"No collusion......No obstruction......Completely cleared"?????

Mueller's team of investigators documented the multiple abuses of power by Trump & by Trump associates.

Sorry that hurts your fragile feelings.

See, here is the thing - I've actually READ the report. I CITE the report when I make a claim. YOU just bleat what the most sleazy hate sites like DailyKOS and CNN claim.

Look at my siggy & you will see where the 10 acts of obstruction are located within the report. Pretty easy stuff


Trump called the witch hunt a "witch hunt," OBSTRUCTION


Trump fired James Comey, his subordinate who was engaged in felonies leaking classified information to the press - OBSTRUCTION.

Weissman if a petulant little fuck who could not make the case for ANY criminal acts. Anyone who reads the report sees clearly that Weissman is a butthurt little **** who failed to GET TRUMP.
Trump fired Comey because he wouldn't kiss trumps ass and give up the russia attacks on our elections

Trump clearly stated in a news piece, "I fired Comey because of this Russia thing."

Only a fucking moron would say such a thing to a news crew. :abgg2q.jpg:

Only a fucking moron would refuse to tell the public what he was telling his boss in private when told to do so. They have a name for people like that, "unemployed".

4 investigations, 4mil docs, 500 witness, 1000 FBI over 3 years. DJT cooperated with enough harrassment, people spent fortunes.

It's finished Jake. There is no there there.

No prob with 4 years of watergate?
No idea mueller has paid for its self in fines and confiscated property?
Knees news didn't tell you that?
We are still waiting for the 10 redacted obstruction examples.
You don't care?

We are still waiting for the 10 redacted obstruction examples.

If they're redacted how do you know they exist? Did raunchy madcow tell you they did?

2020 will be like clubbin' baby seals. Just the ones left after the dems' circular firing squad. I'm going to enjoy every minute of the clowns dropping out one by one until election night, and then realizing Trump is president for another 4-years in spite of the MSM. deep state, and leftover never-Trumpers.

Dimwit.........Of just the THREE leading Dem. candidates......polls ALL show each of the 3 beating the orange clown.....and THAT is with a good economy and against an incumbent.

But, I sincerely "hate" to intrude on your delusion....Have another tall glass of orange kool-aid.......lol

Yeah, those silly polls. Didn't they give the bitch a 97% chance of victory on election day? How'd that work out?

2020 will be like clubbin' baby seals. Just the ones left after the dems' circular firing squad. I'm going to enjoy every minute of the clowns dropping out one by one until election night, and then realizing Trump is president for another 4-years in spite of the MSM. deep state, and leftover never-Trumpers.

Dimwit.........Of just the THREE leading Dem. candidates......polls ALL show each of the 3 beating the orange clown.....and THAT is with a good economy and against an incumbent.

But, I sincerely "hate" to intrude on your delusion....Have another tall glass of orange kool-aid.......lol

Yeah, those silly polls. Didn't they give the bitch a 97% chance of victory on election day? How'd that work out?

97% ??? Now there you go again
2020 will be like clubbin' baby seals. Just the ones left after the dems' circular firing squad. I'm going to enjoy every minute of the clowns dropping out one by one until election night, and then realizing Trump is president for another 4-years in spite of the MSM. deep state, and leftover never-Trumpers.

Dimwit.........Of just the THREE leading Dem. candidates......polls ALL show each of the 3 beating the orange clown.....and THAT is with a good economy and against an incumbent.

But, I sincerely "hate" to intrude on your delusion....Have another tall glass of orange kool-aid.......lol

Yeah, those silly polls. Didn't they give the bitch a 97% chance of victory on election day? How'd that work out?

97% ??? Now there you go again

Go back and check the tapes of the MSM on election morning, predictions started at 97% and went down hill rapidly that evening.

2020 will be like clubbin' baby seals. Just the ones left after the dems' circular firing squad. I'm going to enjoy every minute of the clowns dropping out one by one until election night, and then realizing Trump is president for another 4-years in spite of the MSM. deep state, and leftover never-Trumpers.

Dimwit.........Of just the THREE leading Dem. candidates......polls ALL show each of the 3 beating the orange clown.....and THAT is with a good economy and against an incumbent.

But, I sincerely "hate" to intrude on your delusion....Have another tall glass of orange kool-aid.......lol

Yeah, those silly polls. Didn't they give the bitch a 97% chance of victory on election day? How'd that work out?

