New National Intelligence Head - Any Hope for the Truth on Coronovirus "Godfathers" or a "Godmother"

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017

Will HE serve the PEOPLE or the Party???


Will HE serve the PEOPLE or the Party???

View attachment 339114

All we have to do is look back in time to see what the previous appointees of the former administration has done....

Danial Ratcliffe would have been a better choice. At least you could count on him to be honest.
View attachment 339127

I file a police report tomorrow. Stock up on popcorn. You were apparently incorrectly briefed about me.

I will not react on your comments. All questions and answers - in the police, and then - in court of law. You are an unworthy and unclean person in your thoughts and actions.

And stop using the hackneyed trick from the arsenal of psychological sabotage of the special services to arrange a squabble and compromise the discussion.

Will HE serve the PEOPLE or the Party???

View attachment 339114

All we have to do is look back in time to see what the previous appointees of the former administration has done....

Right. The leadership of the so-called "democratic party" should be detained and interrogated for an attempt of the failed coup. The Democratic Party must be banned and dissolved. Party symbols should be prohibited

Donkeys must be sent to the slaughterhouse.

Will HE serve the PEOPLE or the Party???

View attachment 339114

All we have to do is look back in time to see what the previous appointees of the former administration has done....

Right. The leadership of the so-called "democratic party" should be detained and interrogated for an attempt of the failed coup. The Democratic Party must be banned and dissolved. Party symbols should be prohibited

Donkeys must be sent to the slaughterhouse.

Danial Ratcliffe would have been a better choice. At least you could count on him to be honest.
View attachment 339127

I file a police report tomorrow. Stock up on popcorn. You were apparently incorrectly briefed about me.

I will not react on your comments. All questions and answers - in the police, and then - in court of law. You are an unworthy and unclean person in your thoughts and actions.

And stop using the hackneyed trick from the arsenal of psychological sabotage of the special services to arrange a squabble and compromise the discussion.

I was incorrectly briefed about you? I don't see how that could happen. I've got your file right here, and it says to expect you to make a fool of yourself on the internet. I'll just put a check beside that entry.

Will HE serve the PEOPLE or the Party???

View attachment 339114

The PARTY of course. Well, more specifically he is there to do Donnie's bidding. Funny - Drumpf's fellow conspiracy theorist lackey who padded his resume and has ZERO intelligence experience will now control 17 intelligence agencies.

First on RATcliffe's agenda will be to bury any and all evidence of Russian hacking to help Trump win again this year. And he'll be certain to claim that Russians were out to help Hillary in 2016 and Uncle Joe this year. AND, that #OBAMAGATE!! are the things everyone should be worried about.

Best part, is that he's already assured congress that he won't commit to providing them updates about, well ... ANYTHING.

The hyper-partisan incompetency continues, and if you doubt my claims as to RAT's agenda - Do observe his audition.

By my count, he allows Mueller to fit around 10 words in response to his 5 minute screed. :rolleyes:


Will HE serve the PEOPLE or the Party???

View attachment 339114

The PARTY of course. Well, more specifically he is there to do Donnie's bidding. Funny - Drumpf's fellow conspiracy theorist lackey who padded his resume and has ZERO intelligence experience will now control 17 intelligence agencies.

First on RATcliffe's agenda will be to bury any and all evidence of Russian hacking to help Trump win again this year. And he'll be certain to claim that Russians were out to help Hillary in 2016 and Uncle Joe this year. AND, that #OBAMAGATE!! are the things everyone should be worried about.

Best part, is that he's already assured congress that he won't commit to providing them updates about, well ... ANYTHING.

The hyper-partisan incompetency continues, and if you doubt my claims as to RAT's agenda - Do observe his audition.

By my count, he allows Mueller to fit around 10 words in response to his 5 minute screed. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the detailed comment. Yes, of course, in a very specific part of it, I agree with you. But, let's not forget, that we live in a CLASS society of social inequality, and the government exists to protect the interests of the Ruling Class or the Ruling Party. In all this, the people are just passive extras.

I will question your thesis about Russia's "interference" in the elections. No need to make - "the genius of Evil" of Russia. For all ages, special services intervened in the internal affairs of other states.

The US government, which uses bribery, blackmail, or brute force to defend the interests of ONE PERCENT of the super-rich, is no exception.

By the way, declassification of the conversation between President Bill Clinton and Russian President Boris Yeltsin is a scandalous confirmation that the bloody coup d'etat of 1993 was made with the so-called "Clinton" money

Korean war. Vietnam war. "Desert Storm." Afghanistan. Libya. Iraq. Now - Syria. Who is next???

P.S. I would not exaggerate the capacity of Russian hackers - the American ruling class and groups of special interest control ALL the media for brainwashing voters.

