Newly released court documents cast doubt on Gingrich version of first divorce

Sexual assault

Excerpt From Kathleen Willey's Interview with 60 Minutes

WILLEY: Well, he -- he said he would do everything that he could to -- to -- to help, and I turned around and -- out of the -- out of the office, and he followed me to -- I thought he was going to open the door to the -- to the Oval office, and right as we got to the door, he stopped and he gave me a big hug and said that he was very sorry that this was happening to me.

And -- I had -- had no problem with that, because when I saw -- every time I saw him, he would hug me. He use -- just does that, is like that.

And, I remember I had -- still had this coffee cup in my hand, and it was kind of in between us, and I didn't want it to spill on him or me, and -- and it just was this -- it was just very strange. And he -- he took the coffee cup out of my hand and he put it on a bookshelf, and -- and -- he -- this hug lasted a little longer than I thought necessary, but at the same time -- I mean, I was not concerned about it. And then he -- then he -- and then he kissed me on -- on my mouth, and -- and pulled me closer to him. And -- I remember thinking -- I just remember thinking, "what in the world is he doing?" I -- it -- I just thought, "what is he doing?" And, I -- I pushed back away from him, and -- he -- he -- he -- he -- he's a big man.

And he -- he had his arms -- they were tight around me, and he -- he -- he touched me.

BRADLEY: Touched you how?

WILLEY: Well, he -- he -- he touched my breasts with his hand, and, I -- I -- I -- I was -- I -- I was just startled.

I was -- I was just...

BRADLEY: This -- this wasn't an accidental grazing touch?


And -- then he -- whispered -- he -- he -- said in -- in my ears that, "I -- I've wanted to do this ever since I laid eyes on you." And -- I remember -- I remember saying to him, "aren't you afraid that somebody's going to walk in here?" The -- and, he said -- he said, "no. No, I'm -- no, I'm not." And -- and then -- and -- and then he took my hand, and he -- and he put it on him. And, that's when I pushed away from him and -- and decided it was time to get out of there.

BRADLEY: When you say he took your hand...

WILLEY: Right.

BRADLEY: ... and put it on him...

WILLEY: Hum-hum.

BRADLEY: Where on him?

WILLEY: On -- on his genitals.

BRADLEY: Was he a -- aroused?


BRADLEY: He was.


BRADLEY: What were you thinking?

WILLEY: Well, I -- I was -- there was -- I -- there were all kinds of things going through my mind.

I -- I think as -- when I think back on it, it was kind of like I was watching it in slow motion, and -- and thinking surely this is not happening. And, at the same time, I -- I wanted to -- I thought, "well, maybe I ought to just give him a good slap across the face." And then I thought, "well, I don't think you can slap the President of the United States like that." And -- and I just decided it was just time to get out of there.

BRADLEY: Did you say anything to him, or was there anything about your behavior that invited an advance?

WILLEY: I -- I -- I have gone over this so many times, so very many times, because I think that your natural instinct is to wonder, "Did I bring this on? Did I send a -- a -- the wrong signal?" The only signals that I was sending that day, was that I was very upset, very distraught, and I needed to help my husband.

BRADLEY: Did you feel intimidated?

WILLEY: I didn't feel intimidated. I just felt overpowered.

BRADLEY: Did you ever say, "stop. No. Get away from me?"

WILLEY: I just -- I -- I pushed him away. I pushed him away, and -- and I said, "I think I -- I'd better go."

BRADLEY: And what did he say?

WILLEY: He -- he -- he kept looking at his watch, 'cause he told me that he had a meeting, and he said -- he said -- that he could -- he said they could wait. And I said, "Well..." I said, "well, I'm leaving."

BRADLEY: When you walked out of there, what -- what were you thinking?

WILLEY: I just could not believe that that had happened in that office. I -- I just could not believe -- the recklessness of that act.
More trouble for Gingrich as Iowa campaign quickens - Yahoo! News
In an embarrassing revelation for Gingrich, The Wall Street Journal said on Tuesday that his consulting company published a newsletter in 2006 that called Romney's health plan "the most interesting effort to solve the uninsured problem in America today."
"We agree entirely with Governor Romney and Massachusetts legislators that our goal should be 100 percent insurance coverage for all Americans," the newsletter said.

Why are all you libturds trying so hard to 86 Newt's campaign if you think he would be so easy for Obama to beat?
I would say he lied.

Just out:
Newly released court documents cast doubt on Gingrich version of first divorce

Carrollton, Georgia (CNN) -- Newt Gingrich claims that it was his first wife, not Gingrich himself, who wanted their divorce in 1980, but court documents obtained by CNN appear to show otherwise.

The Republican presidential candidate, now in his third marriage, has been peppered with attacks and questions about his divorce from Jackie Gingrich for the past three decades.

Questions about his past -- and what that past tells voters about his personal behavior -- have re-emerged as he has returned to the political scene 13 years after he resigned as speaker of the House.