97% ??? Now there you go again

Go back and check the tapes of the MSM on election morning, predictions started at 97% and went down hill rapidly that evening.

One more lie from your pos
Times-May 17, 2019

Trump Says Nobody Warned Him About Flynn — But Obama Did
The National Memo (blog)-May 17, 2019
2020 will be like clubbin' baby seals. Just the ones left after the dems' circular firing squad. I'm going to enjoy every minute of the clowns dropping out one by one until election night, and then realizing Trump is president for another 4-years in spite of the MSM. deep state, and leftover never-Trumpers.

Dimwit.........Of just the THREE leading Dem. candidates......polls ALL show each of the 3 beating the orange clown.....and THAT is with a good economy and against an incumbent.

But, I sincerely "hate" to intrude on your delusion....Have another tall glass of orange kool-aid.......lol

Yeah, those silly polls. Didn't they give the bitch a 97% chance of victory on election day? How'd that work out?

97% ??? Now there you go again

Go back and check the tapes of the MSM on election morning, predictions started at 97% and went down hill rapidly that evening.

One more lie from your pos
Times-May 17, 2019

Trump Says Nobody Warned Him About Flynn — But Obama Did
The National Memo (blog)-May 17, 2019

Hey dumb ass, the election between the bitch and Trump was in 2016.


WHY are you still whining that Hillary lost?

WOW........the type of "conclusion" that a 7 year old would make....Who turns on your computer, dimwit???

You're not still butt-hurt that Hillary lost? You're the exception in the pool of imbeciles called the "left?" Keep posting like a 2-year-old.
And supporting this mad man in our WH makes you feel like an adult?

Quite frankly I find his style of leadership - aggressive, forceful, calls out scumbags daily - quite refreshing. Definately a leadership style not for sissies, therefore, I can certainly understand your frustration.
WHY are you still whining that Hillary lost?

WOW........the type of "conclusion" that a 7 year old would make....Who turns on your computer, dimwit???

You're not still butt-hurt that Hillary lost? You're the exception in the pool of imbeciles called the "left?" Keep posting like a 2-year-old.
And supporting this mad man in our WH makes you feel like an adult?

Quite frankly I find his style of leadership - aggressive, forceful, calls out scumbags daily - quite refreshing. Definately a leadership style not for sissies, therefore, I can certainly understand your frustration.
And on the other hand he's a bully , a man not to be trusted , a man who changes his mind daily ,a man with no plan , and a liar supreme
4 investigations, 4mil docs, 500 witness, 1000 FBI over 3 years. DJT cooperated with enough harrassment, people spent fortunes.

It's finished Jake. There is no there there.

You sure about that?

Sekulow instructed Michael Cohen to say in a 2017 statement to Congress that conversations on a project to erect a Trump skyscraper in Russia ended in January 2016, when, in fact, those negotiations continued into June of that year.

Sekulow pushed the January date because it was a “good time” for the Moscow project to have ended, just as the caucus and primary voting in the ’16 presidential race was about to begin. The battle for the GOP nomination was up for grabs at that point, whereas Trump had emerged as the race’s clear winner by June.

Asked during his Intelligence Committee appearance about Sekulow’s rationale for using the January date, Cohen said that period “was before the Iowa caucus.” Sekulow argued that, in Cohen’s words, “since the deal didn’t take place, what would have been the harm” of giving the wrong date and “let’s just keep it that way.”
Quite frankly I find his style of leadership - aggressive, forceful, calls out scumbags daily - quite refreshing. Definately a leadership style not for sissies, therefore, I can certainly understand your frustration.

In other words, you want a big-mouth bully for "president"......A bully with a big mouth who cowers before Putin and Kim Jung Un because they're even better at being despots......and a bully whose father bought his Vietnam deferment over "bone spurs."

Stay with Trump, dimwit......He very much NEEDS the poorly educated to stick by him and his CULT membership and drink the kool-aid into the delusional la-la land.
Quite frankly I find his style of leadership - aggressive, forceful, calls out scumbags daily - quite refreshing. Definately a leadership style not for sissies, therefore, I can certainly understand your frustration.

In other words, you want a big-mouth bully for "president"......A bully with a big mouth who cowers before Putin and Kim Jung Un because they're even better at being despots......and a bully whose father bought his Vietnam deferment over "bone spurs."

