Newt Winsd SC

'Newt Winsd SC?' WTF?? This thread had to be started by a Democrat Dummy. But let me check...

Yup, started by one of the dumber Democrat morons here. WTG Dipshit!

You've been gettin your shit pushed in for so long your finally trying to fight back. Sadly you sound like a five year old trying to sound tough. Now don't get me wrong, I think the TC is quite the shit starter but your attempts to show boat are a joke. Do yourself a favor and just shut up before you expose anymore of your stupidity.
'Newt Winsd SC?' WTF?? This thread had to be started by a Democrat Dummy. But let me check...

Yup, started by one of the dumber Democrat morons here. WTG Dipshit!

You've been gettin your shit pushed in for so long your finally trying to fight back. Sadly you sound like a five year old trying to sound tough. Now don't get me wrong, I think the TC is quite the shit starter but your attempts to show boat are a joke. Do yourself a favor and just shut up before you expose anymore of your stupidity.

Piss off pussy. You're just a closet Obama Butt-Sniffer. You don't stand for anything.

Go pop another pimple faggot because that's the only battle you're ever gonna win.
Piss off pussy. You're just a closet Obama Butt-Sniffer. You don't stand for anything.

Go pop another pimple faggot because that's the only battle you're ever gonna win.

You're a wishy-washy pussy. You don't know what you want to be. Why don't you just come out of the closet and become an Obama Butt-Sniffer like you've always wanted to? Why keep lying to yourself? You're really just a Democrat Pussy and you know it. So try being honest with yourself for once. Give it a shot. Good luck.

You don't know anything about me or you wouldn't post such tripe. And dare I say you don't know shit about Paul, because if you did you would act in a manner that draws support and not in such a pathetic childish manner.

Make yourself useful and go post another moon landing hoax thread fool.
You're a wishy-washy pussy. You don't know what you want to be. Why don't you just come out of the closet and become an Obama Butt-Sniffer like you've always wanted to? Why keep lying to yourself? You're really just a Democrat Pussy and you know it. So try being honest with yourself for once. Give it a shot. Good luck.

You don't know anything about me or you wouldn't post such tripe. And dare I say you don't know shit about Paul, because if you did you would act in a manner that draws support and not in such a pathetic childish manner.

Make yourself useful and go post another moon landing hoax thread fool.

Bullshit. You assholes have treated Ron Paul like shit. So STFU with your phony preaching. I've seen plenty of your pathetic childish insults against Ron Paul. You're just a miserable Neocon douche. It's assholes like you who have destroyed the Republican Party. So do us all a favor and just switch over to the Democratic Party. That's where you assholes belong. The Socialist/Progressive jerks are gonna get 4 more years now. But that doesn't bother you Neocon assholes, because you're Socialists too. You're what's wrong with our Nation. I truly despise you cretins.

I am stunned that you were actually able to include that many adjectives into one insult. I guess you're not as dim as I thought. Too bad you don't have a clue on how to affect the political landscape in our great nation.

Now, back to posting your nonsensical threads with you.
Bullshit. You assholes have treated Ron Paul like shit. So STFU with your phony preaching. I've seen plenty of your pathetic childish insults against Ron Paul. You're just a miserable Neocon douche. It's assholes like you who have destroyed the Republican Party. So do us all a favor and just switch over to the Democratic Party. That's where you assholes belong. The Socialist/Progressive jerks are gonna get 4 more years now. But that doesn't bother you Neocon assholes, because you're Socialists too. You're what's wrong with our Nation. I truly despise you cretins.

I am stunned that you were actually able to include that many adjectives into one insult. I guess you're not as dim as I thought. Too bad you don't have a clue on how to affect the political landscape in our great nation.

Now, back to posting your nonsensical threads with you.

Whatever, Neocon half-wit.

I'll be the bigger man and give you the last word big man.

Give it your best shot.....
Bullshit. You assholes have treated Ron Paul like shit. So STFU with your phony preaching. I've seen plenty of your pathetic childish insults against Ron Paul. You're just a miserable Neocon douche. It's assholes like you who have destroyed the Republican Party. So do us all a favor and just switch over to the Democratic Party. That's where you assholes belong. The Socialist/Progressive jerks are gonna get 4 more years now. But that doesn't bother you Neocon assholes, because you're Socialists too. You're what's wrong with our Nation. I truly despise you cretins.

