Newsom…..reparations in CA? Paid out to those who have benefitted the most from slavery? Does that really make sense?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Aren’t todays black Americans benefitting from all the hard work their ancestors put in here in America?
How many would have preferred to have been born and raised in Africa? How many have left America to return to their homeland to live out that life they missed out on?
I intend for this thread to remain civil and serious….I believe some politicians will have to find the courage to confront the virtue signalers like Newsom with this message.
Is there anyone in Congress brave enough to do so?
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Aren’t todays black Americans benefitting from all the hard work their ancestors put in here in America?
How many would have preferred to have been born and raised in Africa? How many have left America to return to their homeland to live out that life they missed out on?
I intend for this thread to remain civil and serious….I believe some politicians will have to find the courage to confront the virtue signalers like Newsom with this message.
Is their anyone in Congress brave enough to do so?
Blacks should be thankful for what their relatives endured for them instead of being the hate filled thugs we see today. Reparations my pelosi.

Does that really make sense?​

It is California. Making sense is not a requirement for public policy, there. It is getting so, it is not a requirement in many far left and far right legislatures and city counsels across this country, when it make some group "feel good".
Today's black Americans ought to go down to their knees and thank God that their ancestors were abducted from that rotten continent and brought to America. Otherwise, they most likely would not be here today. If they did come into existence they would be fighting off Ebola and crocodiles and giant snakes and such. Instead, they living in a country where even the most poor among us has a car and a smart phone. The have all the rights and opportunities here as everyone else. In many other countries today they would be thrown under the bus. But not here, in the USA. The fact is, black Americans hit the fucking lottery!!
Yes! And the ancestors weren't paid for the contribution they made, as so their descendents should be, and with interest accrued over hundreds of years.
Compensation isn’t always “pay”. Slaves were compensated with a warm bed, food and water and a chance at life. They didn’t have to hunt for their food, they didn’t have to sleep in a hut and they weren’t dying from murder, disease and despair.
Yes! And the ancestors weren't paid for the contribution they made, as so their descendents should be, and with interest accrued over hundreds of years.
Please. They have been more than adequately compensated. It was just labor, after all. Given the freedom, equality, set-asides, subsides (direct and indirect), preferences, affluency of their descendants, etc... I would say that not only have they been compensated, but I think they have been over-compensated. I am waiting on them to make change and refund us on the overpayment.

Does that really make sense?​

It is California. Making sense is not a requirement for public policy, there. It is getting so, it is not a requirement in many far left and far right legislatures and city counsels across this country, when it make some group "feel good".
You nailed it there.
Compensation isn’t always “pay”. Slaves were compensated with a warm bed, food and water and a chance at life. They didn’t have to hunt for their food, they didn’t have to sleep in a hut and they weren’t dying from murder, disease and despair.
Thank you for saying this!! It is often overlooked that most negro slaves were well taken care of. Slavers had to pay good money for their slaves. It is completely irrational to purchase a slave and then abuse it, thereby diminishing its economic life. It would be like buying a tractor and running it low on oil. Why would anyone in his right mind do this?

Granted, sometimes slaves were violently treated. Most of the time, though, this was done as punishment for some kind of malfeasance. I will go even further and state that I suspect that the vast majority of slaves were treated just fine. As is typical of virtually every advocate, they will present things in a way to further their own goals. The institutional of American slavery was not the holocaust alleged by many advocates. In fact, it was far from it. Moreover, using the term "holocaust" in this context is an insult to Jews.
Bunch of crying little bitches in this thread. Acting like racist assclowns sure does make it easier for Black Americans to demonstrate the persistence of racism in this country and culture and the need for reparations to help alleviate it so thank you all for being useful idiots. 😂

Does that really make sense?​

It is California. Making sense is not a requirement for public policy, there. It is getting so, it is not a requirement in many far left and far right legislatures and city counsels across this country, when it make some group "feel good".
Do you get the feeling that both sides are mostly interested in pissing off the other side?
Why is the conversation of

"okay if we do this, THATS IT. No more. Nothing else"

never had? There's never a discussion about ending all the programs that have already been put in place as compensation? There's never a conversation about THE END of reparations. Just a never ending hand out and a never ending bitch session about how they were wronged.
I wonder why this has popped up now... could it be to take the news of Newsom's wineries bank failure and bail out off the news?....
Bunch of crying little bitches in this thread. Acting like racist assclowns sure does make it easier for Black Americans to demonstrate the persistence of racism in this country and culture and the need for reparations to help alleviate it so thank you all for being useful idiots. 😂
Easy bud….nobody is trying to piss anyone off. Don’t you think there are logical points made in the OP that should be considered and discussed by politicians?
Why do you suppose the first black president was against reparations?
I don't even care why Obama was opposed to it. Looking to the political elite before having your own opinion and thinking for yourself is just a projected perspective on your part. 🤣 That's how you operate you clown. Thanks for revealing that so clearly. 😂😂😂
I don't even care why Obama was opposed to it. Looking to the political elite before having your own opinion and thinking for yourself is just a projected perspective on your part. 🤣 That's how you operate you clown. Thanks for revealing that so clearly. 😂😂😂
I make the simple point that what you are seeing today is all bullshit propagated by woke white guilt loonies with no real intent….just your basic virtue signaling puppet-masters playing thier useful idiots like a fiddle…as per usual.
Malcolm warned you…he told you all about these people….and you haven’t listened.

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