New Study Says Masks Didn't Slow the Spread of COVID

And there have been studies by the CDC as well as testing which indicate masks absolutely work.

Masks result in 50-70% reduction in projected particles.

Lefties can present endless pro mask propaganda, but you guys know that masks don't work. You guys all know deep down that the chain link fence/mosquito analogy is an appropriate comparison. Go on now, post some more pro mask propaganda...

Ok. So all the scientific tests that say masks work are lies. What other scientific lies are there? How does a plane fly? Is it really science or just magic?
No need for a study when no lefty on this site will post what kind of mask he would wear if he had to enter a room known to contain a deadly virus.
Full hazmat self contained breathing.

But then I wouldn't enter that room.

So much for your stupid "no lefty would..." garbage
Why wouldn't you wear a cheap cloth mask if you had to enter a room known to contain a deadly virus? Is this where you are going to need to evade?
There are many different deadly viruses and they each have their own level of required protection. If you don't know what level of protection is needed for a specific virus, you should check with your local hospital. They deal with deadly infectious viruses every day.
There is a very good reason why you and Lesh would never wear a cheap cloth mask into a room known to contain a deadly virus. Not for ANY deadly virus. It is because you and Lesh know deep down that you would never trust your life to a cheap cloth mask. You don't need a study to tell you what you already know.
Odd, but medical personnel wear cheap cloth masks around deadly viruses every day. I'm guessing it depends on which deadly virus is involved. If those cheap cloth masks aren't adequate, I have no doubt hospitals would recognize the problem quickly, and change the procedures. They don't take too many chances in hospitals.
Strawman. You won't say that you would go into a room known to contain a deadly virus with a cheap cloth mask.
Of course I would, depending on which virus we are talking about. SARS and the common cold are both viruses, but only an idiot wouldn't know that different levels of protection are
Lol, you'll answer just as soon as you can introduce something new to the hypothetical scenario I asked you about that was not available before. Go ahead, list all the deadly viruses that cheap cloth masks are recommended for. I've made my point, even if you won't admit that you don't trust cheap cloth masks.
Your point was childish and wrong. If it makes you feel better, then no, I wouldn't go into a room where SARS was present with a cheap cloth mask.
Too late, all that dancing and evading demonstrates that you know deep down that masks are a crock of shit. This only means that you are smart enough to know better.. You might as well get on the right side of history now, since the mask thing is falling apart pretty fast.
You're trying really hard, but your claim is bullshit.
why you folks believe a shill government is totally beyond human comprehension ~S~

Ok. My wife goes to one of the best Doctors in Savannah. He said Masks were important. He also advised the vaccine.

I go to a country Doctor not far from my house. I don’t have the medical problems my wife endures. My Doctor said to wear a mask and was pleased I got the vaccine.

My Doctor doesn’t harp on me about smoking. He doesn’t worry about it. He’s told me that his concerns are general health of his patients. Not some text book idea of perfect health. He even joked that some of his patients smoke Pot and were afraid to tell him until he explained that he didn’t care if they did.

Now this laid back Doctor. A classic Country Doctor. He said masks work.

But what do Doctors know?
And there have been studies by the CDC as well as testing which indicate masks absolutely work.

Masks result in 50-70% reduction in projected particles.

Lefties can present endless pro mask propaganda, but you guys know that masks don't work. You guys all know deep down that the chain link fence/mosquito analogy is an appropriate comparison. Go on now, post some more pro mask propaganda...

Ok. So all the scientific tests that say masks work are lies. What other scientific lies are there? How does a plane fly? Is it really science or just magic?
You can quote all the pro mask propaganda that you want, but you know the chain link fence analogy is on par. You know that people who vape can blow their vape (droplets) right through and around masks like they aren't even there. You know that you will never tell me what kind of mask you would wear into a room known to contain a deadly virus. You know that cheap cloth masks aren't proper PPE for any hazmat, and you know that you can never post HOW exactly the pores or holes in masks filter out viruses and droplets that are a thousand times smaller. Why do you bother posting all the pro mask propaganda when you know deep down that masks are bullshit?
why you folks believe a shill government is totally beyond human comprehension ~S~

Ok. My wife goes to one of the best Doctors in Savannah. He said Masks were important. He also advised the vaccine.

