New Democratic Administration Elected To Clean Up Another Republican Economic Catastrophe: Again


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Repeat after me: The last three Republican presidencies ended in economic turmoil. And their Democratic successors had to clean up the mess. Voters need to be reminded – again and again – that putting Republicans in the White House puts our country in recession.

This has been a running theme for 50 years now.
Repeat after me: The last three Republican presidencies ended in economic turmoil. And their Democratic successors had to clean up the mess. Voters need to be reminded – again and again – that putting Republicans in the White House puts our country in recession.

This has been a running theme for 50 years now.
Don't you think they need to deal with the Chinese virus first?
Repeat after me: The last three Republican presidencies ended in economic turmoil. And their Democratic successors had to clean up the mess. Voters need to be reminded – again and again – that putting Republicans in the White House puts our country in recession.

This has been a running theme for 50 years now.
Yep. And of course, they blamed Obama for the effects of the economy he was dealt, and they're blaming Biden now.

These are not serious people.
Repeat after me: The last three Republican presidencies ended in economic turmoil. And their Democratic successors had to clean up the mess. Voters need to be reminded – again and again – that putting Republicans in the White House puts our country in recession.

This has been a running theme for 50 years now.
Yep. And of course, they blamed Obama for the effects of the economy he was dealt, and they're blaming Biden now.

These are not serious people.
The good thing is that Biden was around to help with the last fuckup and brought some of the same people back that gave Dump a thriving economy to claim he created.
Oh see how they work?...good economy is bad...bad economy is good....Biden has already set the table for a market crash and the loss of millions of jobs...if you think you can blame Trump you must be high on crack.....the people lived through Americas best economic 4 years ever...and they are not going to believe a bunch of election fraudsters telling them its all Trump's fault...ain't gonna stole it you messed it up and its all on you libtards....
Repeat after me: The last three Republican presidencies ended in economic turmoil. And their Democratic successors had to clean up the mess. Voters need to be reminded – again and again – that putting Republicans in the White House puts our country in recession.

This has been a running theme for 50 years now.

It is the Democrats who have done most of the damage with their massive entitlement budget (73% of the entire federal budget and growing) they created by law which is generating most of the yearly debt inflow.
Repeat after me: The last three Republican presidencies ended in economic turmoil. And their Democratic successors had to clean up the mess. Voters need to be reminded – again and again – that putting Republicans in the White House puts our country in recession.

This has been a running theme for 50 years now.

Fuck you, you commie motherfucker. Covid with the help of commie governors and teachers unions crashed the economy. Pre covid the US had the hottest economy in the world.

Repeat after me: The last three Republican presidencies ended in economic turmoil. And their Democratic successors had to clean up the mess. Voters need to be reminded – again and again – that putting Republicans in the White House puts our country in recession.

This has been a running theme for 50 years now.

The last three Republican presidencies ended in economic turmoil.

Like when Bill Clinton said, in 1992, that we had the worst economy since the Great Depression? DURR
Repeat after me: The last three Republican presidencies ended in economic turmoil. And their Democratic successors had to clean up the mess. Voters need to be reminded – again and again – that putting Republicans in the White House puts our country in recession.

This has been a running theme for 50 years now.
Yep. And of course, they blamed Obama for the effects of the economy he was dealt, and they're blaming Biden now.

These are not serious people.

Wow another stupid fucking commie, quid pro joe, with just a few strokes of a pin KILLED 10s of billions in economic activity. You sons of bitches own that.

Repeat after me: The last three Republican presidencies ended in economic turmoil. And their Democratic successors had to clean up the mess. Voters need to be reminded – again and again – that putting Republicans in the White House puts our country in recession.

This has been a running theme for 50 years now.
It's a running Democrat Reich lie. Dims created the COVID shutdown. They are responsible for it.
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Repeat after me: The last three Republican presidencies ended in economic turmoil. And their Democratic successors had to clean up the mess. Voters need to be reminded – again and again – that putting Republicans in the White House puts our country in recession.

This has been a running theme for 50 years now.

Democrats in congress and most Dem states destroy their economies with Covid just to win an election, then blame the GOP. You people are pathetic.
Democratic Administration Elected To Clean Up Another Republican Economic Catastrophe

COMBOBULATED TRANSLATION: Democrats royally fuck up America with nearly 9,000 riots in 69 cities, 2,000 police injuries and a billion in property damage, shutdown the economy for a year putting everyone out of work, blame a global virus on their own president, then steal the election, move in with 25,000 troops and announce they've arrived to "clean it all up" now by opening all gateways back up benefiting China. :smoke:

Repeat after me: The last three Republican presidencies ended in economic turmoil. And their Democratic successors had to clean up the mess. Voters need to be reminded – again and again – that putting Republicans in the White House puts our country in recession.

This has been a running theme for 50 years now.

