New Hampshire governor wants to ban cell phones from schools

The OP is mistaken. It's not about banning cell phones from the school campus. It's about restricting cell phone usage in the classroom during instructional time.

Similar to what we did in Virginia. Student can have cell phones, just not use them during instructional periods.

Students would still have cell phones in their possession.

Really? When I was in school, teachers were considered the surrogate authority of the kids in lieu of the parents during the day so there was no fear of "unapproved" interactions. What the teacher said, went. If the teacher said jump and you didn't jump, you were in trouble, then when you got home and the old man found out, you were really in trouble. And the kids behaved. I don't recall seeing a single unapproved interaction in my entire time from K thru grade 12.
Yes-adults are always right, children are ALWAYS wrong. That attitude is why so many abusers get away with it for so long. Hell, it's a big reason that so many child molesters get away with it.
I went to a catholic elementary school and if the nuns (we called them huns) got mad , they'd make the whole class do the duck walk around the room several times. It was kinda funny at the time, but today they'd call it child abuse.
Yes, most teaching nuns were sadistic psychos, who hated children almost as much as they hated themselves.
I grew up with a bunch of Catholic kids. They used to tell me that if they got in trouble at school that the nuns would either make them kneel on their knuckles or they would beat their hands with wooden rulers.

Good thing I wasn't a Catholic I suppose because I probably would have refused and kicked the nuns in the shins and taken the rulers off of them.
My wife still (more than 30 years later) has a scar from a nun's "ruler." (It was actually a broken piece of a draftsman's square, honed to a razor edge.) Her "trouble?" She's left-handed.
My wife still (more than 30 years later) has a scar from a nun's "ruler." (It was actually a broken piece of a draftsman's square, honed to a razor edge.) Her "trouble?" She's left-handed.

Yep, I remember my Catholic friends telling me that. Years ago, they didn't know that some people write left or right-handed, and nuns tried to force left-handed kids to write right-handed. They didn't know that handedness is wired into the brain. They were successful sometimes in forcing left-handed kids into writing right-handed, but it often f*cked them up and sometimes caused emotional or other personality issues in forcing them so.

My next door neighbors were Catholics and I remember hearing the kids screaming and getting beaten to where once my mother went out yelling over at the mother that she was afraid she was going to kill the kid beating her. Apparently Catholics back then believed that all things with children could be solved through fear and enough beatings.
Yep, I remember my Catholic friends telling me that. Years ago, they didn't know that some people write left or right-handed, and nuns tried to force left-handed kids to write right-handed. They didn't know that handedness is wired into the brain. They were successful sometimes in forcing left-handed kids into writing right-handed, but it often f*cked them up and sometimes caused emotional or other personality issues in forcing them so.

My next door neighbors were Catholics and I remember hearing the kids screaming and getting beaten to where once my mother went out yelling over at the mother that she was afraid she was going to kill the kid beating her. Apparently Catholics back then believed that all things with children could be solved through fear and enough beatings.
My wife taught sister psycho a valuable life lesson: never try to bully someone crazier than you.

On a related note, a roll of dimes held in the fist makes a credible substitute for brass knuckles.
On a related note, a roll of dimes held in the fist makes a credible substitute for brass knuckles.

I have actual brass knuckles, they were my grandfather's. I also have other things, they don't look like knuckles so are legal, and look like a bar of steel with a pommel at the one end and two smaller bars the come up between the fingers and protrude slightly.

I've never had to use them, but they would be devastating and you could easily crush a skull or break ribs.

They can be hung on a keychain too.
I have actual brass knuckles, they were my grandfather's. I also have other things, they don't look like knuckles so are legal, and look like a bar of steel with a pommel at the one end and two smaller bars the come up between the fingers and protrude slightly.

I've never had to use them, but they would be devastating and you could easily crush a skull or break ribs.

They can be hung on a keychain too.
Sister psycho got eight missing teeth and a broken jaw.
Growing up I didn't have a cell phone in school and I turned out just fine.
No need for cell phones
You must have been in school during the days when kids didn't have to worry about being shot at. In other words, consider yourself lucky.

God bless you and those who are still in school always!!!

Holly (class of 2000)
Hey you're far Left heroine Kathy Queen Bee wants them banned here in the People's Republik of New Yorkistan also, so stop it. Banning cellphones should have happened years ago.
It's a dumb idea whoever tries to do it.
I don’t believe kids need a cell phone in school. On the other hand, I believe there need to be live-feed cameras at the front and rear of every classroom, with the recordings maintained for at least a week afterwards to ensure the safety of the classroom.
I don’t believe kids need a cell phone in school. On the other hand, I believe there need to be live-feed cameras at the front and rear of every classroom, with the recordings maintained for at least a week afterwards to ensure the safety of the classroom.
Most schools have cams everywhere and yet when there is a school shooting we never see the vids!! Alex Jones is right.
In my opinion, cell phones are actually good to have at school granted they are used for the right reasons of course. Students can record classes with permission from the teachers if they want to hear whatever is said again later on in the day. The recordings can also be sent to kids who miss school because they are sick.

God bless you always!!!

Incredibly stupid.

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