A new defense that has arisen as Gingrich entered the presidential race this year is the insistence that she, not he, wanted the divorce.
Gingrich Court Documents: Original Divorce Complaint
Gingrich Court Documents: Motion for Contempt
Gingrich Court Documents: Petition for Alimony Modification

Current Carroll County Clerk of Court Alan Lee said he called the retired deputy clerk, who told him where to find the papers, after CNN began looking for them last week.

The documents, and interviews with people close to the couple at the time, contradict the Gingrich claim about who wanted the divorce.
Read more: Newly released court documents cast doubt on Gingrich version of first divorce -

More Pants-A-Fire for the slimy reptile.

But.............. but............... His daughter (also part of his election team) said it was a mutual thing!

Oh well. Newt Gingrich is a scumbag. Shocking!

But.............. but............... His daughter (also part of his election team)
said it was a mutual thing!

Oh well. Newt Gingrich is a scumbag. Shocking!
This new revision by his daughter (and what wingers have been pulling out of late) goes against the history of what happened, and the fact that all these years Gingrich has not denied what his wife has said.

Jackie: "He can say that we had been talking about it [divorce] for 10 years, but the truth is that it came as a complete surprise."
Source: Gail Sheehy. "The Inner Quest of Newt Gingrich." Vanity Fair. 9/1995.

He's very good at enlisting the help of his family, even as he stabs them in the back.
Not to be forgotten is the fact this family values guy was a deadbeat dad.
[FONT=times, times new roman] [/FONT]"In his make-or-break 1978 race, Gingrich enlisted Jackie to attack his female opponent, who had announced that if elected she would commute to Washington and allow her family to remain in Georgia. At Gingrich's instigation, Jackie wrote a campaign letter declaring that Newt was a fine husband and would take his family with him, although his top aides already knew Gingrich was having affairs and the marriage was falling apart.

[FONT=times, times new roman] The most notorious incident in Gingrich's marriage -- first reported by David Osborne in Mother Jones magazine in 1984 -- was when he cornered Jackie in her hospital room where she was recovering from uterine cancer surgery and insisted on discussing the terms of the divorce he was seeking. [/FONT]

Shortly after that infamous encounter, Gingrich refused to pay his alimony and child-support payments. The First Baptist Church in his hometown had to take up a collection to support the family Gingrich had deserted[FONT=times, times new roman]. [/FONT]"
[FONT=times, times new roman]
[/FONT][FONT=times, times new roman][FONT=times, times new roman][SIZE=+2]Newt's glass house [/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=times, times new roman]
I would say he lied.

Just out:
Newly released court documents cast doubt on Gingrich version of first divorce

Carrollton, Georgia (CNN) -- Newt Gingrich claims that it was his first wife, not Gingrich himself, who wanted their divorce in 1980, but court documents obtained by CNN appear to show otherwise.

The Republican presidential candidate, now in his third marriage, has been peppered with attacks and questions about his divorce from Jackie Gingrich for the past three decades.

Questions about his past -- and what that past tells voters about his personal behavior -- have re-emerged as he has returned to the political scene 13 years after he resigned as speaker of the House.

A new defense that has arisen as Gingrich entered the presidential race this year is the insistence that she, not he, wanted the divorce.
Gingrich Court Documents: Original Divorce Complaint
Gingrich Court Documents: Motion for Contempt
Gingrich Court Documents: Petition for Alimony Modification

Current Carroll County Clerk of Court Alan Lee said he called the retired deputy clerk, who told him where to find the papers, after CNN began looking for them last week.

The documents, and interviews with people close to the couple at the time, contradict the Gingrich claim about who wanted the divorce.
Read more: Newly released court documents cast doubt on Gingrich version of first divorce -

More Pants-A-Fire for the slimy reptile.

Who cares--he's not running for marriage counselor.
More trouble for Gingrich as Iowa campaign quickens - Yahoo! News
In an embarrassing revelation for Gingrich, The Wall Street Journal said on Tuesday that his consulting company published a newsletter in 2006 that called Romney's health plan "the most interesting effort to solve the uninsured problem in America today."
"We agree entirely with Governor Romney and Massachusetts legislators that our goal should be 100 percent insurance coverage for all Americans," the newsletter said.

Why are all you libturds trying so hard to 86 Newt's campaign if you think he would be so easy for Obama to beat?

Because we enjoy hearing you cry about it. Your wailing, inexplicably, has a certain melodious quality to it that is not unpleasant to the ear.
Can you believe these people...

We want to know all of the Obama's girlfriends from HIGH SCHOOL.

absolutely pathetic what this media is all about.
No, it's about exposing the fact that all of your heroes as liars.
More trouble for Gingrich as Iowa campaign quickens - Yahoo! News
In an embarrassing revelation for Gingrich, The Wall Street Journal said on Tuesday that his consulting company published a newsletter in 2006 that called Romney's health plan "the most interesting effort to solve the uninsured problem in America today."
"We agree entirely with Governor Romney and Massachusetts legislators that our goal should be 100 percent insurance coverage for all Americans," the newsletter said.

