No One Loves A Mass Shooting More Than Democrats


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
No One Loves A Mass Shooting More Than Democrats

No one loves a mass shooting more than democrats | Flopping Aces
7 Aug 19 ~ By DrJohn
Democrats are quick to lambaste Trump and Trump supporters following any terrible event but they really ramp it up following a mass shooting. Mika Brzezinski said “I mean, this is a president who seems to want these things to happen.” No. Democrats want these things to happen. They love mass shootings. The bodies were not cold and services had not taken place before Democrats were using the tragedies to score some campaign cash.... The Democratic National Committee is fundraising off the weekend’s tragic mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, seeking donations for the fight to “prevent gun violence and save lives.” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) sent a fundraising email Monday on the heels of two mass shootings, urging donations to Democratic Senate campaigns. Sen. Kamala Harris (D., Calif.) sent a fundraising email on Sunday asking her supporters to contribute to Giffords PAC, as well as the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund, two political advocacy groups.
Don’t let them kid you. No one loves a mass shooting more than a Democrat.

I haven’t seen Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Liberals on MSNBC, CNN, CBS and ABC this happy since they thought Hillary would win... Energy level is way up... There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between what journ0lists believe in and what PMS/DSA “liberals” believe.
"No-one-loves-a-mass-shooting-more-than-democrats",,,,, if, and only if, it fits their narrative.
1 Jun 19 ~ DeWayne Craddock, a Virginia Beach government employee murdered 12 people at his workplace. The victims were both white and black. Even though Craddock was the deadliest workplace mass shooter of 2019, there’s been very little coverage of his case.
Craddock’s killing spree got far less coverage than Santino William Legan’s attack on the Gilroy Garlic Festival even though he killed 4 times more people than Legan did. White mass shooters like Legan are seen as more newsworthy because they make a better case for gun control than black shooters like Craddock.
During the same time that the MSM was focused on the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, a total of 60 people were shot in Chicago over the weekend. 24 of those people were shot in four hours. Baltimore reached its 200th murder victim of the year during its “Ceasefire Weekend”. Four people were killed in 4 days in Kansas City.
six men were shot in Philly during the filming of a rap video. But CNN ignored all this because it didn’t fit their narrative that, “mass shootings are a white man’s problem.
I viewed the following on the Facebook page of a woman who lost both her brother and sister-in-law in the El Paso shootings:
“It’s such a shame that two of our local politicians (I refuse to say their names as they don’t deserve it) are saying that our President is not welcome on Wednesday. I cannot believe how these monsters are using the tragic event to push their political agenda. I lost my brother and sister-in-law on Saturday. My family and I are living a horrible nightmare. The visit from our President will be more than comforting to my family. He will not be here for a political agenda. The two monsters from El Paso, who do not deserve to be mentioned by name nor even the nicknames I have for them, are just pure evil. My brothers body was still laying at Walmart on Saturday night when they decided to make this into a political issue and push their agenda by blaming our President for this. Rather than focusing on the situation and the individual who destroyed the lives of many, these evil people selfishly turned this into a political war. I’m equally as angered by those two as I am with the person who took my brother and his wife from me, typing this I think I feel more animosity towards those two evil politicians. – Deborah”​
Meanwhile Robert "Beta' O’Rourke was asking for people to donate to his campaign just a few short hours after the shootings. While Beta, and the rest of the Democrat cabal, continue to say things that are meant to divide us.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats are nothing but circling vultures. The only difference between actual vultures is that THESE eaters of flesh have the capability to help CREATE the carrion.
No One Loves A Mass Shooting More Than Democrats

No one loves a mass shooting more than democrats | Flopping Aces
7 Aug 19 ~ By DrJohn
Democrats are quick to lambaste Trump and Trump supporters following any terrible event but they really ramp it up following a mass shooting. Mika Brzezinski said “I mean, this is a president who seems to want these things to happen.” No. Democrats want these things to happen. They love mass shootings. The bodies were not cold and services had not taken place before Democrats were using the tragedies to score some campaign cash.... The Democratic National Committee is fundraising off the weekend’s tragic mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, seeking donations for the fight to “prevent gun violence and save lives.” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) sent a fundraising email Monday on the heels of two mass shootings, urging donations to Democratic Senate campaigns. Sen. Kamala Harris (D., Calif.) sent a fundraising email on Sunday asking her supporters to contribute to Giffords PAC, as well as the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund, two political advocacy groups.
Don’t let them kid you. No one loves a mass shooting more than a Democrat.

