No one has ever accused the Obama's of being a class act.

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
Last month president Obama snubs the western world by his no show at the Charlie Hebdo rally in Paris.

And now First Lady Michelle insults the muslims by disrespecting the former Saudi King and his family by not wearing a headscarf to the funeral.

I wonder if the Asian people will be next on their world hit list of people to offend? ....... :dunno:

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Last month president Obama snubs the western world by his no show at the Charlie Hebdo rally in Paris.

And now First Lady Michelle insults the muslims by disrespecting the former Saudi King and his family by not wearing a headscarf to the funeral.

I wonder if the Asian people will be next on their world hit list of people to offend? ....... :dunno:

And if the First Lady did wear a headscarf, you would be saying how she was kowtowing to the Saudis, you partisan hack.
Last month president Obama snubs the western world by his no show at the Charlie Hebdo rally in Paris.

And now First Lady Michelle insults the muslims by disrespecting the former Saudi King and his family by not wearing a headscarf to the funeral.

I wonder if the Asian people will be next on their world hit list of people to offend? ....... :dunno:

And if the First Lady did wear a headscarf, you would be saying how she was kowtowing to the Saudis, you partisan hack.
^^...another mindreader.
The problem with the First Lady is that she ALWAYS wears a scowl.

Never mind her clothes ...
Last month president Obama snubs the western world by his no show at the Charlie Hebdo rally in Paris.

And now First Lady Michelle insults the muslims by disrespecting the former Saudi King and his family by not wearing a headscarf to the funeral.

I wonder if the Asian people will be next on their world hit list of people to offend? ....... :dunno:

They must be going crazy with anger in the ME over Michelle's disrespect .
If only I could find some links...
Last month president Obama snubs the western world by his no show at the Charlie Hebdo rally in Paris.

And now First Lady Michelle insults the muslims by disrespecting the former Saudi King and his family by not wearing a headscarf to the funeral.

I wonder if the Asian people will be next on their world hit list of people to offend? ....... :dunno:


Hey stupid, why don't you read the other threads on this non-event?

If you did, you would find photos of Laura Bush and Angela Merkel doing the same thing.
No one in Saudi Arabia saw her because she was blurred out of all television broadcasts and official photos.
So no head wear is worse than beheading and stoning to death for adultery?

It is if its our First Lady.

But it was okay when Laura Bush did it.

RWs are anti-America traitors.
Laura Bush isn't a scum bag like you know who..
Laura only got drunk and killed her boyfriend in a car "accident"

Avoiding Prison for Manslaughter: Tackiest First Lady Memoir Ever

"But that’s never been the case with Laura Bush. It’s something I’ve written about before because it really bothers me, but it seems like I’m the only one who wonders how she got away with it. If you or I ran over and killed someone–especially an ex-boyfriend (very suspicious)–at age 17, we’d be criminally charged and convicted. And we’d serve, at a minimum, a few months, but, more likely, a few years in prison. Unfortunately, even though Laura Bush ran someone over and killed him, she never did a day’s worth of punishment. Why not? She admits it was her fault. I’ve asked about this before. But now that this woman is making it the centerpiece and focal marketing point of her bland, waste-of-time First Lady tell-all, Spoken from the Heart
, I’m simply disgusted. More like “Spoken from a Killer.”

This woman got away with taking a life. She escaped punishment. And now, so many decades later, she’s chosen to punish the family whose son’s life she took, yet again, by media-whoring herself on the dead man’s back. They have to relive this so she can make more big bucks. It’s sleazy.

The killing is the main point Laura Bush and her publisher are shamelessly using to pimp her book."
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