No, don't impeach,,,,but also don't let up....

The dystopian nightmare that is California has been brought to you by... Democrats (and nat4900)
Tammy Bruce: The dystopian nightmare that is California has been brought to you by... Democrats

Tammy Bruce - Conservapedia

Tammy Bruce "is an openly gay, pro-choice, gun owning, pro-death penalty, Independent Conservative", talk show host, according to her official biography.
Yeah? So? Are you going to say SHES NOT REALLY GAY because she's a conservative?

You guys really hate it when people don't hold the beliefs you dictate they should.
Ds are caught between a rock and a hard place. Impeach and risk turning The Don into a martyr and pissing off much of America. Not impeaching risks alienating your base and losing their votes and money.

With any luck, their failure to impeach will lead to the demise of the two party system. That would be awesome.
:lol: the parties, especially the R party, have already been destroyed!


But in my own life, no matter how hard it is going to be, doing the ''right thing'' is what one should strive to do....

short term, it may cost them seats... but leaving the presidency opened to lawlessness being ok, for any future president, is not good for the nation...

they are being cowards imho.... Yes they fear the unknown of how it would all turn out, 4 more years of Trump will end the USA as we know it and scares the PaJesus out of them...

BUT if they do not charge him with articles of impeachment for his lawlessness, gawd help us, with presidents even worse, down the road.... imo.
With every new POTUS, new and greater lawlessness ensues. This has been going on for decades. So, nothing new there.

The two gangs are really mirror imagines of each other, on the big issues. They both do the bidding of the billionaires and ignore the constitution and the needs of the people.

To think the NSA is still spying on us all and Congress and the MSM say nothing of this clear unconstitutional activity, is proof we’re getting screwed.

The proof you're getting screwed isn't the idea that the NSA are spying on you. It's the idea that all of the wealth of the nation is flowing to the top, unabated, simply because stupid Republican voters all think that someday they'll all be rich too.
So everyone vote socialist and we'll all be equally poor!

No you idiot! You’ll all be better off and have more opportunities than you have now. Everyone would have access to health care and a quality education.
Ds are caught between a rock and a hard place. Impeach and risk turning The Don into a martyr and pissing off much of America. Not impeaching risks alienating your base and losing their votes and money.

With any luck, their failure to impeach will lead to the demise of the two party system. That would be awesome.
:lol: the parties, especially the R party, have already been destroyed!


But in my own life, no matter how hard it is going to be, doing the ''right thing'' is what one should strive to do....

short term, it may cost them seats... but leaving the presidency opened to lawlessness being ok, for any future president, is not good for the nation...

they are being cowards imho.... Yes they fear the unknown of how it would all turn out, 4 more years of Trump will end the USA as we know it and scares the PaJesus out of them...

BUT if they do not charge him with articles of impeachment for his lawlessness, gawd help us, with presidents even worse, down the road.... imo.
With every new POTUS, new and greater lawlessness ensues. This has been going on for decades. So, nothing new there.

The two gangs are really mirror imagines of each other, on the big issues. They both do the bidding of the billionaires and ignore the constitution and the needs of the people.

To think the NSA is still spying on us all and Congress and the MSM say nothing of this clear unconstitutional activity, is proof we’re getting screwed.

The proof you're getting screwed isn't the idea that the NSA are spying on you. It's the idea that all of the wealth of the nation is flowing to the top, unabated, simply because stupid Republican voters all think that someday they'll all be rich too.
So everyone vote socialist and we'll all be equally poor!

No you idiot! You’ll all be better off and have more opportunities than you have now. Everyone would have access to health care and a quality education.

Until the massive tax burden drains the wealth out of the country. Socialism requires Capitalism to survive.
Care to prove that these people aren't qualified?

Of course not. Mental midgets on The Left never prove anything.

Just because a judge is a Constructionalist instead of an Activist does not mean they are morons.

All SCOTUS Judges should be Constructionalist.

