New Yamaha Receiver, And It DOES NOT DISAPPOINT...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
This is my THIRD Yamaha, an RX-V685, so I had no doubt of the build quality, but what has blown me away is the SOUND, since this is NOT a HIGH END receiver, but, it is brand new for 2020 and designed around HIRES streaming music. I had a Denon AVR-2809CI that is old, and it just was not designed to handle the new super high bit rate streaming music. When it was built, it was designed for CD quality, 44.1Khz. The Amazon Unlimited Ultra HD I'm streaming now is 1,440Khz, and the Denon just wasn't up to the task. But it just goes to show you don't have to break the bank to get AWESOME sounding music. I have the new Yamaha running my Bowers & Wilkins DM-602 S3's, which are arguably the best BANG FOR THE BUCK bookshelf speakers on the PLANET. I have them biamped by the new Yamaha and I'm at a loss for words how INCREDIBLE it sounds. The sound is CRYSTAL clear, punchy, super fast and articulate, and the stereo imaging is wonderful. The tiniest of nuances in the music are clearly heard, and the separation of stereo channels, different things coming from each channel, is the best I've ever heard.

I also have this new Yamaha's big brother, the top of the line Aventage RX-3080, and then also in another room, a Yamaha A-S801 Natural Sound Integrated Amplifier. I've owned just about every brand popular receiver there is, including their high end models, and I can say without hesitation that the Yamaha's BLOW EVERYTHING ELSE AWAY, BIG TIME.
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