Nikki Haley's career is over

I'm pretty sure that Haley slit her own throat coming out against the Flag.

Too bad.

I know how much you worry about women conservatives, Candy! This string made me laugh...
She's just trying to say that republicans are racists. Her veiled attempt at concern failed.

I don't give a crap about the confederate flag nor this governor.

I feel for the families that are being used as political pawns because some psycho shot their loved ones.
SC has term limits on the Gov. Two consecutive terms are the limit.

Some incredibly... um... id... um... interesting posts from both sides of the political spectrum.

I'm pretty sure that Haley slit her own throat coming out against the Flag.

Too bad.

First, you're probably wrong, but this happens often enough that you should be used to it by now. She's an amazingly popular governor, when I moved here I was very surprised by just how popular. She has brought many jobs to the state, and not just Boeing. Mercedes and Volvo are both here or preparing to build a factory here. Last year, BMW announced a $1 billion expansion for its Spartanburg factory, making it their largest and resulting in a 10% increase in jobs.

Second, unless she wishes to seek a higher office, she's done in politics. This is her second term, she can not run for a third. Well, that's not exactly true, I believe she can run again four years after the end of her second term. Is seeking a higher office a possibility? I suppose it is, but I've not heard anything out her camp on the subject so I'm guessing she plans on finishing her term as governor...Unlike some other governor who shall remain nameless...

But I could be wrong, it happens more often than I care to admit...

I'm all for taking the flag down, but she did flip-flop along with most on the Right.

What "flip-flop?" Do you have a link to some statement she made supporting the flying of the flag?

I don't think she flip flopped. She said it wasn't her call to make, and it wasn't. I faulted her for saying to hell with it, I'm flying the stars and bars at half mast even though the law says that's not my call. But she came out strong on calling for a total removal. And, it's not pandering ... not after the shooting. SC enacted it's flag law in response to civil rights. That makes SC's flag issue different. The flag is used as a symbol of pre-civil war history. It's a symbol of opposition to civil rights.

Now Scott Walker, he flipflopped massively, but that's no surprise

Scott Walker Was Against The Confederate Flag Before He Was OK With It Before He Was Against It Again

The flag was never lowered to half mast, it is impossible to do so as it is not on a pulley system and is padlocked in place, and it is also against the law...

A law that was not enacted in response to the Civil Rights movement. The flag was raised on the flagpole on top of the capitol dome in protest against the court-ordered desegregation of the schools. In 2000, A Democrat governor signed into law a bill passed by a Democrat controlled senate that put the flag where it is now and granted it the protections everyone is bitching about. Though the fact of the matter is this, the 2/3 vote required by the law to make any changes to the display of the flag could be made ineffective by the vote of a simple majority on a new law dealing with it...

The fact of the matter is, ridding the State House of the flag would make great economic sense... Especially for some of our colleges as the NCAA refuses to allow South Carolina to host NCAA athletic events whose locations are determined in advance.

That stupid bitch won by the White vote in SC, many of them true bloodied Southerners.

A large number of them will be pissed at the bitch and she will play hell getting reelected against a Democrat. She may not even make it through the primaries next time around.

She is a traitor to the good people of South Carolina and she deserves her political fate.

You're just a fucking idiot.

This is what happens when foreign influence rises to leadership levels. There is no connection to the American experience.

What "foreign influence?" She was born and raised in South Carolina. Her immigrant parents started a business that grew into a multi-million dollar company for which she worked. Before being elected governor, she served in the South Carolina House of Representatives. Her husband serves in the South Carolina Army National Guard and did a year long tour in Afghanistan.

Sounds like one hell of a connection to the "American experience..."
SC is an occupied state that has had self determination and freedom taken away from them by force..

The people chose to secede from the filthy Union and then they were forced by military action to be incorporated. Kind of like the Balkan States of the old Soviet Union.
She'll likely lose some votes locally but nationally she gained by a huge margin.

