The Pandemic Blindspot; Why is There so Little Coverage of Nursing Home Fiascos?

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Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Pandemic Blindspot; Why is There so Little Coverage of Nursing Home Fiascos?

21 May 2020 ~~ By Brad Stager
The promises and predictions in the media have been plentiful. The failing of those pandemic predictions has nearly been as widespread. As consistently wrong as these seers of doom in the press have been there is one other failing they have been adept at delivering; holding local officials accountable. Headlines have blared about governors making decisions which could lead to disaster, but when it comes to those who have instituted provably bad policy there has been far less enthusiasm.
For a time New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) had been something of a media darling. For a time he was hailed for his leadership and his ability to either work with President Trump, or call out the administration for supposed problematic responses. For a time he was hinted at as a possible presidential ticket name. That time has ended. In recent weeks, Gov. Cuomo’s swelling presence has ebbed as problems with the response in his state have been revealed, with one in particular being a jarring reality.
Gov. Cuomo’s largest issue has been the policy of sending patients who were positive for the coronavirus into nursing homes, alongside the most vulnerable segment of our population. As we are gradually starting to realize, this completely wrong-headed decision was not isolated to Gov. Cuomo’s realm. A number of other governors have also had this policy instituted in their states, yet the national press has not been dutiful in reporting these narrative-busting examples.
Another media darling has been Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D). The press has been swooning over her for months, and she has tried to parlay that into a selection as Joe Biden’s running mate. She has applied less energy to her own state’s needs.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat machine and their coconspirator MSM have tried to make this about 'Orange Man Bad' while governors like Cuomo, Whitmer, Murphy, et al, actually seeded Nursing Homes with active infected patients with Covid-19 virus and contributed to the deaths.
When you subtract nursing home deaths, the lowered numbers of death rate no longer justify the lockdown and power grab by Blue State bureaucrats. That number has reached 28,000 deaths within Nursing Homes.
Surely there are many in Nursing Homes who still think the Democrats are the party of JFK and stand for the little guy. Sadly, if any of these aging Democrats had to be sacrificed for the good of the cause the party leadership was not afraid to do so. Like Boxer, the horse from George Orwell's Animal Farm.
Any logical person has to question how and why Cuomo came to the conclusion that sending Covid positive patients into nursing homes was a good idea is beyond me. How anyone could now respect his "judgement" is even more astonishing.
One would have to conclude that it was all done for political ideology.
Then there's Whitmer! Nearly half the Covid-19 deaths in Detroit occurred in Nursing Homes.
All in all Blue City and State leaders seem to have banded together to create a high death toll to excuse their tyrannical behavior.
Meanwhile now the streets are starkly deserted and these supposed leaders want to rebuild their city in their idea of Utopia. They continue to refuse to allow their citizens the right to return to work.
Folks, it’s not about negligence or ignorance or any other -ance that led to this horrendous decision by PMS/DSA Democrat Mayors or Governors. They've already told us that they consider abortion “life-sustaining”.
The Pandemic Blindspot; Why is There so Little Coverage of Nursing Home Fiascos?

21 May 2020 ~~ By Brad Stager
The promises and predictions in the media have been plentiful. The failing of those pandemic predictions has nearly been as widespread. As consistently wrong as these seers of doom in the press have been there is one other failing they have been adept at delivering; holding local officials accountable. Headlines have blared about governors making decisions which could lead to disaster, but when it comes to those who have instituted provably bad policy there has been far less enthusiasm.
For a time New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) had been something of a media darling. For a time he was hailed for his leadership and his ability to either work with President Trump, or call out the administration for supposed problematic responses. For a time he was hinted at as a possible presidential ticket name. That time has ended. In recent weeks, Gov. Cuomo’s swelling presence has ebbed as problems with the response in his state have been revealed, with one in particular being a jarring reality.
Gov. Cuomo’s largest issue has been the policy of sending patients who were positive for the coronavirus into nursing homes, alongside the most vulnerable segment of our population. As we are gradually starting to realize, this completely wrong-headed decision was not isolated to Gov. Cuomo’s realm. A number of other governors have also had this policy instituted in their states, yet the national press has not been dutiful in reporting these narrative-busting examples.
Another media darling has been Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D). The press has been swooning over her for months, and she has tried to parlay that into a selection as Joe Biden’s running mate. She has applied less energy to her own state’s needs.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat machine and their coconspirator MSM have tried to make this about 'Orange Man Bad' while governors like Cuomo, Whitmer, Murphy, et al, actually seeded Nursing Homes with active infected patients with Covid-19 virus and contributed to the deaths.
When you subtract nursing home deaths, the lowered numbers of death rate no longer justify the lockdown and power grab by Blue State bureaucrats. That number has reached 28,000 deaths within Nursing Homes.
Surely there are many in Nursing Homes who still think the Democrats are the party of JFK and stand for the little guy. Sadly, if any of these aging Democrats had to be sacrificed for the good of the cause the party leadership was not afraid to do so. Like Boxer, the horse from George Orwell's Animal Farm.
Any logical person has to question how and why Cuomo came to the conclusion that sending Covid positive patients into nursing homes was a good idea is beyond me. How anyone could now respect his "judgement" is even more astonishing.
One would have to conclude that it was all done for political ideology.
Then there's Whitmer! Nearly half the Covid-19 deaths in Detroit occurred in Nursing Homes.
All in all Blue City and State leaders seem to have banded together to create a high death toll to excuse their tyrannical behavior.
Meanwhile now the streets are starkly deserted and these supposed leaders want to rebuild their city in their idea of Utopia. They continue to refuse to allow their citizens the right to return to work.
Folks, it’s not about negligence or ignorance or any other -ance that led to this horrendous decision by PMS/DSA Democrat Mayors or Governors. They've already told us that they consider abortion “life-sustaining”.
Not to be political, but DeSantis was right when he said Fla was God's waiting room for heaven, or something. Not PC, but true.