I go to a country Doctor not far from my house. I don’t have the medical problems my wife endures. My Doctor said to wear a mask and was pleased I got the vaccine.

My Doctor doesn’t harp on me about smoking. He doesn’t worry about it. He’s told me that his concerns are general health of his patients. Not some text book idea of perfect health. He even joked that some of his patients smoke Pot and were afraid to tell him until he explained that he didn’t care if they did.

Now this laid back Doctor. A classic Country Doctor. He said masks work.

But what do Doctors know?
Holy shit, this is hall of fame material, folks! How many of you trust a doctor who doesn't mention smoking, but tells you to trust a mask that has holes a thousand times bigger than the world's most deadly virus to protect you? You can't make this shit up...
why you folks believe a shill government is totally beyond human comprehension ~S~

Ok. My wife goes to one of the best Doctors in Savannah. He said Masks were important. He also advised the vaccine.

I go to a country Doctor not far from my house. I don’t have the medical problems my wife endures. My Doctor said to wear a mask and was pleased I got the vaccine.

My Doctor doesn’t harp on me about smoking. He doesn’t worry about it. He’s told me that his concerns are general health of his patients. Not some text book idea of perfect health. He even joked that some of his patients smoke Pot and were afraid to tell him until he explained that he didn’t care if they did.

Now this laid back Doctor. A classic Country Doctor. He said masks work.

But what do Doctors know?
That they're selling subjugation w/o validation Savannah ~S~
And there have been studies by the CDC as well as testing which indicate masks absolutely work.

Masks result in 50-70% reduction in projected particles.

Lefties can present endless pro mask propaganda, but you guys know that masks don't work. You guys all know deep down that the chain link fence/mosquito analogy is an appropriate comparison. Go on now, post some more pro mask propaganda...

Ok. So all the scientific tests that say masks work are lies. What other scientific lies are there? How does a plane fly? Is it really science or just magic?
You can quote all the pro mask propaganda that you want, but you know the chain link fence analogy is on par. You know that people who vape can blow their vape (droplets) right through and around masks like they aren't even there. You know that you will never tell me what kind of mask you would wear into a room known to contain a deadly virus. You know that cheap cloth masks aren't proper PPE for any hazmat, and you know that you can never post HOW exactly the pores or holes in masks filter out viruses and droplets that are a thousand times smaller. Why do you bother posting all the pro mask propaganda when you know deep down that masks are bullshit?
Ok scooter. Let’s start at the beginning. First. A lot of the answer depends on the specifics. There is no one size fits all answer for viral protection.

The Mask, Gown, Gloves worn by a doctor working on a HIV patient is overkill when dealing with a common cold. It is not nearly enough when dealing with say Ebola.

Also. It depends what I am doing in the room. Am I passing through a ward of COVID patients? Just walking down the aisle so to speak never getting closer than six feet? Then the regular mask is probably sufficient. Am I attending to the ill? Then the mask alone is not going to be enough.

Now. As to how the mask works. Stay with me scooter. Yes the Virus particle is smaller than the openings of the mask weave. But the particle is not floating around on its own. It is attached to spittle. Those droplets are nearly all larger than the holes on the mask. Now even if it does not stop 100% of the tiny particles of spittle. The low number was 50% reduction in the studies. That cuts the odds in half. Half.

On board the Carrier it was estimated to have reduced infections by 70%.

Let’s talk similar types of statistics.

If you wear a seat belt you are less likely to endure a serious injury than if you are without. If you wear a bullet proof vest you are less likely to die from a gunshot. If you wear steel toed shoes in an industrial environment you are less likely to suffer a debilitating injury than those who don’t wear the protection.

The mask was never a guarantee. It reduced the odds of the wearer spreading the infection, or catching the disease. It reduced the odds.

Now let’s talk about other protections a little more. I carry a gun. I know the odds of my being involved in a situation where I need the weapon are one in a million. Odds are that I’ll never need to pull it. But. If that situation does occur then my odds for survival go up dramatically if I can defend myself. It is not guaranteed. Just because I am armed doesn’t mean I won’t be killed. It means I have better odds of survival. If the mere presence of a gun was a guarantee than no cop would ever be killed.

Those tiny bits of spit loaded with virus particles are what we are trying to reduce. When you talk bits of it fly out of your mouth. They do for everyone. If you are infected. And you are wearing a mask, the amount you are projecting to everyone else is cut at least in half.

