No, not at all. I am just asking you for specifics instead of all this vague bullshit.

How about you explain how college football is ever so wonderfully fair, brah.

The year I think college football was so unfair...

Was the year Notre Dame had the same record as Florida State, beat them head to head, but Florida State got the National Championship.

Yup; blatant. FSU players even had the nerve to wear championship shirts after their bowl game; the fix was in.
I'm waiting for something substantial from him. Or at least more than this "Its not FAIR!"

And you think the NCAA is built on fairness; is that really your position?

Go have your period somewhere else, Vagitare.

Point make you can?

I'm sorry; did three question marks not get you as far as you wanted? Maybe, try stop being such a pube in the future.

Right. You come in making vague accusations about college football, and when pressed for details you try and put t back on me for being a pube? LMAO! That is perfect.

Now back to the actual topic.
I'm waiting for something substantial from him. Or at least more than this "Its not FAIR!"

And you think the NCAA is built on fairness; is that really your position?

Never said anything of the kind. But your comments have all tried to make it seem as though the "elite" got there solely because they cheated.

YOu have not mentioned any specifics (beyond naming the SEC as one of the main culprits). What would make college football what you want it to be? Give us some solid facts.

That's a huge part of it. But I wasn't even really digging into the seedy underbelly; I was talking about the systematic power brokering.

So the institutions that spend time, money and other resources to build a top level program are the problem? Those who didin't and are now behind are the problem? What, exactly, is the problem?

Cheating and those factors you mention are not mutually exclusive, dude. Surely you aren't so thick; actually, you are. This is the type of argumentation I've come to expect from you.
No, not at all. I am just asking you for specifics instead of all this vague bullshit.

How about you explain how college football is ever so wonderfully fair, brah.

The year I think college football was so unfair...

Was the year Notre Dame had the same record as Florida State, beat them head to head, but Florida State got the National Championship.

Yup; blatant. FSU players even had the nerve to wear championship shirts after their bowl game; the fix was in.

What the hell does them wearing championship shirts have to do with anything?
I'm waiting for something substantial from him. Or at least more than this "Its not FAIR!"

And you think the NCAA is built on fairness; is that really your position?

Never said anything of the kind. But your comments have all tried to make it seem as though the "elite" got there solely because they cheated.

YOu have not mentioned any specifics (beyond naming the SEC as one of the main culprits). What would make college football what you want it to be? Give us some solid facts.

That's a huge part of it. But I wasn't even really digging into the seedy underbelly; I was talking about the systematic power brokering.

So the institutions that spend time, money and other resources to build a top level program are the problem? Those who didin't and are now behind are the problem? What, exactly, is the problem?

Cheating and those factors you mention are not mutually exclusive, dude. Surely you aren't so thick; actually, you are. This is the type of argumentation I've come to expect from you.

What am I arguing against? You have offered nothing but the vague claim that some have more and others have less, and someone cheated to get on top.
No, not at all. I am just asking you for specifics instead of all this vague bullshit.

How about you explain how college football is ever so wonderfully fair, brah.

Let me try again, I did not say it was fair. I did not even say it was unfair. I was discussing the NFL season and then spoke about college football. Then you came in claiming the entire system is designed to help the rich and punish the poor, or something. YOu are making the accusations. It falls to you to give specifics.

Come on, dude, I don't take it upon myself to chronicle all this stuff. I used to have a sports blog that did; but I since erased all the posts. In major college sports, systematic engineering and cheating is par for the course. I'm not going to try and convince you. If you want to be convinced, google is your friend.
And you think the NCAA is built on fairness; is that really your position?

Go have your period somewhere else, Vagitare.

Point make you can?

I'm sorry; did three question marks not get you as far as you wanted? Maybe, try stop being such a pube in the future.

Right. You come in making vague accusations about college football, and when pressed for details you try and put t back on me for being a pube? LMAO! That is perfect.

Now back to the actual topic.

Aww... Did you forget what screen name you're signed into?
The Vikings suck.

That is all.
Excellent! That leaves it between Detroit and Green Bay because I'm pretty sure Chicago will suck. Green Bay is always a thorn in our side.

Patriots dallas and Detroit win their divisions. Who else? Is cam Newton back? Seattle? Oh yeah Atlanta should be good this year if every player hasn't committed suicide after that choke in the superbowl
The Bengals punter pulled off one of the slickest moves you'll ever see a punter do.

Troy Machir on Twitter

But he still got sacked.

That's like saying:
"That fucking gazelle just deked the shit out of that cheetah!!!"
"Which gazelle?"
"The one being eaten by the cheetahs."

Doesn't matter, it was still a slick move. How long have you been watching football at any level? How many times have you seen a guy make a move like that in a game situation?

Go have your period somewhere else, Vagitare.

Point make you can?

I'm sorry; did three question marks not get you as far as you wanted? Maybe, try stop being such a pube in the future.

Right. You come in making vague accusations about college football, and when pressed for details you try and put t back on me for being a pube? LMAO! That is perfect.

Now back to the actual topic.

Aww... Did you forget what screen name you're signed into?

I have only 1 screen name.
And you think the NCAA is built on fairness; is that really your position?

I would say it is moreso than professional sports. Remember Parity is the opponent of fair.

When you win your division in the NFL, it gives you 3 tougher draws against division opponents on the following years schedule. Instead of the Jets, you get NE. That's not fair. But that's what the NFL does to ensure parity.

When you are just awful at your job as an owner/GM/Coach in the NFL, you end up with the most coveted thing you can get in the off-season, the #1 overall pick in the draft. That's not fair to reward ineptitude, but that helps parity.

When you run your team really well and market it amazingly and make money where you can spend so much more than other teams to improve your own team, the Salary Cap prevents you from doing so. Not fair... but promotes parity.

College has a LOT more teams and doesn't need to fight for parity there. With nearly 100 games every week, you don't need to make sure they are all good matchups. Clemson is playing Kent State? Oh well, turn it to Florida vs. Michigan.

Your coach is better at recruiting than their coach? You get the player.
Your team built a better program than their team? you get the better players.

As for fairness, I'd say college sports is more fair since they don't have the rules in place for parity that pro-sports needs. I am a bigger fan of pro sports, but I know if fairness is what I want, well that's not the place to look for it.
Lombardi was, indeed, the greatest NFL coach. My favorite quote of his was when, after winning the first Super Bowl, Lombardi was asked how it felt to have the best football team in the world. His response?

"I don't know. We haven't played Alabama yet".

Yeah when having a serious discussion on best ever Lombardi wins hands down,no contest..Shula would be best modern day greatest coach then Parcells after him and Holmgren would have to be considered after Shula and Parcells.

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