Judges are not supposed to legislate from The Bench, but that is all Liberal Judges ever do.
Its not the left disqualifying them, its the bar association: Like this guy for example. And there is more. Trump leads in disqualified judges.
Even the acting AG wasnt qualified.

Then, there is also 36 year old blogger Brett Talley.

So the ABA is 100% apolitical?
Just because you can't do your job without taking your personal politics into consideration doesn't mean the rest us are similarly handicapped.

Nice non-answer there, loser-boi.
It means "yes".

It's not that hard dude.

Yes is the wrong answer.
If this opening title isn’t proof democrats are domestic terrorist I don’t know what is
When is all this going to be about the voter? Not Trump or Schiff, or Mueller, or Barr, or Comey, or Pelosi, or Schumer, or Graham, or the media? Our opinion will steer the impeachment, and our votes will steer the election.
Actually the house has passed over 300 pieces of legislation, McConnell won't bring any of them up in the Senate.

So who can't get anything done?

The Senate is approving judges at a rapid clip. They are saving the judiciary.
The House can't even pass a Budget. Whose job is it to pass the 2020 Budget?
"Saving the judiciary?"

They're stacking it with morons who aren't qualified. It's gonna take decades to undo the damage these idiots will cause.
Care to prove that these people aren't qualified?

Of course not. Mental midgets on The Left never prove anything.

Just because a judge is a Constructionalist instead of an Activist does not mean they are morons.

All SCOTUS Judges should be Constructionalist.

Judges are not supposed to legislate from The Bench, but that is all Liberal Judges ever do.
Its not the left disqualifying them, its the bar association: Like this guy for example. And there is more. Trump leads in disqualified judges.
Even the acting AG wasnt qualified.

Then, there is also 36 year old blogger Brett Talley.

So the ABA is 100% apolitical?
The ABA has kept our judges white and male.
But it could be the most qualified are white & male.
:lol: the parties, especially the R party, have already been destroyed!


But in my own life, no matter how hard it is going to be, doing the ''right thing'' is what one should strive to do....

short term, it may cost them seats... but leaving the presidency opened to lawlessness being ok, for any future president, is not good for the nation...

they are being cowards imho.... Yes they fear the unknown of how it would all turn out, 4 more years of Trump will end the USA as we know it and scares the PaJesus out of them...

BUT if they do not charge him with articles of impeachment for his lawlessness, gawd help us, with presidents even worse, down the road.... imo.
With every new POTUS, new and greater lawlessness ensues. This has been going on for decades. So, nothing new there.

The two gangs are really mirror imagines of each other, on the big issues. They both do the bidding of the billionaires and ignore the constitution and the needs of the people.

To think the NSA is still spying on us all and Congress and the MSM say nothing of this clear unconstitutional activity, is proof we’re getting screwed.

The proof you're getting screwed isn't the idea that the NSA are spying on you. It's the idea that all of the wealth of the nation is flowing to the top, unabated, simply because stupid Republican voters all think that someday they'll all be rich too.
So everyone vote socialist and we'll all be equally poor!

No you idiot! You’ll all be better off and have more opportunities than you have now. Everyone would have access to health care and a quality education.

Until the massive tax burden drains the wealth out of the country. Socialism requires Capitalism to survive.

You have it backwards. Capitalism creates winners and losers, far more of the latter than the former. A strong social safety net is a necessity in a capitalistic society because of this and because capitalism is subject to periods of contraction and recession. Without the safety net you have a banana republic. A little bit of wealth and a lot of poverty.

This leaves capitalistic society vulnerable to revolution because of the lack of opportunity.
If this opening title isn’t proof democrats are domestic terrorist I don’t know what is
I challenge One Democrat to show us one policy they are promoting that is actually good for America.

They can't.

They have been running on "Replace America" for decades now.
Ds are caught between a rock and a hard place. Impeach and risk turning The Don into a martyr and pissing off much of America. Not impeaching risks alienating your base and losing their votes and money.

With any luck, their failure to impeach will lead to the demise of the two party system. That would be awesome.
:lol: the parties, especially the R party, have already been destroyed!