Will HE serve the PEOPLE or the Party???

View attachment 339114

The PARTY of course. Well, more specifically he is there to do Donnie's bidding. Funny - Drumpf's fellow conspiracy theorist lackey who padded his resume and has ZERO intelligence experience will now control 17 intelligence agencies.

First on RATcliffe's agenda will be to bury any and all evidence of Russian hacking to help Trump win again this year. And he'll be certain to claim that Russians were out to help Hillary in 2016 and Uncle Joe this year. AND, that #OBAMAGATE!! are the things everyone should be worried about.

Best part, is that he's already assured congress that he won't commit to providing them updates about, well ... ANYTHING.

The hyper-partisan incompetency continues, and if you doubt my claims as to RAT's agenda - Do observe his audition.

By my count, he allows Mueller to fit around 10 words in response to his 5 minute screed. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the detailed comment. Yes, of course, in a very specific part of it, I agree with you. But, let's not forget, that we live in a CLASS society of social inequality, and the government exists to protect the interests of the Ruling Class or the Ruling Party. In all this, the people are just passive extras.

I will question your thesis about Russia's "interference" in the elections. No need to make - "the genius of Evil" of Russia. For all ages, special services intervened in the internal affairs of other states.

The US government, which uses bribery, blackmail, or brute force to defend the interests of ONE PERCENT of the super-rich, is no exception.

By the way, declassification of the conversation between President Bill Clinton and Russian President Boris Yeltsin is a scandalous confirmation that the bloody coup d'etat of 1993 was made with the so-called "Clinton" money

Korean war. Vietnam war. "Desert Storm." Afghanistan. Libya. Iraq. Now - Syria. Who is next???

P.S. I would not exaggerate the capacity of Russian hackers - the American ruling class and groups of special interest control ALL the media for brainwashing voters.

Hmmm, to equate the millions of FB and other social media propaganda posts from Russia with ANYTHING the US has ever done is IMHO dishonest. When - as all 17 of our Intel Agencies as well as two Republican led Senate reports and the Mueller Report concluded - has the US ever hired over 1000 full time trolls and utilized thousands more bots to influence a foreign election?

Remember too, they worked both sides of the aisle to assist Donald in creating division. They suppressed black voter turnout. They also astroturfed multiple rallies on US soil using Russian nationals. So no, nothing we've ever done matches that.

Hmmm, to equate the millions of FB and other social media propaganda posts from Russia with ANYTHING the US has ever done is IMHO dishonest. When - as all 17 of our Intel Agencies as well as two Republican led Senate reports and the Mueller Report concluded - has the US ever hired over 1000 full time trolls and utilized thousands more bots to influence a foreign election?

Remember too, they worked both sides of the aisle to assist Donald in creating division. They suppressed black voter turnout. They also astroturfed multiple rallies on US soil using Russian nationals. So no, nothing we've ever done matches that. find "the Russian"s in America ??? [/FONT]
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post: 24731566, member: 67922"]

Yes, I read your answer. The request to refer to a SPECIFIC document that would CONFIRM "hiring" "more than a thousand Russian trolls", their work, and their nicknames in our networks.

And WHERE is this "thousand" hiding today ???

Do you REALLY believe that SO-CALLED "RUSSIANS" can change the intentions of the black population of America against the background of how Joe Biden did it a few days ago ???

The fact that the NEW smoke screen "Russians are coming" was launched, did not pass by my attention. It’s very convenient to blame the "Russians" for everything, and not, say, the strategic miscalculations of the “democratic” administrations.

By the way, WHY DO YOU NOT SPEAK A WORDS about an attempt by the UKRAINIAN GOVERNMENT to influence the elections in our country in favor of the so-called "democratic" party ???

You do not do this because the current Ukrainian government is the puppet of the "democratic" political elite of the United States ???

So after all, the PUTIN regime is ALSO the puppets of the so-called "democratic" party again — Yeltsin and his successor Putin WERE and ARE the Puppets, which it placed in power by financing the bloody military coup of Yeltsin!

And yet - give me an example of at least one American rally led by the “Russians” in the past. Or at least ONE rally in which the so-called "Russians" in the past would have taken part "in masse".

And where did you find "the Russian"s in America ???
post: 24731566, member: 67922"]

Yes, I read your answer. The request to refer to a SPECIFIC document that would CONFIRM "hiring" "more than a thousand Russian trolls", their work, and their nicknames in our networks.

And WHERE is this "thousand" hiding today ???

Do you REALLY believe that SO-CALLED "RUSSIANS" can change the intentions of the black population of America against the background of how Joe Biden did it a few days ago ???

