New York Muslim Patrol Cars - Creeping Sharia ?

Nonsense. The Muslims "assimilate" the same way all the other groups who come here do.
You're either this forum's biggest LIAR, or the forum's biggest IGNORAMUS.

Whole books have been written about the thousands of instances of Islamization in America. But you haven't read them, right ? (or do you even know what the word "Islamization" means ?)
No they don't. And you have to be a complete idiot to think they do.

Will they someday? Possibly. Maybe even likely.

But not for at LEAST 4 to 5 generations.

Even Hispanics only take 2 - 3

You people just invent shit
Actually, they could really be this ignorant. CNN, MSNBC, PBS, et al liberal OMISSION media, keep subjects like Islamization well hidden, so liberals remain totally ignorant of it.

I occasionally watch these stations just to see what they are saying. After 20+ years of watching them, I have NEVER heard them utter the word "Islamization" even once. Nor do they ever discuss the subject. It is 100% taboo, over there.

Talking to liberals about it, their knowledge of it is ZERO.
You people are the ones who make things up.Where do you get your information? I live in a completely mixed neighborhood. There is nothing going on like what you describe.
Here's where >>

1. They Must Be Stopped by Brigitte Gabriel

2. Stealth Jihad by Robert Spencer

3. Muslim Mafia by P.David Gaubatz & Paul Sperry

4. The Grand Jihad by Andrew McCarthy

5. Infiltration by Paul Sperry

6. Secrets of the Kingdom by Gerald Posner

7. American Jihad by Steven Emerson

8. Because They Hate by Brigitte Gabriel

9. Open Target by Clark Kent Erwin

10. In Mortal Danger by Tom Tancredo

11. The 9-11 Commission Report

12. The History of Jihad - from Muhammad to ISIS

13. The Koran

14. The Complete Infidel's Guide To the Koran by Robert Spencer

15. The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades by Robert Spencer

16. Raising a Jihadi Generation by John Guandolo

17. Willfull Blindness by Andrew C. McCarthy

18. No Go Zones by Raheem Kassam

19. Stop the Islamization of America by Pamela Geller

20. Infidel: My Life by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Also, plenty of information in articles in conservative websites. >>

The 50 Most Popular Conservative Websites | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
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It's like I've been saying for a long time. The people coming here today are not coming here to be Americans, they are coming here to change America. In the 50's and 60's, people left their country behind to become part of this country. Now they are coming here with the intent of bringing their country here with them.

This is a perfect example of why we need to close the borders. We need an isolated country until the people who came here actually become Americans or leave and go home. If you want Muslim police, move back to Saudi Arabia where all the police are Muslim.
Absolutely right. If these people wanted to just be a neighborhood watch and alert police to crimes being committed, then why the "Muslim" markings on the cars ? Why is "Muslim" being put into the formula ?

Looks like New Yorkers have a right to be skeptical, wary, and have some trepidation. In other countries, Muslims have used these patrols to push Sharia law, not the laws of the locality.

Makes you wonder how many American patrol cars they allow in Jordan. If this story doesn't illustrate how foreigners are not assimilating in this country, I don't know what does. I guess our future holds Mexican and Guatemalan patrol cars.

Until the time comes where I don't have to push any button on my phone to speak with an English speaking operator, or are just handed a ballot in English with no questions asked, I say we have a problem in this country liberals don't want to admit to.
I formally lived in an area of New England that had muslims mixed in with the population.

I personally knew muslims who were school teachers, police officers, restaurant owners, an FBI agent, Homeland security agent, realtors, U.S. military soldiers, doctors, dentists, nurses, car mechanics, lawyers, and cab drivers.

Just average people buying homes, paying taxes, raising kids, and leading normal lives. ... :cool:
Some people who call themselves Muslims are 100% assimilated, and native born Americans.

Others are followers of the Koran, and have no country but the Uhmma, and are Islamists actively trying to destroy the US Constitution, and convert America to an Islamic state - the stated goal of the Muslim Brotherhood (of which America has dozens of front groups)

Also, many Muslims in America appear American, but behind their closed doors and shut window blinds, they are as unAmerican as could be > wife-beating (Koran 4:34), rape (Koran 4:24), pedophilia (Koran 65:4), slavery (countless suras/verses)
Please link where Muslim patrol cars are physically forcing Sharia law on the local citizens. ... :cool:
As the OP noted, it is a worry of New Yorkers, for the near future.

As for where Muslim patrol cars are physically forcing Sharia law on the local citizens, that would be all over the continents of Europe + North Africa, and the Middle East. And this is already linked - in the OP.
According to who? That's your own xenophobic opinion. I've known many Muslims and none of them have had assimilation problems. I'd rather hang out with them than the wacko Mormons here in Vegas or those crazy ass Scientologists and Jehovah's Witnesses.