Why are all you libturds trying so hard to 86 Newt's campaign if you think he would be so easy for Obama to beat?

Yeah. We are the ones that fucked up his ability to get on the ballot in Virgina.

We don't have to 86 Newt. He's doing a good enough job of that on his own.
that's what lieturds dews.. remember they took they back ho's all the way to Laska to dig the dirt on Palin.. get used to it. they eat shit and play dirt.
You're getting more retarded by the day, Dirty Granny.

What the fuck is wrong with you Rightwingers? Are you all deluded? Our recent history is very well documented. You think that Newt can get away with continually lying through his teeth? There's always going to be an old article, government document, public filing, money trail, or videotape to correct the record.
that's what lieturds dews.. remember they took they back ho's all the way to Laska to dig the dirt on Palin.. get used to it. they eat shit and play dirt.
No, it's what vetters do. Or anyone with curiosity. Or oppo-research teams...or who cares to research public records.

Unless you forgot, for example, in 2008 people were all about looking up things like:

Obama's 1992 marriage certificate from the Cook County (Ill.) Bureau of Vital Statistics.
His driver's license record from the Illinois Secretary of State's office.
His registration and disciplinary record
with the Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois. Not to mention all of his property records.
(don't even get started on the BC, kay?)

they went to Kenya to get his school records...

blah blah.

You act like it's some kind of crazy for people to examine publicly available documents when a presidential candidate is under the microscope.

I'm STILL waiting for Poor Sarah to release her High School Diploma! :badgrin:
Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllllly Shhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttt!

have GOT

I assume you can quote him then


"I think that the mother killing the two children in South Carolina vividly reminds every American how sick the society is getting and how much we need to change things." Gingrich concluded, "The only way you get change is to vote Republican. That's the message for the last three days."
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Liberals here aren't worried about Gingrich's character. I doubt any liberal here would vote for Gingrich if he had a monk's sex life (or what we're led to believe is a monk's sex life).

I think most liberals here are curious as to why Gingrich's serial adultery and multiple divorces and who knows what else NO LONGER MATTERS TO CONSERVATIVES.

When, between the the nineties and now, did the conservative consensus change from 'character matters'

to 'character doesn't matter'?
I have been informed by some, that since the economy is soooo bad, situational ethics (a term Gingrich popularized and used to love to condemn) allows them to reconsider their previous, heretofore important, moral convictions.

Havent Democrats stated time and again none of this matters.

It appears some from the GOP have been listening. :lol:

This isn't the Democratic primary.

Haven't Conservatives stated time and again that this does matter?
..this tread is about A MANS divorce, which is really NO ONES BUSINESS..

No, it actually about him lying about his divorce.

Although Gingrich lies like a $2 Dollar crack whore anyway, so this shouldn't surprise us. I'll grant you that.

And wingnuts should understand this. They always claim that it was Clinton's lying, not his personal life, that they cared about.

But now they don't care about Newt's lying????
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Why are all you libturds trying so hard to 86 Newt's campaign if you think he would be so easy for Obama to beat?

Because we enjoy hearing you cry about it. Your wailing, inexplicably, has a certain melodious quality to it that is not unpleasant to the ear.

I'll enjoy listening to your crying when you lose the Senate and the Presidency.
Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllllly Shhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttt!

have GOT

I assume you can quote him then


"I think that the mother killing the two children in South Carolina vividly reminds every American how sick the society is getting and how much we need to change things." Gingrich concluded, "The only way you get change is to vote Republican. That's the message for the last three days."

I didn't notice the part where he said divorce is against God's law.
..this tread is about A MANS divorce, which is really NO ONES BUSINESS..

No, it actually about him lying about his divorce.

Although Gingrich lies like a $2 Dollar crack whore anyway, so this shouldn't surprise us. I'll grant you that.

And wingnuts should understand this. They always claim that it was Clinton's lying, not his personal life, that they cared about.

But now they don't care about Newt's lying????

Clinton WAS IMPEACHED for lying to CONGRESS while PRESIDENT and obstruction of justice..

you people are hilarious as hell

you all should feel like fools, these RECORDS WERE SEALED about his DIVORCE, but that doesn't bother you all one bit..that they were LEAKED out to the media all are as sleazy as CNN for releasing these.
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..this tread is about A MANS divorce, which is really NO ONES BUSINESS..

No, it actually about him lying about his divorce.

Although Gingrich lies like a $2 Dollar crack whore anyway, so this shouldn't surprise us. I'll grant you that.

And wingnuts should understand this. They always claim that it was Clinton's lying, not his personal life, that they cared about.

But now they don't care about Newt's lying????

"I smoked the twisty one time but never inhaled"
Yeah, sure, right. Clinton is not a liar.
Shameful, just shameful :( He won't get many female votes except for the kool aid drinking, wing-nut variety.

he will still pull votes, we have seen too many questionable democrats voted in, Having exceeded newts baggage to know the American electorate has a poor memory.

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