Give her respect for simply making the right call and trying to drag the entire south, that is forever melancholy over losing, into reality.
She'll likely lose some votes locally but nationally she gained by a huge margin.

Give her respect for simply making the right call and trying to drag the entire south, that is forever melancholy over losing, into reality.

She didn't make the right call. She caved into stupid mindless politically correctness. Politicians do things like that much too often and that is despicable.

If she would have stood up to the hate of the American Taliban and stood up for the brave men that fought to defend South Carolina she would have been considered a real hero by many Americans.

Instead she is a weak minded typical politician.
SC is an occupied state that has had self determination and freedom taken away from them by force..

The people chose to secede from the filthy Union and then they were forced by military action to be incorporated. Kind of like the Balkan States of the old Soviet Union.
Filthy Union from a state that held humans in bondage?
I'm pretty sure that Haley slit her own throat coming out against the Flag.

Too bad.

I doubt it.. it's such a non-issue except to the clinically insane.

You've defined a lot of southern voters.

Let's give South Carolina some credit, Candy...they had a racial issue and it didn't devolve into riots in the streets...unlike in Baltimore and St. Louis. Perhaps it's time that your impressions of the South came out of the "deep past"?

Yeah, in the north, they tend to let protesters protest. In the South it's not that the racial tensions are lessened...its that cops down there have a hair-trigger and think nothing of...oh...shooting an UNARMED black guy in the back and casually handcuffing him instead of trying to revive him.

In all honesty, can anyone look at this image or watch the video and think this cop is human?
WOW LMAO Haley's career is over??

I doubt it. This is the Governor who brought jobs to SC and she's done a damned good job as Governor from what I've read.

I doubt anyone will remember the flag come voting time. The flag that some people think is more important that those nine dead victims.

On wait. I forgot. Shit Ingot is the op. Never mind. LOL
That flag was there long before Nikki Haley was there. If she is the governor that removed the flag, no one will care about anything else that she did.

Didn't seem to have any effect on the popularity of Governor Jeb Bush in Florida during his two terms. He got rid of the Confederate Flag flying on the State Capital in Tallahassee without fanfare. I doubt if Governor Haley's career is over in South Carolina, she is an attractive female candidate, and if she "pandered" to the politically correct crowd by deciding to ask the legislature to remove the Confederate Flag from a memorial on state grounds, for racial harmony, possibly avoiding a Ferguson or Baltimore-type riot, than she did the right thing. She also did an end-run around the racist policies of our two biggest inciter's, Al Sharpton and Barrak Obama, both going to Charleston, South Carolina to speak. She one-upped them with her decision to consider the victims of this terrible mass killing before they could get there and incite the Black community into a frenzy. Good for her - I applaud the effort, and Southerners who fly that flag usually are only doing so to identify with Southern culture, not KKK racist, segregation ideas............
She'll likely lose some votes locally but nationally she gained by a huge margin.

Give her respect for simply making the right call and trying to drag the entire south, that is forever melancholy over losing, into reality.

I do. Hence the "too bad" opinion. I wish I had a choice between two candidates in national elections. I haven't for quite a while because when they take non brain-dead stances, they often get shown the door.

Some incredibly... um... id... um... interesting posts from both sides of the political spectrum.

I'm pretty sure that Haley slit her own throat coming out against the Flag.

Too bad.

First, you're probably wrong, but this happens often enough that you should be used to it by now. She's an amazingly popular governor, when I moved here I was very surprised by just how popular. She has brought many jobs to the state, and not just Boeing. Mercedes and Volvo are both here or preparing to build a factory here. Last year, BMW announced a $1 billion expansion for its Spartanburg factory, making it their largest and resulting in a 10% increase in jobs.

