

Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Remember the full court press to discredit it so you can instead shell out thousands for the new untried wonder drug...... Now dont be a science denier
Meanwhile the much easier and best possible thing people can do for this country is wear a mask
Remember the full court press to discredit it so you can instead shell out thousands for the new untried wonder drug...... Now dont be a science denier
Meanwhile the much easier and best possible thing people can do for this country is wear a mask
Actually no...........but mask makers gotta be loving ya
and try to stay on topic......the lies spread by the establishment ,,,and people wonder why there is so much distrust of the official wuhan line

What lies do you mean?

Hopefully hydroxychloroquine and dexamethasone both are useful and cheap treatments. Hopefully remdesivir works, too. The more effective treatments available, the better.
and try to stay on topic......the lies spread by the establishment ,,,and people wonder why there is so much distrust of the official wuhan line

What lies do you mean?

Hopefully hydroxychloroquine and dexamethasone both are useful and cheap treatments. Hopefully remdesivir works, too. The more effective treatments available, the better.
There was a flurry of articles, all posted here .......
Remember the full court press to discredit it so you can instead shell out thousands for the new untried wonder drug...... Now dont be a science denier
Meanwhile the much easier and best possible thing people can do for this country is wear a mask

If a skunk sprays you wearing that mask will you smell it? If you can then that mask ain't doing shit for you.
No vaccines for me.

But I would take Hydroxychloroquine in a heartbeat! :thup:

  • Twice as many patients survived when given hydroxychloroquine
  • There were no heart-related side effects reported
  • Early treatment appears to be key

Remember the full court press to discredit it so you can instead shell out thousands for the new untried wonder drug...... Now dont be a science denier
Meanwhile the much easier and best possible thing people can do for this country is wear a mask
It's not an either/or proposition in the first place.

I take hydroxychloroquine, wear a mask when appropriate and practice social distancing.

All three help to mitigate the spread of the virus. And wearing a mask is probably the least effective of the three.

An no, wearing a mask every time I'm in public is not easier than taking a pill once a week, IMO. Taking hydroxychloroquine is the easiest of the three.
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So...President Trump said he was hopeful that Hydroxychloroquine would save lives, and the democrat party activists in the press tried to keep people from using the drug......now, a peer reviewed study shows that HCQ did, in fact, save lives....

The democrat party would rather let people die, than save them with a drug Trump was hoping would work...

They are F*****g insane.

The anti-malaria drug that President Trump touted as a possible treatment for coronavirus, hydroxychloroquine, successfully lowered the death rate among hospitalized COVID-19 patients in the most recent study of the drug.
The large-scale analysis, conducted by Henry Ford Health System, was published Thursday in the peer-reviewed International Journal of Infectious Diseases.
The study examined 2,541 patients who had been hospitalized in six hospitals between March 10 and May 2, 2020.
More than twenty-six percent (26.4%) of patients who did not receive hydroxychloroquine died.
But among those who received hydroxychloroquine, fewer than half that number — 13% — died.
More than 90% of the patients received hydroxychloroquine within 48 hours of admission to the hospital. Scientists say giving the drug early during illness may be a key to success.

The study’s authors also found one concern flagged in previous reports about hydroxychloroquine did not materialize: heart-related adverse events.
"The data here is clear that there was benefit to using [hydroxychloroquine] as a treatment for sick, hospitalized patients," said Dr. Steven Kalkanis of Henry Ford Health System.

ok----seems like anyone who gets hydroxychloroquin should be on heart monitor to determine the subpopulation likely to respond with cardiac arrhythmia. Likely anyone on digoxin should probably not get it-----but I don't know
Democrats hatred for Trump, the only person the establishment can't control, is far stronger than their human compassion or patriotism. It really pisses them off that Trump is always right. So what do Democrats do to resist Trump? They bring back the worn out Russia collusion BS for the tenth time. Democrats are Marxist idiots.
Democrats hatred for Trump, the only person the establishment can't control, is far stronger than their human compassion or patriotism. It really pisses them off that Trump is always right. So what do Democrats do to resist Trump? They bring back the worn out Russia collusion BS for the tenth time. Democrats are Marxist idiots.

some democrats
So...President Trump said he was hopeful that Hydroxychloroquine would save lives, and the democrat party activists in the press tried to keep people from using the drug......now, a peer reviewed study shows that HCQ did, in fact, save lives....

The democrat party would rather let people die, than save them with a drug Trump was hoping would work...

They are F*****g insane.

The anti-malaria drug that President Trump touted as a possible treatment for coronavirus, hydroxychloroquine, successfully lowered the death rate among hospitalized COVID-19 patients in the most recent study of the drug.
The large-scale analysis, conducted by Henry Ford Health System, was published Thursday in the peer-reviewed International Journal of Infectious Diseases.
The study examined 2,541 patients who had been hospitalized in six hospitals between March 10 and May 2, 2020.
More than twenty-six percent (26.4%) of patients who did not receive hydroxychloroquine died.
But among those who received hydroxychloroquine, fewer than half that number — 13% — died.
More than 90% of the patients received hydroxychloroquine within 48 hours of admission to the hospital. Scientists say giving the drug early during illness may be a key to success.

The study’s authors also found one concern flagged in previous reports about hydroxychloroquine did not materialize: heart-related adverse events.
"The data here is clear that there was benefit to using [hydroxychloroquine] as a treatment for sick, hospitalized patients," said Dr. Steven Kalkanis of Henry Ford Health System.

