New Nazi Tapes Discovered Detailing The Final Solution


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Audio recordings of the architect of the Holocaust boasting about his actions have been made public for the first time, 60 years after his execution for crimes against humanity. Adolf Eichmann recorded 70 hours of interviews in Argentina, having fled to Buenos Aires after the war. The audio has remained under lock and key and is only being broadcast now thanks to the dogged efforts of a team of Israeli documentary makers. They were given 15 hours of surviving recordings - the interviewer taped over much of the rest - in which Eichmann, who went to the gallows denying his crimes, admits to his role in what he infamously dubbed his 'Final Solution.' 'If we had killed 10.3 million Jews, I would say with satisfaction, 'Good, we destroyed an enemy,'' Eichmann says. 'Then we would have fulfilled our mission.'

'It's a difficult thing that I am telling you and I know I will be judged for it,' he admits. 'But I cannot tell you otherwise. It's the truth. Why should I deny it? 'Nothing annoys me more than a person who later denies the things he has done.' Eichmann managed to flee to Argentina, he was subsequently flown back to Israel and put on trial. During those hearings, Eichmann was filmed claiming he was only a low-ranking functionary, but in the interviews he is open about his scheme."

Funny how this sick piece of shit claimed he is annoyed by people denying something that they did -- when he himself went on trial and did just that...Why wasn't he proud of his final solution idea then?? Why did he cower in the face of the people he sought out to destroy?? However, with the discovery of these audio tapes, I am sure the main people who will be most triggered by all this -- will be Democrats and/or Liberals... because they are the main ones who denied the holocaust and tried to make excuses for Nazis and minimized the actual suffering of Jewish people for the last 80 years..Like still to this day, we have folks calling themselves Neo-Nazis and singing the praises of Hitler, still calling for the Final solution to deal with gays, Jews, Blacks -- just like their Nazi ancestors did.....mostly all fact, still to this day we have Democrat holocaust this piece of evidence will just be one more piece to debunk all of these holocaust deniers....

"Audio recordings of the architect of the Holocaust boasting about his actions have been made public for the first time, 60 years after his execution for crimes against humanity. Adolf Eichmann recorded 70 hours of interviews in Argentina, having fled to Buenos Aires after the war. The audio has remained under lock and key and is only being broadcast now thanks to the dogged efforts of a team of Israeli documentary makers. They were given 15 hours of surviving recordings - the interviewer taped over much of the rest - in which Eichmann, who went to the gallows denying his crimes, admits to his role in what he infamously dubbed his 'Final Solution.' 'If we had killed 10.3 million Jews, I would say with satisfaction, 'Good, we destroyed an enemy,'' Eichmann says. 'Then we would have fulfilled our mission.'

'It's a difficult thing that I am telling you and I know I will be judged for it,' he admits. 'But I cannot tell you otherwise. It's the truth. Why should I deny it? 'Nothing annoys me more than a person who later denies the things he has done.' Eichmann managed to flee to Argentina, he was subsequently flown back to Israel and put on trial. During those hearings, Eichmann was filmed claiming he was only a low-ranking functionary, but in the interviews he is open about his scheme."

Funny how this sick piece of shit claimed he is annoyed by people denying something that they did -- when he himself went on trial and did just that...Why wasn't he proud of his final solution idea then?? Why did he cower in the face of the people he sought out to destroy?? However, with the discovery of these audio tapes, I am sure the main people who will be most triggered by all this -- will be Democrats and/or Liberals... because they are the main ones who denied the holocaust and tried to make excuses for Nazis and minimized the actual suffering of Jewish people for the last 80 years..Like still to this day, we have folks calling themselves Neo-Nazis and singing the praises of Hitler, still calling for the Final solution to deal with gays, Jews, Blacks -- just like their Nazi ancestors did.....mostly all fact, still to this day we have Democrat holocaust this piece of evidence will just be one more piece to debunk all of these holocaust deniers....
Could you comment on the Evian Conference
Good for you Biff. For the first time ever, I completely agree with something you posted.
The neo-Nazis, Aryans, Muslim extremist, Westboro Baptists, BLM & Black Panther types are cancers on civilization.