According to the Koran, and THOUSANDS of instances of Islamization which you are obviously ignorant of. If you did your homework, you would not ask such a :lame2: question. Just half of the first book in the list in Post # 43 would get you informed of what MSM has been hiding from you.

Do you KNOW if there is wife-beating (Koran 4:34) behind the closed doors and shut window blinds, at night, of these "many Muslims" you've known ? Or pedophilia ? (Koran 65-4). Or rape ? (Koran 4:24, 23:1-6, 70:29-30). Or slavery (Koran 4:36, 4:92, 23:5-6), 24:31, 24:58. etc)
Are you there, in their bedrooms to see what takes place ?
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New York City is the most Islam-fellating city in America; they allowed the Ground Zero mosque in 2010 and re-elected diBlasio. I will have ZERO sympathy if that toilet gets another 9/11-level terrorist attack.
I hear ya.
It is New York, the land of rent control, lots of affordable housing, and zero income discrimination, its all good.
Those are good things, and very needed where they don't exist. But they don't exist in NYC. When I was growing up there, my parents paid $86/month for a 2 bedroom apartment.

Now, the same apartment rents for $1600/month. Same all across the neighborhood in buildings that were built over 100 years ago (5 story - no elevator)

So much for rent control in New York.

35 THAYER ST Apartments | New York City, NY Apartments For Rent
New York City has a new set of patrol cars on its streets. They look 99% like New York City police cars, but they have the title Muslim Community Patrol written on their doors. So Muslims are patrolling New York's streets, but the question many New Yorkers are asking is > "patrolling for what ?

Supposedly just like the Jewish and Asian patrollers, the Muslims are just there to observe and report, like any security guards would do, and alert the police in cases of crimes. Police agencies across the country enlist civilians to help them patrol different areas, and yes, their patrol cars are very similar to the regular police. But as Muslims do not have a culture that assimilates easily, it is debatable if this is a wise choice. It is hoped that the NYPD will keep an eye on this program to make sure the people comply with American laws, rather than turn into a Sharia-based patrol.

This stems from the history of Muslim patrols in other countries where Sharia patrols are known for attacking people over non-Muslim clothing, alcohol, or other violations of their law that are not violations of the law of the land.

New York Muslim Community Patrol - Creeping Sharia? - Uncle Sam's Misguided Children

Slippery slope fallacy.

You mean the same “fallacy” that you apply to the right every day without even thinking?
Nonsense. The Muslims "assimilate" the same way all the other groups who come here do.

No they don't. And you have to be a complete idiot to think they do.

Will they someday? Possibly. Maybe even likely.

But not for at LEAST 4 to 5 generations.

Even Hispanics only take 2 - 3

You people just invent shit

You people are the ones who make things up.Where do you get your information? I live in a completely mixed neighborhood. There is nothing going on like what you describe.

what is it that you "describe"? I live in a very mixed neighborhood-------some stuff does "happen"
New York City has a new set of patrol cars on its streets. They look 99% like New York City police cars, but they have the title Muslim Community Patrol written on their doors. So Muslims are patrolling New York's streets, but the question many New Yorkers are asking is > "patrolling for what ?

Supposedly just like the Jewish and Asian patrollers, the Muslims are just there to observe and report, like any security guards would do, and alert the police in cases of crimes. Police agencies across the country enlist civilians to help them patrol different areas, and yes, their patrol cars are very similar to the regular police. But as Muslims do not have a culture that assimilates easily, it is debatable if this is a wise choice. It is hoped that the NYPD will keep an eye on this program to make sure the people comply with American laws, rather than turn into a Sharia-based patrol.

This stems from the history of Muslim patrols in other countries where Sharia patrols are known for attacking people over non-Muslim clothing, alcohol, or other violations of their law that are not violations of the law of the land.

New York Muslim Community Patrol - Creeping Sharia? - Uncle Sam's Misguided Children

/---/ When you elect a Libtard Moonbat mayor - this is what you can expect. And they actually have these. Not photoshopped.
NYPD's "kissable and huggable" Smart cars receive flood of attention
I formally lived in an area of New England that had muslims mixed in with the population.

I personally knew muslims who were school teachers, police officers, restaurant owners, an FBI agent, Homeland security agent, realtors, U.S. military soldiers, doctors, dentists, nurses, car mechanics, lawyers, and cab drivers.

Just average people buying homes, paying taxes, raising kids, and leading normal lives. ... :cool:

so? are you suggesting that there ain't nuthin going on related to Islamic supremacism in the USA?? I got news for you-------things are a little different in the USA UNDERBELLY. Of course everything is fine in staid New England towns over
the white pickett fence
Nonsense. The Muslims "assimilate" the same way all the other groups who come here do.

No they don't. And you have to be a complete idiot to think they do.

Will they someday? Possibly. Maybe even likely.

But not for at LEAST 4 to 5 generations.

