Next on the Chopping Block - Same Sex Marriage

If we're going to allow mature willing companions to marry as they choose then it's not the governments business nor anyone else's.

If a farmer loves his/her combine or a gamer loves their anima character then they should be allowed to marry it.

The governments makes it their business then they give benefits based upon marriage.
Gay "marriage", which is not real marriage to begin with, is against human nature in all possible respects. Marriage as a sacred institution dates back tens of thousands of years . . . a union between a man and a woman.

This from a guy that worships a man that has had 3 "sacred" marriages and cheated on all 3 spouses.

Damn shame you cannot see the irony in your post
polygamy - not sure. but it should not be.

marrying close relatives - the danger of children being born with serious birth defects.

or a pet - a pet cannot give consent.

Hope that helps.


Sounds like you're making bigoted excuses to keep mature willing companions from participating in what single sex and heterosexual couples already enjoy.


The governments makes it their business then they give benefits based upon marriage.


Which is why all mature willing companions should be allowed to marry as they choose.

Anything less makes it just a bigoted institution supported by a bigoted and corrupt government.




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The governments makes it their business then they give benefits based upon marriage.


Which is why I should be able to marry my children when they are mature under a platonic agreement so they can enjoy all the same benefits as my spouses and when I die they don't have to worry about inheritance taxes and the military will have to cover them medically until I die.

My family and I love each other in our own way and deserve the benefits the government hands out to the married.


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What makes polygamy, marrying close relatives, and/or a pet, illegal?

If we're going to allow mature willing companions to marry as they choose then it's not the governments business nor anyone else's.

If a farmer loves his/her combine or a gamer loves their anima character then they should be allowed to marry it.



Sad that you can't see the clear distinction between con-sent and the inability to con-sent...stay away from children and animals.
The Obergefell decision in June 2015 invalidated these state constitutional amendments insofar as they prevented same-sex couples from marrying, even though the actual text of these amendments remain written into the state constitutions.

California put same sex marriage on the ballot. I voted against it. Same sex marriage was defeated. One gay judge overturned the will of the people.

I doubt that there will be an actual decision overturning obergefell. There should be.

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