New York District Attorney Sandra Doorley Runs From Cops Because She Didn’t Feel Like Stopping

You’ve made up your mind?
I have seen the studies done that reached this and came to that conclusion, it’s also not limited to the US. There are plenty available even if you just do a quick google search and take the time to read them. That’s why I said I’m not going waste my time providing you information you will ignore. How about this if you think there is no difference then post those studies showing that. I mean you have actually done the research right and not just going off of what you want to believe?
I saw that on Lehto's Law, today. That is pretty amazing, for somebody saying they have always supported law enforcement. I guess she supports as long as she is not stopped or inconvenienced. If it was you or me or some ethnic minority that drove on home, not stopping for the police and pulled into the garage, they probably would have gotten a violent take-down, if not possibly shot.

I'm subscribed to his channel. I really like his analysis of different events.
I'm subscribed to his channel. I really like his analysis of different events.
He has interesting views, pretty good story selection and good presentation. Plus he speaks with knowledge and experience of having been a law enforcement officer. You guys keep posting the best ones, I may have to subscribe, also. Oops. That response was for the "Granny's Got a Gun Thread.

Lehto is great. I have been subscribed for years. He gives great commentary and explanation as an experienced Michigan Lawyer. I first started watching him on his reports on "Civil Asset Forfeiture, by law enforcement, (often little more than a racket), and one I am highly opposed to.
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Just like we don’t!
So she called the police chief when she finally stopped. Typical leftist Karen.

Cop didn’t back down.

Prosecute her to the full extent of the law. And beyond.

Why do you want this woman prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, but you want Donald Trump to have immunity from any and all prosecution?

Here we have an example of somebody who was being prosecuted even though she tried to pull the VIP card. Sure puts the lie to your contention that Democrats are above the law, and only Republicans are prosecuted. Oops!!! Ditto that Senator from New Jersey.

Yet here we have Donald Trump, demanding that Supreme Court give him absolute immunity, or he will prosecute Joe Biden for every crime that Biden has committed.

However, if the Supreme Court finds that Trump has “absolute immunity” from any and all prosecution for things he did while President, then Biden can simply order seal team six to take out Trump and Biden has absolute immunity.
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Yes he did. He was happy to see the cop stand up to these shifty Democrats and see one of them get charged for a change.
Another lying drone.

Just like we don’t!
So she called the police chief when she finally stopped. Typical leftist Karen.

Cop didn’t back down.

Prosecute her to the full extent of the law. And beyond.


He called her a LEFTIST, and plenty of republicans are LEFTISTS as well.

This is why no sentient serious adults even engage most liberals in conversations for long. It's like discussing philosophy with raving lunatics on PCP under a bridge in Seattle.

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