No Justice For Ashli??

Babbit was unarmed and murdered in cold blood while protesting against her government. Celebrate all you want, but you will reap what you sow.
Ashli was attempting to breach a secure perimeter protecting our Congressmen. Once that perimeter was breached, there would be no way to protect members of Congress who were being threatened by an angry mob.

Ashli‘s relatives should sue the hell out of Donald J Trump
He is the one who filled her with lies, he is the one who filled her with rage, he is the one who called her to Washington and sent her to the Capitol.
There were what 4 or 5 other cops---none of them shot--------
And if you can shoot ashli-why can't all these actually violent protestors be shot in Minnesota--ALL of them on site.
Ashli still didn't attack anyone.........ever and the cop who wrote of wanting to kill Trump supporters murdered her.
Why was there a secure preimeter when congress knew that they were coming days in advance?
The cop who shot her had the best angle to avoid injuring any other cops on the other side of those doors. Only one cop needed to shoot that traitorous bitch.

Let's hope you face the same thing some day. For whatever reason....just looking stupid.
Sorry to disappoint you, but unlike her, I'm not a traitor and won't be storming the Capitol to prevent a duly elected president from being certified.
Babbit was unarmed and murdered in cold blood while protesting against her government. Celebrate all you want, but you will reap what you sow.

She was a terrorist storming the capitol. She was not a protestor.
She was a peaceful protester, armed with her phone taking pictures in the Capitol lobby...when one of Nancy P's storm troopers shot her, after Nancy P had ordered them to stand down, and let her in.

It was a clear hit job by Nancy P.....the Speaker of the Fascist

That is a fucking lie. Trump did a hit job on your brain. Killed it.
the only hit job was Nancy P, ordering the Cap Police to stand down, then shooting a woman taking pictures in a lobby
You're truly fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

This is your idea of "taking pictures in a lobby?" Breaking through a window to get past a police barricade setup to protect members of Congress...

I am not really sure what I am looking looks like someone took a pic...but not every good...looks like a guy with a bookbag walking
One thing I did notice...and I know there are many people upset by this decision...personally, I understand it...but I know folks are upset...yet not one person or group has looted, burnt, or assaulted anyone because of Portland, and Minn.....
Did you just wake up from a deep deep sleep? Congress was looted and some members of Congress lost their possession. As for no one being assaulted, that was mainly because Congress folks were protected and moved by the security. Heck, talks were for the reps to be kidnapped and the VP to be hanged. That it did not happen was just pure luck.
I am talking about after THIS decision. Today....this decision.

To my knowledge this young lady didn't do any of the things you mentioned. She was standing in a lobby wiht her Iphone taking pics
What the heck are you talking about? Babbit tried to break through into Congress even after being warned. I really do believe you were sleeping all this time. No one could have failed to watch the video of Babbit being shot after she tried to jump through the broken window.
They suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Just curious how many times have you said Trump in or typed his name in the past 24 hours?
The right decision! She was an insurrectionist, under orders from Trump, hell bent on overthrowing the government of the United States of America. She received exactly what she deserved by a patriotic officer defending our country.

No, she was an unarmed civilian trespassing in the capital buildings. If this officer had shot her anywhere else he'd be up on charges of murder.
Babbit was unarmed and murdered in cold blood while protesting against her government. Celebrate all you want, but you will reap what you sow.
Ashli was attempting to breach a secure perimeter protecting our Congressmen. Once that perimeter was breached, there would be no way to protect members of Congress who were being threatened by an angry mob.

Ashli‘s relatives should sue the hell out of Donald J Trump
He is the one who filled her with lies, he is the one who filled her with rage, he is the one who called her to Washington and sent her to the Capitol.
OK but there were armed police officers like seven feet from her. That being said, I think all protesters once they become rioters should be shot. I have zero issues with this.
Which means you would have been on the side of the loyalists.....clutching your pearls at the riotous behavior of those Bostonians with their tea parties and their destruction of property....
The right decision! She was an insurrectionist, under orders from Trump, hell bent on overthrowing the government of the United States of America. She received exactly what she deserved by a patriotic officer defending our country.

No, she was an unarmed civilian trespassing in the capital buildings. If this officer had shot her anywhere else he'd be up on charges of murder.
Officers shoot unarmed people all the time "SOMEWHERE ELSE" and don't get brought up on charges...

What makes you so sure a cop would have been charged for shooting Ashli?? What makes her so special in your mind??

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We White people should loot every Target in the country.

No justice, no peace!

A flity ass Negro thug cop can shoot an unarmed woman veteran Patriot protesting the Democrats stealing an election from the American people and the assholes in the Joe Dufus administration won't give us justice.
The right decision! She was an insurrectionist, under orders from Trump, hell bent on overthrowing the government of the United States of America. She received exactly what she deserved by a patriotic officer defending our country.

No, she was an unarmed civilian trespassing in the capital buildings. If this officer had shot her anywhere else he'd be up on charges of murder.
Officers shoot unarmed people all the time "SOMEWHERE ELSE" and don't get brought up on charges...

What makes you so sure a cop would have been charged for shooting Ashli?? What makes her so special in your mind??

View attachment 480079

No. If an officer shoots someone there is an investigation of that officer by those in charge. That can land that officer in court if its found to be anything but legal.
The right decision! She was an insurrectionist, under orders from Trump, hell bent on overthrowing the government of the United States of America. She received exactly what she deserved by a patriotic officer defending our country.

No, she was an unarmed civilian trespassing in the capital buildings. If this officer had shot her anywhere else he'd be up on charges of murder.
Officers shoot unarmed people all the time "SOMEWHERE ELSE" and don't get brought up on charges...

