No greater poetic justice than Trump's tariffs--& China's retaliation!


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Watching National news this morning--we had farmers & ranchers on T.V. complaining about Trump's tariffs, after they got the complete list of what China was going to retaliate with. Yes, they all admitted they voted for Trump. I envision they were at rallies all across this country with their "Make America great again" hats and gear on, gleefully cheering him on when he campaigned on tariffs, and truly enjoyed "chanting" lock her up:auiqs.jpg:

Well the complete list is out. Comments were--"I really didn't believe he would do that.":auiqs.jpg: He has.

Here is the hit list China is planning on making. Everything from Soy beans to SUV's & Trucks.
Full list of U.S. products that China is planning to hit with tariffs

If Trump really pisses them off, they could probably raise the interest rates on all that American debt they're holding.

In the HISTORY of this nation, there is no greater national brain fart than electing Donald Trump.



The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’
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"Trade wars are good, and easy to win!" - Donald J. Trump

Trade wars are as easy to win as repealing and replacing ObamaCare.
I looked at the list. The Chinese are the ones who will suffer shortages because of their tariffs. We have other buyers.
95 percent of the world's consumers are outside the US. We need the rest of the world more than they need us.
Eventually, China's economy will be based less and less on exports, and more and more on internal consumerism.

Then they really will have us over a barrel with all our debt they hold.
China hasn’t had much luck breaking into the market for finished drugs, but where it has succeeded is in making chemical components for medicines, or active pharmaceutical ingredients. As with generic drugs, this has become a commodity business where market share is largely decided on price. Thanks to cheap labor and economies of scale, China has captured 40 percent of global production of chemical components. While it’s hard to trace where that supply goes, it’s safe to say at least some finds its way into U.S. medicines.

6. How would fewer U.S. imports affect prices?
The Indians and Chinese say Americans would pay higher prices if they made more of their own generics and drug components. That would put Trump in a bind given that he’s also said he wants to bring down prices. In the U.S., the cost of a generic drug, the kind that India specializes in producing, is estimated to be 80 percent to 85 percent lower than that of the brand-name equivalent. In 2010 alone, the FDA estimates, the use of generic drugs in the U.S. saved $158 billion, or $3 billion every week.

The Reference Shelf
Watching National news this morning--we had farmers & ranchers on T.V. complaining about Trump's tariffs, after they got the complete list of what China was going to retaliate with. Yes, they all admitted they voted for Trump. I envision they were at rallies all across this country with their "Make America great again" hats and gear on, gleefully cheering him on when he campaigned on tariffs, and truly enjoyed "chanting" lock her up:auiqs.jpg:

Well the complete list is out. Comments were--"I really didn't believe he would do that.":auiqs.jpg: He has.

Here is the hit list China is planning on making. Everything from Soy beans to SUV's & Trucks.
Full list of U.S. products that China is planning to hit with tariffs

If Trump really pisses them off, they could probably raise the interest rates on all that American debt they're holding.

There is no greater national brain fart than electing Donald Trump.



The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’

Trump’s tariffs won’t go into effect until summer. I’d bet anything they end up being completely neutered like everything else Trump does. Like how he immediately exempted everybody that sells us steel and aluminum from his steel and aluminum tariffs.
I looked at the list. The Chinese are the ones who will suffer shortages because of their tariffs. We have other buyers.
95 percent of the world's consumers are outside the US. We need the rest of the world more than they need us.
All of the worlds US consumers are in the US. China needs to worry about repairing its ailing wall.
Watching National news this morning--we had farmers & ranchers on T.V. complaining about Trump's tariffs, after they got the complete list of what China was going to retaliate with. Yes, they all admitted they voted for Trump. I envision they were at rallies all across this country with their "Make America great again" hats and gear on, gleefully cheering him on when he campaigned on tariffs, and truly enjoyed "chanting" lock her up:auiqs.jpg:

Well the complete list is out. Comments were--"I really didn't believe he would do that.":auiqs.jpg: He has.

Here is the hit list China is planning on making. Everything from Soy beans to SUV's & Trucks.
Full list of U.S. products that China is planning to hit with tariffs

If Trump really pisses them off, they could probably raise the interest rates on all that American debt they're holding.

There is no greater national brain fart than electing Donald Trump.



The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’

Trump’s tariffs won’t go into effect until summer. I’d bet anything they end up being completely neutered like everything else Trump does. Like how he immediately exempted everybody that sells us steel and aluminum from his steel and aluminum tariffs.

