New sanctions on Cuba by old Joe


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
Isn’t this nice? Joe trying to further harm the Cuban people. Our government has been sanctioning Cuba for 60 years, without the desired effect of regime change. You’d think they’d learn by now. Doing the same thing repeatedly expecting a different result is stupidity.

Old Joe doing just as dumb Don would do. Further proof both idiots are very much alike.

Biden administration imposes sanctions on Cuban officials following attacks on protesters​
Isn’t this nice? Joe trying to further harm the Cuban people. Our government has been sanctioning Cuba for 60 years, without the desired effect of regime change. You’d think they’d learn by now. Doing the same thing repeatedly expecting a different result is stupidity.

Old Joe doing just as dumb Don would do. Further proof both idiots are very much alike.

Biden administration imposes sanctions on Cuban officials following attacks on protesters​
Do you even read what you post?
The Biden administration on Thursday imposed sanctions against Cuba’s defense minister and a special forces unit of the Interior Ministry it said was directly involved in human rights abuses during a government crackdown on widespread protests on the island this month.

President Biden said in a statement that the measures were “just the beginning” of efforts to sanction “individuals responsible for the oppression of the Cuban people.”

What a stupid fucking post.
Isn’t this nice? Joe trying to further harm the Cuban people. Our government has been sanctioning Cuba for 60 years, without the desired effect of regime change. You’d think they’d learn by now. Doing the same thing repeatedly expecting a different result is stupidity.

Old Joe doing just as dumb Don would do. Further proof both idiots are very much alike.

Biden administration imposes sanctions on Cuban officials following attacks on protesters​
If Biden did nothing he'd be accused by the Right of being soft on Communism. He had to do something and he took a measured step.
Do you even read what you post?
The Biden administration on Thursday imposed sanctions against Cuba’s defense minister and a special forces unit of the Interior Ministry it said was directly involved in human rights abuses during a government crackdown on widespread protests on the island this month.

President Biden said in a statement that the measures were “just the beginning” of efforts to sanction “individuals responsible for the oppression of the Cuban people.”

What a stupid fucking post.
Your post means nothing. After decades of sanctions and other heinous shit instituted by our government against Cuba, you somehow think this is different. WTF man!
If Biden did nothing he'd be accused by the Right of being soft on Communism. He had to do something and he took a measured step.
No. He should do as his old boss did. Remember that?

If you think a potus should only do shit that won’t result in the opposing party criticizing him, you’re fooling yourself.
No. He should do as his old boss did. Remember that?

If you think a potus should only do shit that won’t result in the opposing party criticizing him, you’re fooling yourself.
If you think a POTUS can ignore popular opinion you’re fooling yourself.
Do you even read what you post?

Your post means nothing. After decades of sanctions and other heinous shit instituted by our government against Cuba, you somehow think this is different. WTF man!
So what? Cuba is free to buy whatever they want from any country not called the USA. And there is no embargo from the USA relative to food and medicine. Cuba is a commie paradise, so why would they need to buy anything from evil capitalist countries?
So what? Cuba is free to buy whatever they want from any country not called the USA. And there is no embargo from the USA relative to food and medicine. Cuba is a commie paradise, so why would they need to buy anything from evil capitalist countries?
Fuck off with that BS. Totally discredited. You know nothing about the numerous heinous actions our government has committed to harm the Cuban people and their economy. To say nothing of the hundreds of times the CIA has tried to murder Castro.
638 Ways to Kill Castro - Wikipedia
Fuck off with that BS. Totally discredited. You know nothing about the numerous heinous actions our government has committed to harm the Cuban people and their economy. To say nothing of the hundreds of times the CIA has tried to murder Castro.
638 Ways to Kill Castro - Wikipedia
The Cuban government harmed Cubans, not the USA idiot. That government stole everyone's money, business and real estate. That commie country can't make or produce anything so they have to import everything and they can from dam near any country they want. You are a fucking idiot.
The Cuban government harmed Cubans, not the USA idiot. That government stole everyone's money, business and real estate. That commie country can't make or produce anything so they have to import everything and they can from dam near any country they want. You are a fucking idiot.
You know nothing. Absolutely nothing. STFU!
That government stole everyone's money, business and real estate.
You mean the spoiled losers of the revolution fled to Florida and still expect the winners to pay them back for what they abandoned. LOL!
Long live the Revolution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fucking idiots.
The Cuban government harmed Cubans, not the USA idiot. That government stole everyone's money, business and real estate. That commie country can't make or produce anything so they have to import everything and they can from dam near any country they want. You are a fucking idiot.
Out of the goodness my loving of heart, I will endeavor to educate you. I know…I know…it’s a losing battle.

Are you aware our government has supported and installed numerous dictators around the world???? So, your argument that Castro was a dictator and our wonderful government doesn’t support dictators, is clearly wrong.

Please read this…the CIA doesn’t deny or even hide their many attempts to harm the Cuban people.

The Cost of Covert Operations in Cuba​

Explained Desmond FitzGerald, CIA Chief of the Western Hemisphere Division, in 1964: "These courses of action interact and are interdependent… Our covert economic denial operations are designed to reinforce and be reinforced by our overt measures of economic pressure,” he wrote. “As an economic weapon, [sabotage] is designed to supplement and support the overall economic denial program by damaging economically important installations and to add to Castro’s economic problems by forcing him to divert money, manpower and resources from economic to internal security activities.” Simply put, the United States sought “to destroy the Cuban economy by sabotage, sanctions, and other measures of economic warfare.” Or, per the more graphic metaphors used by the CIA, to expand the “covert aspects of an economic strangulation program” in the pursuit of “tightening of the noose around Castro.”
The Cost of Covert Operations in Cuba
It is not the Presidents, it is our system. If you're looking for the source of our problems, it is us and the system we enable.
I don’t agree. It’s not us. It’s the fucking oligarchy that runs and controls everything.

Your argument is a cop out, designed to alleviate or conceal what the elites have and are doing.

And besides, a majority of Americans don’t know what the fuck is going on…as this thread abundantly proves. They’ve been duped by you know who…

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