If they are also wearing a mask. The odds of their getting infected drop dramatically again.

It is all about increasing your odds of avoiding infection.

Now. No virus is so deadly that a single particle will kill you. Ebola isn’t that deadly. Many who were non symptomatic positives got exposed to a few. Too few to overwhelm the immune system. But enough to create the antibodies. Hence the positive test.

If you are wearing a mask and exposed to someone who is positive. You may only get enough to trigger the antibodies. Your mask prevented you from getting enough to overwhelm your immune system.

This by the way is the mechanism that Inoculations use to protect you. By injecting a few into your system it is enough to teach your immune system what to look for. That way you are protected from things like Polio. Mumps. And all that.

Now. None of this is new science. It has been known for generations. Doctors started wearing masks in 1937. So this is not new Liberal Science. It is established and well known and proven.
why you folks believe a shill government is totally beyond human comprehension ~S~

Ok. My wife goes to one of the best Doctors in Savannah. He said Masks were important. He also advised the vaccine.

I go to a country Doctor not far from my house. I don’t have the medical problems my wife endures. My Doctor said to wear a mask and was pleased I got the vaccine.

My Doctor doesn’t harp on me about smoking. He doesn’t worry about it. He’s told me that his concerns are general health of his patients. Not some text book idea of perfect health. He even joked that some of his patients smoke Pot and were afraid to tell him until he explained that he didn’t care if they did.

Now this laid back Doctor. A classic Country Doctor. He said masks work.

But what do Doctors know?
That they're selling subjugation w/o validation Savannah ~S~
Odd. It seems to me that you anti mask folks are the ones selling.
No need for a study when no lefty on this site will post what kind of mask he would wear if he had to enter a room known to contain a deadly virus.
Full hazmat self contained breathing.

But then I wouldn't enter that room.

So much for your stupid "no lefty would..." garbage
Why wouldn't you wear a cheap cloth mask if you had to enter a room known to contain a deadly virus? Is this where you are going to need to evade?
There are many different deadly viruses and they each have their own level of required protection. If you don't know what level of protection is needed for a specific virus, you should check with your local hospital. They deal with deadly infectious viruses every day.
There is a very good reason why you and Lesh would never wear a cheap cloth mask into a room known to contain a deadly virus. Not for ANY deadly virus. It is because you and Lesh know deep down that you would never trust your life to a cheap cloth mask. You don't need a study to tell you what you already know.
Odd, but medical personnel wear cheap cloth masks around deadly viruses every day. I'm guessing it depends on which deadly virus is involved. If those cheap cloth masks aren't adequate, I have no doubt hospitals would recognize the problem quickly, and change the procedures. They don't take too many chances in hospitals.
Strawman. You won't say that you would go into a room known to contain a deadly virus with a cheap cloth mask.
Of course I would, depending on which virus we are talking about. SARS and the common cold are both viruses, but only an idiot wouldn't know that different levels of protection are
Lol, you'll answer just as soon as you can introduce something new to the hypothetical scenario I asked you about that was not available before. Go ahead, list all the deadly viruses that cheap cloth masks are recommended for. I've made my point, even if you won't admit that you don't trust cheap cloth masks.
Your point was childish and wrong. If it makes you feel better, then no, I wouldn't go into a room where SARS was present with a cheap cloth mask.
Too late, all that dancing and evading demonstrates that you know deep down that masks are a crock of shit. This only means that you are smart enough to know better.. You might as well get on the right side of history now, since the mask thing is falling apart pretty fast.
Would you jump naked into a barrel full of razor blades?

No? Then why wear clothes?

THAT is the level of your "logic"
Great article. Masks do not stop covid.

This thread belongs in current events or politics, since masks are a political thing.

No lefty on this site has ever been able to explain how the holes or pores in masks are able to filter out viruses and droplets that are 1000 times smaller.
If masks stop covid and all governments mandate masks, why do we have so many dead people
all around the world?
Masks have always been a sign of citizen compliance and a feel good symbol.
As I have said for more than a year, masks don't work.

NB I am putting this in Current Events because it is so important.

