Newly released court documents cast doubt on Gingrich version of first divorce

I would vote for Newt over Obama.
Obama = nice guy, good family man, worked hard to get those degrees.
So what?
He does not know jack shit about economics, the free market or capitalism.
He has to go.

Why are all you libturds trying so hard to 86 Newt's campaign if you think he would be so easy for Obama to beat?

Yeah. We are the ones that fucked up his ability to get on the ballot in Virgina.

We don't have to 86 Newt. He's doing a good enough job of that on his own.

Yet , Obama's minions still find it necessary to go through Newt's divorce records to dig up mud they can sling at him.

Very little of what's in court documents can be relied on to be truthful. Affidavits under penalty of perjury are at best half truthful.

There is so much boilerplate that's required to be in legal documents that relying on them for facts is impossible.

Gingrich Divorce Papers Magically Appear In Media HandsVetting works differently for John Hayward12/27/201152
To this day, Barack Hussein Obama remains a man of mystery. Copious amounts of documentation from his early life and academic career have never been released. It took years of pressure, plus Donald Trump as the ringmaster of a media circus, just to see his birth certificate.

When the L.A. Times obtained a potentially embarrassing videotape of Obama laughing it up at a party for Arafat minion Rashid Khalidi, the paper pursed its lips and fastidiously hid the tape from public view. Their newspaper account of the part didn’t even mention that domestic terrorist Friends of Obama Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn attended the event. Another important connection from Obama’s past, his long attendance at Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church of racial hatred, was carefully buried by the media until conservative radio hosts and bloggers dragged it into the open.

The rules for “vetting” are very different for Republican candidates. We’ve already seen murky allegations from Herman Cain​’s past assigned a level of instant credibility that would never have been granted if he were a black Democrat. Even after a much more serious accusation of a long-running consensual affair caused Cain to suspend his campaign, we still don’t know exactly what the initial “sexual harassment” accusers complained about.

Now CNN has magically obtained the sealed records of Newt Gingrich​’s first divorce. Here’s the wonderful story of how this Yuletide journalistic miracle came to pass:

After initially being told that the divorce documents were sealed, CNN on Thursday obtained the folder containing the filings in the divorce, which had been stashed away for years in a Carroll County, Georgia, court clerk's drawer. Retired clerk Kenneth Skinner told CNN his deputy took Gingrich's file out of the public records room around 1994, "when he (Gingrich) became the center of attention," because Skinner feared tampering and theft.
"During these years, you had to make sure those papers were there," Skinner said. "People could go in those files and get things out. We didn't have enough security to control it."

Current Carroll County Clerk of Court Alan Lee said he called the retired deputy clerk, who told him where to find the papers, after CNN began looking for them last week.

Shazam! Those papers just popped right out of a clerk’s drawer, where they were supposedly tucked over fifteen years ago, to keep people from nosing around in them! Oh, the irony! Who knows what CNN might be able to discover about Barack Obama, if they bothered to look for some of his records with the intensity reserved for Republicans’ sealed divorce papers?

By an amazing coincidence, previous Obama opponents have also seen their campaigns destroyed by the sudden exposure of “sealed” divorce papers. It happened to both Obama’s primary and general-election opponents in his 2004 Senate race. In fact, it’s likely that the only reason Obama became either a senator or President is that Chicago Democrat machine operatives and their media allies were able to pull lurid details from Republican Jack Ryan’s divorce records, unsealed for the Chicago Tribune​ by a very helpful California judge.

read it all here..
Gingrich Divorce Papers Magically Appear In Media Hands - HUMAN EVENTS
I don't think magic had anything to do with it, but since you supported Christine "Not A Witch" O'Donnell, I can see how you believe it.

Nope - CNN requested the divorce papers, and the guy at the county courthouse called up the retired clerk, who told the current clerk where he could find the documents from that period.


Gingrich Divorce Papers Magically Appear In Media HandsVetting works differently for John Hayward12/27/201152
To this day, Barack Hussein Obama remains a man of mystery. Copious amounts of documentation from his early life and academic career have never been released. It took years of pressure, plus Donald Trump as the ringmaster of a media circus, just to see his birth certificate.

