New Yorkers don’t need to disclose social media accounts to carry a firearm, federal court rules

Bell Huey

Diamond Member
Sep 2, 2017
Suffolk, Va
More portions of NY firearms laws tossed. Someday they may learn.

New Yorkers don’t need to disclose social media accounts to carry a firearm, federal court rules​

New Yorkers don’t have to give state officials a list of their social media accounts in order to apply for concealed carry permits, a federal appeals court ruled Friday, striking down portions of the Empire State’s 2022 gun law.

The 261-page ruling, handed down by a three-judge panel on the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, also blocked New York from enforcing restrictions on carrying concealed firearms on private property that is accessible to the public, as well as restriction on carrying in houses of worship.

“Disclosing one’s social media accounts — including ones that are maintained pseudonymously — forfeits anonymity in that realm. Conditioning a concealed carry license on such a disclosure imposes a burden on the right to bear arms that is without sufficient analogue in our nation’s history or tradition of firearms regulation,” the judges wrote in their ruling, referencing a standard set by the Supreme Court in last year’s New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen case, which overturned the state’s century-old law restricting the carrying of concealed firearms.

New Yorkers don’t need to disclose social media accounts to carry a firearm, federal court rules

New York, what a trip. Why would you need to disclose social media accounts to the state to carry a firearm? Giving up one freedom for another? What then, they monitor your every word to see if you are making terroristic threats? Come to think of it, do you need a license or a permit to exercise your free speech or anything else guaranteed under the Bill of Rights?

"Officer, here is my permit to speak freely. As you can see, it doesn't expire until the end of the year!"

So why do you need a license to carry a gun? Ahh--- to carry it CONCEALED. Yet, if you open carry in NY, you would be arrested if not gunned down in cold blood as a terrorist after some frantic housewife called in to report you.
New Yorkers need to ask permission first if they need to take a dump while out turkey hunting for Christmas.

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