Second, unless she wishes to seek a higher office, she's done in politics. This is her second term, she can not run for a third. Well, that's not exactly true, I believe she can run again four years after the end of her second term. Is seeking a higher office a possibility? I suppose it is, but I've not heard anything out her camp on the subject so I'm guessing she plans on finishing her term as governor...Unlike some other governor who shall remain nameless...

But I could be wrong, it happens more often than I care to admit...

I'm all for taking the flag down, but she did flip-flop along with most on the Right.

What "flip-flop?" Do you have a link to some statement she made supporting the flying of the flag?

I don't think she flip flopped. She said it wasn't her call to make, and it wasn't. I faulted her for saying to hell with it, I'm flying the stars and bars at half mast even though the law says that's not my call. But she came out strong on calling for a total removal. And, it's not pandering ... not after the shooting. SC enacted it's flag law in response to civil rights. That makes SC's flag issue different. The flag is used as a symbol of pre-civil war history. It's a symbol of opposition to civil rights.

Now Scott Walker, he flipflopped massively, but that's no surprise

Scott Walker Was Against The Confederate Flag Before He Was OK With It Before He Was Against It Again

The flag was never lowered to half mast, it is impossible to do so as it is not on a pulley system and is padlocked in place, and it is also against the law...

A law that was not enacted in response to the Civil Rights movement. The flag was raised on the flagpole on top of the capitol dome in protest against the court-ordered desegregation of the schools. In 2000, A Democrat governor signed into law a bill passed by a Democrat controlled senate that put the flag where it is now and granted it the protections everyone is bitching about. Though the fact of the matter is this, the 2/3 vote required by the law to make any changes to the display of the flag could be made ineffective by the vote of a simple majority on a new law dealing with it...

The fact of the matter is, ridding the State House of the flag would make great economic sense... Especially for some of our colleges as the NCAA refuses to allow South Carolina to host NCAA athletic events whose locations are determined in advance.

That stupid bitch won by the White vote in SC, many of them true bloodied Southerners.

A large number of them will be pissed at the bitch and she will play hell getting reelected against a Democrat. She may not even make it through the primaries next time around.

She is a traitor to the good people of South Carolina and she deserves her political fate.

You're just a fucking idiot.

This is what happens when foreign influence rises to leadership levels. There is no connection to the American experience.

What "foreign influence?" She was born and raised in South Carolina. Her immigrant parents started a business that grew into a multi-million dollar company for which she worked. Before being elected governor, she served in the South Carolina House of Representatives. Her husband serves in the South Carolina Army National Guard and did a year long tour in Afghanistan.

Sounds like one hell of a connection to the "American experience..."
I hope you're right.
The GOP could use some moderation.

Some incredibly... um... id... um... interesting posts from both sides of the political spectrum.

I'm pretty sure that Haley slit her own throat coming out against the Flag.

Too bad.

First, you're probably wrong, but this happens often enough that you should be used to it by now. She's an amazingly popular governor, when I moved here I was very surprised by just how popular. She has brought many jobs to the state, and not just Boeing. Mercedes and Volvo are both here or preparing to build a factory here. Last year, BMW announced a $1 billion expansion for its Spartanburg factory, making it their largest and resulting in a 10% increase in jobs.

Second, unless she wishes to seek a higher office, she's done in politics. This is her second term, she can not run for a third. Well, that's not exactly true, I believe she can run again four years after the end of her second term. Is seeking a higher office a possibility? I suppose it is, but I've not heard anything out her camp on the subject so I'm guessing she plans on finishing her term as governor...Unlike some other governor who shall remain nameless...

But I could be wrong, it happens more often than I care to admit...

I'm all for taking the flag down, but she did flip-flop along with most on the Right.

What "flip-flop?" Do you have a link to some statement she made supporting the flying of the flag?

I don't think she flip flopped. She said it wasn't her call to make, and it wasn't. I faulted her for saying to hell with it, I'm flying the stars and bars at half mast even though the law says that's not my call. But she came out strong on calling for a total removal. And, it's not pandering ... not after the shooting. SC enacted it's flag law in response to civil rights. That makes SC's flag issue different. The flag is used as a symbol of pre-civil war history. It's a symbol of opposition to civil rights.

