New poll shows Trump winning Florida by 47-44 over DeSantis


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Of course Trump is winning. Ron DeSantis doesn’t have a base. All of his original voters are Trump voters who only voted for him because Trump endorsed him (regrettably) in 2018. Florida is Trump Country.

The Republican debates are going to be Must See TV.

Now's a good time to invest in Butterkist.
MODERATOR: Mr. Trump, can you tell us one nice thing about Governor DeSantis? Governor DeSantis, can you tell us one nice thing about Mr. Trump?

TRUMP: Well, Ron has cut back on sucking off puppies.

DESANTIS: hummana-hummana-hummana...uhhhh...
MODERATOR: Mr. Trump, can you tell us one nice thing about Governor DeSantis? Governor DeSantis, can you tell us one nice thing about Mr. Trump?
TRUMP: Well, Ron has cut back on sucking off puppies.
DESANTIS: hummana-hummana-hummana...uhhhh...
Actually, the question I want to hear is "Mr. Trump, do you believe that those who served are "suckers"?"
But which one of them will lay claim to the antiwar movement?

And then will it be the popular decider for him?

It's still far from certain that there's going to be an antiwar protest springing to life? Although Trump definitely attempted to own it yesterday in his little speech that was posted by Forbes.
But which one of them will lay claim to the antiwar movement?

And then will it be the popular decider for him?

It's still far from certain that there's going to be an antiwar protest springing to life? Although Trump definitely attempted to own it yesterday in his little speech that was posted by Forbes.
The anti Iraq war movement was led by the Stalinist International ANSWER coalition. It was a huge recruiting boon for them.

I'm sure they are eagerly awaiting the Trumptard forces joining them.
Trump didn't leave any room for questions!

We'll soon see if he means it, or was just sticking a toe in the water?
Yes, Trump's WWIII fearmongering is identical to the whining of the liberals in the 1980s who said Reagan was going to get us into WWIII by putting intermediate range missiles in Europe.

What far lefties like Trump don't understand is that the Soviets and the KGB thug Putin only understand one thing: Strength.

That was Reagan's motto: Peace Through Strength.

The bone spur coward doesn't get that.

After Reagan put the missiles in Europe, the Soviets didn't escalate. Instead, they came crawling back to the negotiating table.

Reagan knew then, as Biden and Europe knows now, Russia is a paper tiger. They were, and are, far weaker than idiots like Trump understand.

Short attention span Trump should have paid attention to his intelligence briefings instead of nodding off.
Trump's message contained some minor flaws but it's the best we'll ever hear from an American candidate for president.

To your point, with caution of using the childish 'tard' thing. Just don't or we're finished! America is not finished with this war in some form or another. Even though the Ukraine is destroyed and over half the people have gone to other countries or have been killed, that isn't going to interfere with America's mission.

It's a mission that America can't ever afford to lose! It's the last chance for America to guard against the coming alliance between Russia and China, and hence America's fall from uncontested world hegemony.

The Ukrainian faction is about to be eliminated, or will be eliminated by late summer. Of future interest is the question on how America will choose to make war against Russia, without stepping out of bounds that will prompt Russia to start a world war.

If you can act like a grownup, there's some use in your comments? If not then I've made myself clear on the 'tard' thing!

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