Even Hispanics only take 2 - 3

You people just invent shit
/----/ They do assimilate but very slowly. A little good news:
Bilingualism Persists, But English Still Dominates ...
Bilingualism Persists, But English Still Dominates
Eleven percent of Mexican second-generation children speak only English at home, compared to five percent in the first generation. However, for Puerto Ricans and Cubans, two other large Hispanic groups, over one-fourth of the second-generation are Englishmonolinguals at 29 and 27 percent, respectively.
You people are the ones who make things up.Where do you get your information? I live in a completely mixed neighborhood. There is nothing going on like what you describe.

You just contradicted yourself. Are you even bright enough to realize that?? I doubt it.

How can you say you live in a completely 'mixed' neighborhood while at the same time claiming assimilation??

You can't. It is idiotic to even think like you do.

If your 'neighborhood' were assimilated, you wouldn't very well call it 'mixed' now, would you?

You people aren't just ignorant, you really aren't very bright at all.

As an example, my next door neighbor, that I've known for 20 years; I just found out his last name is Padilla.

I not only had no idea he was Hispanic, I didn't care. He was/is as American as I am. A Navy Veteran (nobody's perfect), has cook outs at his pool, stops by to shoot the breeze with me once in a while, his kids go to the same school my kids went to...... etc, etc

The problem is. You really don't have any idea what assimilation is. You really don't.

It is when there ARE NO DIFFERENCES.

You want it both ways. You want identity politics replete with the victimhood it offers while at the same time demanding that everybody recognize those who refuse to assimilate as the same as us.

They are not.

Maybe in the shithole you live in, but not in the real America.

And yeah, I'm being an asshole. Because this question is extremely important and because too many people just don't get it.

Did you know that, back around 1920 (?) the US stopped immigration completely so the flood immigrants we took in could assimilate? Of course you didn't know that. Didn't start back up again until after WWII

You people getting your talking points from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the media are woefully misinformed.

The media are the most ignorant, the most stupid fucks to ever exist. And you people echoing them daily keep proving it.
/-----/ "Did you know that, back around 1920 (?) the US stopped immigration completely so the flood immigrants we took in could assimilate? Of course you didn't know that. Didn't start back up again until after WWII"

It started up again in 1965 led by Ted BELCH Kennedy. One reason was to stop the brain drain from Ireland to the US. My friend migrated here from County Cork LEGALLY. Men were leaving Ireland for the US at an alarming rate. It was so bad Irish women couldn't find husbands. So the democRATs stop European migration and opened the floodgates for south of the border.
I formally lived in an area of New England that had muslims mixed in with the population.

I personally knew muslims who were school teachers, police officers, restaurant owners, an FBI agent, Homeland security agent, realtors, U.S. military soldiers, doctors, dentists, nurses, car mechanics, lawyers, and cab drivers.

Just average people buying homes, paying taxes, raising kids, and leading normal lives. ... :cool:

You may have even had Jews in your neighborhood ... I hope that's not why you moved.
You people are the ones who make things up.Where do you get your information? I live in a completely mixed neighborhood. There is nothing going on like what you describe.

You just contradicted yourself. Are you even bright enough to realize that?? I doubt it.

How can you say you live in a completely 'mixed' neighborhood while at the same time claiming assimilation??

You can't. It is idiotic to even think like you do.

If your 'neighborhood' were assimilated, you wouldn't very well call it 'mixed' now, would you?

You people aren't just ignorant, you really aren't very bright at all.

As an example, my next door neighbor, that I've known for 20 years; I just found out his last name is Padilla.

I not only had no idea he was Hispanic, I didn't care. He was/is as American as I am. A Navy Veteran (nobody's perfect), has cook outs at his pool, stops by to shoot the breeze with me once in a while, his kids go to the same school my kids went to...... etc, etc

The problem is. You really don't have any idea what assimilation is. You really don't.

It is when there ARE NO DIFFERENCES.

You want it both ways. You want identity politics replete with the victimhood it offers while at the same time demanding that everybody recognize those who refuse to assimilate as the same as us.

They are not.

Maybe in the shithole you live in, but not in the real America.

And yeah, I'm being an asshole. Because this question is extremely important and because too many people just don't get it.

Did you know that, back around 1920 (?) the US stopped immigration completely so the flood immigrants we took in could assimilate? Of course you didn't know that. Didn't start back up again until after WWII

You people getting your talking points from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the media are woefully misinformed.

The media are the most ignorant, the most stupid fucks to ever exist. And you people echoing them daily keep proving it.
/-----/ "Did you know that, back around 1920 (?) the US stopped immigration completely so the flood immigrants we took in could assimilate? Of course you didn't know that. Didn't start back up again until after WWII"

It started up again in 1965 led by Ted BELCH Kennedy. One reason was to stop the brain drain from Ireland to the US. My friend migrated here from County Cork LEGALLY. Men were leaving Ireland for the US at an alarming rate. It was so bad Irish women couldn't find husbands. So the democRATs stop European migration and opened the floodgates for south of the border.

Mmmmm ... booking the next flight to Ireland.

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