No. 2 Senate Republican John Thune says Trump’s election lies distract GOP from winning

If people don't vote, it might be out of a concern for the process. It's GOPs job to argue to Americans that photo I.D, hand counted ballots (not software), eliminating ballot harvesting and serious sentences for criminals who engage in election fraud MUST be enacted to defend elections. Then voters will be motivated to vote as they have faith in the system. This should be a non-partisan issue.

Putting this on Trump is deflection for their own failures on these matters.

Also, Trump was investigated for two full years, Clinton said that Russia won the election for Trump, never accepted the loss. Trump was impeached...twice. Still no apologies or self admitting of those who made allegations without evidence.

There can be more than one lie present at the same time, but only one is criticized and analyzed.
Sooner or later, they will come back around to reality or the Republican Party will be lost forever.
When you read stories about some of the crazies they are putting forward then you have to wonder. Their primary aim is to not have people vote.
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When you read stories about some of the crazies they are putting forward then you have to wonder. Their primary aim is to not have people vote.
I guess you get the same news over there, we do. It was hard enough, getting rid of you guys. This internal cancer on our country is a bitch, but it will get sorted out.
When you read stories about some of the crazies they are putting forward then you have to wonder. Their primary aim is to not have people vote.
They understand that an Authoritarian state is the only way they win. Except everyone loses in the end. They aren't smart enough to understand that.

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