“I Don’t Know of a Bigger Story in the World” Right Now Than Ivermectin: NY Times Best-Selling Author


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
If anyone wonders why the third world countries haven't been decimated by Covid-19, this is probably the reason. I wonder how many U.S. lives would have been saved had our media and politicians not politicized Covid treatment just because they hated Trump.

Did not ever hear 3rd world countries were doing so well. Makes me wonder why Europe recommends against it along with the US and even Brazil. Works fine for lice infestations in kids for about $10 bucks a pop, but the amount required to have antiviral effects would be many times the dose that keeps feeding lice from being able to reproduce, and would be toxic at that level to humans.
Does it even have anti-viral properties? I used it on my dogs for heartworm preventative (and it works on other parasites as well).
Does it even have anti-viral properties? I used it on my dogs for heartworm preventative (and it works on other parasites as well).
I would never have thought of ivermectin for Covid as I've only used it for parasitic issues in animals. Last fall I met an Amish farmer who told me that if I got Covid I should take ivermectin for three days. He said he and his son had contracted the virus and the Ivomec had knocked it out. I didn't think much of it until a few months later when I saw the testimony that Dr. Pierre Kory gave to the Senate. I'll post the link. After listening to his testimony, especially with the realization that he had nothing to gain from that testimony I started doing more research. Ivermectin is cheap and readily available and no one is going to make a fortune prescribing it. It can be purchased over the counter for animal use and for human use in other countries. It is used routinely in some of the world's poorest nations to combat parasites from unclean water. I noticed that most of those nations weren't stacking up bodies like cordwood as we were. I found multiple international studies shows it's effectiveness. What I found most interesting was the prophylaxis properties.

Does it even have anti-viral properties? I used it on my dogs for heartworm preventative (and it works on other parasites as well).
I don't remember where I first heard of the drug in relation to Covid, but here is something similar from Wikipedia also found in the Wiki that Peru has rescinded use of the drug in relation to Covid, after first have emergency approval.
In vitro, ivermectin has antiviral effects against several distinct positive-sense single-strand RNA viruses, including SARS-CoV-2.[67] Subsequent studies found that ivermectin could inhibit replication of SARS-CoV-2 in monkey kidney cell culture with an IC50 of 2.2–2.8 μM.[68][69] Based on this information, however, doses much higher than the maximum approved or safely achievable for use in humans would be required for an antiviral effect.[70] Aside from practical difficulties, such high doses are not covered by current human-use approvals of the drug and would be toxic, as the antiviral mechanism of action is considered to operate via the suppression of a host cellular process,[70] specifically the inhibition of nuclear transport by importin α/β1.[71]
Does it even have anti-viral properties? I used it on my dogs for heartworm preventative (and it works on other parasites as well).
I would never have thought of ivermectin for Covid as I've only used it for parasitic issues in animals. Last fall I met an Amish farmer who told me that if I got Covid I should take ivermectin for three days. He said he and his son had contracted the virus and the Ivomec had knocked it out. I didn't think much of it until a few months later when I saw the testimony that Dr. Pierre Kory gave to the Senate. I'll post the link. After listening to his testimony, especially with the realization that he had nothing to gain from that testimony I started doing more research. Ivermectin is cheap and readily available and no one is going to make a fortune prescribing it. It can be purchased over the counter for animal use and for human use in other countries. It is used routinely in some of the world's poorest nations to combat parasites from unclean water. I noticed that most of those nations weren't stacking up bodies like cordwood as we were. I found multiple international studies shows it's effectiveness. What I found most interesting was the prophylaxis properties.

The problem I have with that though is India is one of those third world countries and they're in a huge crisis with covid.
Does it even have anti-viral properties? I used it on my dogs for heartworm preventative (and it works on other parasites as well).

Proposed Mechanism of Action and Rationale for Use in Patients With COVID-19​

Reports from in vitro studies suggest that ivermectin acts by inhibiting the host importin alpha/beta-1 nuclear transport proteins, which are part of a key intracellular transport process that viruses hijack to enhance infection by suppressing the host’s antiviral response.4,5 In addition, ivermectin docking may interfere with the attachment of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) spike protein to the human cell membrane.6 Ivermectin is thought to be a host-directed agent, which may be the basis for its broad-spectrum activity in vitro against the viruses that cause dengue, Zika, HIV, and yellow fever.4,7-9 Despite this in vitro activity, no clinical trials have reported a clinical benefit for ivermectin in patients with these viruses. Some studies of ivermectin have also reported potential anti-inflammatory properties, which have been postulated to be beneficial in people with COVID-19.10-12


Here's the thing with Ivermectin... It's been around forever and a day. It's hardly dangerous in the correct doses, and people seem to think it works. *shrugs* I'm sure that the companies making the vaccines will be sure to lobby to make sure nobody knows if they do or not... Unless of course they don't. Then they'll happily tell the world that they don't, and why.
Third world countries HAVE been decimated.
Well, there is that ----

Could be something to be said for horse wormer, however. It's been rumored for months --- I'd like to hear more about that. I know I've got a tube of that SOMEwhere around ---
All the same, kiddos, be careful about Ivermectin. I killed a dog with that once ---- really.