If you believe what you are doing is the right thing, why not admit it? Eichmann was just an insane & evil mass murderer who got off easy

"Audio recordings of the architect of the Holocaust boasting about his actions have been made public for the first time, 60 years after his execution for crimes against humanity. Adolf Eichmann recorded 70 hours of interviews in Argentina, having fled to Buenos Aires after the war. The audio has remained under lock and key and is only being broadcast now thanks to the dogged efforts of a team of Israeli documentary makers. They were given 15 hours of surviving recordings - the interviewer taped over much of the rest - in which Eichmann, who went to the gallows denying his crimes, admits to his role in what he infamously dubbed his 'Final Solution.' 'If we had killed 10.3 million Jews, I would say with satisfaction, 'Good, we destroyed an enemy,'' Eichmann says. 'Then we would have fulfilled our mission.'

'It's a difficult thing that I am telling you and I know I will be judged for it,' he admits. 'But I cannot tell you otherwise. It's the truth. Why should I deny it? 'Nothing annoys me more than a person who later denies the things he has done.' Eichmann managed to flee to Argentina, he was subsequently flown back to Israel and put on trial. During those hearings, Eichmann was filmed claiming he was only a low-ranking functionary, but in the interviews he is open about his scheme."

Funny how this sick piece of shit claimed he is annoyed by people denying something that they did -- when he himself went on trial and did just that...Why wasn't he proud of his final solution idea then?? Why did he cower in the face of the people he sought out to destroy?? However, with the discovery of these audio tapes, I am sure the main people who will be most triggered by all this -- will be Democrats and/or Liberals... because they are the main ones who denied the holocaust and tried to make excuses for Nazis and minimized the actual suffering of Jewish people for the last 80 years..Like still to this day, we have folks calling themselves Neo-Nazis and singing the praises of Hitler, still calling for the Final solution to deal with gays, Jews, Blacks -- just like their Nazi ancestors did.....mostly all fact, still to this day we have Democrat holocaust this piece of evidence will just be one more piece to debunk all of these holocaust deniers....

You're a member of a political party that elected four people who deny this ever happened, to represent you in Congress.
The way the US turns away Syrian refugees has always reminded me of when the US turned away Jewish refugees.
Well the Jewish ones weren't attached with bombs

32 countries refused to take a single Jew. We are really responsible for the Final Solution. We could have stopped it. No one wanted them like Hitler

"Audio recordings of the architect of the Holocaust boasting about his actions have been made public for the first time, 60 years after his execution for crimes against humanity. Adolf Eichmann recorded 70 hours of interviews in Argentina, having fled to Buenos Aires after the war. The audio has remained under lock and key and is only being broadcast now thanks to the dogged efforts of a team of Israeli documentary makers. They were given 15 hours of surviving recordings - the interviewer taped over much of the rest - in which Eichmann, who went to the gallows denying his crimes, admits to his role in what he infamously dubbed his 'Final Solution.' 'If we had killed 10.3 million Jews, I would say with satisfaction, 'Good, we destroyed an enemy,'' Eichmann says. 'Then we would have fulfilled our mission.'

'It's a difficult thing that I am telling you and I know I will be judged for it,' he admits. 'But I cannot tell you otherwise. It's the truth. Why should I deny it? 'Nothing annoys me more than a person who later denies the things he has done.' Eichmann managed to flee to Argentina, he was subsequently flown back to Israel and put on trial. During those hearings, Eichmann was filmed claiming he was only a low-ranking functionary, but in the interviews he is open about his scheme."

Funny how this sick piece of shit claimed he is annoyed by people denying something that they did -- when he himself went on trial and did just that...Why wasn't he proud of his final solution idea then?? Why did he cower in the face of the people he sought out to destroy?? However, with the discovery of these audio tapes, I am sure the main people who will be most triggered by all this -- will be Democrats and/or Liberals... because they are the main ones who denied the holocaust and tried to make excuses for Nazis and minimized the actual suffering of Jewish people for the last 80 years..Like still to this day, we have folks calling themselves Neo-Nazis and singing the praises of Hitler, still calling for the Final solution to deal with gays, Jews, Blacks -- just like their Nazi ancestors did.....mostly all fact, still to this day we have Democrat holocaust this piece of evidence will just be one more piece to debunk all of these holocaust deniers....
Could you comment on the Evian conference

Looked it up. Dominican Republic accepted Jews. The leader wanted to lighten up the color.......lololol....No shit

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