New Speaker? Another dud?


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2015
Nothing has changed. Obiden has unlimited spending, no departments are closed or defunded. Money is delivered to Ukraine as fast as they can print it. No one is impeached or fired or zero salary. FBI is still open. We got played again. Bits & Pieces of BS like below, accomplishes nothing for the American people. all dog and pony show with no bite. I am not surprised at all, apparently disappointment looms ahead without a quick fix in 2024****

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) took to the House floor on Thursday to introduce a resolution calling for the House of Representatives to censure Somalia refugee Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) for her recent remarks indicating loyalty to the government of Somalia. Green’s resolution also calls for Omar to be removed from two House committees. Greene’s censure resolution calls Omar’s remarks “treasonous.” In a statement about the resolution, Greene calls Omar a foreign agent.


New Speaker? Another dud?​

This Johnson guy, one day I'm pretty happy with him, the next day I think he's no better than the old jackass. Pretty sad when MTG is one of the few in the GOP who seems to have her head on straight, but with the Senate, I don't see the House getting anything done, it takes the GOP 5 years to do what the democrats whip up in one month.

I'm starting to hate the GOP more than the DNC.

Just the other day, I saw a comparison of spending between the parties and I was shocked how the GOP have wasted money donated to the party. While the Dems spend money to advance their cause, the GOP spend like drunken sailors at a party. I remember one detail where the democrats had spent $7,000 on flowers.

The GOP spent something like a quarter million.
Nothing has changed. Obiden has unlimited spending, no departments are closed or defunded. Money is delivered to Ukraine as fast as they can print it. No one is impeached or fired or zero salary. FBI is still open. We got played again. Bits & Pieces of BS like below, accomplishes nothing for the American people. all dog and pony show with no bite. I am not surprised at all, apparently disappointment looms ahead without a quick fix in 2024****

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) took to the House floor on Thursday to introduce a resolution calling for the House of Representatives to censure Somalia refugee Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) for her recent remarks indicating loyalty to the government of Somalia. Green’s resolution also calls for Omar to be removed from two House committees. Greene’s censure resolution calls Omar’s remarks “treasonous.” In a statement about the resolution, Greene calls Omar a foreign agent.

One of the biggest reason Republicans and other Patriotic onservatives keep losing is (y)our impatience.

We want everything yesterday like there's a switch that can be thrown that will turn back the clock.

dimocrap scum, OTOH, are extremely, VERY patient. All this horseshit Lawfare that's going on right? Soros DA's. We warned about years ago. It started even when OMB was in Office.

I'm all for throwing out people that aren't working to return us to normalcy but too often we let "The Perfect Be The Enemy Of The Good."

I'm in the 'wait and see' camp for now.
Nothing has changed. Obiden has unlimited spending, no departments are closed or defunded. Money is delivered to Ukraine as fast as they can print it. No one is impeached or fired or zero salary. FBI is still open. We got played again. Bits & Pieces of BS like below, accomplishes nothing for the American people. all dog and pony show with no bite. I am not surprised at all, apparently disappointment looms ahead without a quick fix in 2024****

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) took to the House floor on Thursday to introduce a resolution calling for the House of Representatives to censure Somalia refugee (D-MN) for her recent remarks indicating loyalty to the government of Somalia. Green’s resolution also calls for Omar to be removed from two House committees. Greene’s censure resolution calls Omar’s remarks “treasonous.” In a statement about the resolution, Greene calls Omar a foreign agent.

Omar's own words were something to the effect that she was "first a Somali and second a Muslim." Hopefully, she isn't mailing American state and national secrets to the government of Somalia, or other Muslim governments, is she, since she places them first in her heart over all others. It could be a disaster if she did. We were betrayed by several members of Muslim governments on 9/11, although none of them were American citizens, a few of the Arabic cell members sought refuge with American Muslims here before they destroyed New York City's World Trade Center's World Trade Center's Twin Towers with two American airlines full of American passengers on September 11, 2001.

And the Muslim world celebrated bigly after they heard Muslims took two airplanes full of American passengers and destroyed the Twin Towers at the World Trade Center in New York City.

I see both sides, and it makes me feel sick to have someone who may have rejoiced when we lost the World Trade Center to Muslim witcherly behaviors that killed almost 3,000 Americans and foreigners visiting the WTC.