The fact that the NEW smoke screen "Russians are coming" was launched, did not pass by my attention. It’s very convenient to blame the "Russians" for everything, and not, say, the strategic miscalculations of the “democratic” administrations.

By the way, WHY DO YOU NOT SPEAK A WORDS about an attempt by the UKRAINIAN GOVERNMENT to influence the elections in our country in favor of the so-called "democratic" party ???

You do not do this because the current Ukrainian government is the puppet of the "democratic" political elite of the United States ???

So after all, the PUTIN regime is ALSO the puppets of the so-called "democratic" party again — Yeltsin and his successor Putin WERE and ARE the Puppets, which it placed in power by financing the bloody military coup of Yeltsin!

And yet - give me an example of at least one American rally led by the “Russians” in the past. Or at least ONE rally in which the so-called "Russians" in the past would have taken part "in masse".

And where did you find "the Russian"s in America ???

You'll need to read the Senate reports, Mueller Report (in full - Not the Billy Barf four page summary) and testimony of EVERY ONE of Donnie's appointed intel and law enforcement chiefs (prior to most of them being canned of course) for the answers to your questions.
post: 24731566, member: 67922"]

Yes, I read your answer. The request to refer to a SPECIFIC document that would CONFIRM "hiring" "more than a thousand Russian trolls", their work, and their nicknames in our networks.

And WHERE is this "thousand" hiding today ???

Do you REALLY believe that SO-CALLED "RUSSIANS" can change the intentions of the black population of America against the background of how Joe Biden did it a few days ago ???

The fact that the NEW smoke screen "Russians are coming" was launched, did not pass by my attention. It’s very convenient to blame the "Russians" for everything, and not, say, the strategic miscalculations of the “democratic” administrations.

By the way, WHY DO YOU NOT SPEAK A WORDS about an attempt by the UKRAINIAN GOVERNMENT to influence the elections in our country in favor of the so-called "democratic" party ???

You do not do this because the current Ukrainian government is the puppet of the "democratic" political elite of the United States ???

So after all, the PUTIN regime is ALSO the puppets of the so-called "democratic" party again — Yeltsin and his successor Putin WERE and ARE the Puppets, which it placed in power by financing the bloody military coup of Yeltsin!

And yet - give me an example of at least one American rally led by the “Russians” in the past. Or at least ONE rally in which the so-called "Russians" in the past would have taken part "in masse".

And where did you find "the Russian"s in America ???

You'll need to read the Senate reports, Mueller Report (in full - Not the Billy Barf four page summary) and testimony of EVERY ONE of Donnie's appointed intel and law enforcement chiefs (prior to most of them being canned of course) for the answers to your questions.

Mueller Report is on the shelf of my personal professional library. So on which page are links to documents confirming the hiring of "thousands of Russian bots" ???

As an expert, I do not read abstracts - they are made by living people and, most often, representing one or another interested party
post: 24731566, member: 67922"]

Yes, I read your answer. The request to refer to a SPECIFIC document that would CONFIRM "hiring" "more than a thousand Russian trolls", their work, and their nicknames in our networks.

And WHERE is this "thousand" hiding today ???

Do you REALLY believe that SO-CALLED "RUSSIANS" can change the intentions of the black population of America against the background of how Joe Biden did it a few days ago ???

The fact that the NEW smoke screen "Russians are coming" was launched, did not pass by my attention. It’s very convenient to blame the "Russians" for everything, and not, say, the strategic miscalculations of the “democratic” administrations.

By the way, WHY DO YOU NOT SPEAK A WORDS about an attempt by the UKRAINIAN GOVERNMENT to influence the elections in our country in favor of the so-called "democratic" party ???

You do not do this because the current Ukrainian government is the puppet of the "democratic" political elite of the United States ???

So after all, the PUTIN regime is ALSO the puppets of the so-called "democratic" party again — Yeltsin and his successor Putin WERE and ARE the Puppets, which it placed in power by financing the bloody military coup of Yeltsin!

And yet - give me an example of at least one American rally led by the “Russians” in the past. Or at least ONE rally in which the so-called "Russians" in the past would have taken part "in masse".

And where did you find "the Russian"s in America ???

You'll need to read the Senate reports, Mueller Report (in full - Not the Billy Barf four page summary) and testimony of EVERY ONE of Donnie's appointed intel and law enforcement chiefs (prior to most of them being canned of course) for the answers to your questions.

Mueller Report is on the shelf of my personal professional library. So on which page are links to documents confirming the hiring of "thousands of Russian bots" ???

As an expert, I do not read abstracts - they are made by living people and, most often, representing one or another interested party

Mueller Report be collecting dust on the health of your "personal professional library". But it's obvious that you didn't read it. ;-)
post: 24731566, member: 67922"]

Yes, I read your answer. The request to refer to a SPECIFIC document that would CONFIRM "hiring" "more than a thousand Russian trolls", their work, and their nicknames in our networks.