Just saying.

Because it's readily available on Amazon (for horses) and nearly ALLLLLLLLLL the reviews are about human use. Go and look, you'll get an eyeful. I'm ---- not persuaded one should swig that stuff without a lot of careful research. :oops:
Well, there is that ----

Could be something to be said for horse wormer, however. It's been rumored for months --- I'd like to hear more about that. I know I've got a tube of that SOMEwhere around ---
Tube? It's a liquid. Or.. What we sell at work is a liquid at any rate.
Third world countries HAVE been decimated.
Well, there is that ----

Could be something to be said for horse wormer, however. It's been rumored for months --- I'd like to hear more about that. I know I've got a tube of that SOMEwhere around ---
Third world countries HAVE been decimated.
Well, there is that ----

Could be something to be said for horse wormer, however. It's been rumored for months --- I'd like to hear more about that. I know I've got a tube of that SOMEwhere around ---
I think the horse paste would be pretty gross.
Well, there is that ----

Could be something to be said for horse wormer, however. It's been rumored for months --- I'd like to hear more about that. I know I've got a tube of that SOMEwhere around ---
Tube? It's a liquid. Or.. What we sell at work is a liquid at any rate.
Tube. Horses. Trust me on that one. Big tube, like a large toothpaste. Squeeze it into their mouths, push their heads up. If that sounds easy, it's not. They don't like it.
All the same, kiddos, be careful about Ivermectin. I killed a dog with that once ---- really.

Just saying.

Because it's readily available on Amazon (for horses) and nearly ALLLLLLLLLL the reviews are about human use. Go and look, you'll get an eyeful. I'm ---- not persuaded one should swig that stuff without a lot of careful research. :oops:
Certain dog breeds can't take ivermectin. Usually the herding breeds.
Third world countries HAVE been decimated.
Well, there is that ----

Could be something to be said for horse wormer, however. It's been rumored for months --- I'd like to hear more about that. I know I've got a tube of that SOMEwhere around ---
Third world countries HAVE been decimated.
Well, there is that ----

Could be something to be said for horse wormer, however. It's been rumored for months --- I'd like to hear more about that. I know I've got a tube of that SOMEwhere around ---
I think the horse paste would be pretty gross.
Oh, it's not bad. Don't ask. Not flavored. Still, iffy, I remember when it came out ----- it's a strong, effective medication against all sorts of parasites. No, I'm not going that way even if I do catch COVID. Getting too weird.
Tube. Horses. Trust me on that one. Big tube, like a large toothpaste. Squeeze it into their mouths, push their heads up. If that sounds easy, it's not. They don't like it.
Liquid... Goats and sheep. If someone were to take it... They would be better off with the liquid.

Edit: Just looked it up... They make it in a pill form as well... Huh. I'll be damned.
Well, there is that ----

Could be something to be said for horse wormer, however. It's been rumored for months --- I'd like to hear more about that. I know I've got a tube of that SOMEwhere around ---
Tube? It's a liquid. Or.. What we sell at work is a liquid at any rate.
Tube. Horses. Trust me on that one. Big tube, like a large toothpaste. Squeeze it into their mouths, push their heads up. If that sounds easy, it's not. They don't like it.
Ivermectin is also available in an injectable solution. The injectable can be given orally. It is often used orally for mange.
Ivermectin is also available in an injectable solution. The injectable can be given orally. It is often used orally for mange.
Yes. Guinea pigs and pet rats. And how do I know that? You would simply not BELIEVE the reviews on Amazon for this stuff! Off-label uses, pet owners being helpful for each other. Jeepers creepers, pet rats and guinea pigs apparently have a whole lot of trouble with mange!!!!!!! :eek:

Given the big tubes for horses, dosage is quite an issue for the little pets and people tell each other what to do. Well, isn't that nice --------------- actually I'm still not sure about that.
Does it even have anti-viral https://seemorerocks.is/when-india-...ed-vaccinating-the-deaths-shot-up/properties? I used it on my dogs for heartworm preventative (and it works on other parasites as well).
I would never have thought of ivermectin for Covid as I've only used it for parasitic issues in animals. Last fall I met an Amish farmer who told me that if I got Covid I should take ivermectin for three days. He said he and his son had contracted the virus and the Ivomec had knocked it out. I didn't think much of it until a few months later when I saw the testimony that Dr. Pierre Kory gave to the Senate. I'll post the link. After listening to his testimony, especially with the realization that he had nothing to gain from that testimony I started doing more research. Ivermectin is cheap and readily available and no one is going to make a fortune prescribing it. It can be purchased over the counter for animal use and for human use in other countries. It is used routinely in some of the world's poorest nations to combat parasites from unclean water. I noticed that most of those nations weren't stacking up bodies like cordwood as we were. I found multiple international studies shows it's effectiveness. What I found most interesting was the prophylaxis properties.

The problem I have with that though is India is one of those third world countries and they're in a huge crisis with covid.


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