From the moment Americans learned that the 19 aerial assassins of September 11 were Muslim Arabs,​
they began to wonder: What did Islam have to do with it? The answers were plentiful and quick to come​
but often contradictory and confusing. Heads of Muslim nations and leaders of Islamic organizations​
emphasized that Islam was incompatible with terrorism and intolerance. And the spirit of the oft-quoted line​
from the Koran, "Let there be no compulsion in religion," seemed to reassure most of America's religious,​
civic, and political leaders. "The face of terror," President Bush confidently announced, "is not the true faith of Islam."​
But if all that were true, why did so many inhabitants of the long Muslim "street," stretching from Morocco​
to Indonesia, appear to be overjoyed by what Osama bin Laden's henchmen had accomplished?​
For that matter, why were certain Islamic jurists in Pakistan issuing fatwas directing Muslims to fight​
American infidels if they attacked Afghanistan? And why do firebrand clerics throughout the Islamic world​
continue to issue equally inflammatory decrees? Most disturbing, some of those same voices of moderation​
had occasionally expressed their approval of Islamic groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah that​
engage in terrorism. In the years since 9/11, scholars and experts have done little to resolve the contradictions.​


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A darned sight better than McCarthy, though. McCarthy was bad news, in my view. Really slick and sketchy...
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This Johnson guy, one day I'm pretty happy with him, the next day I think he's no better than the old jackass. Pretty sad when MTG is one of the few in the GOP who seems to have her head on straight, but with the Senate, I don't see the House getting anything done, it takes the GOP 5 years to do what the democrats whip up in one month.

I'm starting to hate the GOP more than the DNC.

Just the other day, I saw a comparison of spending between the parties and I was shocked how the GOP have wasted money donated to the party. While the Dems spend money to advance their cause, the GOP spend like drunken sailors at a party. I remember one detail where the democrats had spent $7,000 on flowers.

The GOP spent something like a quarter million.
I think you mean you’re disappointed in gop, but hate dnc. Once you drift off, no coming back
One of the biggest reason Republicans and other Patriotic onservatives keep losing is (y)our impatience.

We want everything yesterday like there's a switch that can be thrown that will turn back the clock.

dimocrap scum, OTOH, are extremely, VERY patient. All this horseshit Lawfare that's going on right? Soros DA's. We warned about years ago. It started even when OMB was in Office.

I'm all for throwing out people that aren't working to return us to normalcy but too often we let "The Perfect Be The Enemy Of The Good."

I'm in the 'wait and see' camp for now.

Imaptience! The enemies of America have had Trump in court before the jet engines cooled off on JAN 20, 2021. AFTER 3-4 years of attacks on phony Russian Collusion.

What are you talking about? I've no time for this. We have not had one WIN since the muslim was ushered into office under the housing collapse Congress caused. Be Patient? Wait and See mode? WTH?

Now they (worthless lying R) let them use Election Fraud willy-nilly in 2020 and arrest a bunch of innocent J6 and actually the R are chirping about all of it is great for America and you want Patience? there is no "R". There is Deep State DC and only a few of them for US.
This Johnson guy, one day I'm pretty happy with him, the next day I think he's no better than the old jackass.
This is the way Washington has operated for the past 70 years. Earlier all this was hidden from the people via corrupt backroom deal making. The internet changed things. Widely exposing Washington in real time. Also disrupting the big 3 network's choke hold on information and the narrative.
Imaptience! The enemies of America have had Trump in court before the jet engines cooled off on JAN 20, 2021. AFTER 3-4 years of attacks on phony Russian Collusion.

What are you talking about? I've no time for this. We have not had one WIN since the muslim was ushered into office under the housing collapse Congress caused. Be Patient? Wait and See mode? WTH?

Now they (worthless lying R) let them use Election Fraud willy-nilly in 2020 and arrest a bunch of innocent J6 and actually the R are chirping about all of it is great for America and you want Patience? there is no "R". There is Deep State DC and only a few of them for US.
dimocrap scum didn't put Bush I and II in Office. Or was it (Y)our fault for holding Bush I to a promise he couldn't keep and letting Bill The Rapist into Office? Bush sucked ass but he wasn't as bad as The Rapist. Whose fault was that?? Nobody would even run against Bush I because his numbers were so high. Remember?? Then the Rapist and Ubercunt got in and nothing has been the same since. Whose fault was that?? Seriously? I told people back then, "Just hold your nose and vote for Bush I. He's still better than a dimocrap" I got roundly panned for that one. All I could hear was the, "Read my Lips" Bullshit. Impatient fucks

The MAIN GOAL should be keeping scum of the Earth dimocrap FILTH out of Office. If we get a stinker once in a while (Bush II), so be it. Look what's happened since people held Bush I to a silly standard? Conservatives pouted like little bitches and let The Rapist and Ubercunt in. THAT is where ALL this shit started. ALL OF IT. Every bit of it

We've had exactly one (1) President worth a FUCK since Ronald Reagan -- In the almost-40 years since Ronnie left, we've had precisely -- Not much. Because the whole time OMB was in Office, dimocrap FILTH were practicing Lawfare. Making shit up. They had gained that much power under Clinton, Ubercunt and the Bastard Son Of Frank Marshall Davis. And we're still paying for (Y)our impatience.