And WHERE is this "thousand" hiding today ???

Do you REALLY believe that SO-CALLED "RUSSIANS" can change the intentions of the black population of America against the background of how Joe Biden did it a few days ago ???

The fact that the NEW smoke screen "Russians are coming" was launched, did not pass by my attention. It’s very convenient to blame the "Russians" for everything, and not, say, the strategic miscalculations of the “democratic” administrations.

By the way, WHY DO YOU NOT SPEAK A WORDS about an attempt by the UKRAINIAN GOVERNMENT to influence the elections in our country in favor of the so-called "democratic" party ???

You do not do this because the current Ukrainian government is the puppet of the "democratic" political elite of the United States ???

So after all, the PUTIN regime is ALSO the puppets of the so-called "democratic" party again — Yeltsin and his successor Putin WERE and ARE the Puppets, which it placed in power by financing the bloody military coup of Yeltsin!

And yet - give me an example of at least one American rally led by the “Russians” in the past. Or at least ONE rally in which the so-called "Russians" in the past would have taken part "in masse".

And where did you find "the Russian"s in America ???

You'll need to read the Senate reports, Mueller Report (in full - Not the Billy Barf four page summary) and testimony of EVERY ONE of Donnie's appointed intel and law enforcement chiefs (prior to most of them being canned of course) for the answers to your questions.

Mueller Report is on the shelf of my personal professional library. So on which page are links to documents confirming the hiring of "thousands of Russian bots" ???

As an expert, I do not read abstracts - they are made by living people and, most often, representing one or another interested party

Mueller Report be collecting dust on the health of your "personal professional library". But it's obvious that you didn't read it. ;-)

Well, that the so-called "democrats" ARE masters to say nasty things when there are no arguments, I am aware of. To insult the opponent is the provocative technique as old as the world. And that is not to your credit. r. The last statement is a mere CHUTZPAH. I asked you to write the page number on which links to the documents proving "hiring thousands of Russian bots" are given.
post: 24731566, member: 67922"]

Yes, I read your answer. The request to refer to a SPECIFIC document that would CONFIRM "hiring" "more than a thousand Russian trolls", their work, and their nicknames in our networks.

And WHERE is this "thousand" hiding today ???

Do you REALLY believe that SO-CALLED "RUSSIANS" can change the intentions of the black population of America against the background of how Joe Biden did it a few days ago ???

The fact that the NEW smoke screen "Russians are coming" was launched, did not pass by my attention. It’s very convenient to blame the "Russians" for everything, and not, say, the strategic miscalculations of the “democratic” administrations.

By the way, WHY DO YOU NOT SPEAK A WORDS about an attempt by the UKRAINIAN GOVERNMENT to influence the elections in our country in favor of the so-called "democratic" party ???

You do not do this because the current Ukrainian government is the puppet of the "democratic" political elite of the United States ???

So after all, the PUTIN regime is ALSO the puppets of the so-called "democratic" party again — Yeltsin and his successor Putin WERE and ARE the Puppets, which it placed in power by financing the bloody military coup of Yeltsin!

And yet - give me an example of at least one American rally led by the “Russians” in the past. Or at least ONE rally in which the so-called "Russians" in the past would have taken part "in masse".

And where did you find "the Russian"s in America ???

You'll need to read the Senate reports, Mueller Report (in full - Not the Billy Barf four page summary) and testimony of EVERY ONE of Donnie's appointed intel and law enforcement chiefs (prior to most of them being canned of course) for the answers to your questions.

Mueller Report is on the shelf of my personal professional library. So on which page are links to documents confirming the hiring of "thousands of Russian bots" ???

As an expert, I do not read abstracts - they are made by living people and, most often, representing one or another interested party

Mueller Report be collecting dust on the health of your "personal professional library". But it's obvious that you didn't read it. ;-)

Well, that the so-called "democrats" ARE masters to say nasty things when there are no arguments, I am aware of. To insult the opponent is the provocative technique as old as the world. And that is not to your credit. r. The last statement is a mere CHUTZPAH. I asked you to write the page number on which links to the documents proving "hiring thousands of Russian bots" are given.

Meh - With you, that'd be a waste of my time. READ THE REPORT - But here are a few links for lazy minds ;-)

5-20) 13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies were indicted on conspiracy charges, with some also being accused of identity theft. The charges related to a Russian propaganda effort designed to interfere with the 2016 campaign. The companies involved are the Internet Research Agency, often described as a “Russian troll farm,” and two other companies that helped finance it. The Russian nationals indicted include 12 of the agency’s employees and its alleged financier, Yevgeny Prigozhin.

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