Democrats in congress and most Dem states destroy their economies with Covid just to win an election, then blame the GOP. You people are pathetic.
And predictable.
This seemed connected enough to this thread. I was about to make a new thread but found that many threads exist on close topics like this one. This 2021 information is from a good source with a good rating by that rates sources for their biases and accuracy.The Top Five Debt Contributors by Percentage

Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945): President Roosevelt had the largest percentage increase to the debt. Although he only added $236 billion, this was a nearly 1,050% increase from the $22.5 billion debt level left by President Herbert Hoover. The Great Depression and the New Deal contributed to FDR's yearly deficits, but the biggest cost was World War II: It added $186.3 billion to the debt between 1942 and 1945.4

Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921): President Wilson was the second-largest contributor to the debt, percentage-wise. He added $21 billion, which was a 724% increase over the $2.9 billion debt of his predecessor. World War I contributed to the deficits that raised the national debt.4

Ronald Reagan (1981-1989): President Reagan increased the debt by $1.85 trillion, or by 186%. Reagan's brand of supply-side economics didn't grow the economy enough to offset the lost revenue from its tax cuts. Reagan also increased the defense budget by 35%.5

George W. Bush (2001-2009): President Bush added $6.1 trillion, or a 101% increase, putting him in fourth. Bush launched the War on Terror in response to the 9/11 attacks, which led to multi-trillion-dollar spending on the War in Afghanistan and the Iraq War. Bush also dealt with the 2001 recession and the 2008 financial crisis.6

Barack Obama (2009-2017): Under President Obama, the national debt grew the most dollar-wise ($8.6 trillion) but was fifth in terms of percentage: 74%. Obama fought the Great Recession with an $831 billion economic stimulus package and added $858 billion through tax cuts.

Repeat after me: The last three Republican presidencies ended in economic turmoil. And their Democratic successors had to clean up the mess. Voters need to be reminded – again and again – that putting Republicans in the White House puts our country in recession.

This has been a running theme for 50 years now.
It's a running Democrat Reich lie. Dims created the COVID shutdown. They are responsible for it.
Not only did the dims create the shutdown, IMHO Fauci created the pandemic by funding the Wuhan lab's (germ warfare) research of "gain of function" for bat viruses. The US actually paid China to make the bat viruses more deadly!! Competent medical experts said that is just too dangerous, and Fauci said it is worth the risk, even if it starts a pandemic. So the 600,000 dead Americans can be blamed on Fauci's funding of the Wuhan Lab.
(Trump stopped that funding)
Repeat after me: The last three Republican presidencies ended in economic turmoil. And their Democratic successors had to clean up the mess. Voters need to be reminded – again and again – that putting Republicans in the White House puts our country in recession.

This has been a running theme for 50 years now.
Yep. And of course, they blamed Obama for the effects of the economy he was dealt, and they're blaming Biden now.

These are not serious people.

Said the person forgetting how nicely TRump's economy was doing, before the world wide pandemic.
Repeat after me: The last three Republican presidencies ended in economic turmoil. And their Democratic successors had to clean up the mess. Voters need to be reminded – again and again – that putting Republicans in the White House puts our country in recession.

This has been a running theme for 50 years now.

Fuck you, you commie motherfucker. Covid with the help of commie governors and teachers unions crashed the economy. Pre covid the US had the hottest economy in the world.

Hey thanks for admitting that before the pandemic the economy that Obama handed Trump was doing great. That is, until that ex game show host you elected trashed it by totally fucking up the pandemic response. Trump figured he could lie his way out of it as the country burned. Trump fucked up the economy so bad that his own businesses lost millions. Oops!

That's what happens when a deranged ex game show host is elected POTUS.
Said the person forgetting how nicely TRump's economy was doing, before the world wide pandemic.
Down to a 2.4% GDP, an extended manufacturing recession in 2019, bond yields crashed by 60%, the NY Fed having to save credit markets AGAIN with $1.5 TRILLION in 2019, an exploded deficit, an exploded debt.

In a vacuum, the economy was pretty good when the virus hit, but it had come at great cost.

You are ignorant. Trump and Tucker and Hannity continue to lie to you, and you don't care.
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Said the person forgetting how nicely TRump's economy was doing, before the world wide pandemic.
Down to a 2.4% GDP, an extended manufacturing recession in 2019, bond yields crashed by 60%, the NY Fed having to save credit markets AGAIN with $1.5 TRILLION in 2019, an exploded deficit, an exploded debt.

In a vacuum, the economy was pretty good when the virus hit, but it had come at great cost.

You are ignorant. Trump and Tucker and Hannity continue to lie to you, and you don't care.

The lefties in this thread are not making the argument that the economy was "pretty good", but at "great cost", they are pretending it was terrible. You are supporting that.

You want to talk nuance, I'm there. Right now, the topic is you and yours pushing a false narrative of a terrible economy.

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