Background Containment of the COVID-19 pandemic requires evidence-based strategies to reduce transmission. Because COVID-19 can spread via respired droplets, many states have mandated mask use in public settings. Randomized control trials have not clearly demonstrated mask efficacy against respiratory viruses, and observational studies conflict on whether mask use predicts lower infection rates. We hypothesized that statewide mask mandates and mask use are associated with lower COVID-19 case growth rates in the United States.​
Methods We calculated total COVID-19 case growth and mask use for the continental United States with data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. We estimated post-mask mandate case growth in non-mandate states using median issuance dates of neighboring states with mandates.​
Results Case growth was not significantly different between mandate and non-mandate states at low or high transmission rates, and surges were equivocal. Mask use predicted lower case growth at low, but not high transmission rates. Growth rates were comparable between states in the first and last mask use quintiles adjusted for normalized total cases early in the pandemic and unadjusted after peak Fall-Winter infections. Mask use did not predict Summer 2020 case growth for non-Northeast states or Fall-Winter 2020 growth for all continental states.​
Conclusions Mask mandates and use are not associated with slower state-level COVID-19 spread during COVID-19 growth surges. Containment requires future research and implementation of existing efficacious strategies.​

IF true, and that's a big if, It's most likely because they weren't followed.
Great article. Masks do not stop covid.

This thread belongs in current events or politics, since masks are a political thing.

No lefty on this site has ever been able to explain how the holes or pores in masks are able to filter out viruses and droplets that are 1000 times smaller.
If masks stop covid and all governments mandate masks, why do we have so many dead people
all around the world?
Masks have always been a sign of citizen compliance and a feel good symbol.

Ok. By your logic nobody should wear a bullet proof vest when they won’t stop 100% of the bullets fired at them. Nobody should wear a condom since it does not work 100% of the time. Nobody should drive since you will not arrive at your desitination 100% of the time.

Anything less than 100% is not good enough.
Ok. By your logic nobody should wear a bullet proof vest when they won’t stop 100% of the bullets fired at them. Nobody should wear a condom since it does not work 100% of the time. Nobody should drive since you will not arrive at your desitination 100% of the time.

Anything less than 100% is not good enough.
You brought up the 100% threshold. Not me!
Look at all the people who have died! Obviously stopping 100% of the covid virus is not even
contemplated by serious people, and you are not in that category anyway...
And there have been studies by the CDC as well as testing which indicate masks absolutely work.

Masks result in 50-70% reduction in projected particles.

Lefties can present endless pro mask propaganda, but you guys know that masks don't work. You guys all know deep down that the chain link fence/mosquito analogy is an appropriate comparison. Go on now, post some more pro mask propaganda...

Ok. So all the scientific tests that say masks work are lies. What other scientific lies are there? How does a plane fly? Is it really science or just magic?
You can quote all the pro mask propaganda that you want, but you know the chain link fence analogy is on par. You know that people who vape can blow their vape (droplets) right through and around masks like they aren't even there. You know that you will never tell me what kind of mask you would wear into a room known to contain a deadly virus. You know that cheap cloth masks aren't proper PPE for any hazmat, and you know that you can never post HOW exactly the pores or holes in masks filter out viruses and droplets that are a thousand times smaller. Why do you bother posting all the pro mask propaganda when you know deep down that masks are bullshit?
Ok scooter. Let’s start at the beginning. First. A lot of the answer depends on the specifics. There is no one size fits all answer for viral protection.

The Mask, Gown, Gloves worn by a doctor working on a HIV patient is overkill when dealing with a common cold. It is not nearly enough when dealing with say Ebola.

Also. It depends what I am doing in the room. Am I passing through a ward of COVID patients? Just walking down the aisle so to speak never getting closer than six feet? Then the regular mask is probably sufficient. Am I attending to the ill? Then the mask alone is not going to be enough.

Now. As to how the mask works. Stay with me scooter. Yes the Virus particle is smaller than the openings of the mask weave. But the particle is not floating around on its own. It is attached to spittle. Those droplets are nearly all larger than the holes on the mask. Now even if it does not stop 100% of the tiny particles of spittle. The low number was 50% reduction in the studies. That cuts the odds in half. Half.

On board the Carrier it was estimated to have reduced infections by 70%.

Let’s talk similar types of statistics.

If you wear a seat belt you are less likely to endure a serious injury than if you are without. If you wear a bullet proof vest you are less likely to die from a gunshot. If you wear steel toed shoes in an industrial environment you are less likely to suffer a debilitating injury than those who don’t wear the protection.