There's an irony that the virus kills mostly those in nursing homes, and poor people with the least sanitation, living space, and education.

Nobody really knows even now really how this virus behaves. Not Fauci Birx CDC Trump! But we always knew it was going to blow down nursing homes. Which sorta sucks because there are people in those places who can live pretty ok lives, but they just have physical limitations.
The Pandemic Blindspot; Why is There so Little Coverage of Nursing Home Fiascos?

21 May 2020 ~~ By Brad Stager
The promises and predictions in the media have been plentiful. The failing of those pandemic predictions has nearly been as widespread. As consistently wrong as these seers of doom in the press have been there is one other failing they have been adept at delivering; holding local officials accountable. Headlines have blared about governors making decisions which could lead to disaster, but when it comes to those who have instituted provably bad policy there has been far less enthusiasm.
For a time New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) had been something of a media darling. For a time he was hailed for his leadership and his ability to either work with President Trump, or call out the administration for supposed problematic responses. For a time he was hinted at as a possible presidential ticket name. That time has ended. In recent weeks, Gov. Cuomo’s swelling presence has ebbed as problems with the response in his state have been revealed, with one in particular being a jarring reality.
Gov. Cuomo’s largest issue has been the policy of sending patients who were positive for the coronavirus into nursing homes, alongside the most vulnerable segment of our population. As we are gradually starting to realize, this completely wrong-headed decision was not isolated to Gov. Cuomo’s realm. A number of other governors have also had this policy instituted in their states, yet the national press has not been dutiful in reporting these narrative-busting examples.
Another media darling has been Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D). The press has been swooning over her for months, and she has tried to parlay that into a selection as Joe Biden’s running mate. She has applied less energy to her own state’s needs.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat machine and their coconspirator MSM have tried to make this about 'Orange Man Bad' while governors like Cuomo, Whitmer, Murphy, et al, actually seeded Nursing Homes with active infected patients with Covid-19 virus and contributed to the deaths.
When you subtract nursing home deaths, the lowered numbers of death rate no longer justify the lockdown and power grab by Blue State bureaucrats. That number has reached 28,000 deaths within Nursing Homes.
Surely there are many in Nursing Homes who still think the Democrats are the party of JFK and stand for the little guy. Sadly, if any of these aging Democrats had to be sacrificed for the good of the cause the party leadership was not afraid to do so. Like Boxer, the horse from George Orwell's Animal Farm.
Any logical person has to question how and why Cuomo came to the conclusion that sending Covid positive patients into nursing homes was a good idea is beyond me. How anyone could now respect his "judgement" is even more astonishing.
One would have to conclude that it was all done for political ideology.
Then there's Whitmer! Nearly half the Covid-19 deaths in Detroit occurred in Nursing Homes.
All in all Blue City and State leaders seem to have banded together to create a high death toll to excuse their tyrannical behavior.
Meanwhile now the streets are starkly deserted and these supposed leaders want to rebuild their city in their idea of Utopia. They continue to refuse to allow their citizens the right to return to work.
Folks, it’s not about negligence or ignorance or any other -ance that led to this horrendous decision by PMS/DSA Democrat Mayors or Governors. They've already told us that they consider abortion “life-sustaining”.
Shh.............................we're NOT supposed to know about this..................!
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