, CrowdStrike, a cyber-security firm hired by the DNC, announced, without providing evidence, that it had found malware on DNC servers and had evidence that Russians were responsible for planting it.

On June 15, Guccifer 2.0 first appeared, took responsibility for the “hack” reported on June 14 and claimed to be a WikiLeaks source. It then posted the adulterated documents just described.

On July 5, Guccifer again claimed he had remotely hacked DNC servers, and the operation was instantly described as another intrusion attributable to Russia. Virtually no media questioned this account. On June 12 last year, Julian Assange announced that WikiLeaks had and would publish documents pertinent to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. On June 12 last year, Julian Assange announced that WikiLeaks had and would publish documents pertinent to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

It does not require too much thought to read into this sequence. With his June 12 announcement, Assange effectively put the DNC on notice that it had a little time, probably not much, to act preemptively against the imminent publication of damaging documents.

Did the DNC quickly conjure Guccifer from thin air to create a cyber-saboteur whose fingers point to Russia?

… it is legitimate to pose the question in the context of the VIPS chronology. WikiLeaks began publishing on July 22. By that time, the case alleging Russian interference in the 2016 elections process was taking firm root. In short order Assange would be written down as a “Russian agent.”
A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack
Still obsessed with trying to make a point of no interference in election. You do not know the true depths of the deception from which trump has emerged.
Tell the lie loud enough and often enough and it becomes truth. You sure are telling the lie in that fashion.
10. “James Clapper, the former director of national intelligence, admitted in May that “hand-picked” analysts from three agencies (not the 17 previously reported) drafted the ICA. There is a way to understand “hand-picked” that is less obvious than meets the eye: The report was sequestered from rigorous agency-wide reviews. This is the way these people have spoken to us for the past year.

Behind the ICA lie other indefensible realities. The FBI has never examined the DNC’s computer servers—an omission that is beyond preposterous. It has instead relied on the reports produced by Crowdstrike, a firm that drips with conflicting interests well beyond the fact that it is in the DNC’s employ. Dmitri Alperovitch, its co-founder and chief technology officer, is on the record as vigorously anti-Russian. “
A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

Rule #1 To Interpret the myriad tales of woe from Liberals/Democrats: Every word from the Left is a lie.


You can’t go wrong beginning with that premise.
1.There is a certain hard core Democrat voter who will continue to offer clearly false DNC propaganda ‘til the end of time.

Perhaps it is the ossified nature of their cerebral abilities, and the removal of no longer applicable fake news is not possible.

Here, from,one of our resident dolts, a continued defense of the indefensible, and the claim of Russian interference in opposition to Hillary:

“…character assassination of Hillary without evidence and letting Russians fill the internet with anti democrat and justice system garbage is just lovely. Your propaganda is a horror and may wreck the country yet.” Whipping Democrats Back Into Line

“Wrong again, dingbat dupe.Russia hacked the DNC and podesta - Google SearchWhipping Democrats Back Into Line


2. Rule #1 To Interpret the myriad tales of woe from Liberals/Democrats: Every word from the Left is a lie.

You can’t go wrong beginning with that premise.

Case in point:

The bogus tale that the Russians stole DNC and Hillary emails, and put out all sorts of false smears about Hillary.

Neither is true.

3.For starters, lets see the examples of incriminating statements about Hillary that the public didn’t know before the campaign.
Americans have known the truth about Hillary since before this appeared in the NYTimes in 1996: Hillary Clinton is “a congenital liar.”
Essay;Blizzard of Lies

4. Separating the lies from the truth:

"Russian Hacking and Influence in the U.S. Election"Russian Hacking and Influence in the U.S. Election

So sorry…'s reality:
. "The Intelligence Community Assessment, the supposedly definitive report featuring the “high confidence” dodge, was greeted as farcically flimsy when issued January 6.

Ray McGovern calls it a disgrace to the intelligence profession. It is spotlessly free of evidence, front to back, pertaining to any events in which Russia is implicated. James Clapper, the former director of national intelligence, admitted in May that “hand-picked” analysts from three agencies (not the 17 previously reported) drafted the ICA.

ICA other indefensible realities. The FBI has never examined the DNC’s computer servers—an omission that is beyond preposterous.

It has instead relied on the reports produced by Crowdstrike, a firm that drips with conflicting interests well beyond the fact that it is in the DNC’s employ. Dmitri Alperovitch, its co-founder and chief technology officer, is on the record as vigorously anti-Russian. He is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, which suffers the same prejudice. Problems such as this are many. "
A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

The Trump election has left the Democrats/Liberals running circles, like the chicken without a head......especially the one quoted at the top.
That is a link to many such articles dingbat.

So….no ‘hack’…..what was the source of the ‘leak’?????

8. Ready? Any hack/leak of the DNC came from…….the DNC.

“The stamps recording the download indicate that it occurred in the Eastern Daylight Time Zone at approximately 6:45 pm. This confirms that the person entering the DNC system was working somewhere on the East Coast of the United States. In theory the operation could have been conducted from Bangor or Miami or anywhere in between—but not Russia, Romania, or anywhere else outside the EDT zone.

…the first five files Guccifer made public had each been run, via ordinary cut-and-paste, through a single template that effectively immersed them in what could plausibly be cast as Russian fingerprints. They were not: The Russian markings were artificially inserted prior to posting. “It’s clear,” another forensics investigator self-identified as HET, wrote in a report on this question, “that metadata was deliberately altered and documents were deliberately pasted into a Russianified [W]ord document with Russian language settings and style headings.” A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack


"...the person entering the DNC system was working somewhere on the East Coast of the United States. ....not Russia, Romania, or anywhere else outside the EDT zone. "

"....immersed them in what could plausibly be cast as Russian fingerprints. They were not: The Russian markings were artificially inserted ..."

How's that?????

And from a Liberals vehicle, The Nation.
Of course liberal media include opinion from conservatives, as opposed to much of your right wing propaganda machine. It is instructive that all the examples of of scum bag lying are all about conservatives. Add W bush Reagan and Trump.

American history is replete with similar cases. The Spanish sank the Maine in Havana harbor in February 1898. Iran’s Mossadegh was a Communist. Guatemala’s Árbenz represented a Communist threat to the United States. Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh was a Soviet puppet. The Sandinistas were Communists. The truth of the Maine, a war and a revolution in between, took a century to find the light of day, whereupon the official story disintegrated. We can do better now. It is an odd sensation to live through one of these episodes, especially one as big as Russiagate. But its place atop a long line of precedents can no longer be disputed.

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