When the L.A. Times obtained a potentially embarrassing videotape of Obama laughing it up at a party for Arafat minion Rashid Khalidi, the paper pursed its lips and fastidiously hid the tape from public view. Their newspaper account of the part didn’t even mention that domestic terrorist Friends of Obama Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn attended the event. Another important connection from Obama’s past, his long attendance at Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church of racial hatred, was carefully buried by the media until conservative radio hosts and bloggers dragged it into the open.

The rules for “vetting” are very different for Republican candidates. We’ve already seen murky allegations from Herman Cain​’s past assigned a level of instant credibility that would never have been granted if he were a black Democrat. Even after a much more serious accusation of a long-running consensual affair caused Cain to suspend his campaign, we still don’t know exactly what the initial “sexual harassment” accusers complained about.

Now CNN has magically obtained the sealed records of Newt Gingrich​’s first divorce. Here’s the wonderful story of how this Yuletide journalistic miracle came to pass:

After initially being told that the divorce documents were sealed, CNN on Thursday obtained the folder containing the filings in the divorce, which had been stashed away for years in a Carroll County, Georgia, court clerk's drawer. Retired clerk Kenneth Skinner told CNN his deputy took Gingrich's file out of the public records room around 1994, "when he (Gingrich) became the center of attention," because Skinner feared tampering and theft.
"During these years, you had to make sure those papers were there," Skinner said. "People could go in those files and get things out. We didn't have enough security to control it."

Current Carroll County Clerk of Court Alan Lee said he called the retired deputy clerk, who told him where to find the papers, after CNN began looking for them last week.

Shazam! Those papers just popped right out of a clerk’s drawer, where they were supposedly tucked over fifteen years ago, to keep people from nosing around in them! Oh, the irony! Who knows what CNN might be able to discover about Barack Obama, if they bothered to look for some of his records with the intensity reserved for Republicans’ sealed divorce papers?

By an amazing coincidence, previous Obama opponents have also seen their campaigns destroyed by the sudden exposure of “sealed” divorce papers. It happened to both Obama’s primary and general-election opponents in his 2004 Senate race. In fact, it’s likely that the only reason Obama became either a senator or President is that Chicago Democrat machine operatives and their media allies were able to pull lurid details from Republican Jack Ryan’s divorce records, unsealed for the Chicago Tribune​ by a very helpful California judge.

read it all here..
Gingrich Divorce Papers Magically Appear In Media Hands - HUMAN EVENTS
I don't think magic had anything to do with it, but since you supported Christine "Not A Witch" O'Donnell, I can see how you believe it.

Nope - CNN requested the divorce papers, and the guy at the county courthouse called up the retired clerk, who told the current clerk where he could find the documents from that period.


whatever...continue to cream you jeans over someones DIVORCE papers. you want to look stupid, not our problem

I assume you can quote him then


"I think that the mother killing the two children in South Carolina vividly reminds every American how sick the society is getting and how much we need to change things." Gingrich concluded, "The only way you get change is to vote Republican. That's the message for the last three days."

I didn't notice the part where he said divorce is against God's law.
I didn't notice the part where he talks about Monster Trucks, either. What the fuck does that have to do with 'family values'?
No, it actually about him lying about his divorce.

Although Gingrich lies like a $2 Dollar crack whore anyway, so this shouldn't surprise us. I'll grant you that.

And wingnuts should understand this. They always claim that it was Clinton's lying, not his personal life, that they cared about.

But now they don't care about Newt's lying????

Clinton WAS IMPEACHED for lying to CONGRESS while PRESIDENT and obstruction of justice..

you people are hilarious as hell

you all should feel like fools, these RECORDS WERE SEALED about his DIVORCE, but that doesn't bother you all one bit..that they were LEAKED out to the media all are as sleazy as CNN for releasing these.
Prove that the records were sealed.
No, it actually about him lying about his divorce.