I am stunned that you were actually able to include that many adjectives into one insult. I guess you're not as dim as I thought. Too bad you don't have a clue on how to affect the political landscape in our great nation.

Now, back to posting your nonsensical threads with you.

Whatever, Neocon half-wit.

Just please say you wont take your vote and go home next November.... we have to defeat Obama and we need you.

Yo Neo-can friend is axing ya
Gingrich Trounces Mitt In SC

I was at work this evening, so I've only heard that Newt got 40 something and Romney 20 something. I'm not thrilled with any of them, but I don't think that the pundits are going to interpret this right. Hey, I may already be wrong, I've not heard much but the numbers. Anyway, here's my take:

1. Newt's victory doesn't mean that the folks in SC don't care about his character. In fact it means that they aren't going to allow the media to pick the GOP candidate, based on personal issues. I'm reminded of the old cliche, 'Yea, he's a son-of-a-*$@!, but he's our son-of-a-*$@!. Everyone, especially the media, fails to understand their part in what is failing in this country. Hell for that matter, the 'media' still thinks it's the internet that made people stop ordering their daily newspapers and magazines; they fail to see that their own biases and lack of editors sealed their fate.

2. 'The 'tea party' is of no matter.' This of course was a Harry Reid pronouncement. There never was A tea party, it always was more of a philosophy of where we've been and where we should go, for a certain group of people. The diversity of those people and their differences presented issues that wouldn't coalesce into a party. The smallest group would be Democrats that wanted smaller government. The next smallest would be Christian social conservatives of the very far right. Biggest were independent libertarian leaning folks. Anyone could see the problems here. However, and this is a big HOWEVER, there were and are certain bedrock issues that drew these folks together: lower taxes, smaller government, more transparency, more accountability, and more simplicity.

I became disenchanted with 'the tea party' when Newt and some others tried to co-opt. They were successful in the sense that those that were 'Republicans' wanted more tea party influence in the party. I never thought, nor do I at this time, think that Newt agreed with the principles that were basic to the philosophy. However, he certainly has learned to appeal to the lingo that is important and reflective of the thought. My guess he got many more 'independents' than Romney and may well do so if given a chance against Obama.

3. 'The GOP is imploding.' I think this is wrong. I think the problem isn't the GOP, but the political process, where Obama was hounded on birth certificate; Romney is being dinged for paying taxes based on the system in place and his financial reality; Newt on marriage status from years ago. Now some may say, 'but you think differently about Ron Paul.' Well, that is a different case. Obama's mother was without dispute a US citizen. He was born in Hawaii. Romney's main source of income was investments, not work. That tax rate is low, that's not his fault. Newt has said 'he made mistakes' in personal life. Do I think he's 'changed?' Well we'll see if Calista gets sick. Ron Paul has admitted to no mistakes or repudiated those that have backed him and continue to back him, many of which he brought into the 'fold' with those newletters. He continues to accept their money and support.

The process is keeping decent folks out of the problems, for the sake of their families and reputations. One either would need to be so squeaky clean from birth as to be a freak or so indifferent to the harm of family that that quality might well be worse than the sin.

Many will bring up Clinton. Well to me time puts some of that in perspective, thanks to Obama. Clinton cared about the country, while his vision certainly was different than mine, I never thought he disagreed with our system in the main or our country and its people in general. The issues with Monica & co were myriad. Monica brought the nasty to the Oval Office, that was wrong. However, if Hillary could look the other way? But Bill lied, yeah, he did. BUT Congress chose to make it less than removal. That was a period at the end of the sentence.

Obama I believe, truly thinks our system of governing, our people's tendency towards individuality are wrong. He KNOWS most feel this way, but he also KNOWS that his way is better. I do believe he believes this. No hypocrisy, no excuses. IF he gets another term, he'll expand what he's done and doing in the first term. No mistake.

Ok, that's all I've got for now. Maybe some of you can use the above opinion stuff to expand or dismantle. Have fun.
Ha Ha Ha, now all those biggots at PMS NBC,ABC,&CNN just made total dipshits of themselves after accusing Newt of being a racist, big fat loser,infidel, ect. etc.

Newt is a race baiter in the George Wallace vein, remember what happened to Wallace?

He repented.:lol:

Obama will crush Newt with ease.
I am stunned that you were actually able to include that many adjectives into one insult. I guess you're not as dim as I thought. Too bad you don't have a clue on how to affect the political landscape in our great nation.