But in my own life, no matter how hard it is going to be, doing the ''right thing'' is what one should strive to do....

short term, it may cost them seats... but leaving the presidency opened to lawlessness being ok, for any future president, is not good for the nation...

they are being cowards imho.... Yes they fear the unknown of how it would all turn out, 4 more years of Trump will end the USA as we know it and scares the PaJesus out of them...

BUT if they do not charge him with articles of impeachment for his lawlessness, gawd help us, with presidents even worse, down the road.... imo.
With every new POTUS, new and greater lawlessness ensues. This has been going on for decades. So, nothing new there.

The two gangs are really mirror imagines of each other, on the big issues. They both do the bidding of the billionaires and ignore the constitution and the needs of the people.

To think the NSA is still spying on us all and Congress and the MSM say nothing of this clear unconstitutional activity, is proof we’re getting screwed.

The proof you're getting screwed isn't the idea that the NSA are spying on you. It's the idea that all of the wealth of the nation is flowing to the top, unabated, simply because stupid Republican voters all think that someday they'll all be rich too.
So everyone vote socialist and we'll all be equally poor!

No you idiot! You’ll all be better off and have more opportunities than you have now. Everyone would have access to health care and a quality education.

Who is everyone?

Illegal Aliens?

People who want a free ride like 90% of DemNazi DemTard constituency?

I am not paying another cent for you drug using, cross dressing, homosexual, child molesting, illegal alien, drug selling, couch surfing, no job having assholes.

I got news for you honey. We can no longer afford your Socialist Retardation.

The War on Poverty, which was THE BIG LIE and was nothing but wealth redistribution, has put America $22 Trillion in Debt, and we aren't ever getting out of that or paying that off, EVER.....and you want to enslave us more to The Federal Reserve?

We have to borrow money now for THE SOCIALIST FUCKs and Their Socialist Programs that fucked the American Taxpayer.

You want us all to be homeless?

Why are Americans paying taxes from the day they are born to the day they die, and Never ever are freed from paying their taxes?

Why do you think its a good idea for me to pay for your lazy ass or anyone you know to go to school?

Why is it my responsibility to pay for your lazy ass and health care for you?
Trump's advisors (the few left he may have who can still think rationally) are begging for impeachment to start since that may be the ONLY way to make Trump into a "martyr" and get re-elected by his fired up base....and maybe a percentage of independent voters. Impeachment is a VERY divisive issue that can only benefit Trump.....and maybe lose the House majority for democrats.

So, don't impeach Trump........Compel Mueller to testify even if only to read before a TV audience what is spelled out in his report (since Trump cult members refuse to read it.)

Also, compel testimony from the remainder of Mueller's team and let Trump's acolytes lawyer-up as they defy subpoenas brought before a court of jurisdiction.

If democrats can present ambitious bills (such as infrastructure, the lowering prescription drug costs, etc.) AND also taint Trump as the low-life demagogue on a daily basis, democrats will gain the WH, keep control of the House and gain about 10 to 15 seats in the Senate.

Seriously, Nat, how many of your threads have been closed down for your failure to provide a link? Do you ever learn?

I state on here my OPINION.........don't read my threads if "opinions" bother you....and YES.... my opinions certainly bother those on here with their limited powers to shut down a thread.

Don't stop posting, gnat. It's always a fantastic ride in your Alice in wonderland world. It makes us laugh and laughing is good for your health.
If this opening title isn’t proof democrats are domestic terrorist I don’t know what is
I challenge One Democrat to show us one policy they are promoting that is actually good for America.

They can't.

They have been running on "Replace America" for decades now.

The list of things is endless but it starts with universal health care, saving the lives of the 45,000 Americans who die every year from lack of access to health care.

Next is a living minimum wage. Mandated vacations, and investment in infrastructure.

