Nevada school board candidate: Constitution mandates people procreate — so gayness is unconstitutional

Hundreds of thousands of teachers are not even trying to hide being pedophiles? Thats an extraordinary claim. Have you contacted the authorities with your evidence?
If its a threat to millions of children, you do believe that hundreds of thousands of teachers and librarians are grooming children for pedophilia.
You want to pin a specific number so that you can then argue about that specific number rather than about the harm they are doing
Here is a real groomer for you


Because teaching children about God, teaching children basic standards of decency, is exactly the same as grooming them to be sexual perverts and easy prey for child molesters.

You want to pin a specific number so that you can then argue about that specific number rather than about the harm they are doing
You know this guy? Is this where you get your horseshit from?

You know this guy? Is this where you get your horseshit from?

The culture war is on

Christians will get run over if they bury their heads in the sand and let gays set the agenda

So the more true Christians in the public schools the better
The culture war is on

Christians will get run over if they bury their heads in the sand and let gays set the agenda

So the more true Christians in the public schools the better
More of your inane equine excrement and ignorance. It is not about Christians vs. gays. As stupid as that is, you people always fall back on the most divisive crap that you can dredge up because it is all that you have, Here are some hard facts:

Not all Christians are bigots or subscribe to your brand of weaponized religion

There is nothing that your Christ said that justifies the hate that you spew

Many Christians and Christian denominations wealcome LGBT people into their fold

Many gay and other LGBT people are Christians'

Once again you have proven what a sad and hateful fool that you are
More of your inane equine excrement and ignorance. It is not about Christians vs. gays. As stupid as that is, you people always fall back on the most divisive crap that you can dredge up because it is all that you have, Here are some hard facts:

Not all Christians are bigots or subscribe to your brand of weaponized religion

There is nothing that your Christ said that justifies the hate that you spew

Many Christians and Christian denominations wealcome LGBT people into their fold

Many gay and other LGBT people are Christians'

Once again you have proven what a sad and hateful fool that you are
Sometimes the left makes it all about Christians and sometimes it doesent

I have always been impressed that the godless communists in the old soviet union did not approvr of homosexuals either
Sometimes the left makes it all about Christians and sometimes it doesent [sic]

I have always been impressed that the godless communists in the old soviet union did not approvr [sic] of homosexuals either

As much as God is the source of all truth and light, even in the deepest darkness and ignorance of Godlessness, some truths still stand obvious.

The inherent disorder of homosexuality is certainly among these. You don't need to acknowledge God in order to acknowledge what is plainly obvious.

It takes a special kind of evil, a special kind of disorder, to think that there is anything normal or proper about homosexuality. It takes being under the direct influence of Satan himself.

And that is the stepping stone to even sicker shit that is infesting our culture, such as transsexualisms and the sexual grooming of children. Even under the darkest parts of the rule of Stalin, I am confident that no Russian would have failed to see these things as insane and evil and disordered. And yet we westerners have stupidly allowed this madness to take root in our own culture. We know better, but have been seduced by the cry of “tolerance” and “inclusiveness”, to embrace elements that are deeply destructive to us as individuals and as a culture.
Sometimes the left makes it all about Christians and sometimes it doesent

I have always been impressed that the godless communists in the old soviet union did not approvr of homosexuals either
We never make it about Christians. We make it about bigotry and about people like you who weaponize religion to promote that bigotry

Impressed by the USSR's anti gay policy? You must also be impressed with Nazis. Apparently being anti gay is your deal maker. Nothing else matters
We never make it about Christians. We make it about bigotry and about people like you who weaponize religion to promote that bigotry

Impressed by the USSR's anti gay policy? You must also be impressed with Nazis. Apparently being anti gay is your deal maker. Nothing else matters
I am bigoted as you call it against perverts of all kinds including gays but also pedophiles
I am bigoted as you call it against perverts of all kinds including gays but also pedophiles
You don't strike me as being the sharpest tool in the shed, kid. When one feels animosity towards pedophiles- or any type of person who's behavior is universally condemned- it is not bigotry. Learn the meaning of the word


  1. obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group:
    "the difficulties of combating prejudice and bigotry"
    prejudice · bias · partiality · partisanship · sectarianism · discrimination · unfairness · injustice · intolerance · narrow-mindedness · fanaticism · dogmatism · racism · racialism · sexism · heterosexism · homophobia · chauvinism · anti-Semitism · jingoism · Jim Crowism
For the same reason, my disdain for bigots is not bigotry

On the other hand, your attitude towards gays and your calling them pedophiles, and equating them with Nazis and criminals- while ignoring that fact that they are largelt accepted as a part of society and are harming no one- most certainly is bigotry

So thank you for admitting that you are a loathsome, lowlife, not so bright BIGOT
You don't strike me as being the sharpest tool in the shed, kid. When one feels animosity towards pedophiles- or any type of person who's behavior is universally condemned- it is not bigotry. Learn the meaning of the word


For the same reason, my disdain for bigots is not bigotry

On the other hand, your attitude towards gays and your calling them pedophiles, and equating them with Nazis and criminals- while ignoring that fact that they are largelt accepted as a part of society and are harming no one- most certainly is bigotry

So thank you for admitting that you are a loathsome, lowlife, not so bright BIGOT
You misuse the word every time you attack conservative parents


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