New Hampshire governor wants to ban cell phones from schools

The student broke a teacher's jawbone and had several teeth knocked because student was 'defending' herself.

what did the teacher do to cause this act of self defense.
Only way i will support banning phones in schools is if they are banned everywhere. I like my home computer, but cell phones are the work of satan .
The student broke a teacher's jawbone and had several teeth knocked because student was 'defending' herself.

what did the teacher do to cause this act of self defense.
Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ on a bicycle! Are you fucking LITERATE?!?!

Post 22. Read it again-read the whole thing, for comprehension. Keep rereading it until the words sink through your thick skull and into your tiny brain.
Cell phones are the worst thing to happen to education in many decades. Right up there with Covid and "remote learning."
Because they don’t.
Actually, they can. I remember this one girl making the headlines because she recorded her teacher's lecture so that she could listen to it again later at home to help her study. Sadly, the recording included the teacher's decision to call at least one of the students in the class "stupid" and the teacher's target may have been the very girl who was recording the lecture.

God bless you and the girl always!!!


P.S. In other words, those who actually do take their education seriously enough shouldn't be punished because of those who have a brain train that can only travel so far a distance.
Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ on a bicycle! Are you fucking LITERATE?!?!

Post 22. Read it again-read the whole thing, for comprehension. Keep rereading it until the words sink through your thick skull and into your tiny brain.

No, it does not. Tell us what caused the incident.
Yes-adults are always right, children are ALWAYS wrong. That attitude is why so many abusers get away with it for so long. Hell, it's a big reason that so many child molesters get away with it.

Yes, most teaching nuns were sadistic psychos, who hated children almost as much as they hated themselves.

My wife still (more than 30 years later) has a scar from a nun's "ruler." (It was actually a broken piece of a draftsman's square, honed to a razor edge.) Her "trouble?" She's left-handed.

What caused the nun to use a ruler? Was it in self defense?
Are you playing stupid?

He won't say what the causes of the struggle were.

I have an older brother who taught jr and hs for 30 years.

Not one student, not one bully boy, not one crazy kid ever dared to raise a hand to him.

Very, very smart kids.
He won't say what the causes of the struggle were.

I have an older brother who taught jr and hs for 30 years.

Not one student, not one bully boy, not one crazy kid ever dared to raise a hand to him.

Very, very smart kids.
I did, you lackwit.

Because you're dumb as rat shit, I will spoon-feed you: because sister psycho believed that being left-handed was evil, she hit my wife with her "ruler" (again: broken piece of a metal draftsman's square, honed to a razor edge, essentially a shank) because my wife was using her left hand. This cut her hand badly, and decades later, she still has a scar from it. That day, my wife decided it wasn't going to happen again-she believed, correctly, that she had done absolutely nothing wrong. So, she started carrying a roll of dimes (she couldn't get any brass knuckles), and practicing hitting a bag with one. (She'd been doing that since age ten.) The next time sister psycho came around with her shank, my wife slipped the roll of dimes into her hand, waited until the bitch raised her weapon, and gave her an uppercut to the jaw with EVERY OUNCE of her strength behind it.

Sister psycho was taken by complete surprise-in what was probably decades of child abuse, I suspect she'd never had a victim fight back. My wife got her squarely on the point of her chin, breaking the jawbone, knocking out eight teeth, and sending her crashing to the ground. When her head hit the (concrete) floor, she also likely got a concussion and possibly (hopefully) a fractured skull.
No, they can't. There is a mountain of evidence that cell phones are detrimental to education.
Well not every student on the planet is the reason why such evidence exists. In other words, why do the responsible kids have to be punished as well because of those with a brain train that can only travel so far a distance?

God bless you always!!!

Really? When I was in school, teachers were considered the surrogate authority of the kids in lieu of the parents during the day so there was no fear of "unapproved" interactions. What the teacher said, went. If the teacher said jump and you didn't jump, you were in trouble, then when you got home and the old man found out, you were really in trouble. And the kids behaved. I don't recall seeing a single unapproved interaction in my entire time from K thru grade 12.
You simply have to watch the parents at school board meetings complaining about the garbage that is being fed to the kids and the majority of parents in the audiences agreeing with them to know things have to change. This isn't about some strict teacher punishing kids' behavior, it's about what the teachers are indoctrinating them with, beyond the official standard school curriculum.
You simply have to watch the parents at school board meetings complaining about the garbage that is being fed to the kids and the majority of parents in the audiences agreeing with them to know things have to change. This isn't about some strict teacher punishing kids' behavior, it's about what the teachers are indoctrinating them with, beyond the official standard school curriculum.

Well, talking to Sue, that seems to be the trend. Good thing I don't have a kid in school. I actually left the public school system in the early 1970s. Pretty much did all of high school in a private school. School or education is a product you buy and pay for so I'd have a real problem if the school was teaching something I didn't want nor like. And I really hate the arrogance I hear about in school board meetings where the board does not feel compelled to satisfy the consumer of their product, instead, if they don't like the question, they throw you out. That would not sit well with me.

My kid would be out of there like a flash and I would have to force the school district to transfer my school taxes to the new school or at least not continue supporting them. Something very unamerican about being forced to pay for a product you don't like even if they piss you off to the point of shopping with another supplier and going elsewhere. If school boards lost money and customers by not providing a good product (like everywhere else) they would improve education very fast.

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