New York public school rejects student Christian club, OKs LGBT Pride Club

I proposed the idea of defunding public schools and universities and letting private donors take over, then all forms of "radical" politics or critical theory could be removed from them. Christianity could even be taught in schools, and if they were all privately funded, with the alternative being for liberals to homeschool their kids, there would be no potential for lawsuits.

"Gay" kids and students of other faiths would sue to attend private schools for discriminating against them and demand admittance.

Catholic schools allow students of other faiths attend and always have. Bill Clinton is no Catholic, but is a Georgetown alumni and he's hardly the only one.
Who said public schools are nothing but Leftwing Seminaries intent on teaching children how to be good Leftards?

New York public school rejects student Christian club, OKs LGBT Pride Club
Yep. No war on Christians
No war on real Christians, just the haters calling themselves Christians. Do you really think that Jesus Christ hated people for being born gay?

We don't hate gay people, moron. We disagree with their lifestyle and oppose promoting said lifestyle as "healthy and normal" to children.

Why can't you dumb fucks figure this out?
I hate that they're trying to recruit children. I HATE that!
I proposed the idea of defunding public schools and universities and letting private donors take over, then all forms of "radical" politics or critical theory could be removed from them. Christianity could even be taught in schools, and if they were all privately funded, with the alternative being for liberals to homeschool their kids, there would be no potential for lawsuits.

"Gay" kids and students of other faiths would sue to attend private schools for discriminating against them and demand admittance.

Catholic schools allow students of other faiths attend and always have. Bill Clinton is no Catholic, but is a Georgetown alumni and he's hardly the only one.

So you agree with me. Thanks for proving it will not work. He was the most immoral bastard to occupy the White House despite his education.
No war on real Christians, just the haters calling themselves Christians. Do you really think that Jesus Christ hated people for being born gay?

We don't hate gay people, moron. as "healthy and normal" to children.

Why can't you dumb fucks figure this out?

Has someone asked you to promote something?

Did I say someone did? No, I did not. Go play your word games with someone else.

You said "We disagree with their lifestyle and oppose promoting said lifestyle......."

Who asked you to?

I was clearly inferring gays & others who promote the lifestyle to children. I'm not playing this fucking game with you.

At least we are clear. No one expects you to do anything.
Who said public schools are nothing but Leftwing Seminaries intent on teaching children how to be good Leftards?

New York public school rejects student Christian club, OKs LGBT Pride Club
Yep. No war on Christians
No war on real Christians, just the haters calling themselves Christians. Do you really think that Jesus Christ hated people for being born gay?
We don't hate gay people, moron. We disagree with their lifestyle and oppose promoting said lifestyle as "healthy and normal" to children.
I second this. We grown ups are supposed to set a good example for kids especially when kids are already going to feel left out thanks to how they are looked at by other kids. What good example does a person staying within their own gender set? In my opinion, it says that there is no room for the other gender. Well my question for people who are like that is this: Why do you think that more than one gender was created in the first place and not just one?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. To me, homosexuality may just be the worst form of prejudice to have ever existed on this planet because of how many people exactly are completely shut out...and then people who live the life style go and wonder why so many other people look down their noses at those who live the life style. Maybe its because of how childish it comes across. Guys who go with guys may as well be saying, "Ew! We don't want to play with girls!" and girls who go with girls may as well be saying, "Ew! We don't want to play with guys!" Maybe its about time that every last freaking one of you finally got up off your behinds and grew up!
Who said public schools are nothing but Leftwing Seminaries intent on teaching children how to be good Leftards?

New York public school rejects student Christian club, OKs LGBT Pride Club

You expect something different from a school system under a libtard governor, a libtard mayor, and a libtard school administration? You could easily be a libtard if you just listen to how stupid your reasoning is!

Reverse the situation with conservatives in charge! There is no way this happens in about 45 other states and cities that are not libtard run!

The area is equally split Republican & Democrat & schools are locally governed.

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