Although Gingrich lies like a $2 Dollar crack whore anyway, so this shouldn't surprise us. I'll grant you that.

And wingnuts should understand this. They always claim that it was Clinton's lying, not his personal life, that they cared about.

But now they don't care about Newt's lying????

"I smoked the twisty one time but never inhaled"
Yeah, sure, right. Clinton is not a liar.
But now you don't care about Newt's lies?

I always took you for a guy with integrity, Gadawg. Do Newt's lies not matter, while Clinton's do?
And wingnuts should understand this. They always claim that it was Clinton's lying, not his personal life, that they cared about.

But now they don't care about Newt's lying????

Clinton WAS IMPEACHED for lying to CONGRESS while PRESIDENT and obstruction of justice..

you people are hilarious as hell

you all should feel like fools, these RECORDS WERE SEALED about his DIVORCE, but that doesn't bother you all one bit..that they were LEAKED out to the media all are as sleazy as CNN for releasing these.
Prove that the records were sealed.

ah, this little game..
like all divorce records are available for the PUBLIC to see..
but that darn CNN, they thought these WERE SO important that WE NEEDED to see them
I would vote for Newt over Obama.
Obama = nice guy, good family man, worked hard to get those degrees.
So what?
He does not know jack shit about economics, the free market or capitalism.
He has to go.
What does Newt know about it? His experience selling Newt books, featuring Newt? Or Newt videos featuring Newt? His daughter runs all that for him.

He is a career politician with no business experience and no executive experience.
I would vote for Newt over Obama.
Obama = nice guy, good family man, worked hard to get those degrees.
So what?
He does not know jack shit about economics, the free market or capitalism.
He has to go.
What does Newt know about it? His experience selling Newt books, featuring Newt? Or Newt videos featuring Newt? His daughter runs all that for him.

He is a career politician with no business experience and no executive experience.

You could be talking about the funny is that
yet you still voted for him..:lol:

Gingrich Divorce Papers Magically Appear In Media HandsVetting works differently for John Hayward12/27/201152
To this day, Barack Hussein Obama remains a man of mystery. Copious amounts of documentation from his early life and academic career have never been released. It took years of pressure, plus Donald Trump as the ringmaster of a media circus, just to see his birth certificate.

When the L.A. Times obtained a potentially embarrassing videotape of Obama laughing it up at a party for Arafat minion Rashid Khalidi, the paper pursed its lips and fastidiously hid the tape from public view. Their newspaper account of the part didn’t even mention that domestic terrorist Friends of Obama Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn attended the event. Another important connection from Obama’s past, his long attendance at Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church of racial hatred, was carefully buried by the media until conservative radio hosts and bloggers dragged it into the open.

The rules for “vetting” are very different for Republican candidates. We’ve already seen murky allegations from Herman Cain​’s past assigned a level of instant credibility that would never have been granted if he were a black Democrat. Even after a much more serious accusation of a long-running consensual affair caused Cain to suspend his campaign, we still don’t know exactly what the initial “sexual harassment” accusers complained about.

Now CNN has magically obtained the sealed records of Newt Gingrich​’s first divorce. Here’s the wonderful story of how this Yuletide journalistic miracle came to pass:

After initially being told that the divorce documents were sealed, CNN on Thursday obtained the folder containing the filings in the divorce, which had been stashed away for years in a Carroll County, Georgia, court clerk's drawer. Retired clerk Kenneth Skinner told CNN his deputy took Gingrich's file out of the public records room around 1994, "when he (Gingrich) became the center of attention," because Skinner feared tampering and theft.
"During these years, you had to make sure those papers were there," Skinner said. "People could go in those files and get things out. We didn't have enough security to control it."

Current Carroll County Clerk of Court Alan Lee said he called the retired deputy clerk, who told him where to find the papers, after CNN began looking for them last week.