Now, back to posting your nonsensical threads with you.

Whatever, Neocon half-wit.

Just please say you wont take your vote and go home next November.... we have to defeat Obama and we need you.

Yo Neo-can friend is axing ya

You know, for you i would have to consider it. You've actually been pretty reasonable when it comes to your treatment of Ron Paul. But most of your fellow Neocons have wronged the man significantly. I'm just not sure many will be able to forgive & forget so easily. I do like your idea of coming together to defeat the Socialists/Progressives though, but right now that proposition seems unlikely. Maybe that will change though. We'll see if the reaching out and compromise happens.
Gingrich Trounces Mitt In SC

I was at work this evening, so I've only heard that Newt got 40 something and Romney 20 something. I'm not thrilled with any of them, but I don't think that the pundits are going to interpret this right. Hey, I may already be wrong, I've not heard much but the numbers. Anyway, here's my take:

1. Newt's victory doesn't mean that the folks in SC don't care about his character. In fact it means that they aren't going to allow the media to pick the GOP candidate, based on personal issues. I'm reminded of the old cliche, 'Yea, he's a son-of-a-*$@!, but he's our son-of-a-*$@!. Everyone, especially the media, fails to understand their part in what is failing in this country. Hell for that matter, the 'media' still thinks it's the internet that made people stop ordering their daily newspapers and magazines; they fail to see that their own biases and lack of editors sealed their fate.

2. 'The 'tea party' is of no matter.' This of course was a Harry Reid pronouncement. There never was A tea party, it always was more of a philosophy of where we've been and where we should go, for a certain group of people. The diversity of those people and their differences presented issues that wouldn't coalesce into a party. The smallest group would be Democrats that wanted smaller government. The next smallest would be Christian social conservatives of the very far right. Biggest were independent libertarian leaning folks. Anyone could see the problems here. However, and this is a big HOWEVER, there were and are certain bedrock issues that drew these folks together: lower taxes, smaller government, more transparency, more accountability, and more simplicity.

I became disenchanted with 'the tea party' when Newt and some others tried to co-opt. They were successful in the sense that those that were 'Republicans' wanted more tea party influence in the party. I never thought, nor do I at this time, think that Newt agreed with the principles that were basic to the philosophy. However, he certainly has learned to appeal to the lingo that is important and reflective of the thought. My guess he got many more 'independents' than Romney and may well do so if given a chance against Obama.

3. 'The GOP is imploding.' I think this is wrong. I think the problem isn't the GOP, but the political process, where Obama was hounded on birth certificate; Romney is being dinged for paying taxes based on the system in place and his financial reality; Newt on marriage status from years ago. Now some may say, 'but you think differently about Ron Paul.' Well, that is a different case. Obama's mother was without dispute a US citizen. He was born in Hawaii. Romney's main source of income was investments, not work. That tax rate is low, that's not his fault. Newt has said 'he made mistakes' in personal life. Do I think he's 'changed?' Well we'll see if Calista gets sick. Ron Paul has admitted to no mistakes or repudiated those that have backed him and continue to back him, many of which he brought into the 'fold' with those newletters. He continues to accept their money and support.

The process is keeping decent folks out of the problems, for the sake of their families and reputations. One either would need to be so squeaky clean from birth as to be a freak or so indifferent to the harm of family that that quality might well be worse than the sin.

Many will bring up Clinton. Well to me time puts some of that in perspective, thanks to Obama. Clinton cared about the country, while his vision certainly was different than mine, I never thought he disagreed with our system in the main or our country and its people in general. The issues with Monica & co were myriad. Monica brought the nasty to the Oval Office, that was wrong. However, if Hillary could look the other way? But Bill lied, yeah, he did. BUT Congress chose to make it less than removal. That was a period at the end of the sentence.

Obama I believe, truly thinks our system of governing, our people's tendency towards individuality are wrong. He KNOWS most feel this way, but he also KNOWS that his way is better. I do believe he believes this. No hypocrisy, no excuses. IF he gets another term, he'll expand what he's done and doing in the first term. No mistake.

Ok, that's all I've got for now. Maybe some of you can use the above opinion stuff to expand or dismantle. Have fun.

Obama will win reelection with ease. This is fun to watch.
Whatever, Neocon half-wit.