I haven’t seen Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Liberals on MSNBC, CNN, CBS and ABC this happy since they thought Hillary would win... Energy level is way up... There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between what journ0lists believe in and what PMS/DSA “liberals” believe.
"No-one-loves-a-mass-shooting-more-than-democrats",,,,, if, and only if, it fits their narrative.
1 Jun 19 ~ DeWayne Craddock, a Virginia Beach government employee murdered 12 people at his workplace. The victims were both white and black. Even though Craddock was the deadliest workplace mass shooter of 2019, there’s been very little coverage of his case.
Craddock’s killing spree got far less coverage than Santino William Legan’s attack on the Gilroy Garlic Festival even though he killed 4 times more people than Legan did. White mass shooters like Legan are seen as more newsworthy because they make a better case for gun control than black shooters like Craddock.
During the same time that the MSM was focused on the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, a total of 60 people were shot in Chicago over the weekend. 24 of those people were shot in four hours. Baltimore reached its 200th murder victim of the year during its “Ceasefire Weekend”. Four people were killed in 4 days in Kansas City.
six men were shot in Philly during the filming of a rap video. But CNN ignored all this because it didn’t fit their narrative that, “mass shootings are a white man’s problem.
I viewed the following on the Facebook page of a woman who lost both her brother and sister-in-law in the El Paso shootings:
“It’s such a shame that two of our local politicians (I refuse to say their names as they don’t deserve it) are saying that our President is not welcome on Wednesday. I cannot believe how these monsters are using the tragic event to push their political agenda. I lost my brother and sister-in-law on Saturday. My family and I are living a horrible nightmare. The visit from our President will be more than comforting to my family. He will not be here for a political agenda. The two monsters from El Paso, who do not deserve to be mentioned by name nor even the nicknames I have for them, are just pure evil. My brothers body was still laying at Walmart on Saturday night when they decided to make this into a political issue and push their agenda by blaming our President for this. Rather than focusing on the situation and the individual who destroyed the lives of many, these evil people selfishly turned this into a political war. I’m equally as angered by those two as I am with the person who took my brother and his wife from me, typing this I think I feel more animosity towards those two evil politicians. – Deborah”​
Meanwhile Robert "Beta' O’Rourke was asking for people to donate to his campaign just a few short hours after the shootings. While Beta, and the rest of the Democrat cabal, continue to say things that are meant to divide us.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats are nothing but circling vultures. The only difference between actual vultures is that THESE eaters of flesh have the capability to help CREATE the carrion.
The media does.
No One Loves A Mass Shooting More Than Democrats

No one loves a mass shooting more than democrats | Flopping Aces
7 Aug 19 ~ By DrJohn
Democrats are quick to lambaste Trump and Trump supporters following any terrible event but they really ramp it up following a mass shooting. Mika Brzezinski said “I mean, this is a president who seems to want these things to happen.” No. Democrats want these things to happen. They love mass shootings. The bodies were not cold and services had not taken place before Democrats were using the tragedies to score some campaign cash.... The Democratic National Committee is fundraising off the weekend’s tragic mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, seeking donations for the fight to “prevent gun violence and save lives.” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) sent a fundraising email Monday on the heels of two mass shootings, urging donations to Democratic Senate campaigns. Sen. Kamala Harris (D., Calif.) sent a fundraising email on Sunday asking her supporters to contribute to Giffords PAC, as well as the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund, two political advocacy groups.
Don’t let them kid you. No one loves a mass shooting more than a Democrat.

I haven’t seen Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Liberals on MSNBC, CNN, CBS and ABC this happy since they thought Hillary would win... Energy level is way up... There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between what journ0lists believe in and what PMS/DSA “liberals” believe.
"No-one-loves-a-mass-shooting-more-than-democrats",,,,, if, and only if, it fits their narrative.
1 Jun 19 ~ DeWayne Craddock, a Virginia Beach government employee murdered 12 people at his workplace. The victims were both white and black. Even though Craddock was the deadliest workplace mass shooter of 2019, there’s been very little coverage of his case.
Craddock’s killing spree got far less coverage than Santino William Legan’s attack on the Gilroy Garlic Festival even though he killed 4 times more people than Legan did. White mass shooters like Legan are seen as more newsworthy because they make a better case for gun control than black shooters like Craddock.
During the same time that the MSM was focused on the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, a total of 60 people were shot in Chicago over the weekend. 24 of those people were shot in four hours. Baltimore reached its 200th murder victim of the year during its “Ceasefire Weekend”. Four people were killed in 4 days in Kansas City.
six men were shot in Philly during the filming of a rap video. But CNN ignored all this because it didn’t fit their narrative that, “mass shootings are a white man’s problem.
I viewed the following on the Facebook page of a woman who lost both her brother and sister-in-law in the El Paso shootings:
“It’s such a shame that two of our local politicians (I refuse to say their names as they don’t deserve it) are saying that our President is not welcome on Wednesday. I cannot believe how these monsters are using the tragic event to push their political agenda. I lost my brother and sister-in-law on Saturday. My family and I are living a horrible nightmare. The visit from our President will be more than comforting to my family. He will not be here for a political agenda. The two monsters from El Paso, who do not deserve to be mentioned by name nor even the nicknames I have for them, are just pure evil. My brothers body was still laying at Walmart on Saturday night when they decided to make this into a political issue and push their agenda by blaming our President for this. Rather than focusing on the situation and the individual who destroyed the lives of many, these evil people selfishly turned this into a political war. I’m equally as angered by those two as I am with the person who took my brother and his wife from me, typing this I think I feel more animosity towards those two evil politicians. – Deborah”​
Meanwhile Robert "Beta' O’Rourke was asking for people to donate to his campaign just a few short hours after the shootings. While Beta, and the rest of the Democrat cabal, continue to say things that are meant to divide us.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats are nothing but circling vultures. The only difference between actual vultures is that THESE eaters of flesh have the capability to help CREATE the carrion.
The media does.
Media and democrats are the same thing.

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