Now Scott Walker, he flipflopped massively, but that's no surprise

Scott Walker Was Against The Confederate Flag Before He Was OK With It Before He Was Against It Again

The flag was never lowered to half mast, it is impossible to do so as it is not on a pulley system and is padlocked in place, and it is also against the law...

A law that was not enacted in response to the Civil Rights movement. The flag was raised on the flagpole on top of the capitol dome in protest against the court-ordered desegregation of the schools. In 2000, A Democrat governor signed into law a bill passed by a Democrat controlled senate that put the flag where it is now and granted it the protections everyone is bitching about. Though the fact of the matter is this, the 2/3 vote required by the law to make any changes to the display of the flag could be made ineffective by the vote of a simple majority on a new law dealing with it...

The fact of the matter is, ridding the State House of the flag would make great economic sense... Especially for some of our colleges as the NCAA refuses to allow South Carolina to host NCAA athletic events whose locations are determined in advance.

That stupid bitch won by the White vote in SC, many of them true bloodied Southerners.

A large number of them will be pissed at the bitch and she will play hell getting reelected against a Democrat. She may not even make it through the primaries next time around.

She is a traitor to the good people of South Carolina and she deserves her political fate.

You're just a fucking idiot.

This is what happens when foreign influence rises to leadership levels. There is no connection to the American experience.

What "foreign influence?" She was born and raised in South Carolina. Her immigrant parents started a business that grew into a multi-million dollar company for which she worked. Before being elected governor, she served in the South Carolina House of Representatives. Her husband serves in the South Carolina Army National Guard and did a year long tour in Afghanistan.

Sounds like one hell of a connection to the "American experience..."

Bingo. Thanks for the info doubt you'll get any of these morons challenge what you posted. Great Post.
Probably not. It's pandering, but that's what politicians do.

The issue will come when they go after ANY confederate flag on public grounds, like ones by Civil War monuments.
Flags of traitor nations and/or defeated enemies should not be flown on public grounds period. Fly it at your home or business.

Next you will want the memorials themselves banned. It never ends with you bed wetters.
I remember when Scott Walker's career was over....or so said the left loons...right before Walker crushed their little recall attempt LMAO

And wiped out public unions, and is now going after college professor's and teacher's state sponsored, archaic tenure rules. Walker is going to make some noise in the GOP primaries, representing a swing state, Wisconsin, which is very similar to Ohio...............
I remember when Scott Walker's career was over....or so said the left loons...right before Walker crushed their little recall attempt LMAO

And wiped out public unions, and is now going after college professor's and teacher's state sponsored, archaic tenure rules. Walker is going to make some noise in the GOP primaries, representing a swing state, Wisconsin, which is very similar to Ohio...............

Walker is my first choice. The left keeps going after him and he keeps kicking them in the chops
SC is an occupied state that has had self determination and freedom taken away from them by force..

The people chose to secede from the filthy Union and then they were forced by military action to be incorporated. Kind of like the Balkan States of the old Soviet Union.
Filthy Union from a state that held humans in bondage?

Excuse me but there was slavery in the US decades and decades before the Civil War, all during the Civil War and for almost a year after the Civil War. The United States wrote the book on slavery.
SC is an occupied state that has had self determination and freedom taken away from them by force..

The people chose to secede from the filthy Union and then they were forced by military action to be incorporated. Kind of like the Balkan States of the old Soviet Union.
Filthy Union from a state that held humans in bondage?

Excuse me but there was slavery in the US decades and decades before the Civil War, all during the Civil War and for almost a year after the Civil War. The United States wrote the book on slavery.

We sure did and it took 600,000 deaths to end it

That is not something to celebrate
The US wrote the book on slavery?

Slavery was around for centuries before the US was even known about.

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