Just please say you wont take your vote and go home next November.... we have to defeat Obama and we need you.

Yo Neo-can friend is axing ya

You know, for you i would have to consider it. You've actually been pretty reasonable when it comes to your treatment of Ron Paul. But most of your fellow Neocons have wronged the man significantly. I'm just not sure many will be able to forgive & forget so easily. I do like your idea of coming together to defeat the Socialists/Progressives though, but right now that proposition seems unlikely. Maybe that will change though. We'll see if the reaching out and compromise happens.

You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.


Darn it

Just please say you wont take your vote and go home next November.... we have to defeat Obama and we need you.

Yo Neo-can friend is axing ya

You know, for you i would have to consider it. You've actually been pretty reasonable when it comes to your treatment of Ron Paul. But most of your fellow Neocons have wronged the man significantly. I'm just not sure many will be able to forgive & forget so easily. I do like your idea of coming together to defeat the Socialists/Progressives though, but right now that proposition seems unlikely. Maybe that will change though. We'll see if the reaching out and compromise happens.

You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.


Darn it

lol! Thanks. Yeah, maybe i was too hard on Grampa? I need to work on compromising a bit more. I think his heart is in the right place. I owe him an apology. Thanks for making me pause for a sec and think a bit more. Coming together should to be the goal.
You know, for you i would have to consider it. You've actually been pretty reasonable when it comes to your treatment of Ron Paul. But most of your fellow Neocons have wronged the man significantly. I'm just not sure many will be able to forgive & forget so easily. I do like your idea of coming together to defeat the Socialists/Progressives though, but right now that proposition seems unlikely. Maybe that will change though. We'll see if the reaching out and compromise happens.

You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.


Darn it

lol! Thanks. Yeah, maybe i was too hard on Grampa? I need to work on compromising a bit more. I think his heart is in the right place. I owe him an apology. Thanks for making me pause for a sec and think a bit more. Coming together should to be the goal.

You weren't too hard on me. I've been riding your ass since I opened my bottle tonight.

I come here for fun, nothing more. I give crap, I get it in return. And yet the world continues to spin....who knew.

You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.


Darn it

lol! Thanks. Yeah, maybe i was too hard on Grampa? I need to work on compromising a bit more. I think his heart is in the right place. I owe him an apology. Thanks for making me pause for a sec and think a bit more. Coming together should to be the goal.

You weren't too hard on me. I've been riding your ass since I opened my bottle tonight.

I come here for fun, nothing more. I give crap, I get it in return. And yet the world continues to spin....who knew.

Well said. :cheers2:
Santorum seems like he's about to throw in the towel.

Seriously, you make the rest of the Democrat Dummies on this Board look like Einsteins. Santorum has won Iowa. He's far from 'throwing in the towel.' Lay off the GE/MSNBC shyte for your info. Get informed. Try to keep up. SHEESH!
Ha Ha Ha, now all those biggots at PMS NBC,ABC,&CNN just made total dipshits of themselves after accusing Newt of being a racist, big fat loser,infidel, ect. etc.

Newt is a race baiter in the George Wallace vein, remember what happened to Wallace?

He repented.:lol:

Obama will crush Newt with ease.

Newts not racist he doesn't like anyone who isn't a member of the 1% CLUB.
Newt didn't just beat Romney. He trounced on him.

Santorum is done and Paul.....well, Paul is Paul.

You want to replace obama with a god damn obama agenda supporter.


I don't get this either. Newt beat Romney by indulging in class warfare. He has a political ad with him sitting next to Pelosi supporting Global Warming. He worked hand in hand with Slick Willy. He was a paid lobbyist for Fannie and Freddie, aka the source of the financial collapse.

This is the guy you're putting up to run against Obama?

I think Newt won the nomination tonight, but Obama won the election.

Don't blame me I have nothing to do with this hypocrisy, my hands are clean.
Ha Ha Ha, now all those biggots at PMS NBC,ABC,&CNN just made total dipshits of themselves after accusing Newt of being a racist, big fat loser,infidel, ect. etc.

Newt is a race baiter in the George Wallace vein, remember what happened to Wallace?

He repented.:lol:

Obama will crush Newt with ease.

Newts not racist he doesn't like anyone who isn't a member of the 1% CLUB.

Pathedic.... You sound like one of those OWS idiots. are you a Ron Paul supporter or a socalist OWS whack job?:confused:

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