New Biography: Young Obama ‘Considered Gayness’

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Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016
New Biography: Young Obama ‘Considered Gayness’

they act like this is news...obama is married to a man...michelle is a transvestite, and those aren't his daughters, either.

Why do you think his college records are hidden. The man frequented bath houses in Chicago and his wife is a tranny.

The kids are Moroccan orphans and that's why they don't look like Michael Robinson, Barry Soetoro's "Wife".

That's why the girls' both certificates are hidden, the adoption papers are hidden, and there are no pics whatsoever of a pregnant "Michelle".

He, and Raul Emanual went to all the BATH houses in Chicago, were MEMBERS, and it is PUBLIC knowledge in the gay cummunity. Just google-"o"bama-Raul Emanual-Chicago bath houses, and you will get sick.

Mia Marie Pope said Barry was gay. The photo of him sitting with his Pockestani A** pounding buddy was enough to prove he's a phag.

Seotoro is a Queer from Indonesia.

This man has done more in 8 years to tear down our country than anyone I can remember He is the definition of evil.
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