No Difference Between Newtown and Abortion

why don't you try to find, just for laughs, a woman who has lost a toddler and also lost a fetus. it is highly probable that one of the mothers of the shot children also had a spontaneous abortion previously.

then ask her your really interesting question, for laughs. and to gleam insight. :D

I have known a woman who has lost a child stillborn in the 8 month and a 16 month old, not by gunshot but by illness. She grieves for them both deeply.

Do you believe you speak for all parents? I do not.
Ask her if losing an eight week old fetus is equal to losing a two year old child and get back to us.

My wife had 3 miscarriages and we did not look at any of them as losing a child.
What is the difference between a child in the womb and a child in a schoolroom Libberhoids? More than 55 million just-as-innocent kids have been killed by abortion doctors since Roe v. Wade became law in 1973.

I have an idea. Let's ban assault rifles and the tools of the abortion trade, you know, in the spirit of bipartisanship.

You cannot honestly compare a five year old child with a five week old fetus. If you do, you are insane.
There is no biological proof of "personhood" as a fetus. They have not developed enough to feel pain. I do not see anything wrong with it. It is better than living in an orphanage, their moms shoving a coathanger in themselves, or end up starving in a dumpster on the hooker block of downtown.

I'm all for a woman's rights to her body...

but your post makes me wanna track you down and beat the living shit outta you...
There is no biological proof of "personhood" as a fetus. They have not developed enough to feel pain. I do not see anything wrong with it. It is better than living in an orphanage, their moms shoving a coathanger in themselves, or end up starving in a dumpster on the hooker block of downtown.
how about your so called fetus that has been in the womb 8mths ??
There is no biological proof of "personhood" as a fetus. They have not developed enough to feel pain. I do not see anything wrong with it. It is better than living in an orphanage, their moms shoving a coathanger in themselves, or end up starving in a dumpster on the hooker block of downtown.
how about your so called fetus that has been in the womb 8mths ??

What about it?
There is no biological proof of "personhood" as a fetus. They have not developed enough to feel pain. I do not see anything wrong with it. It is better than living in an orphanage, their moms shoving a coathanger in themselves, or end up starving in a dumpster on the hooker block of downtown.
how about your so called fetus that has been in the womb 8mths ??

What about it?
damn !! there is no hope for people like you !!
There is no biological proof of "personhood" as a fetus. They have not developed enough to feel pain. I do not see anything wrong with it. It is better than living in an orphanage, their moms shoving a coathanger in themselves, or end up starving in a dumpster on the hooker block of downtown.

I'm all for a woman's rights to her body...

but your post makes me wanna track you down and beat the living shit outta you...

Hmmmm elaborate, keyboard commando
There is no biological proof of "personhood" as a fetus. They have not developed enough to feel pain. I do not see anything wrong with it. It is better than living in an orphanage, their moms shoving a coathanger in themselves, or end up starving in a dumpster on the hooker block of downtown.
how about your so called fetus that has been in the womb 8mths ??

There is no biological proof of "personhood" as a fetus. They have not developed enough to feel pain. I do not see anything wrong with it. It is better than living in an orphanage, their moms shoving a coathanger in themselves, or end up starving in a dumpster on the hooker block of downtown.

I'm all for a woman's rights to her body...

but your post makes me wanna track you down and beat the living shit outta you...

oooooooh, i bet he's scared now

There is no biological proof of "personhood" as a fetus. They have not developed enough to feel pain. I do not see anything wrong with it. It is better than living in an orphanage, their moms shoving a coathanger in themselves, or end up starving in a dumpster on the hooker block of downtown.

I do not see anything wrong with it. It is better than living in an orphanage,

Wonder ,if let to live,what they might say about that.

Your compassion is ??? what what compassion.

your biological proof looks back at you everyday in your mirror.

what kinda of demented logic allows ,for the lack of pain which is not true, to kill them .
There is no biological proof of "personhood" as a fetus. They have not developed enough to feel pain. I do not see anything wrong with it. It is better than living in an orphanage, their moms shoving a coathanger in themselves, or end up starving in a dumpster on the hooker block of downtown.