The mask was never a guarantee. It reduced the odds of the wearer spreading the infection, or catching the disease. It reduced the odds.

Now let’s talk about other protections a little more. I carry a gun. I know the odds of my being involved in a situation where I need the weapon are one in a million. Odds are that I’ll never need to pull it. But. If that situation does occur then my odds for survival go up dramatically if I can defend myself. It is not guaranteed. Just because I am armed doesn’t mean I won’t be killed. It means I have better odds of survival. If the mere presence of a gun was a guarantee than no cop would ever be killed.

Those tiny bits of spit loaded with virus particles are what we are trying to reduce. When you talk bits of it fly out of your mouth. They do for everyone. If you are infected. And you are wearing a mask, the amount you are projecting to everyone else is cut at least in half.

If they are also wearing a mask. The odds of their getting infected drop dramatically again.

It is all about increasing your odds of avoiding infection.

Now. No virus is so deadly that a single particle will kill you. Ebola isn’t that deadly. Many who were non symptomatic positives got exposed to a few. Too few to overwhelm the immune system. But enough to create the antibodies. Hence the positive test.

If you are wearing a mask and exposed to someone who is positive. You may only get enough to trigger the antibodies. Your mask prevented you from getting enough to overwhelm your immune system.

This by the way is the mechanism that Inoculations use to protect you. By injecting a few into your system it is enough to teach your immune system what to look for. That way you are protected from things like Polio. Mumps. And all that.

Now. None of this is new science. It has been known for generations. Doctors started wearing masks in 1937. So this is not new Liberal Science. It is established and well known and proven.
You can quote all the pro mask propaganda that you want, but you know the chain link fence analogy is on par. You know that people who vape can blow their vape (droplets) right through and around masks like they aren't even there. You know that you will never tell me what kind of mask you would wear into a room known to contain a deadly virus. You know that cheap cloth masks aren't proper PPE for any hazmat, and you know that you can never post HOW exactly the pores or holes in masks filter out viruses and droplets that are a thousand times smaller. Why do you bother posting all the pro mask propaganda when you know deep down that masks are bullshit?
No need for a study when no lefty on this site will post what kind of mask he would wear if he had to enter a room known to contain a deadly virus.
Full hazmat self contained breathing.

But then I wouldn't enter that room.

So much for your stupid "no lefty would..." garbage
Why wouldn't you wear a cheap cloth mask if you had to enter a room known to contain a deadly virus? Is this where you are going to need to evade?
There are many different deadly viruses and they each have their own level of required protection. If you don't know what level of protection is needed for a specific virus, you should check with your local hospital. They deal with deadly infectious viruses every day.
There is a very good reason why you and Lesh would never wear a cheap cloth mask into a room known to contain a deadly virus. Not for ANY deadly virus. It is because you and Lesh know deep down that you would never trust your life to a cheap cloth mask. You don't need a study to tell you what you already know.
Odd, but medical personnel wear cheap cloth masks around deadly viruses every day. I'm guessing it depends on which deadly virus is involved. If those cheap cloth masks aren't adequate, I have no doubt hospitals would recognize the problem quickly, and change the procedures. They don't take too many chances in hospitals.
Strawman. You won't say that you would go into a room known to contain a deadly virus with a cheap cloth mask.
Of course I would, depending on which virus we are talking about. SARS and the common cold are both viruses, but only an idiot wouldn't know that different levels of protection are
Lol, you'll answer just as soon as you can introduce something new to the hypothetical scenario I asked you about that was not available before. Go ahead, list all the deadly viruses that cheap cloth masks are recommended for. I've made my point, even if you won't admit that you don't trust cheap cloth masks.
Your point was childish and wrong. If it makes you feel better, then no, I wouldn't go into a room where SARS was present with a cheap cloth mask.
Too late, all that dancing and evading demonstrates that you know deep down that masks are a crock of shit. This only means that you are smart enough to know better.. You might as well get on the right side of history now, since the mask thing is falling apart pretty fast.
Would you jump naked into a barrel full of razor blades?

No? Then why wear clothes?

THAT is the level of your "logic"
The video below will give you a look at reality. I've ask a couple of people who vape to do this for me, so I have watched this being done in person, right before my eyes:


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