Newsom says California about to 'break' amid flood of illegal migrants when Title 42 expires


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Newsom found the truth, good on him.

Don't tell me that Japan, UK and Italy collaborating on a new jet fighter is by accident.

Why is America trying to self-destruct and once again throw away the advantages that took so long to forge? Why would you want to destroy California, Texas and other innovative states? Who benefits from this?

Maybe Newsom is just posturing as some "moderate" for a 2024 run, who knows.

Newsom says California about to 'break' amid flood of illegal migrants when Title 42 expires​

Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom of California warned Monday that President Biden's plan to reverse former President Donald Trump's border policies could "break" his state.

The Biden administration is planning to lift the Trump-era Title 42 policy, which allows police and border officers to expedite the expulsion of illegal immigrants.

Newsom, speaking to ABC News on Monday, said, "The fact is, what we’ve got right now is not working and is about to break in a post-42 world unless we take some responsibility and ownership."

"I'm saying that as a father," the governor added. "I'm saying that as someone that feels responsible for being part of the solution and I'm trying to do my best here."

Newsom claimed the U.S. government is sending "more and more" migrants to California because the state is "taking care of folks."

"The more we do, the burden is placed disproportionate on us," he said.

"We're already at capacity at nine of our sites," Newsom continued. "We can't continue to fund all of these sites because of the budgetary pressures now being placed on this state and the offsetting issues that I have to address.… The reality is, unless we're doing what we're doing, people will end up on the streets."
And it only took him two years to figure out there is a problem at the border.
Maybe Gov. Newsom should think about building a wall between California and Mexico?

If there was a 700 foot high wall of reinforced concrete with barbed wire at the top, not that many would be able to make it over.
Hey isnt that Racist of Newsom to say that? it's sure racist if Trump was to say such a thing, and what burden is Newsom talking about? Diversity is strength! they are doing all the jobs we don't want to do and all of that.. so how is it they are being a burden ?

Yep. so funny how the Federal Government can send them all here to California, because "we take care of people here" yet... Florida sends 50 people to Martha's Vineyard and Liberals heads explode and lawsuits are filed.
Can all you liberals who want open borders and are so quick to call people racists here, now see why you are all such
Those migrants are being housed. and when Americans start losing jobs as interest rates go up and up.. we are going to have millions more people on welfare, migrants standing around with no work, probably then working more for drug cartels inside the US or being forced to commit crimes so they can eat.
And all this because we could not support a sane immigration policy only allowing 1 million people per year.
Newsom found the truth, good on him.

Don't tell me that Japan, UK and Italy collaborating on a new jet fighter is by accident.

Why is America trying to self-destruct and once again throw away the advantages that took so long to forge? Why would you want to destroy California, Texas and other innovative states? Who benefits from this?

Maybe Newsom is just posturing as some "moderate" for a 2024 run, who knows.

Newsom says California about to 'break' amid flood of illegal migrants when Title 42 expires​

Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom of California warned Monday that President Biden's plan to reverse former President Donald Trump's border policies could "break" his state.

The Biden administration is planning to lift the Trump-era Title 42 policy, which allows police and border officers to expedite the expulsion of illegal immigrants.

Newsom, speaking to ABC News on Monday, said, "The fact is, what we’ve got right now is not working and is about to break in a post-42 world unless we take some responsibility and ownership."

"I'm saying that as a father," the governor added. "I'm saying that as someone that feels responsible for being part of the solution and I'm trying to do my best here."

Newsom claimed the U.S. government is sending "more and more" migrants to California because the state is "taking care of folks."

"The more we do, the burden is placed disproportionate on us," he said.

"We're already at capacity at nine of our sites," Newsom continued. "We can't continue to fund all of these sites because of the budgetary pressures now being placed on this state and the offsetting issues that I have to address.… The reality is, unless we're doing what we're doing, people will end up on the streets."
Newsom is talking from both sides of his mouth

Maybe he’s thinking about running for president

Newsom is as guilty as biden or any other democrat for the unchecked flood of illegal aliens
Not even close. The very wealthy need to start paying America's bills. The situation with the world's poor isn't going to change for the better.

Maybe a liberal like Newsom already understands that?

Even a large increase in the murder rate with guns of aliens, won't make a dent in the imagined problem.

If Americans aren't going to wake up and force a sharing of the wealth, maybe it will be forced upon them by others in need.
Not even close. The very wealthy need to start paying America's bills. The situation with the world's poor isn't going to change for the better.

Maybe a liberal like Newsom already understands that?

Even a large increase in the murder rate with guns of aliens, won't make a dent in the imagined problem.

If Americans aren't going to wake up and force a sharing of the wealth, maybe it will be forced upon them by others in need.

The top 10 percent of wealthy Americans pay something like 80 % of the taxes already.... so you think they need to start? How about the Government stop fucking everything up and and then blame it on the people to cover their tracks?
Not even close. The very wealthy need to start paying America's bills. The situation with the world's poor isn't going to change for the better.

Maybe a liberal like Newsom already understands that?

Even a large increase in the murder rate with guns of aliens, won't make a dent in the imagined problem.

If Americans aren't going to wake up and force a sharing of the wealth, maybe it will be forced upon them by others in need.

Huh? Canadians are in need, do you expect a monthly cheque from Uncle Sam? People are dying waiting for a hospital bed, one guy a year and a half to remove a tumor that has grown. We are broke as a nation and due to the Security Industrial Complex destroying our innovation it isn't going to improve.
Not even close. The very wealthy need to start paying America's bills. The situation with the world's poor isn't going to change for the better.

Maybe a liberal like Newsom already understands that?

Even a large increase in the murder rate with guns of aliens, won't make a dent in the imagined problem.

If Americans aren't going to wake up and force a sharing of the wealth, maybe it will be forced upon them by others in need.
Right , equal misery. You loons should be the first to give up your shit for the people who didn't work for it. Show the rest of us how it's done and how happy you will be doing it.
Right , equal misery. You loons should be the first to give up your shit for the people who didn't work for it. Show the rest of us how it's done and how happy you will be doing it.
Misery for warm winter climate states.

There is lots of money to pay the bills but those other people with money are still refusing to part with any of it.
If Americans aren't going to wake up and force a sharing of the wealth, maybe it will be forced upon them by others in need.
Sounds like a threat duck. I'll share the wealth with any of these criminals if they try forcing anything on me. I have a wealth of lead that I'll spread around.
Misery for warm winter climate states.

There is lots of money to pay the bills but those other people with money are still refusing to part with any of it.
Still a moron, duck. Americans are the most generous people on the face of the earth. When are you commie Canadians going to step up and do your part.
What is he bitching about?

Him and the other the Democrats would never be elected to offices in California if it wasn't for the damn Illegals.
Fentanyl is flowing into this country and our government does nothing.
Government must not interfere in the capitalist's first and most important principle!

That is 'supply and demand' and that applies equally to Fentanyl.

The war on drugs was wrongheaded thinking that failed.
It should have been a war on American users. ........................... oh, wait ..................??

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