I challenge YOU to come up with anything Republicans have done since 2000 which actually helped all Americans and not just the wealthy. The tax cuts don’t qualify. They did more harm than good.
If this opening title isn’t proof democrats are domestic terrorist I don’t know what is
I challenge One Democrat to show us one policy they are promoting that is actually good for America.

They can't.

They have been running on "Replace America" for decades now.

The list of things is endless but it starts with universal health care, saving the lives of the 45,000 Americans who die every year from lack of access to health care.

Next is a living minimum wage. Mandated vacations, and investment in infrastructure.

I challenge YOU to come up with anything Republicans have done since 2000 which actually helped all Americans and not just the wealthy. The tax cuts don’t qualify. They did more harm than good.
Lol trump wants to goven.. why won’t democrats put forth a plan meet with republicans talk. Have summit, I don’t understand why democrats at talking impeachment when you say 45,000 are dying
With every new POTUS, new and greater lawlessness ensues. This has been going on for decades. So, nothing new there.

The two gangs are really mirror imagines of each other, on the big issues. They both do the bidding of the billionaires and ignore the constitution and the needs of the people.

To think the NSA is still spying on us all and Congress and the MSM say nothing of this clear unconstitutional activity, is proof we’re getting screwed.

The proof you're getting screwed isn't the idea that the NSA are spying on you. It's the idea that all of the wealth of the nation is flowing to the top, unabated, simply because stupid Republican voters all think that someday they'll all be rich too.
So everyone vote socialist and we'll all be equally poor!

No you idiot! You’ll all be better off and have more opportunities than you have now. Everyone would have access to health care and a quality education.

Until the massive tax burden drains the wealth out of the country. Socialism requires Capitalism to survive.

You have it backwards. Capitalism creates winners and losers, far more of the latter than the former. A strong social safety net is a necessity in a capitalistic society because of this and because capitalism is subject to periods of contraction and recession. Without the safety net you have a banana republic. A little bit of wealth and a lot of poverty.

This leaves capitalistic society vulnerable to revolution because of the lack of opportunity.

The "safety net" first requires available wealth for the government to confiscate. When the government begins to confiscate more than the free economy can produce (inevitable, given human nature), Socialism falls apart and becomes totalitarian.

The safety net should function more like a trampoline than like a net. It should focus on getting people out of it and no longer needing it as fast as possible instead of seeking to grow ever larger and measuring its success by how many people are depending on it.
:lol: the parties, especially the R party, have already been destroyed!


But in my own life, no matter how hard it is going to be, doing the ''right thing'' is what one should strive to do....

short term, it may cost them seats... but leaving the presidency opened to lawlessness being ok, for any future president, is not good for the nation...

they are being cowards imho.... Yes they fear the unknown of how it would all turn out, 4 more years of Trump will end the USA as we know it and scares the PaJesus out of them...

BUT if they do not charge him with articles of impeachment for his lawlessness, gawd help us, with presidents even worse, down the road.... imo.
With every new POTUS, new and greater lawlessness ensues. This has been going on for decades. So, nothing new there.

The two gangs are really mirror imagines of each other, on the big issues. They both do the bidding of the billionaires and ignore the constitution and the needs of the people.

To think the NSA is still spying on us all and Congress and the MSM say nothing of this clear unconstitutional activity, is proof we’re getting screwed.

The proof you're getting screwed isn't the idea that the NSA are spying on you. It's the idea that all of the wealth of the nation is flowing to the top, unabated, simply because stupid Republican voters all think that someday they'll all be rich too.
So everyone vote socialist and we'll all be equally poor!

No you idiot! You’ll all be better off and have more opportunities than you have now. Everyone would have access to health care and a quality education.

Until the massive tax burden drains the wealth out of the country. Socialism requires Capitalism to survive.
All economic systems require consumer demand to survive. Thats all there is to it.
If this opening title isn’t proof democrats are domestic terrorist I don’t know what is
I challenge One Democrat to show us one policy they are promoting that is actually good for America.

They can't.

They have been running on "Replace America" for decades now.

The list of things is endless but it starts with universal health care, saving the lives of the 45,000 Americans who die every year from lack of access to health care.