Not my fault. I warned about it, Soros. I even warned in here and got banned for my troubles. Several times. Nobody wanted to listen. Everybody was too busy buying new TVs and new cars to look at what was happening to our Country.

So whatever happens to this Country, it isn't my fault. I did what I could. If others want to chase their tails in search of a Conservative Messiah, have at it. Jews been waiting for, what now? 2,000 years? How they making out?

We need to take what we can get and consolidate our wins. It's not going to be perfect. It will be a hard, long haul and mistakes will be made along the way. Just always remember -- dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. ALL of them

Or, we can just roll over. That would be easier
This is the way Washington has operated for the past 70 years. Earlier all this was hidden from the people via corrupt backroom deal making. The internet changed things. Widely exposing Washington in real time. Also disrupting the big 3 network's choke hold on information and the narrative.
Trump helped expose it
I think you mean you’re disappointed in gop, but hate dnc. Once you drift off, no coming back

Don't worry, there is no chance of me siding with the democrats these days on, well, ANYTHING, I am just increasingly frustrated with the GOP even more because by and large, they have sat by and let it happen. And anyone in the GOP who tries to buck this trend is labelled a troublemaker, a kook, and not a real republican. Then the GOP gets up and argues we need bipartisanship. Then republicans tell me we need to be positive, work with them and get along, that all these attacks are hurting the GOP and costing us votes!


Maybe the GOP needs to get off their high hat, quite wasting all their donations of flowers, parties and hotel rooms, start electing true conservatives, and start addressing the rot this nation is facing quickly pulling us over the precipice in a way that voters (especially young voters) can relate to and understand.

They could also start by GETTING STUFF DONE when they are in power, quit the infighting, unify and start prosecuting egregious lapses which have allowed 15 million illegals into the country and given Biden essentially absolute power to do anything he chooses. He doesn't need the House, he doesn't need the senate, and he laughs at the SCOTUS.
Another censure, another floor speech with no one listening, another strongly worded letter, more strongly worded letter, called in for a hearing 6 months out, re-scheduled called in for another hearing in 30 days, another pack of fudge in the hallowed Congressional hall.
Frustrating much?
Don't worry, there is no chance of me siding with the democrats these days on, well, ANYTHING, I am just increasingly frustrated with the GOP even more because by and large, they have sat by and let it happen. And anyone in the GOP who tries to buck this trend is labelled a troublemaker, a kook, and not a real republican. Then the GOP gets up and argues we need bipartisanship. Then republicans tell me we need to be positive, work with them and get along, that all these attacks are hurting the GOP and costing us votes!

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Maybe the GOP needs to get off their high hat, quite wasting all their donations of flowers, parties and hotel rooms, start electing true conservatives, and start addressing the rot this nation is facing quickly pulling us over the precipice in a way that voters (especially young voters) can relate to and understand.

They could also start by GETTING STUFF DONE when they are in power, quit the infighting, unify and start prosecuting egregious lapses which have allowed 15 million illegals into the country and given Biden essentially absolute power to do anything he chooses. He doesn't need the House, he doesn't need the senate, and he laughs at the SCOTUS.
Well, those in the GOP who are RINOs are paid for, they can never do what you are expecting. They would get humiliated. Carey Lake just showed us how they do it!!!!
Nothing has changed. Obiden has unlimited spending, no departments are closed or defunded. Money is delivered to Ukraine as fast as they can print it. No one is impeached or fired or zero salary. FBI is still open. We got played again. Bits & Pieces of BS like below, accomplishes nothing for the American people. all dog and pony show with no bite. I am not surprised at all, apparently disappointment looms ahead without a quick fix in 2024****

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) took to the House floor on Thursday to introduce a resolution calling for the House of Representatives to censure Somalia refugee Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) for her recent remarks indicating loyalty to the government of Somalia. Green’s resolution also calls for Omar to be removed from two House committees. Greene’s censure resolution calls Omar’s remarks “treasonous.” In a statement about the resolution, Greene calls Omar a foreign agent.

Believe me, I am not laughing at yous guys I am laughing with yous guys....
This Johnson guy, one day I'm pretty happy with him, the next day I think he's no better than the old jackass. Pretty sad when MTG is one of the few in the GOP who seems to have her head on straight, but with the Senate, I don't see the House getting anything done, it takes the GOP 5 years to do what the democrats whip up in one month.

I'm starting to hate the GOP more than the DNC.

Just the other day, I saw a comparison of spending between the parties and I was shocked how the GOP have wasted money donated to the party. While the Dems spend money to advance their cause, the GOP spend like drunken sailors at a party. I remember one detail where the democrats had spent $7,000 on flowers.

The GOP spent something like a quarter million.

I'd never give any of them a dime, and 'donations' from mega wealthy and big corps should be strictly monitored or removed altogether. We need to starve them to death.
When it comes right down to it boys them there politicians have to do their jobs running the US and yer petty grievances have no place in their schedule.

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