What makes you so sure a cop would have been charged for shooting Ashli?? What makes her so special in your mind??

View attachment 480079

No. If an officer shoots someone there is an investigation of that officer by those in charge. That can land that officer in court if its found to be anything but legal. said you were certain she would be charged...not only said that officer would be charged with "MURDER"

What makes her so special in your mind that you can be assured that officer would be charged for murder??
Babbit was unarmed and murdered in cold blood while protesting against her government. Celebrate all you want, but you will reap what you sow.
Ashli was attempting to breach a secure perimeter protecting our Congressmen. Once that perimeter was breached, there would be no way to protect members of Congress who were being threatened by an angry mob.

Ashli‘s relatives should sue the hell out of Donald J Trump
He is the one who filled her with lies, he is the one who filled her with rage, he is the one who called her to Washington and sent her to the Capitol.
There were what 4 or 5 other cops---none of them shot--------
And if you can shoot ashli-why can't all these actually violent protestors be shot in Minnesota--ALL of them on site.
Ashli still didn't attack anyone.........ever and the cop who wrote of wanting to kill Trump supporters murdered her.
Why was there a secure preimeter when congress knew that they were coming days in advance?
It all comes down to threat

The TRUMPmob was screaming threats against Congressmen and Mike Pence....Where ARE They?
Some carried restraints if they captured any.

Ashli broke a window and was crawling through it when shot. There were no further barriers to Congress members
Floyd was arrested or in the process for passing a counterfeit bill. He resisted arrest and he died from a drug overdose. Babbit got no warning, she was never restrained, she was unarmed and shot for no reason.
If Republicans didn't LIE, they'd have NOTHING to say!
Projecting again, Democrat slave?
To recap.....

A bunch of fragile minded reactionary right wing ammosexual cucks stormed the capitol because of a lie.....
Floyd was arrested or in the process for passing a counterfeit bill. He resisted arrest and he died from a drug overdose. Babbit got no warning, she was never restrained, she was unarmed and shot for no reason.
If Republicans didn't LIE, they'd have NOTHING to say!
Projecting again, Democrat slave?
To recap.....

A bunch of fragile minded reactionary right wing ammosexual cucks stormed the capitol because of a lie.....
We know BLM and Antifa was among them. Were you?
Floyd was arrested or in the process for passing a counterfeit bill. He resisted arrest and he died from a drug overdose. Babbit got no warning, she was never restrained, she was unarmed and shot for no reason.
If Republicans didn't LIE, they'd have NOTHING to say!
Projecting again, Democrat slave?
To recap.....

A bunch of fragile minded reactionary right wing ammosexual cucks stormed the capitol because of a lie.....
We know BLM and Antifa was among them. Were you?
It would mean that BLM and Antifa believed the election was stolen from Trump....which would make BLM and Antifa equally stupid as you Trumpers.... dic suckers still haven't showed one ounce of proof that BLM and Antifa were behind this insurrection....

but as someone just said.....

"If Republicans couldn't lie; they'd have nothing to say"
The right decision! She was an insurrectionist, under orders from Trump, hell bent on overthrowing the government of the United States of America. She received exactly what she deserved by a patriotic officer defending our country.

No, she was an unarmed civilian trespassing in the capital buildings. If this officer had shot her anywhere else he'd be up on charges of murder.
Officers shoot unarmed people all the time "SOMEWHERE ELSE" and don't get brought up on charges...

What makes you so sure a cop would have been charged for shooting Ashli?? What makes her so special in your mind??

View attachment 480079

No. If an officer shoots someone there is an investigation of that officer by those in charge. That can land that officer in court if its found to be anything but legal. said you were certain she would be charged...not only said that officer would be charged with "MURDER"

What makes her so special in your mind that you can be assured that officer would be charged for murder??

He shot an unarmed woman. Show me where that's not a murder charge. The key word is UNARMED. Had she had a weapon it wouldn't be murder.
Babbit was unarmed and murdered in cold blood while protesting against her government. Celebrate all you want, but you will reap what you sow.
Ashli was attempting to breach a secure perimeter protecting our Congressmen. Once that perimeter was breached, there would be no way to protect members of Congress who were being threatened by an angry mob.

Ashli‘s relatives should sue the hell out of Donald J Trump
He is the one who filled her with lies, he is the one who filled her with rage, he is the one who called her to Washington and sent her to the Capitol.
What threat did she pose to anyone? She presented a physical threat to our Congressmen ? A verbal one? She was unarmed.
Lol, you got a mob coming through your door you would have shot more than one person we both know it. Come through my door like that I would kill em all and let God sort them out.
No, she was an unarmed civilian trespassing in the capital buildings. If this officer had shot her anywhere else he'd be up on charges of murder.
If the person the cop killed was a black man you would be singing a much different tune.

No I wouldn't and don't put your racist bull shit on me. When you don't have an answer you pull the oh so overused racist card. Dumbass.

An unarmed woman was shot. Doesn't matter what color she was. She was UNARMED.
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No, she was an unarmed civilian trespassing in the capital buildings. If this officer had shot her anywhere else he'd be up on charges of murder.
If the person the cop killed was a black man you would be singing a much different tune.

No I wouldn't and don't put your racist bull shit on me. When you don't have an answer you pull the oh so overused racist card. Dumbass.

An unarmed woman was shot. Doesn't matter what color she was. She was UNARMED.

If you had an angry mob pounding on your front door demanding to get in and they smash a window and start climbing through.......Do you shoot?

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