Yes, the hardcore radical left cadre of the democratic party, along with their cable news mouthpieces, so despise our President that they would rather their fellow Americans die than Donald Trump succeed in even the slightest of endeavors. These people are anti-American to the core. There's no forgiving them, not ever. Since Donald Trump's election to the White House these radical leftists have visited plague after plague upon the American people, and caused them death, violent injury, critical illness, financial ruin and the list runs on. In effect, the radical leftists have been holding all of America and her people hostage until they can remove Donald Trump from office, even if doing that means destroying our whole civilization.
Dr. Zervos also pointed out, as does the paper, that the study results should be interpreted with some caution, should not be applied to patients treated outside of hospital settings and require further confirmation in prospective, randomized controlled trials that rigorously evaluate the safety and efficacy of hydroxychloroquine therapy for COVID-19.

“Currently, the drug should be used only in hospitalized patients with appropriate monitoring, and as part of study protocols, in accordance with all relevant federal regulations,” Dr. Zervos said.

Henry Ford Health System, as one of the region’s major academic medical centers with more than $100 million in annual research funding, is involved in numerous COVID-19 trials with national and international partners.
Researchers not involved with the study were critical. They noted that the Henry Ford team did not randomly treat patients but selected them for various treatments based on certain criteria.

"As the Henry Ford Health System became more experienced in treating patients with COVID-19, survival may have improved, regardless of the use of specific therapies," Dr. Todd Lee of the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal, Canada, and colleagues wrote in a commentary in the same journal.

"Finally, concomitant steroid use in patients receiving hydroxychloroquine was more than double the non-treated group
. This is relevant considering the recent RECOVERY trial that showed a mortality benefit with dexamethasone." The steroid dexamethasone can reduce inflammation in seriously ill patients.

Rosenberg also pointed out that the Detroit paper excluded 267 patients -- nearly 10% of the study population -- who had not yet been discharged from the hospital. He said this might have skewed the results to make hydroxychloroquine look better than it really was. Those patients might have still been in the hospital because they were very sick, and if they died, excluding them from the study made hydroxychloroquine look like more of a lifesaver than it really was.

"There's a little bit of loosey-goosiness here in all this,"

Both the Detroit and New York studies were observational: they looked back at how patients did when doctors prescribed hydroxychloroquine.

While helpful, observational studies are not as valuable as controlled clinical trials. Considered the gold standard in medicine, patients in a clinical trial are randomly assigned to take either the drug or a placebo, which is a treatment that does nothing. Doctors then follow the patients to see how they fare.

Two clinical trials on hydroxychloroquine for Covid-19, one in the US and one in the UK, were stopped early because their data suggested hydroxychloroquine wasn't helpful.
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So...President Trump said he was hopeful that Hydroxychloroquine would save lives, and the democrat party activists in the press tried to keep people from using the drug......now, a peer reviewed study shows that HCQ did, in fact, save lives....

The democrat party would rather let people die, than save them with a drug Trump was hoping would work...

They are F*****g insane.

The anti-malaria drug that President Trump touted as a possible treatment for coronavirus, hydroxychloroquine, successfully lowered the death rate among hospitalized COVID-19 patients in the most recent study of the drug.
The large-scale analysis, conducted by Henry Ford Health System, was published Thursday in the peer-reviewed International Journal of Infectious Diseases.
The study examined 2,541 patients who had been hospitalized in six hospitals between March 10 and May 2, 2020.
More than twenty-six percent (26.4%) of patients who did not receive hydroxychloroquine died.
But among those who received hydroxychloroquine, fewer than half that number — 13% — died.
More than 90% of the patients received hydroxychloroquine within 48 hours of admission to the hospital. Scientists say giving the drug early during illness may be a key to success.

The study’s authors also found one concern flagged in previous reports about hydroxychloroquine did not materialize: heart-related adverse events.
"The data here is clear that there was benefit to using [hydroxychloroquine] as a treatment for sick, hospitalized patients," said Dr. Steven Kalkanis of Henry Ford Health System.

I'm sure that the study controlled for age of patient, and pharmaceuticals taken that might have interacted? Actually I'm not a bit sure because the words "control" or "controlled" do not appear in the article
Researchers not involved with the study were critical. They noted that the Henry Ford team did not randomly treat patients but selected them for various treatments based on certain criteria.

"As the Henry Ford Health System became more experienced in treating patients with COVID-19, survival may have improved, regardless of the use of specific therapies," Dr. Todd Lee of the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal, Canada, and colleagues wrote in a commentary in the same journal.

"Finally, concomitant steroid use in patients receiving hydroxychloroquine was more than double the non-treated group
. This is relevant considering the recent RECOVERY trial that showed a mortality benefit with dexamethasone." The steroid dexamethasone can reduce inflammation in seriously ill patients.

Rosenberg also pointed out that the Detroit paper excluded 267 patients -- nearly 10% of the study population -- who had not yet been discharged from the hospital. He said this might have skewed the results to make hydroxychloroquine look better than it really was. Those patients might have still been in the hospital because they were very sick, and if they died, excluding them from the study made hydroxychloroquine look like more of a lifesaver than it really was.

"There's a little bit of loosey-goosiness here in all this,"

Both the Detroit and New York studies were observational: they looked back at how patients did when doctors prescribed hydroxychloroquine.

While helpful, observational studies are not as valuable as controlled clinical trials. Considered the gold standard in medicine, patients in a clinical trial are randomly assigned to take either the drug or a placebo, which is a treatment that does nothing. Doctors then follow the patients to see how they fare.

Two clinical trials on hydroxychloroquine for Covid-19, one in the US and one in the UK, were stopped early because their data suggested hydroxychloroquine wasn't helpful.
The Joy that the left had in reporting negative news about hydroxychloroquine was what was really remarkable to me. The libs are actually rooting for the pathogen, I guess they think that its their best and only chance against the Trumpster.

I looked at the historical record. When Jonas Salk beat polio, the media didn't root against him at all. They didn't report with pleasure more deaths from the disease. .

Why is Biden et al so pro-death and disease?

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