Shazam! Those papers just popped right out of a clerk’s drawer, where they were supposedly tucked over fifteen years ago, to keep people from nosing around in them! Oh, the irony! Who knows what CNN might be able to discover about Barack Obama, if they bothered to look for some of his records with the intensity reserved for Republicans’ sealed divorce papers?

read it all here..
Gingrich Divorce Papers Magically Appear In Media Hands - HUMAN EVENTS
I don't think magic had anything to do with it, but since you supported Christine "Not A Witch" O'Donnell, I can see how you believe it.

Nope - CNN requested the divorce papers, and the guy at the county courthouse called up the retired clerk, who told the current clerk where he could find the documents from that period.


whatever...continue to cream you jeans over someones DIVORCE papers. you want to look stupid, not our problem
It's Newt's apologists who look stupid.

I'm looking damn intelligent in this thread, because you cannot factually dispute a word I've written!
I don't think magic had anything to do with it, but since you supported Christine "Not A Witch" O'Donnell, I can see how you believe it.

Nope - CNN requested the divorce papers, and the guy at the county courthouse called up the retired clerk, who told the current clerk where he could find the documents from that period.


whatever...continue to cream you jeans over someones DIVORCE papers. you want to look stupid, not our problem
It's Newt's apologists who look stupid.

I'm looking damn intelligent in this thread, because you cannot factually dispute a word I've written!

No dear, you are looking damn stupid raging over someone DIVORCE PAPERS..
Clinton WAS IMPEACHED for lying to CONGRESS while PRESIDENT and obstruction of justice..

you people are hilarious as hell

you all should feel like fools, these RECORDS WERE SEALED about his DIVORCE, but that doesn't bother you all one bit..that they were LEAKED out to the media all are as sleazy as CNN for releasing these.
Prove that the records were sealed.

ah, this little game..
like all divorce records are available for the PUBLIC to see..
but that darn CNN, they thought these WERE SO important that WE NEEDED to see them

They ARE important and we do NEED to see them.

It's all about picking our next president. Scumbags like Newt get exposed.
I would vote for Newt over Obama.
Obama = nice guy, good family man, worked hard to get those degrees.
So what?
He does not know jack shit about economics, the free market or capitalism.
He has to go.
What does Newt know about it? His experience selling Newt books, featuring Newt? Or Newt videos featuring Newt? His daughter runs all that for him.

He is a career politician with no business experience and no executive experience.

You could be talking about the funny is that
yet you still voted for him..:lol:

Liberals do not list executive/business experience as a requirement. Conservatives do. Just like we don't list family values as a requirement. Conservatives do. Newt fails on both counts.

So we didn't care about that when picking our candidate.
What does Newt know about it? His experience selling Newt books, featuring Newt? Or Newt videos featuring Newt? His daughter runs all that for him.

He is a career politician with no business experience and no executive experience.

You could be talking about the funny is that
yet you still voted for him..:lol:

Liberals do not list executive/business experience as a requirement. Conservatives do. Just like we don't list family values as a requirement. Conservatives do. Newt fails on both counts.

So we didn't care about that when picking our candidate.


but they consider someones DIVORCE papers as MORE IMPORTANT..:lol::lol:
that's what lieturds dews.. remember they took they back ho's all the way to Laska to dig the dirt on Palin.. get used to it. they eat shit and play dirt.
No, it's what vetters do. Or anyone with curiosity. Or oppo-research teams...or who cares to research public records.

Unless you forgot, for example, in 2008 people were all about looking up things like:

Obama's 1992 marriage certificate from the Cook County (Ill.) Bureau of Vital Statistics.
His driver's license record from the Illinois Secretary of State's office.
His registration and disciplinary record
with the Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois. Not to mention all of his property records.
(don't even get started on the BC, kay?)

they went to Kenya to get his school records...

blah blah.

You act like it's some kind of crazy for people to examine publicly available documents when a presidential candidate is under the microscope.

humm, can you link to front page, no I'll settle for page 2 articles on those issues please in the top 4 papers across the country?

In addition please provide the links to say, stories of these issues on prime time news shows ala nbc cbs abc cnn etc.

thank you in advance.

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