I do not see anything wrong with it. It is better than living in an orphanage,

Wonder ,if let to live,what they might say about that.

Your compassion is ??? what what compassion.

your biological proof looks back at you everyday in your mirror.

what kinda of demented logic allows ,for the lack of pain which is not true, to kill them .

Ok Chicken. How does me being 26 years old reflect the biological condition of a 1-3 month old fetus? Lack of pain is not true? Prove it A 1 - 3 month fetus has not developed enough to feel anything. If I am wrong I would love for you to prove it. Plus my reasons for being pro-choice is a lot more than them not being able to feel. Read the thread
There is no biological proof of "personhood" as a fetus. They have not developed enough to feel pain. I do not see anything wrong with it. It is better than living in an orphanage, their moms shoving a coathanger in themselves, or end up starving in a dumpster on the hooker block of downtown.

I do not see anything wrong with it. It is better than living in an orphanage,

Wonder ,if let to live,what they might say about that.

Your compassion is ??? what what compassion.

your biological proof looks back at you everyday in your mirror.

what kinda of demented logic allows ,for the lack of pain which is not true, to kill them .

Ok Chicken. How does me being 26 years old reflect the biological condition of a 1-3 month old fetus? Lack of pain is not true? Prove it A 1 - 3 month fetus has not developed enough to feel anything. If I am wrong I would love for you to prove it. Plus my reasons for being pro-choice is a lot more than them not being able to feel. Read the thread

you were once a three month old unless your one of those cabbage patch kids,and yes they can feel pain,which is irrelevant anyway if they can or cant. I will not do your research for you

Your other excuses? they might not be loved,might grow up in an orphanage? those are good enough to kill someone??

The number of women that would jam a coat hanger into themselves is a miniscule number compared to the millions of kids that have been discarded like some trash.

You should talk to an abortion survivor its a very eye opening experience.Do you have your own children ?
I do not see anything wrong with it. It is better than living in an orphanage,

Wonder ,if let to live,what they might say about that.

Your compassion is ??? what what compassion.

your biological proof looks back at you everyday in your mirror.

what kinda of demented logic allows ,for the lack of pain which is not true, to kill them .

Ok Chicken. How does me being 26 years old reflect the biological condition of a 1-3 month old fetus? Lack of pain is not true? Prove it A 1 - 3 month fetus has not developed enough to feel anything. If I am wrong I would love for you to prove it. Plus my reasons for being pro-choice is a lot more than them not being able to feel. Read the thread

you were once a three month old unless your one of those cabbage patch kids,and yes they can feel pain,which is irrelevant anyway if they can or cant. I will not do your research for you

Your other excuses? they might not be loved,might grow up in an orphanage? those are good enough to kill someone??

The number of women that would jam a coat hanger into themselves is a miniscule number compared to the millions of kids that have been discarded like some trash.

You should talk to an abortion survivor its a very eye opening experience.Do you have your own children ?

OK, what does a 3 year old have to do with a 1-3 month old fetus? Wont do my research for me? I did the research and unless the doctors were wrong, you are wrong. You didnt think it was irrelevant in your earlier post. Why the change of heart? Google didnt help you? Yes I have a boy. Oh, and if you would have read the thread instead of nit-picking one post, you would know my other reasons for my stance on this
Why don't you go tell that to one of the parents that lost their child?

What part of 55 million dead babies are you missing, dumb-fuck?

They are not, "babies", in the way you mean. You don't really want to protect them. When they come into this world you don't care if they are gunned down at only 6 years old. So stop being such a hypocrite.
What is the difference between a child in the womb and a child in a schoolroom Libberhoids? More than 55 million just-as-innocent kids have been killed by abortion doctors since Roe v. Wade became law in 1973.

I have an idea. Let's ban assault rifles and the tools of the abortion trade, you know, in the spirit of bipartisanship.

So Newtown was abortion in the 35th trimester? Good point.

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