Well, he had to start a war somewhere, and this may be it. Any regrets now?
I looked at the list. The Chinese are the ones who will suffer shortages because of their tariffs. We have other buyers.
95 percent of the world's consumers are outside the US. We need the rest of the world more than they need us.
All of the worlds US consumers are in the US. China needs to worry about repairing its ailing wall.
Those US consumers are not going to be very fucking happy about paying higher costs for their imported goods.

Trump is learning the hard way he made a yuge mistake. If he knew a fucking thing about history, which he doesn't, he would not have made this idiotic move.

It won't be long now: "Nobody knew trade wars could be so complicated!"
Watching National news this morning--we had farmers & ranchers on T.V. complaining about Trump's tariffs, after they got the complete list of what China was going to retaliate with. Yes, they all admitted they voted for Trump. I envision they were at rallies all across this country with their "Make America great again" hats and gear on, gleefully cheering him on when he campaigned on tariffs, and truly enjoyed "chanting" lock her up:auiqs.jpg:

Well the complete list is out. Comments were--"I really didn't believe he would do that.":auiqs.jpg: He has.

Here is the hit list China is planning on making. Everything from Soy beans to SUV's & Trucks.
Full list of U.S. products that China is planning to hit with tariffs

If Trump really pisses them off, they could probably raise the interest rates on all that American debt they're holding.

There is no greater national brain fart than electing Donald Trump.



The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’

Trump’s tariffs won’t go into effect until summer. I’d bet anything they end up being completely neutered like everything else Trump does. Like how he immediately exempted everybody that sells us steel and aluminum from his steel and aluminum tariffs.

Well, he had to start a war somewhere, and this may be it. Any regrets now?

After the Bolton hire, I’m sure there are a few more wars on the horizon. Ones with enough American blood spilled to soothe the Trump sheep.
Trump will take the first trade deal he is offered by "Ghina" and then claim a victory, and the Tard Herd will chug that piss right down.
I looked at the list. The Chinese are the ones who will suffer shortages because of their tariffs. We have other buyers.

We do? Who is going to buy the soybeans that China buys?

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The USA grows 108 million metric tons of soybeans and last year china imported 5.82 million metric tons from us. They can't beat us on trade
I looked at the list. The Chinese are the ones who will suffer shortages because of their tariffs. We have other buyers.

We do? Who is going to buy the soybeans that China buys?

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The USA grows 108 million metric tons of soybeans and last year china imported 5.82 million metric tons from us. They can't beat us on trade
Sure they can. They always have. Every time some dipshit enacts punitive tariffs against China, they have beat us.

You know why? Because American importers don't like paying more for their goods.

Jesus, this is a YUGE blind spot Trumptards have.
There are already American importers in Washington kicking Trump in the balls for being a fucking idiot.
Watching National news this morning--we had farmers & ranchers on T.V. complaining about Trump's tariffs, after they got the complete list of what China was going to retaliate with. Yes, they all admitted they voted for Trump. I envision they were at rallies all across this country with their "Make America great again" hats and gear on, gleefully cheering him on when he campaigned on tariffs, and truly enjoyed "chanting" lock her up:auiqs.jpg:

Well the complete list is out. Comments were--"I really didn't believe he would do that.":auiqs.jpg: He has.

Here is the hit list China is planning on making. Everything from Soy beans to SUV's & Trucks.
Full list of U.S. products that China is planning to hit with tariffs

If Trump really pisses them off, they could probably raise the interest rates on all that American debt they're holding.

In the HISTORY of this nation, there is no greater national brain fart than electing Donald Trump.



The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’

They will still vote for Trump

They don’t know any better
Watching National news this morning--we had farmers & ranchers on T.V. complaining about Trump's tariffs, after they got the complete list of what China was going to retaliate with. Yes, they all admitted they voted for Trump. I envision they were at rallies all across this country with their "Make America great again" hats and gear on, gleefully cheering him on when he campaigned on tariffs, and truly enjoyed "chanting" lock her up:auiqs.jpg:

Well the complete list is out. Comments were--"I really didn't believe he would do that.":auiqs.jpg: He has.

Here is the hit list China is planning on making. Everything from Soy beans to SUV's & Trucks.
Full list of U.S. products that China is planning to hit with tariffs

If Trump really pisses them off, they could probably raise the interest rates on all that American debt they're holding.

In the HISTORY of this nation, there is no greater national brain fart than electing Donald Trump.



The Great Depression Lesson About ‘Trade Wars’

They will still vote for Trump

They don’t know any better

The dump has 2 choices ,,,to admit he was bluffing and lose all credibility OR go ahead with his tariffs and cause great pain for mostly his voters
You bedwetters still haven't figured Trump out...have you? He threatens and then he backs off. It's the art of the deal in action. He's been doing it for decades as a businessman and he's doing it now as President. Don't get your panties in a bunch.

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