Stay with Trump, dimwit......He very much NEEDS the poorly educated to stick by him and his CULT membership and drink the kool-aid into the delusional la-la land.

A bully with a big mouth who cowers before Putin

Does he get more flexible with Putin?
Send him reset buttons?
Pages 227 to 368 of the Mueller report cover a minimum of 10 instances in which Trump & Trump associates directed by Trump made attempts to obstruct the investigation.

READ YOUR OWN REPORT, KID, yes, they were ATTEMPTS at POTENTIAL obstruction. The question of obstruction remains open. What actual part of the investigation was actually blocked? That is why Mueller punted. But I agree: Trump has a number of difficult questions being asked on a number of different fronts that don't look good, and it appears that Trump is circling the wagons rather than planning on offering any clear, simple answers anytime soon.
The mantra stated in the thread's title is from Trump himself............and, of course, from his lackeys and stooges like Barr, Don Jr., Conway, Hickabee-Sanders, Hannity, et al....

So, the questions then arise as to...........

a) WHY would Trump claim "executive privilege" in keeping Mueller from testifying?

b) Why would Trump claim "attorney-client privilege" in keeping McGahn from testifying before the House committee.......bearing in mind that McGahn NOT only has already testified before Mueller.....but McGahn is also long gone from the WH ....AND was the WH attorney and NOT Trump's personal one?

c) WHY would Trump claim that Don Jr. is being "harassed" when asked by a republican-led Senate committee to testify?

a) WHY would Trump claim "executive privilege" in keeping Mueller from testifying? Damage control, and because he can. Doesn't matter if there's something damning or not, progs. will fabricate a mantra. You should consider work as an adviser to Democrats.

b) Why would Trump claim "attorney-client privilege" in keeping McGahn from testifying before the House committee.......bearing in mind that McGahn NOT only has already testified before Mueller.....but McGahn is also long gone from the WH ....AND was the WH attorney and NOT Trump's personal one? Damage control, and because he can. Doesn't matter if there's something damning or not, progs. will fabricate a mantra.

c) WHY would Trump claim that Don Jr. is being "harassed" when asked by a republican-led Senate committee to testify? Damage control, and because it is harassment. . Doesn't matter if there's something damning or not, progs. will fabricate a mantra.
The Mueller report the libs valued So Highly is completed. It was not the outcome they wanted so now they want an extension or re-do. None is forthcoming so time to make up another whopper and drive that until it’s dead.
The mantra stated in the thread's title is from Trump himself............and, of course, from his lackeys and stooges like Barr, Don Jr., Conway, Hickabee-Sanders, Hannity, et al....

So, the questions then arise as to...........

a) WHY would Trump claim "executive privilege" in keeping Mueller from testifying?

b) Why would Trump claim "attorney-client privilege" in keeping McGahn from testifying before the House committee.......bearing in mind that McGahn NOT only has already testified before Mueller.....but McGahn is also long gone from the WH ....AND was the WH attorney and NOT Trump's personal one?

c) WHY would Trump claim that Don Jr. is being "harassed" when asked by a republican-led Senate committee to testify?

Even if Mueller’s testimony was a bit lifeless, his matter-of-fact, yes-or-no answers did provide some damning soundbites. No, the president was not exonerated. Yes, the Office of Legal Counsel decision about not indicting a sitting president prevented him from considering charges against Trump. Yes, Trump could be charged once he leaves office. Yes, the campaign accepted help from Russian affiliates. Yes, Trump associates tried to cover that up. Yes, Russia tried to influence the election for Trump. No, they haven’t stopped.

Lock him up! Lock him up!
The mantra stated in the thread's title is from Trump himself............and, of course, from his lackeys and stooges like Barr, Don Jr., Conway, Hickabee-Sanders, Hannity, et al....

So, the questions then arise as to...........

a) WHY would Trump claim "executive privilege" in keeping Mueller from testifying?

b) Why would Trump claim "attorney-client privilege" in keeping McGahn from testifying before the House committee.......bearing in mind that McGahn NOT only has already testified before Mueller.....but McGahn is also long gone from the WH ....AND was the WH attorney and NOT Trump's personal one?

c) WHY would Trump claim that Don Jr. is being "harassed" when asked by a republican-led Senate committee to testify?
Was there evidence of a Bowel Obstruction?

I'm not sure if I really give a crap.

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