Newsom creating "Strike Teams" to go after businesses...


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho

Newsom creating "Strike Teams" to go after businesses...
Sounds like something out of Stalin's era.

"He said the teams would “go after people that are thumbing their nose, that are particularly being aggressive, reticent to do anything.”

"He singled out bars, restaurants, meat packing plants and other facilities"

Where were these strike teams when looters and rioters were destroying said businesses idiot.

Newsom creating "Strike Teams" to go after businesses...
Sounds like something out of Stalin's era.

"He said the teams would “go after people that are thumbing their nose, that are particularly being aggressive, reticent to do anything.”

"He singled out bars, restaurants, meat packing plants and other facilities"

Where were these strike teams when looters and rioters were destroying said businesses idiot.

Maybe its a bit more like something out of the Carrie Nation tradition here in America of vandalizing bar rooms.

But what Newsom seems to be failing to realize is that people are still going to go out and are still going to drink in Speakeasies and other locations. And Speakeasies don't pay taxes, a critical point when considering the billions of dollars of deficits that California faces this fiscal year.

Newsom creating "Strike Teams" to go after businesses...
Sounds like something out of Stalin's era.

"He said the teams would “go after people that are thumbing their nose, that are particularly being aggressive, reticent to do anything.”

"He singled out bars, restaurants, meat packing plants and other facilities"

Where were these strike teams when looters and rioters were destroying said businesses idiot.
He is going to hold his breath until he turns blue or until everyone follows him blindly. That'll fix em!

Newsom creating "Strike Teams" to go after businesses...
Sounds like something out of Stalin's era.

"He said the teams would “go after people that are thumbing their nose, that are particularly being aggressive, reticent to do anything.”

"He singled out bars, restaurants, meat packing plants and other facilities"

Where were these strike teams when looters and rioters were destroying said businesses idiot.
Seems that he is more intent to keep people poor? Maybe those people should just stop paying their taxes....

Newsom creating "Strike Teams" to go after businesses...
Sounds like something out of Stalin's era.

"He said the teams would “go after people that are thumbing their nose, that are particularly being aggressive, reticent to do anything.”

"He singled out bars, restaurants, meat packing plants and other facilities"

Where were these strike teams when looters and rioters were destroying said businesses idiot.
How bout strike teams to round up illegals

Newsom creating "Strike Teams" to go after businesses...
Sounds like something out of Stalin's era.

"He said the teams would “go after people that are thumbing their nose, that are particularly being aggressive, reticent to do anything.”

"He singled out bars, restaurants, meat packing plants and other facilities"

Where were these strike teams when looters and rioters were destroying said businesses idiot.
That is what Stalinist do
Newsom closed every winery in the state but his and his Aunt Nancy Pelosi's. Those wineries are still open.
His Napa Valley winery (Plump Jack Estate) that operates in violation of his own dictatorial rules should be the first business he goes after.
But if the sheep that vote for governor in California aren't going to stop him why should he quit treating the state like his own private fiefdom to do with as he pleases?

Try creating teams that go after destructive rioters, Gav. But it's easier to go after soft compliant targets like
California businesses, looks like

Newsom creating "Strike Teams" to go after businesses...
Sounds like something out of Stalin's era.

"He said the teams would “go after people that are thumbing their nose, that are particularly being aggressive, reticent to do anything.”

"He singled out bars, restaurants, meat packing plants and other facilities"

Where were these strike teams when looters and rioters were destroying said businesses idiot.
Where does Newsome get the authority to make up laws as he feels fit?

Oh, that is right, he is a Democrat Stalinist so he gets a free pass to do anything he wants to.

Forgot, sorry.

Newsom creating "Strike Teams" to go after businesses...
Sounds like something out of Stalin's era.

"He said the teams would “go after people that are thumbing their nose, that are particularly being aggressive, reticent to do anything.”

"He singled out bars, restaurants, meat packing plants and other facilities"

Where were these strike teams when looters and rioters were destroying said businesses idiot.
Seems that he is more intent to keep people poor? Maybe those people should just stop paying their taxes....
Anyone that loves freedom should move out of blue states.

After this election I dont think Virginia will be blue any more.

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