Next is a living minimum wage. Mandated vacations, and investment in infrastructure.

I challenge YOU to come up with anything Republicans have done since 2000 which actually helped all Americans and not just the wealthy. The tax cuts don’t qualify. They did more harm than good.
Lol trump wants to goven.. why won’t democrats put forth a plan meet with republicans talk. Have summit, I don’t understand why democrats at talking impeachment when you say 45,000 are dying

Every time Democrats meet with Trump to discuss ways of helping the American people, Trump pitches a fit and walks out of the meeting before the Democrats canday or do anything.

Trump has never had to answer to anyone in his life except his father. As CEO of a closely held private company, he’s never had to answer to a Board of Directors or follow rules and he ignores the law utterly. Now as President he sees himself as some sort of absolute ruler, unencumbered by any restrictions or limits to his power, and he’s convinced he’s above the law and cans do ANYTHING.

He’s refusing oversight, restraint of any kind or any limits on his power. This cannot continue.
With every new POTUS, new and greater lawlessness ensues. This has been going on for decades. So, nothing new there.

The two gangs are really mirror imagines of each other, on the big issues. They both do the bidding of the billionaires and ignore the constitution and the needs of the people.

To think the NSA is still spying on us all and Congress and the MSM say nothing of this clear unconstitutional activity, is proof we’re getting screwed.

The proof you're getting screwed isn't the idea that the NSA are spying on you. It's the idea that all of the wealth of the nation is flowing to the top, unabated, simply because stupid Republican voters all think that someday they'll all be rich too.
So everyone vote socialist and we'll all be equally poor!

No you idiot! You’ll all be better off and have more opportunities than you have now. Everyone would have access to health care and a quality education.

Until the massive tax burden drains the wealth out of the country. Socialism requires Capitalism to survive.

You have it backwards. Capitalism creates winners and losers, far more of the latter than the former. A strong social safety net is a necessity in a capitalistic society because of this and because capitalism is subject to periods of contraction and recession. Without the safety net you have a banana republic. A little bit of wealth and a lot of poverty.

This leaves capitalistic society vulnerable to revolution because of the lack of opportunity.

Socialism doesn't work, it claims equality for all and it is nothing short of a ponzi scheme that eventually collapses by it's own weight. There is no incentive to succeed and therefore innovation is stifled. Private property rights are taken away, socialism depends on taking more and more rights from individuals and centralizes governments. Businesses that try to centralize suffer huge woes, the government would be even more profound. Socialism creates the have nots and the elites that are in power. Not a good system and doesn't work.
The proof you're getting screwed isn't the idea that the NSA are spying on you. It's the idea that all of the wealth of the nation is flowing to the top, unabated, simply because stupid Republican voters all think that someday they'll all be rich too.
So everyone vote socialist and we'll all be equally poor!

No you idiot! You’ll all be better off and have more opportunities than you have now. Everyone would have access to health care and a quality education.

Until the massive tax burden drains the wealth out of the country. Socialism requires Capitalism to survive.

You have it backwards. Capitalism creates winners and losers, far more of the latter than the former. A strong social safety net is a necessity in a capitalistic society because of this and because capitalism is subject to periods of contraction and recession. Without the safety net you have a banana republic. A little bit of wealth and a lot of poverty.

This leaves capitalistic society vulnerable to revolution because of the lack of opportunity.

Socialism doesn't work, it claims equality for all and it is nothing short of a ponzi scheme that eventually collapses by it's own weight. There is no incentive to succeed and therefore innovation is stifled. Private property rights are taken away, socialism depends on taking more and more rights from individuals and centralizes governments. Businesses that try to centralize suffer huge woes, the government would be even more profound. Socialism creates the have nots and the elites that are in power. Not a good system and doesn't work.
The problem with capitalism is it inevitably leads to the concentration of wealth into the hands of fewer and fewer people. These people then use that wealth to acquire greater political power and governmental protection. We are witnessing this phenomenon right now.

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