New CO2 Orbiting Observatory Data looks nothing like the Super Computer Model

Clearly the satellite is a DENIER!!!! and refused to report on the massive CO2 emanations in big cities in America, China and India.
Is there any sane person that can look at the satellite data and think for a second that human industry and big cities generate CO2?
Is there any sane person that can look at the satellite data and think for a second that human industry and big cities generate CO2?
it was there, but it was hidden by the clouds....the volcano did it!!! the dog ate my homework......Doh!!!!!
They found deviations from the models. As expected. And they found the CO2 coming from the expected places, then mixing in the atmosphere. Differances of only about 10 ppm high to low from place to place. And I saw no indications of tectonic sources for CO2 in the AGU presentation. Plenty of biomass and industrial sources which were blown around until well mixed. Overall, the models were in the ballpark, just lacking the detail that the satellite is now giving us. When that data is applied, and the next models made, they will be closer to reality, but still not exact. Too much chaos in the system for that.

What were the "Expected places" in Brazil, the Congo and Indonesia?????????????????????????????????????
They do the "nuts and bolts' and yet they can't do the simple math. How is it that whenever their "nuts and bolts" work is actually looked's wrong?

How is that olfraud? You claim these are the best and brightest and every time they release something it is ripped to shreds in hours or days. Now they are simply to frightened to release anything at all.

this is an extremely important point!

'pal' peer review in climate science has been doing a terrible job of identifying even childish mistakes in consensus papers.
Thread summary:
The OCO-2 satellite is in excellent agreement with the models. Hence, the denier march into delusion is accelerating.

As Kevin Trenberth said, it was travesty we didn't have the instruments out there to prove the theories. Now we're getting them. Another instrument is scheduled to go up Friday (this morning's launch was scrubbed), an aerosol measurement device to be mounted on the ISS. Bad news for deniers, being they only find breathing space in the gaps of our knowledge. The more gaps we close, the further deniers need to retreat into conspiracy-land.
Thread summary:
The OCO-2 satellite is in excellent agreement with the models. Hence, the denier march into delusion is accelerating.

As Kevin Trenberth said, it was travesty we didn't have the instruments out there to prove the theories. Now we're getting them. Another instrument is scheduled to go up Friday (this morning's launch was scrubbed), an aerosol measurement device to be mounted on the ISS. Bad news for deniers, being they only find breathing space in the gaps of our knowledge. The more gaps we close, the further deniers need to retreat into conspiracy-land.
and the LoSiNg continues!!! Thanks for playing!!! Just because you can put it in print, don't make it so. And to date, you have Zip dude/dudette!!!! But again, thanks for playing!!!!!
I'm curious. What atmospheric layer is the satellite looking at? That model is likely portraying CO2 in the full height of the atmosphere. I strongly suspect that OCO's sensitivity is altitude-dependent.
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I'm curious. What atmospheric layer is the satellite looking at? That model is likely portraying CO2 in the full height of the atmosphere. I strongly suspect that OCO's sensitivity is altitude-dependent.
right, that's it.

Are you from royalty? Because you sure are the king of excuses.
hat tip to asterism


Oct 1- Nov 11

not even close. (edit- go to 2:34 for Nov 1)

it is also interesting that CO2 hotspots seem to be present in tectonically active areas. NASA 8217 s new Orbiting Carbon Observatory shows potential tectonically-induced CO2 input from the ocean Watts Up With That

I just watched the supercomputer model run again. It is hard to believe that so many posters here think it was spot on. It's not even remotely close.

Not that Ian or any of the other denialists will actually watch the real scientists that built and run this program describe what they are seeing. They would rather listen to the lies of WUWT.

Not that Ian or any of the other denialists will actually watch the real scientists that built and run this program describe what they are seeing. They would rather listen to the lies of WUWT.

I watched a fair amount of that presentation. Why don't you tell us at what times they presented evidence that the supercomputer models worked? All I heard were vague claims.
I'm curious. What atmospheric layer is the satellite looking at? That model is likely portraying CO2 in the full height of the atmosphere. I strongly suspect that OCO's sensitivity is altitude-dependent.
right, that's it.

Are you from royalty? Because you sure are the king of excuses.

I came to that conclusion because it is true of OCO's predecessors. Ask Dr Spencer.
I'm curious. What atmospheric layer is the satellite looking at? That model is likely portraying CO2 in the full height of the atmosphere. I strongly suspect that OCO's sensitivity is altitude-dependent.

Didn't you watch Old Rock's video?
I'm curious. What atmospheric layer is the satellite looking at? That model is likely portraying CO2 in the full height of the atmosphere. I strongly suspect that OCO's sensitivity is altitude-dependent.

Didn't you watch Old Rock's video?
Empirical evidence vs Old Crocks model. Hmmm.... who to believe?

The Answer isn't Old Crock pretend world...
So why are the deniers here all still openly lying about how the model supposedly doesn't agree with OCO-2?

Rhetorical question. We know why. Their cult ordered them to lie, so they're lying.

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